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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 19, 1947)
PAGE 4 THE DAILY NEBRASKA Friday, September 19, rnivrrsitr Episcopal Church. There w ill be Sun iny srr ires At tiie I'niversMy F.pisoopal chinch at 11:00 a. in. Sunday, Sept. 21. uriuiul.s an-nimm-pil thiil this was a tem- pir;irv elumre in time Ace usual ! nitctiny hour L-ciny 8 '30 a. in. Baptist Picnic. The H.ipti.-t Sti.iU'Pt Fellowship v. ill bo.Lii n its t.ili prucnim with ;i picr.ic Suiui.iy o r 1 1 i jil;. Students will meet r.t the F.jntist Sturtent House. 313 Ni rth loth, at 3:13 p. nv, Sunday lor transportation There is no truth to the rumor j that the Portmanteau Book store, i one of Lincoln's leading bakeries, J is giving away fir sets of En- I cyclopedia Brittaniea to all com ers. There is no truth to the rumor that the newly adapted equipment 1 now in use at the university will i eventually supplant the faculty. I Chancellor Starts Discission Mods Chancellor R. C Ouslavson be gan a series of meetings with university rienns and department heads Wednesday night. In order that the meetings may be conducted with complete Iraiikness, discussions will not be There is no truth to the rumor that U Hall is missing. Mcxquiqe creek, somewhere in the Sand Hills of Nebraska is the world's 3,118 largest river. publicized, the Chancellor said. Pin-pose of the meetings is to study present and future plans for progress. USE RAG CLASSIFIED TO SOLVE YOUR TROUBLES to Pioneers park. Th ha e them. He- are uiia'd to Thr Fi: .wal ion- should i::ng 2-4fU5 il.liO Panic (lass A Fiapti.-l church. who !ring he made will mecl 14lh and K. Sunday morning lo organize lor the -rhool year. Mcv. C. P. lia".(h-. the P.. p1i.-t .-tmlciil jias tor. i- ho teacher. Corn Cobs There will be a meeting of all i.!ie and pledge Corn Cobs. Fri da at 3 p. m. in room 313 of the Union. All members are to bring lor football ,-eats. inonev All S LESnOOKS Tassels and Corn Cobs have been asked to turn in Corn . busker salesbooks to Rusty Ayers atthe Coriihiisker office by 5 Wednesday afternoon. Cornhusker of lice hours at 1-5 p. m., Monday through Friday. CHEER PRACTICE. The first practice for all cheer leaders will be held in the Union Ballroom, Saturday. Sept. 20 at 9:00 p. m.. according to Martin Pesek, yell king. Air Reserves Meet Tuesday A joint meeting of all Air Re serve Association members will be held in the Rudge and Gunzcl building at 7:30 p. m. Tuesday, it was announced today by Carl Hellerich, treasurer. Colonel R. J. Daniels, recently appointed commanding officer of the Reserve Training Detachment at Offut Field, Omaha, will be guest speaker. Included on the evening's pro gram is the first ground school lecture on jet propulsion and in formation pertaining to all air reservists. I c (( iinlinurd from Page 1.) with the Portland "Oregonian" and a newcaster for ar radio sta tion in the same city. Following is a list of the re maining 18 instructors, who hold the rank of associate professor unless otherwise specified. New to the agricultural campus are: Orncp M. Peterson, agricultural tn- gint'prin. l-con 'h--'in. agronomy. Hoy p, M,itr!.lt. agronomy. Charles H. Adams, animal husban dry. Appointsments to the college of medicine include: P. A. Allen, liatterioligjr and patli- OKlRV. Knlitrnl H Loclr. putiHc health I.oniy L Fathre, preventive medicine llilila L. Hflmkf. nursing. HaroM K. Kuller. public health. Kiilirrt S. Squires, public health. New members of other depart ments include: Hnyc H. LeRoy, visiting professor of chemistry and chemical engineering. Inez M. Con ley, statistics and business research. C'lemena B. ThomBn. economics. fiiltiert Sechrtst. full professor of electrics I engineering. Josephine E. Brooks, foods and nu trition. Richard Spencer, risiting professor of political science John P. Jobansen. rural economics. Conlon L. Mattson. business organ ization and management. N DO YOU NEED MONEY? LOAMS ON DIAMONDS WATCHES RINGS RADIOS CAMERAS Royal Jewelers 1138 P ST. CATHOLIC SI UDENTS MASS STUDENT UNION PARLORS XYZ, 11 a.m. 1 1 i- Swuthu lx uinuiii j; Scpl. 21 WELCOME PARTY CYO HALL, So. 18th b J (2 ll 1 c.;-l ' ( iipitol) inula) . N'jit. 21, 3 p. in. ALL UNI. CHURCH NIGHT PARLORS XYZ ami IS.'.Mroom. Student I nion, 7:.'t0 p. ni. ALL UNI. CHURCH SUNDAY PARLORS XYZ Slinlcnt ( nion. Sept. 2J, 11 a.m. NEWMAN CLUB ROOMS Rm. 220 Temple BUg., 12th A R "TONIGHT IS COLLEGE NIGHT Free Booth Reservation iTf3fT5 1 Couples Only I Dancing 9 'til 1 vJHC . s vv -w r a I Admission only SI. ."JO per Conplc Tax Included Tin (2cmdlf5 ore Syiragj cajOQcaS :: t y: 6 rv I U iri UfL.L.'. - ..Jblii iniwarf ilaillK iliintl liliii 1sWullsilsTlw-fAV'" "T"' ' ' - - 1 - - - - r -ssasasV . iLltgtjslllglajljgjftgg The U. S. Air Force now offers you the chance of a lifetime to start your career in aviation. If you want to learn to fly, you have one of the finest opportunities ever offered in peacetime. Avia tion Cadet pilot training has been reopened to quali fied applicants presently serving enlistments in the Army, and to civilian young men who can meet the same high standards. In order to be eligible, each applicant must be: a single male citizen, between 20 and 26V2 years old, of excellent character and' physically fit. He must have completed at least one lialf the credits leading to a degree from an accredited college or university, or be able to pass a mental examination given by the USAF. He must now be living within the conti nental limits of the United States. Upon successful completion of the training course, Cadets will be rated as pilots, commissioned Second Lieutenants, and assigned to flying duty. Reactivation of Aviation Cadet pilot training is only one of the several choices open to outstanding men who want increased responsibility and advance ment in the field of aviation. It is now possible for qualified men to apply for attendance at USAF, Officer Candidate School and thus be able to equip themselves for such important specialties as engi neering, armament, administration and supply. You have a real chance to make progress and build a sound career for yourself in today's U. S. Air Force. Talk it over with the Recruiting Officer today at any U. S. Army and Air Force Recruiting Station. U. S. ARMY AND AIR FORCE RECRUITING SERVICE V