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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 15, 1946)
I i Sunday, December 15, 1946 THE DAILY NEBRASKA Personally Speaking (boniSnssh dt&Cinaofa, Qt'A Vh&Aa&ka'A fisdou BY NORM LEGER. We stumbled down 14th street this morning to find the campus as lifeless as we felt, and stopped in at the Uni Drug to join the Sat urday Morning Hangover Club for a Bromo or two. Conversation was at a low ebb, and the only greeting we received was a bat of a blood-shot eye and a mourn ful nod of a drooping head. We returned same. The Mortar Board ball had come and gone, and the women had had their fling. Their night of howling was over, and the cam pus male population was still feel ing the after effects. While some were loaded down with monstrous corsages and oth ers were lit up like Christmas trees, literally and figuratively, the men had taken for the one night of the year the defensive. The novel corsages, the "sign out" sheets in the men's houses, and the cause-for-hysterics ap parel the men let their dates car ry for them provided both sexes with a good many laughs. For instance, there was the men who assured his house in signing out that he would return immedi ately -should the hand of his date, by chance, reach an inch above his knee. One of the girls found herself with the delightful task of carrying for her date a roll of you-know-what and an article of male gym gear which she declared she had never seen before and had heard mention of only in im polite company. Then there were the four boys who struck up a little bridge game in the middle of the dance floor and shuffled to the rhythm of sweet-playing Spivak, but were surprised to find that the girls were prepared for "Such a situation they carried a deck of their own, and had a hand or two of bridge themselves. The high point of the evening came when a familiar voice (you "known" whom we mean) boomed over the loudspeaker that the pre sentation of the eight eligible bachelors was to begin, bringing all 1,500 couples rushing towards the coliseum stage to see beyond the parting curtains a dark open ing flanked by two huge phos phorescent cats. Out of the dark and into the spotlight stepped eight of the more handsome men on campus, BMOC variety, one by one. Everyone waited expect antly for the appearance of the next to come, and at the proper time the George Miller Fan Club swooned appropriately. The hour for all UN cinder ellas came too soon, and out into the cold poured the throng of dancers who either found their way back to their houses for a loct hnnr discussion of the labor situation and present relations with Russia or to private parties to play parlor games ana arm. Pepsi Cola or milk. More fortu nate pHs evaded the Cinderella fDniiirpmpnt of meeting a fairy godmother's U AWS's) deadline by staying out in town with no penalties , attached. However, in closing word let us say that you who were compelled to hear the clock's strike of one from the inside should be doubt ful of the advantages of doing otherwise. There were few of you represented at the club meeting in Uni Drug yesterday morning, and you probably had fun last night. V riiH too. in fact, but that dull, aching head Saturday morn ing . . . Military Honorary Initiates 28 ISeiv Group Members Twetity-eight men were ini tiated into the Pershing Rifles or ganization. Burr. Loval Mehrhoff Thomas Brownleee. Paul. Hanson, Fred Bauer. Wendell Boesiger, Donald Gudmundson, David In nis, Palmer Johnson, Raymond ifnpri Rm-nard Lane. Derald Lembrich, Robert McMaster, An drew McMullen, Herman Oelrich, Walter Palmer, Byron Potts, Rvrnn Raznick. Wilfred Rice, Harry Richman, Leonard Seagren, Ben Shaw. Thomas FatncK, kod ert Vanderslice, Wiley Vogt, Don ald Wickham, Milton z-enr, anu Kpnnpth Morehead. Men who are interested in the organization are invited to at tend weekly meetings at 5 o'clock every Wednesday evening in Ne braska hall. BY WALT SIMON. Ever since our rather intermin able stay in the service we've been haunted by the fact that no body absolutely nobody seems to know anything about Lincoln, Nebraska. When we get off the trains in New York City the por ters don't greet us by saying, "Parrv vn' hacrs. suh." thev mere ly sneer, finger our lapel, and rasp, "obviously not tsrooKs tsroiners. This article is an explanation, a history, in short, a reason for, Lincoln Nebraska which, I think you'll agree, needs a reason. Cozy Nest. Lincoln is cozily nestled be tween four rather significant points Swingle's Glue Factory and Butcher Shop, Salt Creek (commonly referred to as condi ment canal), a rather odd Phallic symbol conceived by an obscure group of aborigines devoted to the worship of the 'one raised finger' method of calling a waiter, and the Awgwan office. There are a group of malcon tents bounding about the ville who have forwarded the idea of erect ing a tombstone on 13th and "O". with the rather poignant message inscribed thereon "Lincoln, Be loved child of Nebraska, Stillborn 1867. This however is laliacious Lincoln is breathing; if only slightly. A Little History. To those who Relieve Lincoln possesses no history we lift an eyebrow true we never burned witches, but there are any num ber of recorded cases in our an nals of hot-footed Mortar Boards and who is there that can dis pute the eyrie traditionalism of red robbed Druids pouncing upon neophytic onlookers every spring in an almost biological attack. Furthermore, our lonely columns are not only inexplicable, but un extricable (not to mention despic able). As for a reason, well think of all those homeless peasants even in Russia one must dwell. In the words of the immortals, "Home is where you hang your wife." The superintendent of the phys ical plant at Iowa State wished he knew what kind of paint the stu dents used to decorate the side walks during homecoming week. He says that it has resisted the weather better than some of the paint he can get. The ironical "Sink the Sooners" painted in front of the Home Economics building is still as clear as it was seven weeks ago. Dairy Honorary Features Guest Equipment Expert At the Varsity Dairy club meet ing Wednesday night, W. G. Mc Cubben manager for Creamery Parknp Manulai't mins romnanv. Omaha hranrh. snoke to the club culture o'n the use of eauiDment usod meeting Paqe ji Pi Lambda Theta Panel Discusses Education Needs Pi Lambda Theta, national edu cation sorority, held a panel dis cussion on the need for a United Na' ions' education in science and organization at their lust week in the Union in the bntter industry in Ne braska. He also discussed new developments in creamery equip ment. McCubben worked for some time in the dairy department do ing graduate work before he at tained his present position. The club approved the revival of the Dairyland Cafeteria, tradi tional feature of Organized Agri cure, which meets February 3 and 4 on ag campus. The cafeteria is operated by club members and sells lunches to the participants in the annual meeting. Nominations were made for club officers and the election will be held at the next regular meet ing, the second Wednesday of January. Sports fans on the De Pauw campus got a big thrill recently when Alice Marble, winner of six major, tennis championships, spoke at a campus student con- I vocation. faculty lounge. How the organization could be developed within the United Na tions, prospective and former steps taken to further it and problems in its future develop ments were chief points of dis cussion. Serving on the panel were Eliza Gamble, chairman; Joyce Stuve. Jean Matteson. Fern Fields and Lorene Novotny. I jClassifJ WOMEN'S ALTERATIONS, QUICK SERV H'K. 8-1fl2. FOR SALE -New MafinaVox radio phono graph, original packing. Phone 3-1240. D" """"1 S1 '"-.'Id needed in .organiz ing the new, liberal Lancaster County u i;cui lis. Fhono Donald Mor:ow. .")-!(. Oil when you smoko PUMP MORRIS! jig f0,r'Am ' (Qg pity v f 21?.:- LI UUU LU UU U U U GJ CLEAN, FRESH, PURE America's ffJKf Ggarefh! First smoke in the morning or last one at night the flavor's ALL yours, when you smoke Philip Morris! And here's why ... There's an important difference in Philip Morris man ufacture that makes Philip Morris taste better smoke better -because it lets the FULL FLAVOR of the world's finest tobaccos come through for your complete enjoyment clean, fresh, Pure! Try Philip Morris you, too, will agree that Philip -MORRIS IS America's tlNbYl Uzarettel EflUfolfl m LrLf ALWAYS BETTER... BETTER ALL WAYS ii i mhiii i mipmiijiimn utmiiii'i i iini'i I m h'i'hi bin" i ' ' H n u n h 'A 11 I'.''