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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 4, 1939)
I We3nea3ay, October 1, 1939 Tlie DAILY NERRASKAN Intramural football play begins this afternoon Sig Eps to defend grid crown 1939-40 l-M season gets under way as play begins in three leagues Harl Hunt. Sigma Phi Epsilon, winner of last year's intramural touch foot ball crown, today starts tne de fense of its cup against Delta Sigma Pi at 5 p. m. The Sig Eps are a favorite to capture the league III pennant. Only other League III game to day is Sigma Chi, another strong contender for the trophy, against Chi Phi. Eight games in all are scheduled in three leagues. The Sig Alphs and Beta Theta Pi, early season choices in League I, meet Alpha Sigma Phi and Phi Sigma Kappa. Alpha Gamma Rho is pitted against Theta Xi in an other league contest. Sigma Nu good. League IPs best pennant pos sibility looks like Sigma Nu, who plays Delta Theta Pi at 5:00. Delta Upsilon vies with Sigma Alpha Mu, and Pi Kappa Alpha contends with Phi Psi. League IV games do not get under way until tomorrow when the A. T. O.'s and Kappa Sigma get together in a feature contest at 4:15. These two teams stand the best chance to date in cnp turing League IV honors. Acacia also plays the Farm House, and Zeta Beta Tau will attempt to down the Phi Gams. Round robin schedule. Each of the 25 teams competes in a round robin schedule. The winners of each league decide the championship in a playoff. Play ers are warned not to wear spikes as it may cause a man to become seriously hurt. If it is impossible for a fraternity to participate at the time scheduled, they must no tify the Intramural Office four hours in advance of the scheduled play in order to work out a satis factory playing time. Otherwise they must play the stipulated for feiture fee. Greatest feature for the players this year are the five new grass playing fields. Much work and care have gone into these fields, and they are a big improvement over last year's which were full of cinders and thorns. Cards (Continued from Page 1.) games at the check stand, if known not to be students, mem bers, or guests, will be denied the use of the equipment. Persons wishing to lunch or dine in the cafeteria grill, faculty lounges and dining rooms must be students, faculty members or guests. Plant to issue guest cards. "After a waiter has seen a mem bership card once or twice and rec ognizes a faculty member or stu dent, there will be no need of ask ing that person for identification. New faces, naturally will be asked to produce cards. Alumni visitors, from out of town, under a plan not yet completed, may be able to ob tain gust cards for their stays here," Van Sant remarked. "On football days, when hun dreds of visitors from other uni versities are really guests of the university here, identification, which would be almost impossible to check, will not be required. Visitors will be made to feel as much at home as possible. "Naturally, students wearing sweaters, indicating membership in campus organizations, or stu dents carrying books and brief cases will not be asked for cards. There are many signs to indicate a person is a student. It would be vain and foolish to include them in our drive to make the Union a place for members only. Strict checking at dances. "At matinee dances, identifica tion cards will be checked. Here, we know many outsiders have been dancing. That will happen no longer. Finally, altho some persons will undoubtedly be embarrassed by our procedure in keeping this a "Student" Union building, we warn outsiders, who are not visit ors or guests of students, that these rules must be adhered to in the strictest order. The Union is not a public institution. It is part of the ' university setup. Persons ; not affiliated with the university in any way do not have the right to ui.e the building. Guests are guests and we welcome thtm. Seemann to Gophers' Captain X WIN 1'KDERMON. Capt. Win Pederson was Minne sota's Iron Man last year, play ing a total of 420 minutes which is equal to seven full games. He is from Minneapolis, is 6 feet, 3 inches tall, and weighs 210. He had the strongest heart reaction of any Gopher player tested in a recent research. WAA champions revealed tonight Intramural winners honored at mass meet First, second and third places in intramural sports for the past year will be announced tonight at the annual W. A. A. fall mass meeting to be held in Grant Memorial hall at 7 p. m. Engraved plaques will be presented to the organized group which won the tournaments in each group. All women students at the uni versity are invited to attend this meeting. Explanatory talks will be given by the presidents of Tanksterettes, archery, riding and rifle clubs and Orchesis. Oyer there (Continued from Page 2.) the United States to decide whether the allies will have that great country's vast resources at their disposal, to see whether Italy will make some new, unforseen proposal, to see if Russia and Tur key can work out a new mutual assistance pact, and most of all to see what Hitler will say when he addresses the Reichstag on Thursday. Waiting are Chamberlain and Daladier, waiting is Stalin and Mussolini, waiting are some 1,000,000 soldiers to see whether they may go home to their wives and children, waiting are Poles and Russians and Englishmen and Germans, to see whether they will have to continue their war sacri fices, waiting are some 130,000, 000 Americans, to see what will be required of them. What will Hitler say? AT THE UNION Wednesday, Oct. 4. Presbyterian luncheon,.... Parlor X 12 noon Matinee dance, Ballroom.. 5-6 p. m. NuMed banquet, . , . .Parlors X, Y, Z ... .6:15 p.m. Corn Cob meeting, Room 31j 7:30 p. m. Thursday, Oct. 5. Alpha Kappa Delta lun cheon, Parlor X 12 noon Sinfonla luncheon, Parlor Z 12 noon Forum on "Should England Make Peace?" Parlors X, Y. Z 4 p. m. Corn Cob rally, Ballroom.. 5 p. m. Riding club meeting, Room 313 5 p. m. College of dentistry meet ing, Parlor B 5:30 p. m. Christian Science meeting Room 316 ....... .7:30 p. m. V -'MM lead NU against Gophers Veteran end is captain Saturday Jones sends Huskers through stiff workout; two teams run ploys Veteran end George Seemann was named yesterday as game captain for the Huskers against Minnesota here this Saturday. The Omaha senior was rated as one of the best in the midlands yast year. Yesterday af ternoon Major Jones had his charges work ing long and hard. The work out included ev ery phase of the game, and it was indicated that this pro cedure will be followed today George seemann a.nd Thursday. Lincoln Journal. A major poi lion of the workout was devoted to the first two elevens running plays against a freshman team. A num ber of new plays were used and included spinners, reverses and pass plays. The Biffer juggled his lineups several times and had a number of new faces working with the first eleven. Forward passing was taking up a great amount of time, and stress was put on pro tection of the passer. Look at formations. The squad also looked at Min nesota formations as demonstrated by the freshmen. Indications- were that the team will work against these formations for the re mainder of the week. Minnesota conducted the first Monday workout in quite some time this week. Although the Gophers rolled up nine touch downs and eight conversions against Arizona last week, Coach Bierman is still dissatisfied with the Gopher attack. Bierman made 50 substitutions and claims that each substitution was made be cause of an error in play. Gophers strike hard. Minnesota is known to strike hard in the first five minutes of play. In 1938 a pass was good for a score with 4 minutes and 55 sec onds gone. They give everything they have on the opening kick off, trying to score if they are on the receiving end. Line play and general blocking was one of the phases that Bierman was dissat isfied with in the game last Sat urdy, and will polish these phases during the week. Passing is one of the Gophers long suits, with quarterback Harold Van Avery in the Hurling role. However the hard plugging halfbacks which have typlified Minnesota's play will be exhibiting their wares against the Huskers. Passes click. Nebrask will undoubtedly rely on their passing game to try and nip another Minnesota juggernot Passes for the Huskers were click ing in the last half of the ln mmmmmmm oiana game and polish this week should improve , the aerial game. Although Coach Jones has not given out any names or posi tions that will be changed it is more than like ly that Rohn will press Fran cis for the starting spot at fiillhnrlr T.nthnr ,2 and Rohrig will HENRY ROHN Lincoln Journal probably retain th"ir positions as starters. The quartcrbacking assignment is not definite as Petsch and Knight shared it at 4 " ! Mariucci a vet JOHN MAKUCd. John Mariucci, regular Minne sota end, is playing his third year with the Gophers, and his second term as a regular. Last year his playing time of 382 minutes was second only to that of Capt. Win Pederson. Mariucci is a hockey star, and is 6 feet, 2 inches tall, weighs 190. Baseballcrs go outside Coach Knight had his baseball ers going full force in the first workout of the fall season last night. General warming up was followed by a brief hitting prac tice and defensive work. About forty candidates have checked out equipment and that number should increase before the end of the week. Knight has seven returning lettermen and with freshman prospects last spring, should have a good start in build ing a championship team. Theory work will not be in eluded in this fall's workouts, but actual hitting, base-running and throwing will comprise most of the time. Knight indicated that if the weather is good, a number of inter-squad practice games will be held. These games will start in about ten days and will give every candidate a chance to demonstrate his ability. Indiana. It is also possible that a change at ends might be in or der. The starting line last week will probably not be change. Rohn, Abel and Monsky turned in fine performances for the sopho mores and will undoubtedly see plenty of service the rest of the season. Matches end Saturday All ' first round matches in deck tennis are to be played off by Saturday noon, according to an announcement from the WAA office. Movie. Clock Subject to change without notice. Varsity "Daughters Coura geous" 1:45, 4:15, 6:50, 9:20. STUART "Dancing Coed," 1:22, 3:31, 5:40, 7:49, 9:58. "March of Time," 1:00, 3:09, 5:18, 7:27, 9:36. Nebraska "Beau Gueste," 1:00, 3:10, 5:20, 7:30, 9:40. Lincoln "Sherlock Holmes" 1:14, 4:07, 7:00, 9:53. "Torchy Runs for Mayor" 2:53, 5:46, 8:39. Klva "Star -of Midnight" 1:15, 4:00, 6:45, 9:35. "Lost Patrol" 2:45, 5:30, 8:15. Holmes Gas Station 14 at W St. 1 44 wwt 1 5 1 0 Rr. Bnim Free Movie Ticket Ak V JlnM SHE Iff! by June Blerbower We understand that the crew over north, otherwise known as the Cornhu.sker staff, has replied favorably to the challenge sent out by the Rag team, of which yours truly is coach. Contrary to moat coaches, I shall begin lids by saying the yearbook yannigans have got themselves in for one terrible battle. After spending all Thurs day morning in figuring ct plays to send the Rag's bonecrushing and unstoppable offense through the paperwaists line, our predic tion is that we can't be beat. Mystery man of the Rag team, the Pulverizing Pole, will be kept un der cover until game time, though. Not that we're worried about los ing the game for our side goes in for character building anyhoo but we just don't want to divulge his identity for fear that Biff Jones might snip him off for the Gopher game. Ed Weir's two mile relay team broke the world's record In that event in a meet at Paris in which the boys ran against the best team in Europe. Running in order were Roy Cochrane, the Indiana hurdler; Blaine Rideout, Ralph Schwartzkopf and Charley Beetham. Cochrane will be a junior at Indiana this fall, and one prominent English track authority has called him the best 400 meter hurdler in the world, all of which makes Bob Simmons, who finished about a yard behind him in the AAU meet last summer, look pretty good. We understand that two big bad Husker footballers spent Sunday riding in the Chicago subways . . . most of the boys watched the Cardinal-Cub game, and Harry Hopp sat on the Cards' bench . . . his brother John played some first base for the St. Louisans. . .Bernie Bierman has won 113 games, lost 31 and tied 9 during his coaching career... His best years of college coaching have been at Tulane, where he won 39, lost ten and tied one in five years, and at Minne sota where he has won 43, lost 8 and tied four. Men, Attention! SUITS PRESSED 25c Will call for and deliver Order taken 1:M-R:45 a. m. oly James Cole Phi Delta Theta 1S45 X AAAAAAAAAAA$ Fridoy, Oct. 6 I famous j J'Tick-Tock" Rhythm A Orchestra Y W NBC and CBS Network Start Y r Victor Recording Artlita 43 O O o A Advance Ticket 83c Ca. Danielnon Floral CO., 1306 N St. t 0 $ SAT., OCT. 7$ ! DUKE fELLIUGTOnf Y and his famous Y Orchestra A Iturnpike! 0 Advance Tlrhet II. 1 F. at HankilMMi Floral Co., 1306 N Ht. m I nl Drag Co., S00 N. 14. J Notice I Combination Ticket fori V A both Frl. A Sat. Night Dance X S1.50 Ea. Tax Paid Y