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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 8, 1942)
DAILY NEBRASKAN Tuesday, December 8 1942 Enlistment . . . (Continued from Page 1.) the air corps. Clear Enlistments. The navy seventh service com mand office in Chicago announced that to complete reserve enlist ment students must clear their enlistment thru the university and the local recruit'ng office and must go to Omaha for final ex amination. Omaha army headquarters said that those enlisted in the ERC pledged to ultimate enlistment in the navy are advised to continue in the army reserve at present and may expect to be discharged and permitted to enlist in the navy at a later date. Wonderment. University men not in the re serves and those who have com pleted their enlistments wondered how their status would be affected by the enlistment closure. Thompson said that he had no word as to how the closure would bear on these students. Meanwhile Chancellor C. S, Boucher was still in Washington where he has gone to offer the facilities of the cam pus to the armed services and to discuss the relation of military training to the university's pro gram. Thompson stressed that those with application from his or Dean Bengston's offices or the local or Omaha recruiting stations must make sure that their enlistment is completed by the 15th to gain eni trance to the reserves. Students who have filled out "declaration of intent" forms or those with recommendations from the campus recruiting offices may be considered bona fide applicants for reserve enlistment. So ocie BY MARYLOUISE GOODWIN. It's been a year yesterday since the stab in the back and by this Dance In Union Today A Student Union matinee danc will be held this Afternoon in the ballroom from 5 to 6 p. m. time next year if the war con tinues the gals aren't going to moan when they can t buy any thing but service weight hose and lipstick is on the "off" list. We've heard that girls' schools were 4 lots of fun! Before school started this fall several of the eligible men on the campus got together for one of their little sessions and all agreed that they'd give all the girls a thrill this year until Uncle Sam called instead of settling down and making just one girl miserable. Yes indeed . . . Last week one Bob Miller quit the but terfly circle and today we hear that A TO Roland Finley handed in his chips in favor of Theta Pat Parrish. You should see him beam. It's All a Rumor. We got a call from one of Sig Chi Bob Mizeras friends yester day asking us if we know whether or not he had gotten back the pin that he so recently hung on AOPi Peg Capron. Aha gore so we send out our hounds and this is what they dug up. Bob couldn't make the Sig Nu affair Saturday night but since they had made all plans to go he sent one of the pledges in his place. Hereafter Bob, be sure to tell your "friends" so they won't think up nasty rumors. Pins and Rings and Things. What is it about the Military Ball that gives everyone the urge to hang a pin or at least go steady? Pi Phi Pat Caley re lieved Lynn James, med student, of his Nu Sigma Nu badge which he so recently acquired, and then Jane Emery, DG, came back from Kansas City with not only a new pair of silver wings but a dia mond to go along with them. The fellow is Sam Neely from the old home town. Dorothy Stahts of the dorm has turned the Delt pledge pin that she has been wearing in on an active pin and of course the donor is none other than King Spittler . . . Kay Whitehead, Pi Phi of last year, and Milt Rothenberger, SAE of last year, were married last Thursday out on the coast. The Betas and the Thetas sewed up a couple of deals over the week end . . . One with a pin, the other by going steady. Tom Woods handed his jewelry over to Marg Jones after more than a year of off-and-on dating. Dot Thiesen and John McCarthy have been go ing steady for over a week now. but didn't let anyone in on it 'til Saturday. And Then the Week End. It looks like a big week end ahead what with the Corn Cob dinner dance and then the Black Masque ball Congratulations to the three new Alpha Xi Delta actives. STATE Alwaye 25c Topplnr All Hii f f Annrln; Advettttirrn! i Thrill Hit C I Vrt. 2! with John Be1 . Fs $ht knwillfewt V tms . j J, X Uwfy Moton r CINIMA OUIIO Starring FREDRIC MARCH VERONICA LAKE Now! f irst Show Daily 1 P. M. 5c rVW ELMO MAKE-IP AIDS 1 75 pi u$ tax A glorloui tniamble of hrr fivont Elmo mike-up idi , . . In tmill ilet. COLD'S. , .Street Floor. EVENING IN PARIS PERFUME FALCON 60c ST She'll crry the handy flcon In her puree e reminder f your thoughtfulnrtt I GOLD'S... Street Floor, ELMO MAKE-UP SET 2 dO plu tax Bp A charming eet combining Elmo Photo-Finnh and her. monizing ehade of Cllmatized Lipetick. COLD'S. . .Street Floor, LENTHERIC TWEED COLOGNE VVJ tax An attractive rift for men or women. The IV, on. packre will eitprrw your C'hriHtmaa rrertlius thourhtrully! GOLD I.. Street rUt. "SHOCKING" By SCIIIAPARELLI EVENING IN PARIS 5-Pt. GIFT SETS BEAUTK BAG REVLON SETS 2 95 pint tax 1 00 PRIMROSE HOUSE FORGET-ME-NOT plut tan Hnr favorite Hand Soap, Talcum and Eau de Cologne attractively packatied, ready to glvel The dollghtful fra grance la eure to pleaeel GOLD'S. . .Street Floor, 3 13" tax 00 plut tax Famous Revlon "Stay . on" Nail Enamel and Oil Remover In velvet or rayon taffeta sarry-all for her puree I GOLD'S... Street Floor. Cologne and Duitlng Powder of heavenly fragrance, In bloaaom-eplaehed pnckagel GOLD'S, . .St root Floor. A perfume lor the dlwrlmlnat inzl In fsncliutlnr, ey. sur realist container of crystal, hand etched with Srhiaparrlli's Kir na ture, if, irresistible . . . s tribute w her rood taste! COLD'S... Street floor.