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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 15, 1946)
flHOJ S iK DE A3 !i:esoiLDiriEir 131 BaskethaH SunfJay, December 15, 1943 4" U-.MM t. M. ata -Urn. r.. 04M - Z4. 21 fforjf Miller 'i). ' V.',ric Hf?ao oltj Jeb .:.. -a ;Oj1 5 W.MMttk SaUlJ- S'-o.'y by Cireiii' J!.e- Jw..-. -j a' tij .. tiin- "wt met-uuri Husk V ';r-f'i- V. a XtfiUithjl Oov,v,a'j, t'Ut Ujr.ii'litiis? r;- VlU'i'.U.Z '.. -Jfoi"U by . uU '.;;i)z v.'oeo ' ame !'!.'' ; Us h:)U rjni x'.. 'I : - u ill Mm- artiol- mm th io-Uu-K'.'tn ttutt by l k of diplo i -id Mund-r in tiurU world fli'-n tttf the MoU-r athletic ol-tw-ljt':; lav brought Itu- athl'tic kllUJt.on at Webraui(it to a oirit wli-rr tb only iath W liuit which I s from th palmy d- wlit-u Nebraska a football power, a U be recJuvnetJ vitb on th national tport front. V.'e Art iv.i,rt thirt trru torne umoriiiiAte V,U:inn.. ana ;- Uon Ji.'ins the fc&aior; tm ver L;rnhu!-.'.er fotba.'J v, f.'Ot fi OVerwbeimiojjly KUtreSSfuJ enterrriM: eitner on or off the'jti. -- 1bB fi lata (Mq l f-mj I-m a 71-ta , ku mui Iimm A ' ' & - I .OI f. MVI fv-ta tvm ran s. Atptaa Ma 4Jau 1 B inuHWM X. Wia kl . 4pa Tlata trZ. 1 mruj Haw 1. Aittu 1. ZV. irUi H 1 Hun TV. ur"ii T( talii I. mtnm IttUm V,. IMk I 1 Ml. HkT1Jlr JS. l-lUt- 3ti. 21. !' Mr. t .IHnt r- -linn I 41. , I I Gym Shorts By Generic JenscnJ J A xit'v.' addition to Hie Piiybiua) , Luu' atiin club toorn will hi: u jiurlrait of Aiific liurr Ciuvv vhjrh v.i) be r;rsefit'd by Dr New Hack2oards To Be Here Soon New liluss backboards which will be installed in the coliseum will be KbjrijM'd on December 17, ac cording to word received by Hunker cage coach Harry Good. The new boards will be in stalled as soon as possible, elimi- . ' . . naurjK ine wooaen lowers now v-i,.ji. j.jjini.1 ciuiiiiiui ,n UMf wnicn obstruct the view oJ ijbyti'.-al education for men. of fans sitting behind the baskets. Mr. Clann. vbo founded the J " wfrrien't physical education de- j 50IC11H0H yui IIJ1TJIJ1, lit 111V UIIJ VI.T8U.y, WUti Phiyff Set For Howlers l1 Ends ak-th'- '!- ).,! f:,y.l.'-. H b.i(." I-l ';;( V.i)) t 1 " J ' .;t 4 ( ), y Of) o!f. A)i-yi: Tiie top two t'-. ill,:. Ill f.,i ), ,f tl.c Ujf- Ji.i- Ifiin y ) ;: vii) parti"ip;it ,,, l.y I'; (,(,( (,vt;iH I b.(i!.iii However th t-.U-V n 1 the er.d of iKfiimjn poi.tiiO Viward an jro-frovrn-iit on thr lirid ar.o vith .u'b an jfoprovefo.-ot we iijve the oJf-iKhj relationshipx vilj iJw improve. IVbrajki it-aro nor to tirf: war wrre not in the .habit of lofcin; moie tirj two or three games per M-av,n, and dur ing the war yc-art aiJ ui,ual Ktand-ani,-, of triticnin wi-re laid asioe. f.'ov tiiit nojffia! timc-K in the atiiJ tic world eern to be on the vay back, it ih probably an in ability to become accustomed to eafcons hueh a-, the one juht con- ; 'luded that hah produced mV. i.I h;iun,tiy betvi-cn .Vebrahka and its non-confecnr e opponent!-.. True, it Is ?t Zionists Furor Formation of Palestine State i i one'h K..f to hard to reconcile. loMIi" ii.'.d O.r.rn lafU-r bein a;-;;-;o iated wholly with i winners and that is Korneti.ii,; of : the Kituation which prevails' m : connef-tion witii Coach Harnif mutm-runtr. Alpiiu 'lau (UneKa, winner Of l.u- I; Mif'rtiu Nu, tiuruiJiori of l.-4i!U- II, umi ll.-tu iKtn I'iji, atoji l ;i5iii- III, u,li fllay off lor lii- flrnt, ki-coiiiI, unit third ptini tions IlecmiNe of a tie in l-iu;ue II for O'-ciind ilar;r hetween IlnlU Tan Ix ltu and Hli:inu Aiuhu liiiitl. Ion Ihei-c will actually m- four l-4in iiiiiiimtinn for lourth, fifth, ami hi nth filueen. The teniii tuinini: in the hum eri Iuiiiii Kcore, HUiei Jjclt,, 'J'iiu I '"li., , Kiima Alriha tiptaion, will hiive uutomiitic pokmchiikui of h" ond phirn- in Lenuue II nut lln-li hcii'i will be iinlered iikiiiiihI iiiohe of r.niipii huima mid Phi K.ipp.i J'mI, rtiiiiim-up tuumn In I.i-.iMU.-:-. I nod III, renpectively. loi.ii Iimiii Hcoreii for the five in.ui Ic.iriih will determine tin pl.Hi M inn) nwiiidiiiH ol Jack Ilent I'llllll-l Alley AiMtiKiidd. Alliy, line, two and five will be n;-.ui:nKl to Alpha Tnu C)moii, .Siiiiii.i Nu, and Mi'Ui Kminii 'M, Ti .mi iiiinnliKiH will be divided ovrl the tlirec alleyi; no thill lull iin.ic Hi. hi ( wo men horn the Name I.' ileimlv bowl on the muiiic alley Alley Mix, xeven. eluht iind linn- will be rcHHi'ved cir tiie miic iuhI pi. lire ti-iini of tiie thine eiilile,s. Ciiiiilii-tUiiMi In all tlirnr (if thr fl uid nlly InuKiii'K wun Unnn rlirlit down to the IiinI line, um the or Ituiileil Iiiiiinin fouchl hurll for llirlr own liiuirue irhiiiiiiiiiniHlilii IM.inv fliif liowlitm were unaov neil ii . the hlirh NnoreN wtire tiiineil In week artor wnek. I.r,in. .ly W14M nuuUed y the fine wuv In whlnh the irKiwni wit. l.i iinttd and riurlnd nut unit V the fine hi u nd of Mportninaii. hl hi lilted by the vuiIouh lil.iyrm. The I.HIleN umi YMC'A, tied fot fli'l III the lliiltipnudeiit liiieue. Will hoi I'uiniiclf In llii I,, i, ,n,,. tiilllliey P'liuil lenjmi- htlindlli" In line pl.iynlffi- lntlH' I, w Al,l,.i iin Oiiikhh i.i lll'M'1 hlcm " ii u IJe.rnle'H yearn at Lincoln high were mui lenhjul, liW xeanons on tin CJornhohker nrjuad were filled with victories ( hica;!, 1',,-drn were a notable huecevdul sridiron ma ehlnc durinjc hit years an a player and eoach, an were the lea-oiiis Uurliiif which he war coniiei tfd with navy football. Naturally he js .nixious to produce u winner for the home tollis, nnd with ul .sit;ns pointin toward a steady iinpnctnent in un football fortuniH, .such bou ble should vaiiiMh ;,)Uio the jjioc hh vill require nevc-ial seasons. There are a few examples, how ever, of rather unsound fiolicy, ui!h mm the flfiliwtJon of asnintai'it fiourjli Glenn I'resni ll to reprefmnt ! .,,raKa ttt Hie KiK T,. meeliiiKH whmi it hi the Husk its' Western eoufereiii.e Ofiiinnents, who are cltnd bv the tVurhl u,.r.i,i an the teams most likely to desort Hmlr football relulioiiH with i. Iiranka, were rnireented by atii letle directors and head cuiai!liei. Wv liooi- tiui i,fi,i,,i.,. ,i.,..,.4 , ' . , " ".iill LIIIIIIM bus (ronfidence in itu continue nthletic rnbitions with HCliools MO liOlillhn with II..., I tuns, kcIiooIk niii I, i,u iM. 4.. and Indiana. Km u i;-i must be present for athletic dv. plll'tlnCIll liclilil,,: i.. ; ., " ; no inn IIKIIcati- Iinv iiw:ii ..r - " i i i i ,-i i . At the f-rrt meeting of the uni . verity's r!ewy-formei chapter of the Intercollegiate Zionist Federa tion of America, a resolution was draftee iavorini? the establishment n a jewisr, naiiona! state in Palestine. All members of the university farrulty will be petitioned to sien this reitolotion which will be cabled to the V.'orlfJ Zionist Con gress being held in Easle, Switz erland. ! Temporary office! appointed at Thursday's meeting were: P-'-perny, president: Iee Harris, vice president; Arlene Cooper, sec retary; Dorothy Sterling, corre sponding secretary; Maureen Ev nen, treasurer; Arline Marylander, membership chairman; Joe"fiolker program chairman; and Uernice Hessel and At lent- Fischer, co- : chairmen of publicity. i I Zionism and its various phases were discussed by Maureen Evnan and plans were made for a meet ing to be held in January. (ioeJogy Honorary Imlinles Six iMcn A I HoI1ht'h Cave Kix new members, were taken into Doit;, chapter of Sigma C;am rna Kpsilon, honorary Keology Iraternity when they held their first semester's initiation at Rob ber's Cave on the evening of Dec. i:. 1 he new members are 13 ' Guest, J. Grrflith, P. Sans W I Wade, W. Woods, and J. liu.sby.' 1 A lunch UilK .rul in ...... ..t .... .v... ,,, uilC Ul ! the liiriicrr rooms .,f tl.o ..n,... i the formal ceremony. Twenty-five men took part in the initiation. j the first director in this field. Her 'portrait will be hung beside that of Miss Mabel Lee, present di i rector. I j Swimming Club will meet at I 7:30 p m.. Thursday, in the Coli seum. Marvin Hershey. the Red Cros swimming field director. will attend the meeting to con- i tiriue eivins water surety tests to i members of the club. In the intramural liou lino imir. riament two teams have moved to the semi-finals, the first team, fi;ijnrn:i Phi Ret:i hv .Sigrna Kapa. and Wilson Hall, by j jei coming r.appa Aipna Xnela. Alpha Xi Delta, Alpha Chi Omega. Alpha Omicron Pi and Kappa Alpha Theta's second team will play off in the auarter-finals Monday. pFe-Orchesis will hold their i regular meeting Wednesday at 5 p. m. in Grant Memorial. The advanced Orchesis group meets at I 7:30 p. m. I (Continued from Page 1.) country by Dr. Sorenson and his associates. Dr. Sorenson has addressed ed ucational leaders of the United States and the entire world at conferences at Omaha, Denver, Des Moines, and New York Hp id a member of the executive com mittee of the National Institute of Air Age Activities. Dr. Sorenson is also co-author with Geerge E. Rotter of the aviation reader.' inow we f ly." The Ac College Christian Vouth Fellowship will not have its usual Sunday supper, but will meet at 6:30 p. m. Each person is requested to bring a non-perishable article ior over seas mailing. At 8:00 after a short Christmas program, the group will go caroling. They will return to the Evangelical United Church at 33rd and Starr for refreshments. Every one is invited to attend. A Gift That Endures A PHOTOGRAPHIC-PORTRAIT is a source of much pleasure to one's friends. As a token of affection and remembrance, it is certain to be appreciated. And when done by Townsend, it is certain to be artistic and distinctive. A A 68 Years at 226 South 11th TIGHT! Il(;ilT! IICHT! I Another rumor has been tracked jdowi, in the vicinity f the Union It's something about a big fight j in the Union ballroom on Monday j Dec. 10th. Two great fighters will I be there, and, in addition, John Carson, the magician, will per form a few bills of m:mi. Who's gonna win the big bat tle? Who will be the victor? For all the answers, be at the Union tomorrow, at 11:00 a. m KIHIII.I A 1 1 I , , M Hi-hl I'liolii tt I 'll IllHIMltl'l II Hl"il l',ilnrn . . , ' ' " ' lllch ..,.., um,,,, Minn iHAMl ! Ilirli ni'finoii Nurjea ril,.M ihaMi I I lllll ni'l-Ml, i.miiii liilul K Hllilllii iMIMr II. HIM iiki Nil lii'llit 'I 'in I t 1 1 hmum Mill,., I lln IIHHI I'lil I llii l,i ll. l.i u.i . ... " ' I mil i I',ii,,ii . IIimIi i"ii,,ii iinniK .l,,,iiriiu S Nil jllKll ,' n anrlna JiiIiiixmi H Nil llllill ,., n, In, mi liiOll HlHlllil Nil 14-Kllllr III. S.I I Mil, W I. II II N 4 II rj a 1 1 mm li.ii liu CI, l t'lUlllft in I 'I'll i Tllrli M Ali'lm iIiiiiiiim I llllll-fll lliMh ni-ititiiii Ktunn: KlUh arrtin ntiltrn ximiiii Ivi Knl'lhl 'ft . I to m iiirt liuiu 'III OHIIIIMI4 HI. Mtilnwimv. run llllmlK. II H I'nl w III Ih I.I 1 1 II II s 4 I M ll Mm I Hllr, I I III III t'J III 17 -I.I Mil r.l ;iit llllill aiMiin Irrtlil InOil lnilrirMili-iil f it W ... 7 Ad M..,, . I'i.ii. T Kiii.n-iii Ari'.intii-V" !!!!!.' ."!!!!!!! ? ,.. nv--t,Mi ittiiit.: t mi, l.llllca I I IUII ..... i.rl.a . 1.,,... .... llllill andaiiii t(iu h.iai;' t.illleai ', '' ! BjiiU Free Variety Show Joan Fontaine & Tyrone Power Nigel Bruce & Gladys Cooper in 'THIS ABOVE ALL 8:00 P. M., SUNDAY, DEC. 15 UNION BALLROOM :iu i ' ' ' - - The mum nmr UALL-POIJST PEN Come In and -trv it!'! son 11 Jsny it! STUDENT UNION CHRISTMAS PARTY FOR ALL STUDENTS I iw Dimee Ju Mover's On lu lru 7tJiO ,. m. to 10:1s ,,. ,. Hroom l-rrr Movie, X Iwrv Do VI v V.iWvum Herr?i Jn Te liHieolor, v-itlt Frm iM1M lMurruy 4 mio mid yiUU p. m., in XYZ Curiilii in thV LounKe, 1! to 10 p. m. Tree f:ok nnd llrowiiie in Union Hall TUESDAY, DECEMBER 17, AT THE UNION ' 1 It's a 10:30 Mht for All Coed! For oil of your Jewelry needr including aKeepsake DIAMOND ENGAGEMENT SING Known throughoui America' s popular choice Shop Note VI it. Authorised Keepsake Drtder Shop Here L0l7ELL'S13tht0 Cash Credit -S 1 4 i. I 1 i J 1 9 : 1