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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 15, 1946)
Sunday, December 1 5, 194& THE DAILY NEBRASfCAN' Faae 7 '4, g J WW Oklahoma Nebraska Defeats , 63-52 FRIDAY'S RESIXTS. Nebraska 84, Iowa Stat 51. Oklahoma fll, MiitKoiirt S3. Southern Method! 4H, Kansas State SO. Kansas 63 Arkansas 82.' Till RSDAK'S RKSUIlTS. ArlianMM 57, Nebraska 46. Kansas State ft, Oklahoma 63. Southern Methodist SA, Missouri 53. Kansas 65, lona State 30. After being bumped out of the championship flight by Arkansas on Thursday, the Nebraska Corn huskers came back in Friday's game to trip the Iowa State quin tet 54-51 to move into Saturday's firing pitted against the Okla homa Sooners for the consolation championship in the Kansas City pre-season tournament. A late rally by the Iluskers brought the victory to Coach Har ry' Good's crew. Seven points was the greatest margin between the two teams throughout the game Friday. The Cyclones held that edge in the first half, but were unable to match Nebraska's clos ing flurry. Lanky Don McArthur paced the Husker squad, netting 13 points from his center post. The Ne braska starting five was the same that had opened in previous con tests, but the positions were al tered. McArthur took over the center spot, Rodney Cox moved to forward with Claude Retherford and Joe Brown droppei to a back court guard spot with Joe Loisel. NU Scorer. Loisel and Brown gave Big Don valuable assistance in the scoring column, each man contributing 10 points to the Husker total. The Cyclone's Jim Myers, All Big Six forward last year, paced all scorers with 19 points. He potted seven field goals and added five charity tosses to Jiead the Cy clones' fruitless drive. As a result of Friday's win, Ne braska is paired with Oklahoma for final action on Saturday. The box score: Iowa State fg ft Buck t 0 0 Myers f 7 5 Van Duessen I u Kuebler I 5 Block f 0 Roy Wedhe 0 Paulsen c 5 Schneider c 1 R. Norman g 0 Ray Wedhe g 0 Sheperd g 2 f IP 1 0 2 19 0 0 2 12 2 2 3 0 2 10 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 5 Totals 20 11 19 51 Nebraska fS ft tp Retherford f 3 2 4 8 Shields f 4 1 19 Cox f 1 f 0 McAr.hur c 5 Iim-l x 2 Andc.son g 0 0 Brown g 5 0 Cerv g 0 0 0 3 1 1 2 13 6 2 10 2 0 4 10 1 0 Totals 20 14 17 54 Half time score: Iowa State 29, Ne brisiia 22. Free throws missed: Iowa State Myers 3 Kuebler 3, Black, Sheperd 2; Ne braska, Lebsack 2, McArthur, Loisel 2, Cerv. Kansas had a narrow squeak but managed to stage a rousing finish to drop Arkansas from the run ning by a 53-52 count. Phog Allen's top notch forward combination of Charlie Black and Otto Schnellbacher carried the scoring burden for the Jayhawks, scoring 15 and 16 points respec tively. Despite a height advantage the Razorbacks were unable to cope with the Kansans' blazing finish and wilted in the last minutes. Alvin Williams paced the Pork ers with 14 points while 6-foot 11 -inch George Kok got 11 mark ers. The box score: Arkansas fg Wilson, t 1 Honea, f 0 McOnha, f 3 Hyles, f 3 Ranking, f 2 Kok, c Campbell A.Carter Cathcart Wlliams 5 f 0 g 1 f 0 g 5 Coleman c 0 (52). ft 1-1 0-1 4-6 0-1 0- 0 1- 1 0-0 2- 3 0-0 4-8 0-0 Kunna (63). fg ft Black f 4 Hchnclib'r f 5 Kskrldga f 1 Dewell f Peck, c Knns, c Evans g Clark g 7-9 6-8 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 3-7 5-6 Totals 20 12-21 331 Totals 18 21-30 21 Score at half: Arkansas 27; Kansas 31. Gerald Tucker poured 28 points through the hoop to lead Coach Bruce Drake's Oklahoma Sooqers to a Cl-53 win over Missouri, I'but the Oklahoma win was not with out worry. The Tigers pulled within one point of the winners with less than five minutes remaining as Dari Pippin and Darrell Lorrance came to life. Box score: Missouri g ft f Oklahoma g ft f Pippin f 6 0 l'Pryor t 4 0 1 Garwltz f 2 0 0 Merchant f 0 0 1 Jenkins f 3 5 5Courtry f 112 Lorrance f 4 0 1 Mitchell f 110 Rudolph c 3 0 1 Tucker c 12 4 2 Fowler o 0 0 0i Reich g 2 3 3 Smith g 4 0 2Jonei g 10 2 Wadlelgh g 0 0 OILandon g 5 0 4 Plerpont g 0 0' 0 Wachter g 1 2 0 Totals 23 7 10 Totals 26 9 15 Halftime score: Oklahoma 37, Mls souri 27. In the fourth game Friday Sou thern Methodist won its way into the championship finals against Kansas by tripping the Kansas State quintet 46-36. Tho Wildcats were not able to duplicate their opening day upset when they knocked the Oklahoma outfit from the running. Box score: Kansas State Mann t Howey f Holman f Weatherby f Krone f Clark f Dirks c Patrick c Harman f Brannum g Thomas g Ctmpbrll g Dean g Bussart g g ft fl S. M. U. 0 0 0 Lloyd f 1 0 3ICannady f 0 0 0Tomlinson f 1 3 01 Salmon f 0 0 2Pugh c 0 0 01 Rowland c 2 2 UPrewItt g 0 0 21 Stewart g 0 0 r Rollings g 2 1 5 Harris g 3 1 51 0 0 0 4 3 0 0 0 01 ft f 1 2 0 1 8 2 1 0 0 4 3 0 2 2 1 0 0 5 4 0 1 Bulletin Paced by Gerald Tucker, the Oklahoma Sooners Saturday night defeated the Cornhuskers 63-52, to clinch a three-way tie for the runner-up position in the semi-final game of the All Big Six Confer ence pre-season basketball tour nament.. Witli Gerald! Tucker, Sooner ace; leading the Oklahoma quintet with four field goals and four free throws to bring, his three-game total to 64) points, the Oklaliomans. couldn't be headed. Nebraska! trailed 35-19 at the half. Other Saturday results: Missouri' 50, Iowa State 55. Kansas State 56, Arkansas 41. IM Swimming Meei Gets Started Monday Haynes c Rudolph c Smith s. Fowler g Hurt g Pippin g Pierpont g Phillips g Totals Score at 0- 0 2- 2 1- 2 0-0 0-0 3- 2 0-0 0-0 4Perwittg 1 1 Lynch g 4 Rollins b- 0! 01 01 01 0! -I 3-3 0-0 0-1. 22 9-11 161 Totals half Missouri 39; 26 6-13 11 SMU 32. Totals 13 10 19! Totals 14 18 16 Halftime score: S.M.U., 31; Kansas State, 18. Too much height under the bankboards on the part of the Arkansas team cost Nebraska its chance, to remain in the chase for the championship. The Razor backs parlayed the altitude of George Kok, Alvin Williams and Alan Carter into a 57-46 win over the Scarlet. Althoi the Nebraskans con trolled the ball thruout the contest and were in complete command in the floor play, the Formers were just too tall andi cashed in on numerous rebound: shots. Don McArthur led the Nebraska team with 13. points while Rodney Cox was second high with eight tallies. Carter collected 15 points to pace the Arkansas five. The box The potent Kansas Jayhawks roared to a 27-8 halftime lead and toyed with the Iowa. State Cy clones for the second half to score an easy 55-36 triumph. Ray Evans led! the Hawks in fashioning ant air. tight barri cade whichi allowed, the Ames bunch to score on! a pair of field goals ins the first half. Nineteen players saw action for The annual UN swimming meet will take place in the university coliseum pool December 16, 17, and 18.. All campus organizations are urged to have as many com petitors as possible. Two men in each event and one relay team in each of two relays is the maximum number from each organization. No man may enter more than three swimming events. Diving could be a fourth event. Entries are due by Friday, December 13. the KU club, which was paced by Otto Schnellbacher who netted 14 li'lies. The score: Kansas (65) Iowa State (36) fg ft pfl fg ft pf Sohel'cr f 5 4-5 41 Myers f 2 2-3' 0 Bean f 0 0-0 01 Buck f 1 0-0 2 Black f 4 3-3 4iVanD's'nfO 2-2 0 EskridKe f 1 0-0 0' Roy Wen. f 0 1-3 4 England f 0 1-1 0! Kuebler f 2 0-0 0 Stramel f 0 0-0 01 Kester g 1 0-0 0 Frisble f 0 0-0 01 Paulson c 0 0-12 Kllng f 1 0-0 OIRavWeh. gO 0-0 1 Auten c 10-0 0 II. Nor. g 0 2-2 0 Peck c 1 5-6 2 R. Nor. f 1 3-4 4 Van Clt'r c 0 1-1 2ISr'ire'dr g 0 3-3 3 Enns c 0 0-0 2; Peterson g 0 0-1 0 Rherw'd g 0 0-0 0i"hen,rdg 2 1-1 5 Kvans g 1 0-0 2 Block g 2 0-2 2 , McSpad. g 0 0-0 l'Jesson g 0 Q-0 1 fapp g 11-11! Mabry g 0 1-1 01 Clark a 3 1-2 31 : Dewell g 1 0-0 0' Totals 19 17-25 21 Totals 11 Score at half Kansas 27, Iowa 14-24 24 State 8. All individual events will score 6-4-3.2-1 while all relays will score 10-8-6-3-2. A trophy will be awarded to the winning organ ization and a medal to the . -ih point man of the meet. Merit cr tificates also will be given to out standing performers and those set ting new records. Anyone wishing to view the meet, may enter the west en.'t of the Coliseum stage for seat - in the balcony of the swimming pool. Organizations must have a minimum of six men acturlly competing to qualify for partic ipation points. In addition to par ticipation points, final team places will be determined by the points scored in the meet. ATO Defending Champ. Team champion- for 1945 was Alpha Tau Omega while second place was held by Phi Delta Theta. Bob Harse of Alpha Tau Omega was high individual point maker in 1945. Competition promises to be keen in all departments, as evi denced by the showing of com petitors who have participated in pre-tourney work outs. By the same token all existing records are endangered. score: Arkansas (61). fg ft Wilson f Byles f Honea f McGaha f Kok c Coleman g A.Carter g Rankin g Williams g Catch' t g 3-4 0-0 0-0 4-7 3-4 0- 0 1- 1 0-0 2- 2 0-0 Nebraslta pfl 3IKeatlng f HRetberf'd f 2iCox f 0'J. Brown f 3iLebaack f 0' Shields f 3McArthuro 0Korte g 3ILIvin'n f-g 0! Loisel g Anderson g Winter g (44). fg ft- -f 0 0-0 0 1. 4-5 0 3. 2-2 2 3-3 3 0-0' 0 0-0 O 3.3 0-0 0-1 1.2 0 0-0 L 0-0 Totals 22 13-18 16) Total 16 14.1612 Score at half: Arkansas-2& Nebraska 20. Kansas State pulled the biggest upset of the tournament when, the Wildcats came thru with a 59-53 win over Oklahoma- in a first round game. The Sooners' famed, two team system failed, to works against the inspired K-Staters who overcame Gerald Tucker's individual 24 point contribution; with a diver sified scoring punch. Every one of the nine Wild cat players- who gob into the game added; at leaafc two points to the winning total.. Howard Howey, Kansas State forward who- formerly performed for Olathe Navy Base,, was the big gun for the victors. He was good for 15 points and played an outstanding floor game. The bo score: Oklahoma (SID Kanaa State (69) IK ft pfl 3 1-2 21 Howey f II Weat'hy f 0 Herman f 01 Dirks o II Patrick o 21 Dean g 0-0 3- 3 0- 0 4- 5 1- l 3-3 3-3 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 llan'm ft Thomas g 2 Krone g l 2 0 fg ft Pf. 4-6 3 2-2 0- 0 1- 2 1- 2 2- 5 0- 2 1- 1 1-1 Pyror f Merch'nt f Courty f Day f Tucker c Wat era c Paine g Landon g Reich g Jones g PiiKSley g Mitchell g Totals 20 115.18 201 Totals 24 11-19 16 Score at half Oklahoma 31, Kansas State 25. Southern Methodist opened its tournament play with a 56-53 win over Missouri Friday. Trailing by seven points at halftime, the Mus tangs uncorked a. last spurt which swept the Bengals out of the driver's seat. Dan Pippin paced the losers with 15 points and Rollins was the best for the Southwestern Con ference aggregation iwith la mark ers. The score Missouri (63) fg ft PH Wach'tr f Oerwlt t McMlllen f Jenkins f Lorrance f Wad'lgh I 1-1 0-0 0- 0 1- 3 1-1 0-0 SMU Lloyd f Can'nd'y f Tom'son f Salmon 0 Bugh o Harris o fB pf 0-0 0-1 t-3 0- 0 1- 5 0-0 TOILETRIES for the MEN on your list Aftershave Lotion-. . L00 Talcum-. . hOO Cologne . . Shave Bowl . . . 1150 Gift Set . 2.50 SL1LFOCrfflI-T Shave Lotion. . L00 Talcum. L00 Cologne. . LOO' Shave Mug. .1.00' Gift Sets. . 2.00 to- 5.00. Shave Lotion:.. 1.501-2.50 Cologne.. 1.50-2.50 Shave Bowl . 0-2.50 Talcum. . 75c-L00 Gift Seta. . 2.00 to. 7.75 Shave Lotion. . L25-2.50 Cologne., t.25-2-50 Talcum.. L00-2.00 Shave Bowl. . . L00-1.50 Gift SeU. . 2.25 to 6.75 ''KINISSftfEiV' After-Shave Lotion . . 5.00 Cologne.. 2.50-5.00 Talcum.. 2.50-5.00 Shave Bowli 2.50-5.00 Gift: Sets. . 7.50 to 15.00 OLD' . Street Flour PLUS TAX O.N ALL 1TKMH BXCRPT SHAVING BOWLS GOLD'S . Street Floor 7 tfrf u alio T ' f'-A ----- f w n MB - V '1 I ' 'i S t -1 Vi ?v n fi' 11. i n B h C- f r. ii- H 9 4 y j s 1' T ,a it ' .!