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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 6, 1942)
tern berg Flays at Farty Coeds Take Over On Saturday Night Sternie Sternberg; will play ... Ticket sales start tomorrow . . . And it may be your last chance to nab a man on UN cam pus for the duration . . . Vol. 4?., No. 52 Military Ball Tempo for a 7 I . i v ... . . I It V). w ANN CRAFT Military Activity UN Pcrshiiiff Animal Inspection Saturday ( 'limaxing a week-end of mili tary activil i.-s on the t .-1 r i ; m is. the Nebraska company of Pershing Kit'les held its annunl regimental insji-'i lion on Vie coliseum flooi S it in .l.iy af ternoon. With inclement weather driving tl.' function indoors, the company underwent inspection by the na tional commander, Colonel Rogei Anderson of UN, and the regi mental commander, Lt. Col. Keith McXenloti, of Iowa university at low City. Acting company com mander, in Capt. Roger Cox's ab .sf'n e, was 1st Lt. Edward Doyle, who vi a.s assisted by 2nd Lts. Hob- 1'iesiileiil lJoosevelt M'stcnlav acid to place me all recrnils in the Vniled Stales tin- M-lective service sysloin now McNnll. Voluntary enlisl menls The army, navy, and air corps It is probable, however, thai students now in the process of enrolling in some reserve will be al lowed lo complete their eulislnienl. When contacted last nfuhl the naval recruit in station officials re vealed that they hal received iu official word from Washington about the new act, which es into ef fect at once. At the same lime the ohan:o in ihe voluntary enlistments was announced by an executive order it was stated that McNutt will be piven supervision of military manpower procurement but he will have stronger powers oer all divisions of the yovern- Lincoln Nebraska Sets War Uiui From Journal. Honorary Colonel Rifles Hold lit Coliseum cit Walstroin and Don Shanefelt. platoon commanders. Personal Inspection. An added feature of the event was a personal inspection by Col. Anderson and Lt. Col. McNcrdon, of the crack platoon, commanded by Bobeit Waist rom and the crai k squad. Both units, taken from the membership of the entire com pany, gave a repeat performance of their routines presented at the ball the evening- before, with the crack platoon concentrating their efforts on precision movement in c lose order drill and the crack (See RIFLES, Page 4.) n aud armed forces under headed by Tanl . have been slopped. reserves are closed. with manpower. M h irmn o1 Sunday, December 6, 1912 Proper Campus Ushering' in a season of infor mal parties, keeping step with a war-minded campus, the 3-4 th Mili tary Ball became a part of UN history Friday evennig. Traditions were both broken and upheld as the cadet officers of the ROTC corps were hosts to some 4.000 spectators and dancers who were a bit skeptical of an in formal ball at the start hut who became enthusiastic in their ap proval at the end. Precedents Break. Two standing precedents gave way to the new demands of war tempo. First, the identity of the honoraiy colonel, Miss Ann Craft of Calesburg. 111., was not a secret but the method of her presentation was. Second, the long flowing lines of women's forma Is gave way to knee-length skirts. Corsages were not odiferous but patriotic as all (See BALL, Page 4.) Union Presents Annual Carols Concert Today Student Union's annual Christ mas carol conceit will be pre sented this afternoon in the ball room as the University Singers give 21 numbers with Lela Lyne at the organ. Two programs will be held, at 2 and 4 p. m. Included on the pro giam will be five songs presented for the first time on the Union's Christmas carol event. These are "He Is Born." "Boots and Saddles," "The Angels and Shepherds," "Children's Carol" and "Virgin's Cradle Song." Following is the program for the a f ternoon : i Mln Trinita. Tridilional. (.Inria I'lilri, I'ali-vtriiia. .Mitraniiis 'IV. I'Hlrstriiia. l.lniy He to Cod. '.niiniin Tr Mll(i(.n. Clmriilr-rrrliiili- A lnvfl Kw is Kbximliit. Kinhm. Thr AmiiinrlatliMi. Rui-4tn-rry. He It Iturn. f rrm li. Slid (lri tlx- Kvi-ninc, Bulieniitiii. ni;rl O'it ttir I li-lils. Krrnrh Knlk unu. Tli- 'l lirep Kino. iiluliin. HimiI". and Saddli-o, I'nivrnral. I'ii I pii ii. I'ri'ni'li. Wlm Ktiix-ki N l.alf, KiiclUh. TUr Holy !(, Julio Icvland. Tin- Mail KIiibs, I ri-iu-h. I'rnivr 4xl. Kvtol Him. Niirwrtian Mountain Sine. hrlil rnnx (anil, I.Hil:ind I iilK-Snin. The ni;rl nl Slwiihrrd, Kuhi'nifnn. ( hlldrrn'N arid. I'nllih. Totiru-t.oum-l.oum. I'nivrnrial. Virgin' Crablp Sonc, Roman. Thr Ursl Niiwell. Kmilsh. Silent i(lit, (prnian. practices of private industry teo!M Shopped In connection with his manpower Nutt will have control over and will i i employees in any occnpaiion oi tion of the country. Limits 18-38 ''The enlisted personnel of the armed forces, including reserve exponents" was referred to in the order ending voluntary enlist menls of men be tween Ihe a-ies of IS ami Knlistnients might be continued by the navy for 17-year-olds, though the army takes no one under IS. Men over oS may not enlisl in the armed forces, and some of those already in the army or navy may be honorably discharged if they are found incapable of performing their duties in a satisfactory manner. Anyway, 1 ho annual Pdacl; Masque I .all next Saturday. Oec. 12, is Nebraska women's only chant o during- the fall and winter social season 1o call lip I ho most eligible male of ihcir aciiiainlanct' and ask him to a lance- all within the strictest rules laid down by F.mily Pnsi Mid IVirothy V. lit is fool the bills, ii'cidciit ally, and (hey send llie men corsages of the imst beaut il'ul. r1 rociotis. Miii'iie. hnmoi oi.s. or cute combination of lhing-a-:ii ;t j s their ingenious minds an improvise. Announcement of the band came yesterday afternoon with no fan fare, no question marks, and no trick play-ups. Marge Bruning stated simply that 'Sternie" Sternberg's marvelous dance or chestra would play for the party. "He's good," she added briefly. Highlight of the dance will be the presentation of the six eligible bachelors chosen by university coeds at the fall election. Four teen men are vying for the titles. Tickets are priced at $1.25 a couple and may be purchased from Mortar Boards or Tassels. Postpone Shop Math, Drafting War Courses Instruction in two defense en gineering courses which were scheduled to get under way last week, has been postponed until Monday, January 4. 1943. Both courses, drafting and shop mathe matics, and aircraft materials in spection, are open to the general public. The former is a nigtit class, the latter a day class. No university credit will be given for the courses, for which pre-requis-ites are a high school education or equivalent training and a year of algebra and geometry. Prof. W. L. DeBaufre ot the engineering college has said that there is an especial need for women trained in drafting in the aircraft indus try today. Applications for en rolling in the courses may be mad? at any time at Bancroft school. Barb lnler-I louse Council, BABW Members Meel The inter-house council will meet Monday night at S p. m. in the barb office in the Union. All unaffiliated girls are invited. The BABW will also meet in the barb office at 8:30 Monday evening. concerned Formerly under Lewis It. Ilcrshey, the selective service system was placed under McXult's control. Ilcrshey may be retained as a director or other official of the sys Iciii. since MeNtilt has been authorized to appoint a director to exercise the duties. Officers from Ranks Henceforth, according to Ihe announcement, all officers of the army will he obtained from the ranks throuiih the officer candidate schools. Exempted from this are a few specialists, who may be recruit ed from the enlistment stations which will slay open on a limited basis to secure men in specialist fields. A chairman and representatives from various departments and agencies, including war, uavy, (See RESERVE, Page 3 ) commission direct the f .mm sec "' if V' j X II Sternie Sternberg. ...Masque Ball Maestro. rmv Honorary Will Announce New Members S'liolanlic Croup lo Hear Or. Paltrn-on al Dinner In Union Tuesday Nijilit New members of Phi Beti Kappa for this semester will be announced Tuesday night at a din ner meeting of the scholastic hon orary in the Union. Professor Clifford M. Hicks, secretary of the loeak PBK chapter, will announce the students elected to member ship. The dinner address will be given : by Dr. C. H. Patterson who will speak on the subject. "Philosophy j in a Challenged World." ein i thought in colleges during this j thouhgt in colleges during this present war. The members who will be elected into membership haw. been invited and will be the pue.sU at this second meeting ol a series prepared for the whole school year. However, all members are welcome to invite guests, an nounced Professor Dwight Kitsch, president of the local chapter. First semester PBK elections recognize seniors already quali fied in certain course requirements in order that they may be mem bers while undergraduates. Other seniors will be considered at the spring election the directorship of Ma.j. Hen.