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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1940)
Friday, October 25, 1940 DAILY NEBRASKAN 11 Tiger fray may settle conference (Continued from Page 1) nil 200 pounds of him, will attempt to get in somebody's hair Satur day afternoon. Of course, Nebraska's Corn- huskers will naturally attempt to foil the plot that is being hatched in the collective minds of the fol lowers of young Mr. Christman. The Cornhuskers can recall earl ier visits and tussles with this same Christman. In 1938, the Huskers lost 13 to 10 to the Tigers. Last year, the Huskers were on the short end of a 27 to 13 verdict at Columbia. So, old number 44 will be out there pitching and running both on the ground and off the mouth against the Huskers Saturday. Outside of Christman, Coach Don Faurot has a colorful assort ment of trained but not so tame Tigers. Among the other Bengals performing in the center ring will be Captain Jack Crocker, end and guard, who heads the front line of charging Tigers. Backfield aces come from this Here are vour winners Mo7U. Kas. U. Okla. U. Mich. U. Ohio St. Stan. Colum. No. Car. Tex. A4.M Minn. Experts' v'g " vs vs vs V8 vs. v$. vs. vs. vs. Percentage Nejr Ka$ st ,a st penn U. Cornell So. Cal. Syra. Tulane Baylor Iowa U. . , - . " Jim NEBR. Kas. St. Okla. U. Mich. U. Cornell Stan. Cc-lum. No. Car. Tex. A&M Minn. U. EVINGER .700 Bi" NldH. Kas. St. Okla. U. Mich. U. Cornell Stan. CoJum. Tulane Tex. AAM Minn. U. FLORY .700 Norman NEBR. Kas. St. Okla. U. Mich. U. Cornell Stan. Cclum. No. Car. Tex. A AM Minn. U. HARRIS .700 f.0.1?.- NEBR. Kas. St. Okla. U. Mich. U. Cornell Stan. Co!um. No. Car. Tex. A&M Minn. U. MILLER .833 . , 1 t.r?ve NEBR. Kas. St. Okla. U. Mich. U. Ohio St. Stan. Cc-lum. No. Car. Tex. AAM Minn. U. ABBOTT .567 Kdltor of DAII.V u former sports editor. list: Harry "Slippery" Ice, sopho more quarterback who is a very capable substitute for Pitchin' Paul, Jim Starmer who can skirt the ends with the best of them, and a blocker by the name of Jerry Notowitz of first degree caliber. Injuries. They may be tall tales, but press notices from Tigerland report that the Missouri lineup is riddled by injuries. Chief casualty is Bob Stueber, first year end, who has been receiving the greater share of Christman's passes this fall. Now, Nebraska isn't without a hospital list, either. You could add o o o o o o V" i.kA. 3 MP IK -Presents- EMMET RYDER and His ORCHESTRA Sat. and, Swv. DOC LAWSON hit HAMMOND ORGAN and hit ORCHESTRA o o r qA red-letter week in your life! This is National Arrow Week -tbe time of year we expose the newest, completes! assortment of Arrows to public view. Come in today piik out some handsome Arrow fancy shins . . . some perfectly tailored Arrow whites . . . they're il and up. Select tome Arrow ties ($1 and $1.50) and Arrow handkerchiefs (25c, up) to go with tbe shirts . . . and Arrow shorts the kind that have no creeping, chafing center seam. Spruced up in you're all set world! these fine togs, to conquer the .. Trf. - - Tlg-- Hermie Rohrig, star triple threat er, to this list. His starting in the battle Saturday is still probable. Rohrig worked out Thursday in sweat clothes. Quarterback Bus Knight and Al len Zikmund, halfback, are also taking practices light with weak ankles. Outside of these minor in juries, the Husker squad will be in top physical shape for the Tigers. The Missouri squad will arrive in Lincoln Friday night at 9 p. m. via the Missouri Pacific. The Ti ger clan will stay overnight in Lin coln, while the Huskers will take a jaunt down to Camp Ashland for the night to avoid the pre-game excitement. To insure a hard footing for the game, the huge field cover was placed on the stadium sod after practice, Thursday night, in case of any rain which might come up. Probable starting lineups: Nebraska Missouri Preston le Lister liny Kahler It Wakeman Schwartzkopf i Sishka Biirrusa c-c) c Duchek Alfson rg Ellis nehm rt Wallarh Hrochaska re c) Crocker Petsch (c-c) qb Christman RohriK or Mopp ...lh Notowitz I'Ulher rh Starmer brands fo Cunningham Golf, tennis near I-M final rounds Fraternity intramural teinis and golf contests are headed toward championship games. In the ten nis field, Delta Tau Delta is await ing the lower bracket semifinal game between Phi Gamma Delta and Beta Theta Pi. The Delta went to the finals as the result of their victory over Delta Upsilon. Phi Gamma Delta defeated Zeta Beta Tau to gain their place while their opponents, Beta Theta Pi, went ahead as they won a bye. m Golf is not progressing as rap idly as tennis, however, with only one team in the finals and the semifinals teams not yet deter mined. Sigma Alpha Epsilon is already in the finals and Alpha Sigma Phi has to play Beta Sigma n wnne Phi Delta Theta must meet Sigma Nu to see who goes into tne next round. As soon as the champions are determined the two teams which went to the semifinals have chance to battle it out for the con solation trophy. Phi Belts win top I-M football tilt Thursday niffht Barb intramural football went to extremes Thursday afternoon, with scores ranging from a 26-0 shellacking to two games decided in overtime periods. There were four barb games and one post poned fraternity game played. For the postponed game Phi Delta Theta decided to throw some passes and won 19-0 over Phi Sigma Kappa in league 2. In league 4 barb games, Mad Russians flaunted past Pioneer Coop and won 14-0. Waskiewicz was the appropriately name- star for the winners. In the other game in this league Stratford Club bowled over Omega Club to win by the afternoon's largest score, 26-0. Both games in league 5 were very close and decided by over time periods. Termites managed to place the ball farther in their four downs than did Tappa Nu Kegg to gain the decision. Y. M. A. simply outlasted the strug gling Union Leaders and so got credit for the win. Fraternity football is entering its closing stages now. with post poned games being played every night in an effort to determine the winners in the different leagues, Wednesday s results first in fra ternity games and lastly in barb games: Sigma Gamma Epsilon over Sigma Alpha Epsilon, 6-0; Eta Beta Pi rolled by KKK 40-0 n league 3; Galloping Ghosts out played Davis Hall, 7-6. The sched ule for Friday night: I-EAOIE I Baldwin Hall vs. Brownine Club at 5:00. A EI vs. Brown Palace at 5:00. I.KAtil E 2 Buckingham Hometi vs. Cornhusker Cood at 5:00. Ak. Col. Cafeteria vs. Cornshellers at 5:00. Casino Club vs. Dark Horse at 5:00. Are you collar-blind? DO you know what co'lar style looks best on you? Well, we have Arrow shirts in any number of collar styles. Come in and we'll help you choose which style is most becoming to you. New Arrow patterned shirts, $2, up FRIDAY NIGHT HAUN and His Orchestra 16$ Per Person Teachers and Grads Invited STUDENT UNION BALLROOM Do you know what week this is? This is the week every self-respect ing college man t-hould look over his ehirt drawer anil his lie rack . . . pec what lie needs . . . and tlien Imcllc to liis Arrow dealer. For it's Rational Arrow Week! This is lite week all tlic new patterns arrive . . . this is llic week Mocks of Arrow Shirts, Shorts, Ties and Handkerchiefs arc at their peak. Get your semester's supply of Arrows now. ARROW SHIRTS COLLARS . . . TIES . . . HANDKERCHHTS . . . UNDZRWEAR J (A.RItO Wf r V