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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 15, 1946)
Page 6 THE DAILY NEBRASKA!? 'Sunday, December 15, 1943 r Li -I tU S (ft IE IP jBeOiD.DIEjr By fiporfie Miller The Omaha World Herald jolted Nobrujlva sports followers Satur dav with a story by Gregg Mc Brills which indicated that Husk er atl'l tic prestige was zooming sharply dovwiward, that long-time rival; were ignoring the etloris rjy Nebraska officials when it came time to renew football contracts. Turnout the article was the in tinvatitm that by lack of diplo macy and blunders in sports world etifirtte the Hudker athletic of ficials have broufiht the athletic situation at 'Nebraska to a point where the only .path is that which leads away from the palmy days when Nebraska was a football Plavoffs Set For Bowlers As Play Ends The final playoffs in the IM bowline; program will take place Dec. 13 at 4 o'clock on the Lin coln Bowling Alleys. The top two teams in each of the three fra terni'y leagues will participate in play to determine the overall chamnion. Alpha Tau Omega, winner of League I; Sigma Nu. champion of League II; and Beta Sigma Psi, atop League III. will play off for the first, second, and third posi tions, liecause of a tie .in League II for second place between Delta Tau Doltu and Sigma Alpha Epsi lon there will actually be four teams competing for fourth, fifth, and sixth places. The team turning in the high est team score, either Delta Tau Delta or Sigma Alpha Epsilon, will have automatic possession of second place in League II and their score will be entered against those of Kappa Sigma and Phi ivappa rsi, runner-up teams in Leagues I and III, respectively. Total team scores for the five- man teams will determine the places and awarding of Jack JBest Points. Alleys Assigned. power, a force to be reokoned with on the national sports front. We are aware that thru some unfortunate statements and ac tions during the season this year's Cornhusker football team was not an overwhelmingly successful enterprise either on or off the gridiron. However the signs at the end of the season pointed toward an im provement on the field and with such an improvement we believe that the off-field relationships will also improve. Nebraska teams prior to the war were not in the habit of losing more than two or three games per season, and dur ing the war years all usual stand ards of criticism were laid aside. Now that normal times in the athletic world seem to be on the way back, it is probably an in ability to become accustomed to seasons such as the one just con cluded that has produced lack of harmony between Nebraska and its non-conference opponents. True, it is hard to reconcile one's self to a losing ball team after being associated wholly with winners and that is something of the situation which prevails in connection with Coach Bernie Mastersoir. IM Basketball "A" 'l.KAOl K GAMKfl. Slum -Nu -iU, :() iHvt .Tan 111. Dilte Ipjlton 27, ltlt Wimi iltolla .34 Slmna 1 hi 2, HMn Thi-ta IM 2H. Itrta Thfta I'l 2.1. Alptm lull Oimxn lit. I'hl lrltu Thfta 40, Muma I'hl Kllun Sd 'B' l.KAOl K (JAMKH. Beta Slitnia Fl JM, -Mnm lha Mil 8. Alpha Tau Oinmra .34. Klifnia 'hi 9. I'hl -IMta Ttirta St. Kami Hnuw til. Kalina Muma 22, lllmwn Fularr . Mxnta Alpha l;w.llin 20. HrUt I hUi I'l Itt. I urni Moiiht. 2)1, Mlgnia I'hl h'lmllon 19. I'hl (liuiinui iltelta M, IMta l nallon 18. Thuta XI 47, t'orahuaJipr t imp 14. INT)KI!KN1KKT (MMKH. Klue Juvh XI), llnnkrrTllli- 23. Kmtllny .I'ltlllis Mil, VIn 31. Mllrn .MI, allopliis .ItonilHoea 41. A-F'k 37, -t' Orinnlzatlun S3. V-A'k S4. IV. K. Mull SO. I'. K. t'lnh 2.1, Kverraily 17. Zionists Favor Formation of Palestine State At the first meeting of the uni versity's newly-formed chapter of the Intercollegiate Zionist Federa tion of America, a resolution was drafted favoring the establishment of a Jewish national state in Palestine. All members of the university faculty will be petitioned to sign this resolution which will be cabled to the World Zionist Con gress being held in Basle, Switz erland. Temporary office; appointed at Thursday's meeting were: Bcrnice Paperny, president; Lee Harris, vice president; Arlene Cooper, sec retary; Dorothy Sterling, corre sponding secretary; Maureen Ev nen, treasurer; Arline Marylander, membership chairman: Joe Bolker, program chairman; and Bcrnice Bessel and Arlene Fischer, co chairmen of publicity. Zionism and its various phases were discussed by Maureen Evnan and plans were made for a meet ing to be held in January. Gym Shorts j: ByCenene Jensen j A new addition to the Physical Education club room will be a portrait of Anne Barr Clupp which will be presented by Dr. Raymond Clapp, former chairman of .physical education for men Mrs. Clapp, who founded the women's physical education de partment in the university, was the first director in this field. Her portrait will be hung beside that of Miss Mabel Lee, present di rector. Swimming Club will meet at 7:30 p. m., Thursday, in the Coli seum. Marvin Horshey, the Red Cross swimming field director. will attend the meeting to con tinue giving water snfety tests to members of the club. Jn the intramural bowling tour nament two teams have moved to the semi-finals, the first team. Gamma Phi Beta, by defeating Sigma Kapa, and Wilson Hall, by overcoming Kappa Alpha Theta. Alpha Ji-i Delta, Alpha Chi Omega, Alpha Omicron Pi and Kappa Alpha Theta's second team will play off in the quarter-finals Monday. Pre-Orchesis will hold then- regular meeting Wednesday at 5 p. m. in Grant Memorial. The advanced Orchesis group meets at 7:30 p. m. New Backboards To Be Here Soon New glass backboards which will be installed in the coliseum will be shipped on December 17, ac cording to word received by Husker cage coach Harry Good. The new boards will be in stalled as soon as possible, elimi nating the wooden towers now in use which obstruct the view of fans sitting behind the baskets. i Sorenson . v. . (Continued from Page 1.) country by Dr. Sorenson and his associates. Dr. Sorenson has addressed ed ucational leaders of the United States and the entire worlH at conferences at Omaha. Denver Des Moines, and New York. Tie is a member of the executive com mittee of the National TnRtitiilp rf Air Ane Activities. Dr. Sorensnn is also co-author with George E. Rotter of the aviation reader. "Now We Fly." The Ag College Christian Youth Fellowship will jiot have its usual Sunday supper, but will meet at 6:30 p. m. Each person is requested to bring: a non-perishable article for over seas mailing. At 8:00 after a short Christmas program, the group will go -caroling. They will return to the Evangelical United Church at 33rd and Starr for refreshments. Every one is invited to attend. Goelogy Honorary Initiates Six Men At Robbers Cave Alleys one, two and five will be assigned to Alpha Tau Omega, Sigma Nu, and Beta Sigma Psi. Team members will be divided over the three alleys so that not more than two men from the same fraternity bowl on the same alley. Alleys six. seven, eight and nine will be reserved for the sec ond place team of the three leagues. Competition in all three of the fraternity leagues was keen right down to the last line, as the or ganized houses fought hard for their own league championship. Many fine bowlers were uncov ered as the high scores were turned in week after week. League play was marked by the fine way in whioh the program was planned and carried out and by the fine brand of sportsman ship exhibited by the various players. The Lillies and YMCA, tied for first in the Independent League, will not compete in the coming tourney. Final league standing be fore playoffs: league 1. . . . W 1 Alpha -um omega 12 8 Kapna Nivma n 4 niisma Alpha Mu 9 ft Beta Thi-ta PI , 8 7 C'drnhUMkem 5 10 nrnwn raiace 0 15 HlKh neaaon game: Stern ISAM).... 215 Hu:h season aeriea: Stern (SAMl..., 5:tl HlKh season team total: K. Sicma. . 2275 league II. W X, RlRma Nu 12 3 Delta Tau Telta e g Kinma Altilia Kpsllon 9 A Slsma Phi Kpsllon 8 7 Zi'tn Beta Tau 4 11 Delta Upsllnn 3 J2 HlKh season name: Johnson. F. Nu... 241 Hlch season series: Johnson. S Nu.. HIM) IliKh season team total: HiRma Nu. . 2433 J-eaune III. W Beta Sicma Psi ifl Phi Kapim Psi j Phi Oamniu Delta 13 PlRma Chi 11 vhl Delta Gamma 11 Thet.i XI 9 Alpha Gamma Rho b Pioneers 4 HlKh season game: Malowney, Pfiri. . ninn season series: K nop. F! K p.i ,, High season team total: Beta Sii? Psi 2350 Independent I.eKlie. uaa i.i w TMCA 7 2 Aft Men's Club 3 e Btudent Architects , J a Hich seison game: Voss, Mlllea 219 High season series: Voss. Lillies .131 High season team total: Lillies 2309 Bernie's years at Lincoln high were successful, his seasons on the Cornhusker squad were filled with victories, Chicago Bears were a notable successful gridiron ma chine during his years as a player and coach, as were the -seasons during which he was connected with navy football. Naturally he is anxious In produce a winner for the home ! SLx new members were taken folks, and with all signs pointing j into Delta chapter of Sigma Gam toward a steady improvement in; ma Epsilon, honorary geology UN football fortunes, such trou- , 'fraternity when they held their bles should vanish altho the proc- first semester's initiation at Rob ess will require several seasons. ber's Cave on the evening of Dec. There are a few examples, ihow- 12. The new members are B. ever, of rather unsound policy, Guest, J. Griffith, P. Sans, W. such as the ("election of assistant Wade, W. Woods, and J. Busby, coach Glenn Prcsnell to represent j A lunch was served in one of Nebraska at the Big Ten meetings the larger rooms of the case after when it is the Huskers' Western the formal ceremony. Twenty-five conference opponents, who are men took part in the initiation cited by the World Herald story as the teams jnost likely to desert FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT! A Gift That Endures A PHOTOGRAPHIC-PORTRAIT is a source o! much pleasure to one's friends. As a token of affection and remembrance, it is certain to be appreciated. And when done by Townsend, it is certain to be artistic and distinctive. 58 Years at 226 South 11th their football relations with Ne- uraska, were represented by ath letic directors and head coaches. We hope the athletic department has confidence in its ability "to continue athletic relations with schools so popular with Husker fans, schools such as Minnesota and Indiana. Such confidence must be present for athletic de partment actions certainly do not indicate any awareness of a crisis. Another rumor has been tracked down in the vicinity of the Union. It's something about a big fight in the Union ballroom on Monday, Dec. 16th. Two great fighters will be there, and, in addition, John Carson, the magician, will per form a few bills of magic. Who's gonna win the big bat tle? Who will be the victor? For all the answers, be at the Union tomorrow, at 11:00 a. m. L 5 6 ft 10 10 12 lt 17 243 Free Variety Show Joan Fontaine Cr Tyrone Power Nigel Bruce & Gladys Cooper in 'THIS ABOVE ALL4' 8:00 P. M., SUNDAY, DEC. 15 UNION BALLROOM WCLL The EBERIIARD FIBER BALL-POINT PEN CT9 Come In and -try it!!! Yon'U Isuy ill STUDENT UNION CHRISTMAS PARTY FOR ALL STUDENTS IW Dunce Jeun Mayer's On licslra 7:30 p. m. to 10:15 p. ni. in I Jul I room Free Movie, Wli ere Do We Go From Here?" Jn Technicolor, with Fred MacMurray 7:00 and 9:00 p. m., in XYZ Caroling in the Lounge, 8 1o 10 p. m. Free Cokes and Rrownies in Union Hall TUESDAY, DECEMBER 17, AT THE UNION ' ' ' a 10:30 Night for All Coeds! For all of your Jewelry needr including ................. i LeepsaKe DIAMOND ENGAGEMENT RING Known throughoui America' A popular choice air &2 Shop Now VSUs ,9 W vi Authorised Keepsake Dealer Shop Here i (ivim i o 1 p. n cash Credit r i. i; X 1