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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 19, 1947)
PAGE 2 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Friday, September 19, 1947 Member Intercollegiate Press I OK I V MM II U.AK NiiIisi ripllnn rnto ur 1 .5(1 f r mif-stcr, Si.Ort r winrli-r miiilril, nr sj.oo lr (It i-illt-ica jtur, ..0 n mi It-il. .Mm Kir copy A. I'iiIiUsImmI ilail tlnrtJiu th hilmol .war t rpl .Mutiila) mid sul until , u al Ion and cxitmliintion imtIimN. Iiy I Im I ni trily f .Nrlirniltii under Ihr MirMon of I lie riihhration Ilium). Knlcred hi Second lii-i Mutter nt Ihr Vui Olfice hi Lincoln, Nebraska, under Ai t of ( ntmrris, M;trli M, IN?, mid nt mm Hal nil of (m.sIhut nrnYldi-d lur In M-cUon Mil, Art ol IMoIht .. IUI7, mtllmrireU Selcinlnr HO, litit. UHToKltl. slU K r ditor Iuk Novolny .MamiKltiK rditor Jack Mill, (ironic Miller Nr Kditiirn ..Jeanne ki-rriKim, Norm l-ricer, Wall Itccker, ill l in, Tot tie Klddock SMirH KdHur . . Ilalph Ntewurt At rm hdilor . . . Keith rrcdericknon special Keiiturr Kdilur Nun Warren HI SlVhSS ST A r'K ltushit-44 Mutineer flould KliiKK 4 Imitation Munaiccr . .... Jack SeUcr Axolttanl Itu-iiies Manager Itill Wilkin., Mir If Stadler, Irwin hcnrii i The Dally cora.kun 1 pulilUlud hy tlw ftludciitt of thr I'nltiTslty f Nebraska n an cpresinn f student nr mid opinion only. According l article II of I In Ky I I tovernfnt Miidcnt publications and administered hy Ihr Hoard of Publication: I "It U Ihr declared imllry of flu Hoard Ihat puiilicnt ltn iindrr its jurisdiction shall j Iw frcr from editorial censorship on Iht pari of the Hoard, or oil the part of any ....... ..I.... II.. i. a I. !.....:... I... .. I II... .I..II Nrhraskan are cronaIly responsible for what they say or do or cause to he printed.' j f T. Dorsey Returns To Lincoln That "sentimental gentleman," Tommy Dorsey, who will play for a Nebraska audience in the UN coliseum Saturday night, can well be rated tops on any swing or sweet addict's list of high men on the "toot-em pole." TD is not only famous for him self and his band, he's acquired no little acclaim for his famous alumni, which include Frank Sin- Errors in Ellie's Essay Exposed by Editorialist -d. Note: The ophiloim etprrssnl "V columnists In The Pally Ncbraskan dn not net -essarlly represent those of I he I niersily or I he llaily Nehraskan.) It Savs Here BY PAT NO It DIN. , DG house following the pinning Itomance blooms on the Ne- ol Ba,b n"" ""d Squeegie Kh- , , . , ,, lers, Delt and Mary Frazee and braska campus this fall as one.,. c,. ,, ; , , ' .ii Kappa Sig Howard Turdy. ((uple after another becomes, 11 6 J pinned, engaged or hoplessly en-1 Tottie Fiddork, AOPi, and t. ngled alias married. ! Phi Gam Ralph Stewart have Many of the latter mentioned lire combining marriage and a university career. The Phi Gams seem to monopolize this scholarly group... Tip Tyler and Chuck Petersen stroll the campus while wives, the former Ginny Dcmel, ; . Alpha Phi, and Marty Rumel, re- also announced their pinning as of three months ago... sister Phyl Jones is now the steady girl of Rog Johnson, DU. . two of the more conservative types. It's old grad week at the Pi i Phi house. . .Sally Graham, who is on vacation from Katherine BY BOB GILL AN. A certain young lady, purport ing to be Ellie Swanson. wrote an article yesterday in this hith erto reputable newspaper with the avowed intention of evaluat ing the new skirts lengths. This so-called Miss Swanson Gibb's school in Chicago, is visit- TOMMY DORSEY burning.".' Bill Deneke and Lois j j?S ,this weekend, and Sue Ann Jarman Deneke, however, are I Cochran wll be her on her ir,u i wav home from Sun Valley, enjoying classes together. jq Summer Newlywcds. I Bobby Sprow is a member of More newlvweds of the sum-; the Triple Deltas again this year include Alpha Thi Shirley I and is renewing all her old Peterson and Aubrey Pettit, D. ' acquaintances, especially in the U., Betty Stanton, Pi Thi and!'ib. Charles Searle, Joyce Newman. Pi Phi. and Farm House Wayne' Lincoln. Nebraska (DUD). A Klein. j dispatch from the University of j j Nebraska school of journalism Soon to join the ranks of "Mr. released Wednesday revealed: and Mi s." a: e Marge Leese, Al-' election of the following officers pha Phi and Dick Kvman, along! in Sigma Delta Chi: George j ..bout September 27th... Joanie j M i 1 1 e r, Papillion, president; i Yiii!;ers, DG and Norm Willams, j Ralph Stewart, Alliance, vice-' Phi Psi. will take the fatal step president; Sid Bradley, Lincoln.1 November 27th. secretary; Bill Foshier, Omaha,; . . I treasurer. I The Tn Delts are hungry for! . c ; ndy and expect to have 'some j SCREEN RETURN. soon, now mat Mian ?ciiniitcher Several years ago Robert Kent is wearing Fred Loeffel's Farm had romantic leads in pictures House pin and Marilyn Lowe is with Shirley Temple, the Dionne displaying a diamond Irom ; Quints. Jane Withers and others. ' Boots' Gardner. , He's bark before the enmerns now Early Pinnings. Anticipation also reigns at the in a featured role in Paramount's : "Jungle Flight," a Pine-Thomas' production. 1 atra, Jo Stafford, Dick Haymes, The Pied Pipers, Gene Krupa, Glenn Miller and Bob Crosby. The dance, sponsored by A. J. Lewandowski, director of univer sity athletics, will be a return en gagement in Lincoln for the Dor sev band, which plaved here early last fall. Famous for his historic record ings of "Song of India," and "Marie," the greatest Dorsey suc cess, probably, was the number written by a young girl and pub lished by Tommy's own music lirm, titled, "I'll Never Smile Again" which swept the country in 1940. Proof of his popularity and success are the cold facts that he and his orchestra have rated 1-2-3 in every important band poll taken for ten years a record nobody else can touch in this gen eration and that he has made five different recordings which have sold over a million platters each. All of this is a plenty good reason why UN students will jam the coliseum Saturday night to listen and if possible, to dance to the music they love to hear and Dorsey loves to play. IMPORTANT NOTE OF THE MONTH ... is the announcement of HARVEY BROTHERS "CORNHUSKER TOUR" DRAWING to be held at the Tassel-Cob Rally, October 10 . . . HARVEY BROTHERS is sponsor ing the drawing in order to stimulate student interest in the Nebraska Notre Dame game to be held at South Bend, Indiana, October 18 . . . any male student registered at the University of Nebraska is eligible to register for the drawing . . . just bring ident card to the HARVEY BROTHERS store located at 1230 O Street and fill out registration cards ... NO PURCHASE IS REQUIRED TO BE ELIGIBLE FOR THE DRAWING! . . . the two lucky winners each receive one round trip "CORNHUSKEER TOUR" ticket. Make a note of it now, you males, register at HARVEY'S today . . . you may be the lucky one! 1230 0 ST. Far MORE FOR LESS Lecture Series Opens Oct. 14 At St. Paul's A series of four Town Hall lec tures will open Tuesday, October 14 at St. Paul's Church, it was announced Friday by Mrs. Ralph Ireland, lecture series ticket co chairman. Cecil Brown, author, corre spondent and commentator will be the first of the four speakers. Mr. Brown will analyze the domestic and political situation in his topic: "Winning the Peace." Carl Sandburg. Pulitzer Prize winner, Carl Sandburg, is scheduled for the second lecture, on Monday, De cember 8. Virginia Sale, the "One Woman Theatre," will be on hand Febru ary 2, for the third of the lectures. The final lecture will be headed by Robert Friers, who will have with him his motion picture lilm "Holiday in Mexico." Mr. Friers will appear on March 1 in the auditorium of Irving Junior high school. All the other lectures are to be held at 8:00 p. m. at St. Paul's Church. "Season tickets for the lectures will soon be available at local ticket agencies, with the proceeds going into Community welfare projects" Mrs. Ireland said. Launch Bi Six Grid Activities Four Big Six schools will get a chance to test their wares this weekend. Nebraska and Oklahoma, with openers still a week hence, stand idly by while Ray Evans leads his Kansas Jayhawks against Texas Christian university on Kansas City's neutral field. This should be a decided test of the strength of George Sauer's Big Six favorites. Kansas State will go against Oklahoma A & M, Iowa State will play host to the Iowa State Teachers while the Missouri Tigers collide with St. Louis university. sets herself up, not only as an arbiter of fashions, but as an ex pert of the male's opinion of same. Now, we never had the reputation of being too bright, having graduated in the lower seventeenth of the class of dear, old Fagen School of Juvenile De linquency, but the loop-holes in Miss Swanson's tirade stand out like a negative vote in the rcich stag. Take, for example, the second paragraph (if you have a strong stomach). The lady refers to the new styles as a "plague to the pockctbook." Now, we don't know what kind of pinch-penny tight wads this Swanson person di sports herself with, but this writer has seen thousands of fig ures that he would pay good money to hide in swaddling clothes and a full length toga. According to the way the ap parently myopic Swanson sees it "there are three kinds of figures" . . . according to the way we see it there are 1.064,260,000 kinds of figures, varying in excellence from the "Didn't I meet you in Scranton, Pa., at the Western Union delivery boys eighth an nual convention last July?" to the "Well, I came down here to get an education, I could do worse than going back to the house and hitting the books." We don't know the attitude of the rest of the males, and we don't claim to speak for a bunch of strangers, unlike a certain other feature writer for this pa per. We don't have any opinions about the length of women's skirts, but we do have a few about Miss Swanson. How Can A Gal Be So Bored? CLASSIFIED ENJOY t.i- cliiiK a' Teds-Kent-a-Bikc, il.'jih & N. Phone 5-9129. 25c per hour. BUS BOYS. Young men who have time free between the hours of 11 to 2 will find interesting and profitable work in our Tea Room. Apply Tea Room manager, Fifth Floor, after 2:30 P. M. MILLKR A PAINE LOST One Ronson lighter. Initials B.K.C. Keepsake of the KTO. Reward. Bruce Clausen. ATO house. FOR SA LF 1 947inJiaii motorcycle? Vucliiy seat and saddle bags. Call Adrian Rem ington Y.M.C.A. Phone 2-1251. ' V V y m : i frv n Jy - I- 1 I New York City salesgirl Edwina Muehlbergef said it was shyness, hot lack of interest that prompted her to look the other way when she met Frank Sinatra and Van JohiU son. Blonde,' eighteen year - old Edwina was in Hollywood for a screen test awarded when she woij the Peggy Sage nation-wide Rac ing Beauty contest. Color au thority Peggy Sage searched for a ravirig beauty,rtd feature her nail polish and lipstick by .that name. Lutheran Chapel Service (MISSOURI SYNOD) 10:45 A.M. EACH SUNDAY ROOM 315 STUDENT UNION THE CHURCH OF THE LUTHERAN HOUR WELCOMES OLD AND NEW STUDENTS REV. II. ERCK I'M. I I THKRAN PASTOR unite Kit A Trmpb- Hld. EASIER QUICKER NEATER... when you use Ii I! Ii I! II 111 I) FABER ERASERS for f jffliwWyr PENCIL, INK OR 15'' TYPEWRITER I