Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 4, 1942)
3 DAILY NEBRASKAN Friday, December 4, 1942 Sc ocieu t BY MARY LOUISE GOODWIN. Plans round the homo stit'lih and as wt i-tieteh our nock out i Hi- the Mily Bail dates wo hear only the wind howl of tho north wind. As t).e kids in uni form plot their b.g fling, we too eagerly await OY vm advent into tho grand inforn..-. 1 season. The military d r artn.c nt bigwigs Cf ii stop nurnir.jL the candle at both ends and tr, Mcit.u P.oatds ran take it up whur liny left oft. . . . Everyth:r.f points to a big hi: and for the .!.; i. l..-t of who's ,r ne! whv, we success for the list time we pr g mj with wlii don't know. Look at V could neve p.dts ; John Oi c r. PoMiris Molten: Gift To Library . . . Christian Science Founder Wills Volume to University . . . Finest Materials Phi Delts. !' V t 1 look the v, ith Alpha J vco Crosbie; Ji KKd Alice Abel: Chi 0 Ruth 1'.:.. F.iu kley with Ma:y Johnny Jones Kmsey. And right acre Tii Delts are n;fk something like tb with A TO Bill Kit with Art Salisbury. Ga ver with Tau lVi Phi th Alpha Phi Lt o Beck with '!.!: Phmiei with F- v. Kohout with .i. rs 1 : Newman y Ji lv'ties: and Alpha 1 Mii Jo the street the ir.f. their plans : Fat Hunting ;; J fine Stroud Sig Nu: Betty k Dresden: and Carmen Cottrel! with Beta Dick Wills. Oh yes, the Tt.rt&s will be there strong: Jan Hckv i with Phi Delt Kino Meutzel: Fie Stcinhaur with Phi Gam Larry Jean York with Phi Psi B:c. Yarvel: Peg Miles with Beta B.'.l Siebolt; Billie Anderson and Ph: Fsi Ben Clark; Mug Hyne and Tf.u Carl Petty; Tom McQuiston with Phi Gam Bud Johnson; and Jefr. Buckley with Bill Larson, ATO. And the Pi Phit. Aid then the Pi Phis will have a likely contingent ;r.: Jean Parker with KH Warren Shs; Pat Caly with Nu Sig Lyj.r. James; Joyce Junge with KH'b.II Leoffel; Lois Gadm with DU Dkk Foe; Marilyn Simpson with John Lange: Mable Jean Schmer with Sig' Chi Bob Black: Sayre Wtbstei with Beta Jack Wright; and F'frt Welch with Delt Dick Hag-gait. Over Sig Alph vay we pick up a few more iten.s concerning the ball. Alpha Phi Shirk y Held will tiki? it all in with year's flame Dick Rienhardt, SAE, now in the army but home on furlough. . . . Boh Fast has beer, looking forward to his ball date with DG Kay Det wiler for almost two months and nor on the day of the affair Bob is in the hospital with the flu bug and Prexy Louis Seybold will squire Kay . . . that is if Louis, who recently ill, gets well. Some other date s are Carroll Mey ers with Theta Nanty Beaton; J hn with Alp ha Phi Marg Nin tin; Dave P?rs,r,g will import Pauline Derby from Omaha; Pete norland with Alpha Phi Pris Mosely; and Lot Mills with Alpha Phi Peggy Talstfati. An Irrpcrt. Sni Morman. Beta, is import ing Barbara, Denver tnli school beauty: Norm Shaw is blinking his steady Diana Lag man up from Omaha: and Don Labo witz also impeits from Omaha Betty Bardy. . . . H.y fellows wlnl's the matter with the local girls? Ami now for a tew et the dates to the Sig Nu p4 dinner: Jack Wmuan and Jacqueline Rasmus n: Bob Kline ar.d Theta Kit Car son. Stan Maiy and Teg Lemon, TV ta; Dick Holm ar.d Peg llal M4il, Alpha Phi: Feldman Jones ani Tri Delt Ef.rbaia True; Don Al'nn and Alpha Chi Dorothy Fil loy: John Hummel and Jean Kerl, Kippa; Tex Cele ar.d Dorothy Jor d:.. Theta,; and Bob Rodgers with Gimma Phi Frances Hans. 8Y ROBERT F. WILKINS. A volume of "Science and Health with Key to the Scrip tures." the Christian Science text book, Iki.-, been given to the uni versity by the trustees under the will of Maty Maker Eddy, author of the hook and former president ot the Massachusetts Metaphysi cal college, and former pastor of the First Church of Christ Scien tist, Boston, Massachusetts. The volume is valued at $100. The outstandrng beauty of design, quality of mateiials. and excellent workmanship account for this ex ceptionally high value of the book. Orcutt Will Design. William Dana Orcutt. interna tionally recognized among the leading de-signers of books, was chosen by the trustees to plan and supervise the manufacture of the edition. The printing was done at the Plimpton Press in Norward, Mas sachusetts. It is set in a famous humanistic type, originally de signed by Mr. Orcutt and revised by him for this special edition. This type is named "Laurcntian" in honor of the ancient Laurcntian Library in Florence, which has the most beautiful hand-written vol umes of the humanistic scribes. The characteristics of the hand lettering of these scribes has been preserved in the type. Hand Made Paper. The edition is printed upon the finest grade of English hand-made Lionel Hampton To Play Turnpike Toinorroiv Night Direct from Casa Mariana in Los Angeles comes red hot Lionel Hampton and his nationally known band to the turnpike tomorrow night. Although gas rationing un doubtedly will greatly affect stu dents at the Pike, Lional Hamp ton was brought here under thr assumption that most cars still have full tanks. Hampten is ac claimed to be one of the best drummers in the U. S., and his band is conside?-ed one of the best colored bands. At least 27 former students at Tex i s A. & M. hae been deco-rit'-.l for their sen-ices in the armed forces in the current war. Josephine Dillon, first wife of CI uk Gable, is a dramatic coach at Stephens coliege. Columbia, Mo. At least 29 colleges and profes sional schools have closed their doors or merge ti with other insti tutions since spiirg. CLASSIFIED W .TED To buy portable typewi He. hi reei-nt m.ike. Contact J. E. Johnson 21'ifl So. 24lh or on campus. I.OVI: (irccn Shoaflcr pcnil Intwci-n V Hill. atlnitnistrnUon and sobIi. Krwarl S (7W, Ask for acne. j pa pet that could be secured. It was made at the Eynsford Mills in Kent, England, which have been ! manufacturing paper for nearly ! 300 years. The paper is water- nun keel with the trade-mark of ' the Cross and Crown emblem, the design used for all authorized .Christian Science publications. The edition was bound by the Haitcourt Bindery, Boston. Mas sachusetts. The printing is in red and black throughout. The book is hound in the finest quality of Morocco, dyed a deep, permanent 1 blue. The leather was secured in : India. The volume is enclosed in a i lotlnovei ed fleece-lined, wooden box. The book i.s 10x14 , inches in lengjh and width and ., inches Thick. It has 724 'pages. Only 1,020 volumes of the edi tion were printed and require ments lor producing such a vol ume preclude the possibility of re printing. 1,000 of the books were offered tor sale at $100 each The other twenty-six were pre sented by the trustees to the lead ing libraries of the world, one of which was Nebraska. Uni IVofs Discuss Slatus of Teaching In Professions Problems ef raising the status of teaching among the professions, as discussed the past summer at the University of Nebraska's sec ond institute on professional rela tions, is the subject of an article in the current "Nebraska Educa tional Journal" by Cecil Winfield Scott and Walter K. Beggs of the teachers college. The article takes up teachers' attitudes toward their profession, steps the group must take to pro mote ru'Ofessionalizatton, means of providing adequate security for Nebraska teachers and the obliga tions ot teachers to society. Heaviest enrolments in the Uni versity of Texas electrical engi neering department are in com munication and radio classes. Wheat seeds from the Univer sity of California vtere flown to Fviissia in a recent project to re plant scorched earth. arc the "square root" to campus smartness! v. djome Stitch... a Connie-crfeoted lo-Heeler SQUARE TOESondjome Cobbler you'll wdnl for on-and-off Compui! Yourt s595 in tart or block .Calf ...a find" ot only seen in Vogue one Mademoiselle n n -";.;."''" -tr1" 1 I i T it: v-JT M I' V'l If I r & I. J rt ihet f , uVL aver me world , sea?' "Qitartvitl to men If woiulorful, wonderful Simons sinks nro roallv 4'oiupl -fk . . . what vou want is available! . utility tewing kit . every i o 1 d i r ' MUST HAVE . . . canvo. book 1.50 . , . leather back-2.50. mart enappy pat tern eweateri , . , the "Ski-Swpater" ihown. 3.9S . . . the Argyle plaid sweaters 3.00, . . . duffle bag kit . . . r e t y u e f u 1 . . . ormy or navy colors . . . con tains 19 differ ent articles as having equip m e n t , shoe p o 1 i sh, etc. 3.95. 1 1 handsome manicure cases . . . another HARD-TO-GET gift available at Simons... 3.50 to 10.00. ''1 VI . . . leather Jackets tin the finest pony, goatskin, sued and cap leathers , . . 10.9S to 22.CS.