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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 8, 1942)
BfcesSay, December 8, 1942 DAILY NEBRASKAN 3 WATER POLO 1942-43 1 diohteL $mzbL BY VIC SCHLEICH. LEAGUE I. LEAGUE H. 1. Alpha Gamma Rha. 1. Delta Upsilon. 2. Alpha Tan Omega. 2. Farm House. S. Beta Theta Pi. 3. Kappa Sigma. 4. Delta Tau Delta. 4. Phi Delta Theta. LEAGUE ML LEAGUE IV. 1. Phi Gamma Delta. 1. Sigma Chi. 2. Phi Kappa Psi. 2. Sigma Nu. 3. Sigma Alpha Epsilon. 3. Sigma Phi Epsilon. 4. Sigma Alpha Ma. 4. Zeta Beta Tau. League t. Alpha Gamma Rho vs. Alpha Omega - 12- 8-42 Beta Theta Pi vs. Delta Tau Delta 12- 8-42 Alpha Gamma Rho vs. Beta Theta PI 12-10-42 Alpha Tau Omega vs. Delta Tau Delta 12-10-42 Alpha Gamma Rho vs. Delta Tau Delta 12-15-42 Alpha Tau Omega vs. Beta Theta Pi 12-15-42 League 2. Delta Upsilon vs. Farm House T. 12- 8-42 Kappa Sigma vs. Phi Delta Theta 12- 8-42 Delta Upsilon vs. Kappa Sigma.... 12-10-42 Farm House vs. Phi Delta Theta 12-10-42 Delta Upsilon vs. Phi Delta Theta 12-17-42 Farm House vs. Kappa Sigma 12-17-42 League 3. Phi Gamma Delta vs. Phi Kappa Ssi 12- 8-42 Sigma Alpha Epsilon vs. Sigma Alpha Mu 12- 8-42 Phi Gamma Delta vs. Sigma Alpha Epsilon 12-15-42 Phi Kappa Psi vs. Sigma Alpha Mu 12-15-42 Phi Gamma Delta vs. Sigma Alpha Mu 12-17-42 Phi Kappa Psi vs. Sigma Alpha Epsilon 12-17-42 League 4. Sigma Chi vs. Sigma Nu Sigr-i Phi Epsilon vs. Zeta Beta Tau 12-10-42 Sigma Chi vs. Sigma Phi Epsilon "1 Sigma Nu vs. Zeta Beta Tau 12-15-42 Sigma Chi vs. Zeta Beta Tau Sigma Nu vs. Sigma Phi Epsilon 8.00 8:20 8:40 9:00 9:20 9:40 8:40 9:00 9:20 9:20 8:00 8:20 9:20 9:40 8:00 8:20 8:40 9:00 8:00 8:20 8:40 9:00 9:20 9:40 IXluskers Prop (Same To SodaEts, 40-3 Playing on a foreign floor in their season's opener, Nebraska's ecanty-clad cage crew could not maintain the pace of a fast break ing South Dakota outfit as they lost 40-30. Taking an . early lead of 6-2 the Huakers were soon headed and for the remainder of the game saw the score, board advantage pointing to the home town quintet. A. sophomore forward stole the honors as Eddie Carlson had a basket eye for fair as he rolled some 19 points through the meshes to lead both Coyote and Corn husker scorers. Bob Heinzelman, Scarlet guard, took scoring leadership for Ne braska as he deposited eight points to the scanty reserve his team mates collected. "The foe's in" Thcrt'i Iht happy Greeting heard today when a new supply of Coke arrives at a cooler. Folks wait for It... wait because the only thing like Coca-Cola Is Coca-Cola Itself. Customers smile and start moving up to pause and be refreshed. "There's a cheerful spirit about this way of accepting wartime restrictions! Morale Is high.' OTUtD UNDER AUTHORITY OF THI COCA-COIA COMPANY IT LINCOLN COCA-COLA BOTTLING COMPANY 4120 G St. t-5337 Frosh Mentors Drill 44 Men Led by four all-state perform' ers, 44 yearling cagers have been working out daily for the last couple of weeks under the observ ing eyes of Freshman OTh Chili Armstrong. Showing the most ability so far nave been Cylde Ehlers, Thayer, and John Schleisinger, Yutan, Both of these frosh stand close to the 6 foot 4 inch mark. Ehlers was honored on the 1941 all-state team after he had led his team to the class "D" championship. Available from last year's state championship Lincoln Central quintet are Al Bloom, Eddie Hall and Johnny Dean. Bloom and Dean were all-state men last sea son. From York comes two likely prospects in All-State Jim Myers and Bill Gallant. Rounding out the list of promis ing freshmen are Hetrick. Elm Creek; Sutton, Lincoln Northeast, and ward, Lincoln Northeast.- Other members of the squad are as follows: Bearinger, Buchanan, Blasek Belling, Bull, Bettger, Breitzke Christenson, Chastain, Curry, Cof fey, Davis, Engel, Ekdall, Hoyt Hoff, Hartwig, Hayes, Johnson Jones, Keibcr, Keller, Kreimer, Kratz, Lucht, Lawson, Newmyer, Nitzel, Pence, Rosenstock, Rehm Wagner and Williams. CLASSIFIED LEFT In Union Thursday Zipper note book with enlistment paper, inside Valuable. Bob Van Sant, 2-7442. Christmas Cards; M Very Nlo. Qillly and Auortr j I 50 for 50c j 8 Open Ev.olnn Until Chri.tmai gGoldenrod Printing Co.K Si 115 North 14th Stationery Dept. U We Repair all Makes and Models of typewriters SIEGEL Typewriter Co, 228 No. 13 As word filters to this department to effect that Nebraska's men of the maples open their campaign at South Dakota Tues day eve, we also receive word from Kansas University. It s the second-quarter century turn for colorful Phog Allen as ayhawk mentor and the natives are enthused. During- his 27-vear coachinar tenure at Kansas, Phog has produced 18 Big Six title winners. Out of 486 games his teams have executed, 373 decisions fall on the victory siae oi tne ledger. Lifetime Allen coaching average is 81 percent with 553 victories in 680 games. Prior to his sage at KU, Phog i- m v tutored coursters for seven years at warrensurgn leacners in Mizzou. As Phoir blew the whistle oDonine his 33rd campaign as Jnyhawk head, his team had scored 25,000 points during his tenure. Opponents have garnered less than zu.UUU tallies, .be lievers of the body beautiful maintain that vigorous condition ing deals more closely with success than rehearsal of a set program. Mr. Allen is a mystic who writes numerous volumes about such complicated doings as "straitifield transitional zone de fense in checkerboard formation and sprinkled with deception, lie maintains that basketball is absolutely the most scientific of athletic pastimes. Husker cagers have full opportunity to determine the mettle of Phog's mysterious teachings here, February 13, when the Jayhawks invade Husker maples tor Datie with i.ew Lewendowski's Husker hoopmen. A Kiirvev of the Husker court edition reveals a scarcity of elongated performers which may prove disasterous against a tall foe. Richest man on the smiad is Bert Gissler, 6-7 grid end. Gissler's inexperience in collegiate court play keeps him from fullfillinc the notencv of his stature. Frannie llassler and Moxie ci - m Young, both 6-3 performers, rank next to Gissler on the height chart. Shortest hoopstcr is Johnny Thompson, o-iU ot scrappy forward. Plaver. Home Pos Artman, Allen, Kearney P Bettorff, John, Lincoln C Bossom, Robert, Falls City G Bramson, Robert, Omaha F Brown, Burton, Lincoln F Cassidy, Fred, Lincoln F Cutshall, Vincent, Lincoln O Elson, Kenneth, North Platte. . .F Fitzgibbon, John Tobias F Fuller, Perry, Hastings F Gissler, Bertyl, Osceola C Healy, Charles C, Lincoln G Heinzelman, Robert, Falls City.G Hassler. Francis. McCook G Hanway, Dale, Central City. . . .G Knutzen, Owen, Cedar Bluffs. . .C Marquiss, Warren, Omaha G Nelson. Everett. Chappell G Thompson, John, Lincoln F Young, Max, Lincoln G Ht. 6- 0 6- 2 6- 1 5- 11 6- 0 6- 1 6- 0 6- C 5-11 5- 11 6- 7 6- 2 6- 0 6- 2 6- li2 6- 2 5- 11 6- 2Va 5- 10 6- 3 Wt. 156 163 175 164 175 160 175 156 181 160 205 170 165 170 170 162 152 185 161 185 Age. Exp. 21 1 20 1 19 0 20 0 22 0 20 0 19 0 20 1 20 2 20 0 22 0 19 0 20 1 19 0 20 G 18 0 22 1 21 C 20 2 21 2 Work comes to this department from Coast Guard recruit ing circles that Nebraska can definitely count as "out two gridmen who were counted upon for considerable service next autumn. Wally IIopp, 200-pound fullback, and Carl Samuelson, 200- pound frosh end prospect, are the new Coast Guard candidates. Samuelson reminded llusker followers of another Grand Island end, the great Les McDonald. With a year of seasoning under his belt, chubby Wally would be primed to hit full stride next fall. SEW YOUR BAGGAGE AHEAD -AUD 7ME YOUR TRAM CAREFREE! Don't start for home cluttered up with luggage. Just phone Railway Express and we'll call for your trunks and bags, speed them to your home, and save you time and needless worry. Gives you more room and comfort on the train, too, to say nothing of pick-up and delivery at no extra charge within our regular vehicle limits in all cities and principal towns. j ; You can send "collect", too, when you use Railway Ex Pubss. Just phone for information or service. AGENCY f INC 3 NATION-WIDE RAIL-AIR SERVICE 1