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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1940)
Friday, October 25, 1940 DAILY NEBRASKAN 10 Blanki-nshlp, R. K Csmpbtll, R. C Ru- Here's a passer... ROCKEM, SOCKEM, CROCKER rll R. A. Ku, William U Walker, Leo P. Black. Frank R Beers, Leo Black. Dr. W. C. Becker. DWight a. McVlcker, Roy Wythera, J. Lloyd McMasten, Harvey Rathbone, L. R. Anderson, Leonard Barwlck, Edward K. . .... n m IjSII Terrv Williams. I SpJOJutA Paul, J. Glenn Mason, Frank Mueller, Lincoln. Jamea A. Cline, Jr., R. H. Anderson, Bloomdeld; John L. Sutrlght, Melvln T. Swanson, Vlrg Yelkin, Fremont; Robert Neumann, Atkinson: Bernie Wischmeicr. Stromsburg; Raymond K. Janda, Wag ner, S. D. W. A Morris, Cheyenne, Wyo. ; Harry Ellis, Wichita, Kas.; Glen V. Graf, Law rence S, Ely, Kansas City: Ed Hukr. Chi cago III.; George F. Branlgan, Manhattan, Kas.'; Sam L. Kellogg, Percival, la.; C. C. Votapka, Onawa, la.; H. T. Pressley, Clarinda, la. v.. J m Jim Lringer I f AW $11 III 1 - t -. I it I I i ! V,, : i i. I U ' ' ' sr ' x-'S; v -t , It will bo a battle of the best in the Big Six guard crop when Nebraska's Warren Alfson and Eddie Schwartzkopf square off against Captain Jack Crocker and Fred Sishka of the Missouri front wall. He also can play end when the occasion calis for his versatility. Parly- i Continued from Page 1) souri gridders tomorrow afternoon Betty OShea, ia:.t years pep queen, will be presented in the sta dium on a throne alop the Victory ball. Mortar Board and Innocents are in the group to parade on the field with her. The celebration will begin at 1:15 p. m. Balloting for the 1940 pep queen will be held at the door of the coliseum between 8 and 10 p. m. tinder the supervision of the Stu dent Council election committee. Jean Carnahan, Chi Omega; Ben Alice Day. Alpha Xi Delta; Jean Christie, Alpha Phi; Jean Echten camp, unaffiliated; Frances Hab erman. Alpha Chi Omega; Maxine Hoffman, Gamma Phi Beta; Vir ginia Mutz, unaffiliated; Miriam Rubnitz. Sigma Delta Tau; Shir ley Pviissel, unaffiliated; Susan Shaw, Pi Beta Phi; and Dorothy Weirich, Kappa Alpha Theta, are the eleven girls nominated. And another..; b - . I I 1 5 ,, ,,..y ' J: 1 ISA' i , Jill a jSi Yes. here is even one more Ti ger aerial f linger. Paul Meyers, still another haifbac-K, wno ca.i double for Chrisiman in the art ot passing. Rally- (Continued from Page 1 spiked by the return of many alums for the homecoming fracas Saturday, students will gather around the huge Ti?T "funeral pyre" to sing, yell, hear from the co-captains of the tilt and from members of the coaching staff. Pre amble to victory. Now called "pre-amble to vic tory," the rally will be called at the Union by the victory bell at 6:45, then to parade behind an 80 piece band down R street to 16th, up 16th to S, and then down S street to the mall. According to the Azzi-Ratem rankings of the top football teams over the nation this week, the Huskers stand way down in ?sth nosition. . .While a William Griffin in his Griff -Ratings places the Scarlet in 12th spot... Then, the Associated Press poll placed the Cornhuskers in 18th position. The Azzi-Ratem list fig ures the Huskers 7 points better than the Tigers in the Nebraska Missouri clash on Saturday. Griffin rates the Huskers four and a half points superior over the Tigers. . .The leading sports writers and radio commentators are making the Huskers the fa vorites over the Missourians . . . But all this pre-game dope in favor of the Huskers doesn't mean a thing... Look at last year, the Tigers beat the Scarlet by two touchdowns. . .Sometimes the un derdogs become the top ranking pup... This year is no different from any other. . .Watch out for the so-called upsets... A fellow from way back in Winchester, New HampshMe, sends into the Football News his 1940 All-American team Her man Rohrig is listed as l:is left halfback choice The football coaching rivalry between Biff Jones and Bernie Bierman carries on... Prior to coming to Nebraska and Minne sota, respectively, as head men tors, the Biffer coached at Louisi ana State and Bernie tutored football at Tulane, where their southern teams met frequently... Lynn Miller, editor of the Daily Tribune of Royal Oak, Mich., says "Tom Harmon runs with a great change of pace. He runs slow, fast and faster as the occasion de mands.". . ..From the Kansas State Col legian, Wildcat student daily, "Gwinn Henry's team (which was qoing to avenqe the 23 consecu tive beatings they have absorbed from Nebraska) could have been beaten bv a high school squad Saturday". . .That's pretty stronq talk Think of the outcome if I the Javhawks turn around and upset the Wildcats this Satur day. . . Chris Langvardt. Kansas State senior halfback, ranks eighth this week among the nation's leaders in nass receiving. . .He average! 10.71 yards per catch... ... Tales of the Cornhuskers: Pro fessor (takinq un examination papers): "Why the quotations marks all over this paner?"... Leftover: "Courtesy to the man on my rinht, Prof". . . Georpetowri university has now gone out 20 rons"cutive times without beln" handed a re-ee on the p-ridiron. . . S'ce 1S79, Michigan ho scored fr fim h Tvh as its opponents - 9,085 it Paul Christmas isn't the only passer on the Tiger football squad. Above is Jerry Davis, halfback, who can fling the pigskin when ever Christman is on the side lines. N dub planning big noon dinner for UN athletes Homecoming for several hun dred athletes of other years is in the offing. Saturday, as tne grau.s come back for the Missouri Nebraska football clash. The N club is planning a huge dinner in the ecliseuni for the old Husker athletes, Saturday noon. Among the N men who have signi fied their intentions of being there 3 James Pstton. HaroM Piers. W D. Bryan '"orwin Hiilhert. K ".. Hawkins. . ... I'rlmm V V. Gilbert. tiicnil Jtliri, I....,.'. ... . Cy B"b Mrhring. In Haanick. Alfred Turks. Kenn'n Mci.innii., inum Pheltis Uwrenre Shaw. Hugh Wallace, K W Khaw, Ralph Wenstrand, Omaha; Morns' Niolsen, Blair; Clarence Isaacson, Webb Ri.TC. Norto'k. Dtik KI.M-her. Nelit-'h; Earl Farnsworth. Franklin M.-ier. Gri.nd Island; Bob Elliott, Aurora; Fred Davmin, palmyra; lwis H. Brown. Sidney; Arthur M. Anderson. Dr. t. likens, Tekamah; R D. Montgomery. K. A. Follmer. Oak; F.rnet Hiibka. Elmer hubka, Beatrice; Orris C, Hatch, Falls City; .Robert K. r:aiins. Crete. r n Ltiiru Fred Imar. Culumbus: F.vdn A Harlman. Hebron: Standley HaiKlit. S A. Swsnon, Hastings: John Iross. Weit Point; Plig Iask, Falrbury; R 8 Ing, Ashlnnd; K. J. McCarthy. Ponca; W W. Wilson. Nebraska City; Harry I.. Soger, Glltner; George E. Ready, liurtlngton Robert Garhsm. H T. Glsh. Fail O. Eager. Al DuTesu. 11 C. Schleuter. Max Tule. John Wkover, Ralph Tlieisen. J.tuper M. Clarke, (;lenn A. Baldwin, Milt k. 4 fc itT-aLnzd-Ssrwiia Sfiow Your Colors! Wear An 'N' Feather Get Yours Free! Coeds Kampus- Korner Men Men's Store Beginning Saturday 9:30 a. m. until Game Time mi m i ii. iiii. m II iii ii ii ill ni hi la Featuring LEE HATS Davis Custom Made Clothes Men's Accessories At I lie now AYERS & HAYS 1233 "N" St. to 2 124 Dehatc- (Cxintinue.1 from Pa?e 1) solved: that the nations of the western hemi.srihere should form a permanent union." All university mn who have rnmolctpd at least 27 hours of credit and arc other-; wise eligible for extra-curricular activities may enter. Material for htudy of the subject is on reserve in the library, while information and bibliographies may be secured from the bulletin board at Andrews 111. jade' VU CMPE I irxziiEnnn:? tost proves ito zcr.s niianvs epdtiess IWWI3S I ""1 Al W7 clM SmI f T from goo no matter how often yon mek f tt.Challeninc highs. pricod pips .-al J)i llafi.HJDt'iB,fwe II tM iCAl fM etui Matt i 1 1 The LEE TEL 500 Will Dot only improve your Ilat-i tude, but your appearance as well . It's not the same oM hat. The mirror tells the story. Makers of the Aetna Insured Mat...$3.S3. ; i 1 3 jt- ti-'- -I -1 'ki I, ,aasii Msrvr nr -ni- -i ii':nhrlt '-"' ' '- LEE HATS S5S riFI U AVENUE, NEW YORK, N. T. pi tr and value. A ii iiT13 WM. DtMUTM t CO, MW TOM