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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 4, 1939)
Wednesday. October 1. 1933 Moon makes love; movies make-or break-morals Tlie DAILY NERRASKAN Pins, cigars reappear and Oldfield delivers the Towne club a lecture Anyone who has been around at all lately knows there's been a lovely moon most every night. I saw it myself... on the way to the library. It may be moon-love . . . anyway the Theta Xi boys re ceived the cigars from their presi dent, John Nottelmann. The girl who has his pin is Rachel Mc Donald. She goes to ag. Claude Deats, another Theta Xi, also passed the cigars, and his girl is Florence Turnball. Wonder if she has his Delta Sigma Pi pin too? Visiting here at her home chap ter is Augusta French, Phi Mu. She is the one, you remember, who played the lead in "The Wom en" on Broadway. It is the same part that Norma Shearer played in the movie of the same title. If you have any questions you would like to ask about Holly wood or its celebrities you should have 'been at the Towne club meet ing last night. Barney Oldfield was there to do the answering. One question: "Do you think that movies affect the morals of col lege students?" Answer: "That depends on whether they sit cm the main floor or in the balcony." Pat Woods, Theta is wearing Grant Thomas' Sigma Chi pin and that reminds. . .Jean Reed, Theta, has had Don Moore's Kappa Sig pin for a long time now and still no candy for the sisters. It looks like an Acacia alum, Bob Teten, from Texas, is cutting in on the Rilla Mae Nevin, Alpha Xi Delt, and Wayne Farber ro mance. Two consecutive nights at the Turnpike with Bob is a pretty good start. Since John Thornberg, Phi Cam, didn't pass the candy with Irene Eversman, AOPi, the Phi Gam pledges went over to the AOPi house and took Irene to dinner at the Union. Threat or inducement they didn't say. Pledge officers at the Kappa Delta house: President, Zelma Mae Peterson; vice president, Clarice Worley; and secretary treasurer, Bonnie Belle Rixstine. New officers at the Beta Sig house: President, Eldred Winter and social chahman, Don Meixel. A.W.S. holds tea tomorrow Women's board invites activity minded girls A. W. S. board members will en tertain at its annual all-activities tea tomorrow afternoon in Ellen Smith hall from 3:30 to 5 p. m. All women interested in university activities, particularly freshman women, are invited. The various activities will have separate rooms in the building in which they will show exhibits of the work done in their group. An officer of each organization will have charge of its exhibit and will explain the activity. In the receiving line will be the presidents of the different wom en's organizations, Miss Helen Hosp, dean of women, and Mrs. Ada Westover, assistant to the dean. The presidents are: Selma Hill, Tassels; A. W. S., Virginia Clemans; Y. W., Priscilla Wicks; Coed Counselors, Fern Steuteville; and W. A. A., Helen Kovanda. Jean Hooper, A. W. S. member, Is in charge of the tea. The Tas sels will serve in their uniforms. Barb Calendar SATURDAY, OCT 7. Dance, Union ballroom 7:30- 10:30 p. m. Hour dance, Raymond Hall 7:30-8-30 p. m. MONDAY, OCT. 9. Barb Council Meeting, Union 3074:00. Towne club exchange dinner, Union parlor 6:00. TUESDAY, OCT. 10. Barb A. W. S. board," Union 3075:00. Barb, Union parlors 7:30. The University of California has announced a new course in "fam ily relations." RENT CARS Always Open Good Curs Lowered Prices Th friendly place. Established 20 years Motor Out Company 1120 P St. 2-6819 Players (Continued from Page 1.) Take It With You," presented by the Players last year; Grace Hill of Omaha, Barbara Birk of Lin coln, and Edgar Cooper of Jack sonville, 111. All four are seniors. To select four. Five productions will be given this year, the remaining four to be selected from the following na tionally acclaimed dramas: "It Can't Happen Here," by Sinclair Lewis; "Post Mortem," Noel Cow ard; "Mice and Men," John Stein beck; "What a Life," by Clifford Goldsmith; 'Bachelor Born," by Ian Hay; 'Family Portrait," by Lenore Coffee and William J. Cowen; "The Gentle People," by Irwin Shaw, and one of the out standing classical plays, possibly a Greek drama. The public is in vited to make known their prefer ences. Armand Hunter, business man ager for the Players, announced Tuesday that the ticket selling campaign in the city will end Fri day night. Tassels are again in charge of the selling campaign. The goal this year is 1,500 tickets, 700 of which have already been sold to students and members of the faculty. Reservations can be made by calling the box office at the Temple. The staff in charge of dramatic productions this year includes Miss H. Alice Howell, director; Herbert Yenne, assistant director; Hunter, business manager, and Delford Brummer, stage technician and scene designer. A Washington policeman say he is going to stop necking on the white house grounds. If it in terferes with his duties, a good policeman ought to. TYPEWRITERS for SALE and RENT Nebraska Typewriter Co. ISO No. 12th St. LINCOLN, NEBE. t-SlST lady from Barrow A winsome young lady from Barrow Hated ties that were stringy and narrow, But she'd fall for the gents Who showed thrift and good sense And always wore neckwear by Arrow. ARROW TIES ARE SMART SEE THIS WEEK'S POST 0 . iq know about making a home? ..What does that .""y trsdf. Why, she can t f- Tand leScs having a baby woU.d even cook a. "a'uv"0 spoil her tenmsT' sodety glanv jj That's what peopksd wn our girl, marnea T:";: " when Toby woke up ana what, they wondered, 5 of week's Post, realized the truth? . . Turn to v 4v, 9 : , X- rx IBL. ' . ...e TODAY IN THREE PARTS A STORY OF MAKn"Wh Back WithHer Mother by AGUES BURKE MALE OSS! El "And we'll keep on posting !" says coach "Dutfih" Meyer, whose Teiat Christian footballer were un defeated last season. He tells you what makes hit leather-snatchert click. See this week's Pout. IF WAR COMES TO T"E U.S.... what will our Navy do? Fletcher Pratt, outstanding naval authority, analyses TJ. S. sea power and the naval strategy of the next war. Read Columbia, tha Oem ot the Ocean. NOW DUMB SHOULD A COP BE? Officer Moogers gives you one answer in This BuaintM Need a Fool. Here's another hilarious cop yarn by Joel Sayre. FUNNY MAN BOB BENCHLEY. Plenty of laughs in this one by J. Bryan, III. See page 32. AND short stories by Ben Lucien Burman, Dorothy Thomas and Richard Howclls Watkins; articles, fun and cartoons. Tm no pacifist but.,. raft (29 w "And here are three good reasons why," says the author of this article, assistant to the president of the University of Chicago. If you've been wondering what you will do if America Is pulled into the war read why this leftward American says, 7 Think I'll Sit This One Out"