Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1940)
Friday, October 25, 1940 Morrill exhibit features Miller watercolors By Louise Eppinger. Typically American are the wa tercolors of Barse Miller which are hanging: on exhibition in Mor rill hall. His subtle color, sense of the dramatic, and brush control give the observer insight into many scenes of our countryside. ' Included in this group of water colors is some of his most recent work. He himself considers these the finest he has ever done. Miller paints things all people enjoy. On the other hand, he is placed among the top moderns by critics of note. Jehanne Bietry Salinger says, "Here is a sociable artist whose work strikes a friendly note and speaks a language every body can understand." The exhibit was loaned to the University by the artist person ally and will be here till tomorrow. Morgan, camera expert, directs visual service His experience in aerial pho tography during the first World war has resulted in the appoint ment of Prof. R. F. Morgan as director of the new visual educa tion service. Educated at Penn State and the University of Idaho, Professor Morgan has been at Nebraska in the dairy department for 18 years. He has been engaged in re search work, photographing and studying the growth of dairy cat tie. Today he' has the largest cam era record of its kind in the world Each year he makes about 3,000 photographs. In addition to his technical work. Professor Morgan's pic torial subjects have been dis played in exhibits all over the world. Teachers, gratis set Dailies Daily copies are being distrib uted to the teachers attending the state convention, as well as to regular subscribers, today Parent and grads here for Homecoming may secure their subscriptions to the paper after the game tomorrow at the Daily office I'pAk Kit: V mm m ft m: WW mr . tUf't tK kord ) 14 J'M to will otort 9-yrd mention wfcrrvf rt wot . . . m Htm Ciotut in iifhf oft, Kl o do poutt moot. GWoMg IxoM boi ( i4 dowa lient, woi(tli tkrr,g otd tott lioM fvHv foiad ty tt u;rtt botfc o od tktrt-tkow ( W'rftd tffl i1 o4 6h KinuoitimonA'p. Sf 10 II toHtrinf po.k .. . obovl 1100 wi tko o4" ott tfcfovo,! lK r tot I tt ClattMt tlv in toy l'r. "' KM CUSHCJ, m Wft 1Mb Utm Yw JVM fh . S . . . Coats-Lavisfily Fur Trimmed Fine fabrics topped with such furs as mink, leopard, mole, skunk and Per Man. Boxy and fitted styled. Untrimmed Sport Coots, 19.95 , Sportswear BATISTE BLOUSES Dainty white batistes, just received! W'ilh il rows of inserted lace down I eler I an collar TAILORED RAYON BLOUSES Rayon crepe, short sleeve lles, with stih-hed trim. One pocket. Miile and pastels. 195 Kcellently tailored. Just I SWEATERS (Slip Ons and Cardigans) Ilain knits, rabbit hair wmIs, novelty weaves. (Colors include Kelly preen, Dixie clay, heipe, soldier blue, red and Mack. Sizes 32 to 10. AUTUMN SKIRTS Diagonal Shetland woolslyled Hilh three low pleat in front and ha-k; 11 pore stjle in wool crepe and wool flanneh with kick pleats and with tailored, Mitched pleats. Crey, black, 095 095 brown, wine, preen Jm W DAILY NEBRASKAN nn A - . . . a Hat for the Game! Felts in bright shades to dot the autumn horizon at Saturday's game! Sport styles of plain and stitched felts, many snap brim styles 95 that may be snapped into almost any shape you wish mm Millinery SMond Floor. Beady-to-Hnr bvnt lloo. for yaricty in your wardrobe the front. 195 I 295 3 50 1 95 and I i ,,. , ,,.... .,.,,. ,.,.,....,,... oneeoiisirs! We're glad youVe here, and we hope, while in Lin coln, you'll enjoy shopping again in our store. We're enlarged and remodeled that we may better serve our customers. iki ? - " l f Q Iff i -'I '-it s " s i