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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 4, 1942)
Friday, December 4, 1942 DAILY NEBRASKAN 7 Sooner s, Tigers Close Saturday Missouri clashes with Iowa Fre flight and Oklalioma meets Okla homa as the final gomes of the 1912 gridiron reel spin off the reel next Saturday. The two encoun ters will close competition of Big Six aggregations. Uernic Bicrman's Navy club is a betting favorite over Don Four ots Tigers but the difference ex perts say between the clubs is lit tle despite the betting odds on the Reahawks. Press notices from the Tiger camp indicate that a new Missouri passing find in sopho more Jim Austin will he unveiled ngainst the Iowans. The Sea hawks beset by injuries in later weeks will leave Iowa City for Kansas Friday morning. Oklahoma faces unbeaten Wil liam & Mary who will enter the panic top-heavy favorites over the tinoners. Many dopesters, how t ver, believe, the 'long trip" factor will hamper the Virginians. -aft. .i-, 1. ?- -: Say MERRY CHRISTMAS with REMINGTON FOURSOME The (Ift h'D nc awl rajojr the whole tht aa wn m for rotuiy yrm to mine I Pcnraonra hat THRKK ihavtaa- bwMli P14 S a p rial lx4 for trimming rifebwM, monsUeht an4 odi hlr aroaat Adam's Apple.... 19.50 GIHS FOR MEN Electric Trio rr-EHrle fihavo Powder, Aftr Khwtrle Khave Ixitlon and n CA" Smooth Shave Bate tlnJV Bombardier Duo Shaving Bowl and Talcum 9 fYA exclntlvely "HISl" u.VW Shaving Bowl or Talcum flnrlT ... la "HIH" f t? fk ttrldly manrullnt Irnraa l" plu fn noi.D'H. . .Htrret Floor. i (Sport Editor) jj BY " ELEANOR'N ME" JACOBS. (Guest "Artist") As wc sit in our cushioned armchair listening to the howl of the north wind, wo can lliink of only one topic lor lloisc Sense. A review of pic-campaign court doings can't be prinled here until we've disposed of the grid season. Instead of dwelling too exclusively on the won-lost angle of the campaijn, we'll stress individual feats and unusual happening's. Our choice for the two most consistent Corn husker performers would be Marv Thompson, hard-hitting senior end, and Joe Partington, little soph pivot. Thompson's intcrfcrcncc-w ceding style of play was con sistently good fur a losing club. Partington made more tackles than any other linesman and never quit fighting. Most con sistent backl'iclder was Ki Kisonhart, sturdy soldi fullback. If hisenliart receives the chance to continue his grid career next annum, he should develop into the league's lop fullback. A list of the figures for the season pretty adequately illus trates what; happened. Ilusker flippers completed 45 of H7 tosses. Hall-packers galloped for 2,0!): yards in 4S:? tries. First Net Downs Rush Pass Comp. Nebraska vs 9 100 58 5 of 15 Iowa 14 123 210 7 of 19 Nebraska vs 14 176 130 11 of 16 Iowa State 6 92 52 3 of 11 Nebraska vs 3 20 18 2 of 7 Indiana 22 262 81 Oof 15 Nebraska vs 5 52 34 7 of 19 Minnesota 7 186 52 3 of 12 Nebraska vs 8 108 5 1 of Oklahoma 11 88 73 8 of 21 Nebraska vs 11 175 39 3 of 10 Kansas -4 52 18-; 13 of 21 Nebraska vs 15 149 176 18 of 31 Missouri '5 364 26 1 of 10 Nebraska vs 15 136 77 10 of 19 Pittsburgh 5 78 101 4 of 8 Nebraska vs 5 9 76 4 of 16 Iowa Seahawks 20 395 87 4 of 14 Nebraska vs 13 173 69 10 of 17 Kansas State 6 114 55 3 of 6 Phi Gams Whip Sigma Nu's For Volleyball Top By virtue of defeating the Sigma Nu's Wednesday evening for the 1042 I-M volleyball championship, the Phi Gams climbed within five points of the ATO's in the race for the Jack Best trophy, the ATO's kept in the lead by taking third place honors in the current volleyball season. The Phi Gam netstcrs advanced to the finals by defeating the ATO men in semifinal play, bigma Alpha Fpsilon fell before the run ner-ups, the Sig Nu's, in the other semifinal match. Mere are the final league stand ings: l.KM.l K I. w I Slcmn Nil H Mil Kiimih I'si . . , Itetn Thi'tn I'i . . . 5 Alpha f.iiiiinm Rim 1 Knrni limine 0 ii;a(,i; ii. w SIkiiih Alpha Kimllon .., 4 Di'llii NiKma I'I S Sigma I'lil Kpullon 2 Kappa SiKinu ' Alphsi SI l; ma I'M 0 i.Kfif : in. w Alpha Tim Oiix-mi SiKinu Alpha Mil 3 Tli-t:i XI ? Ihi Delta Th-ln .-.1 Delia inn Delia 0 i.i ;i k iv. w I'hl Oa'iimn Delia Sltnin i'hl 3 ."la lletii Tnu 2 Delia rpiiliin 1 letu Slcmn I'M A Intramural Standings 1. Alpha Tau Omega ....240 2. Phi Gamma Delta . . . 35 3. Beta Theta Pi 195 4. Sigma Nu 191 5. Delta Sigma Pi 176 6. Sigma Alpha Epsilon .153 7. Phi Kappa Psi 150 8. Sigma Phi Epsilon ...148 9. Phi Delta Theta 146 10. Zcta Beta Tau 133 11. Farm House 135 12. Sigma Chi 130 13. Delta Upsilon 127 14. Sigma Alpha Mu ....120 15. Kappa Sigma 119 16. Delta Tau Delta 115 17. Beta Sigma Psi 105 13. Theta Xi S5 19. Alpha Gamma Rho .. 95 20. Alpha Sigma Phi .... 76 21. Xi Psi Phi 70 Totals For Season. First Downs Nebraska 98 Opponents 120 Net Rush 1,098 1,754 Pass 921 682 Comp. 69 of 155 54 of 138 Total 1,780 2,675 With all this howl fervor rocking the country, we can ex plain in one round figure why one great grid team gained a howl hid. One round figure is $rl ,'J06.80 and the team you guessed it (I'eorgia. A press dispatch from Atlanta read thusly: "Rose Bowl football teams are the source of much satisfaction to fans but t.hey come high. The University of Georgia spent $51,206.81 for athletic scholarships last year, State Auditor B. E. Thrasher reported. Eiirht Records Drs. Howard A. Howe and David Bodian of Johns Hopkins univer sity and Dr. Harold E. Harrison and his wife of Yale university recently won cash awards for "outstanding research in pediatrics." Iowa Cyclones Play Panthers AMES, la., Dec. 3,-Iowa State Teachers College will return to the Iowa State basketball schedule after an absence of three years, George F. Veenker, director of athletics, announced today. The game will be played tit Ames, Jan. 1. The game with the Panthers brings the Cyclone schedule to 15 games. Coach Louis Menze will send his charges against four non conference foes, in addition to Big Six opponents. Poc. 2: Simpson College at Amps; 7, Grinncll College at CrinmMI; 11, lrak university at Ames. Jan. 1: Iowa Teachers College at Ame: 9, Kansas St;:te College at Ami's; IS, llnlvi'rsitv ot Nebraska at Ames; 22, Uni versty of Missouri at Columbia; 29, Drake university at les Moines. Feb. 1 : University of Oklnhoma lit Ames; 6, University of Kansas at Iaw rence; 8, University of Oklahoma at Nor man; l.'i, University of Kansas at Ames; 22, University of Missouri at Ames; 27, Univeistiy of Nebraska lit Lineoln. March 1: Kansas Stale Collepe at Manhattan. piino 6 .nk-sr " 11 11 mmm mmmmmma 111 in 1 1 Sel During Big Six Grid Year Eight records went into the dis card during the 1912 Big Six foot ball season with Missouri directly responsible for two. Missouri broke a precedent as as the conference when it be came the first team aside from Nebraska to win the loop title two years in a row. Oklahoma, Kan sas and Kansas state nave eacn won one title, while Missouri has taken three. The other nine cham pionships were won by the Corn- huskers. The other record contributed by the Tigers was the most points scored by a single team in a single season -16o. The old mark of 151 was set by Missouri in 1941. Single Game Mark. Oklahoma also broke its own scoring mark, this one for the most points by a single team in a single game 76 scored against Kansas State. Kansas State held another rec ord in scoring, but will take no nliIi in defending it havine: al lowed 147 points in five Big Six contests. The Wildcats iook ine nmrir frnni its sister school Kansas which had allowed 138 points. As a conference the Big Six erased four marks, all set in 1941: 31 points a game compared to 98 a- 22 noints martrin over los ing teams compared to 22.2; 27.6 points for winning learns com pared to 25.6, ana a loiai w in points to 429. Hamilton college's huge indoor hockey rink has sprouted a year 300 vard obstacle course patterned after similar facilities at army camps ana navy station New stuaents at Bluffton college include a graduate of the umver sirv if Paris and a Japanese trans make this the night of nights take her to the 1142 D IJ8UTM 1M,L Featuring JOHNNY (SCAT) 0WQ and his orchestra CAPTAIN GLENN MILLER Presentation of Honorary Colonel U. N. R. O. T. C Tonitef Dec. 4 Coliseum Cadets in uniform $1.10 Spectators 55c 9-12 Civilians $1.65 fer student from the University I'.i'jlM.UiU;:!! k of Washington.