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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 11, 1938)
tWr.-.1;.'K... EIGHT THE DAILY NEBRASKAN, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 11. 1938 Fa i j i Norman llttrris Practice Thursday night saw all traces of those who may have been "giggling boys" gone. First, sec end, and third string football men brgan re;ili::ing that Pittsburgh would be here in just two days. The guile that Nebraska was supposed to have waited for all y.-ar. ihe one gpine. (perhaps s c"".d i that Nebraska was sched uled to lore this year. Yes, the F g Six had been conceded when S.'iiool s'.aricd We just couldn't Io.t.? it with the finest sophomore cop in many a year ready to ilo or u e for old N. U. Hut peiu.a.ts tlio.e s iphomores v.e.e n it ji'st n ady to '"die" :'or e'eir old N. V. Perhaps they weren't tune 1 to fie right key, and peraapa. iw'.iat is probably the ca??i they reilly weren't ex perienced rno;:;:: to subdue the senior.s whom iliey have opposed all this yen i . Anyway, the Huskers come into the Pitt game with the most ilis aslrous record ever One win, one tie, and four black losses, and sail, Kusker fans keep faith, for next year's all-Ietlerman team, and the all-senior team the year after that. And why not? As everyone who knows any thing about football has already said, this year's record was one of the finest things that could have happened at Nebraska. A school can't rjo along year in and year out, winning con stantly, scourging the land and winning its conference title every year. Notre Dame had a two year letdown before they came tack on top. Michigan was out of the national picture for almost five years before climb ing back into the picture again. Southern California was tcppled and is back on top again. Co lumbia isn't the "Rose Bowl" team it once was. 5k) Nebraska shouldn't be ex pected to be any different from these schools. Husker fans should be satisfied to know that the Scar let has always been rated among the nations top teams, and the fall they have taken this year is no Jones Boys Cling to Slim IKIopes for Panther Upset U I Wll II dotd YOiieyoan Begins Tuesday Eighteen Teams In Intramural Meet Odds Favor Pittsburgh By Wide Margi n; Jones Depends on Sophs Tomorrow afternoon, 'round about sundown. Nebraska mav have pulled the season's most stunning upset; or it will have gone the way of almost everv foot ball team that shies up against Jock Sutherland's mighty senior eleven. Fof tomorrow afternoon, Suth erland will send his charges onto the field, primed to knock what ever chance Nebraskans have of calling 1C38 a successful football year, cockeyed. Ten seniors will man the Panther ship, along with Aie junior, who rates as good as an yof the other ten. Huskers will rely on sopho more signal calling. ' sophomore line play, sophomore punting and sophomore punting. - Rxperience should tell. Betting odds favor Pitt by 6 to 10 to 1. Nebraska's only chance is to play over its limit for 60 full minutes. Perfect team play may aid in pull ing anupset. Both possibilities are well nigh improbable. Remember Last Year. But there's always that chance for an upset, and to that chance 34.000 Husker fans will cling to morrow. Last year, Minnesota went down before an inspired Cornhusker array. Last year's Pitt game, played before some Tl.Oui) fans in Panther hollow saw Jack Dodd whip from nowhere to take a tris3-c:o.-;s from Harris Andrews and scamper 60 yards on a punt return for a Husker score. The Scarlet hung tenaciously to a slim seven point lead until the final quarter when Pitt's steamrollir.g. granite crush ing:, power threw back the Husker forward wall to punch two touch downs across the goal line. Pitt's Shifty Backs. Last vear, Charlie Brock and ...Has the Odds : . "N V'-tVv! V ' ' f Ur.-.' JournHl. JOCK SUTHERLAND. . . . Hgs the Sophs Sutherland Arrays Gridiron's Finest Squad Against N.U. Tomorrow St UltJ 1111 - VUI- 41 into J .. l- liv i indication that they will no longer! away to play or whenever an op- I V.a fooraH ii-KrtnT-r.r thov travl Donent rnmes here. i "fV IhxtilL "IIEB" "Funny thing, but when our football team is winning games we Nebraskans always say "we won," but when they hit a lesinq streak it's always they lost." If you don't be lieve me, listen for it some time. And say, it's only 17 days 'til the Military Ball, sa bet ter send your "tux" to the EVANS and let them clean it. sew on loose buttons, and give it a general "once over." ponent comes here. All denunciations of Biff Jones have been cast aside without much trcj'jle, pjrely be;2Jsa those who hard!; the reins and fortunes of this University's ath letics realize there aren't many coaches better than Biff; that the reacon for such a dismal season is purely inexperience and sophcmcrictensi'.y. The $6.C0 whicii university stu dents spent on activity tickets this year was no w?.ste. Lit iv.thcr a good investment. The games at home has been thrilleis. and even though Nebraska hasn't won a hnmA rami thpv'vp tihtw.i the Kinu 01 oa.j inai enu-i lams n crowd. If we best Pitt, tomorrow, all will be pt-aceful and the wolves will stop their howling, whii h has been of no influence a-.y,"av. Y:i-v may as well have saved th.-ir breaths. Bill Callihan backed up Nebraska's line with spirit and fire that amazed one of the largest crowds of the season. Elmer Dohrmann and Fred Shirey combined to form the most formidable tackle and end defense the Panthers had worked against all year; and their play almost won that game. Dodd, Brock, and Callihan will be playing Saturday, but Dohr mann and Shirey will not. George Socman and Bob Mills will be in i the office their places. Seenian and Mills played their best game of the sea son against Kansas last Saturday, and a little improvement over that game should find them playing nearly up to Dohrmann-Shirey style. Pitt's ends, Daddio and Hoff man: backs Cassiano, Slebbins. and Goldman, three of the hardest hitting, shiftiest running backs in the country will be the big trou bles. Chickerneo at blocking posi tion is slated to raise havoc with Cornhusker defenders. Stadium Jammed. Pitt, after its 20 to 10 defeat at the hands of Carnegie Tech last Saturday will be out for blood. There's no tellintr inst how much i o J 3 of a score they may run up if they once start rolling. Then again, there's no telling how drab their play may appear once a Husker defense stops a few power plays. The Huskers have a chance, a slim one. The Panthers should win hadily. Eut no matter what the outcome, the 31.000 who will oc cupy seats in Memorial stadium tomorrow will see the best home game of the season, if only be cause they are seeing another great Pitt team in action. Here's hoping they get their money's worth because of a Nebraska upset. Play in the Barb volleyball league is scheduled to begin Tues day, according to the Barb Union bulletin for Nov. 8. Up to date, IS teams had filed with Harold Petz, director of in tramurals. Probable plans are that four leagues will be formed of all the teams entering; with entrants playing off league games, then going into final rounds to deter mine the winner of the entire tourney. Any groups of Barbs desiring to enter a team must submit the names of their players to the in tramural office. The addresses and phone numbers of the captain or president and the director of the group must also be submitted to After the volleyball tournament, Barb leaders expect to get a bas ketball tournament under way. conducted along the same lines as the volleyball meet. Bo McMillan's India Hoosiers, in the midst of a very dismal sea son, have had about as much hard luck as any team we can call to mind. First of all, Joe Szbo, a cinch for one guard position, x fractured an el- bow. and was 0111 ' for the season. Harry Brooks. the Hoosiers' 4 best sophomore ball, carrying f V 5t Dr. D. A. Worcester of the de partment of educational psychol ogy any measurements took some of his classes on an inspection tour of state institutions the past week. Dr. Warren Bailer of the same de partment gave several educational Guard Frank Mikan anu psycnoiogicai tests 10 various , against groups from over the state recent- j school, ly as a part of the university's i Even testing service program. ' i .,f ,i; !- return to school, s Two other sopho more backs passed up foot ball for studies and other sports. Cobb Lewis and Joe Tofil, two Lincoln Journal fine sophomore backs were injjured in the Ohio State game and haven't played since then. Tim Bringle, Joe Nicholson, Frank Petrick, Ar chie Harris, and Russ Sloss have all been out of at least one game with injuries, while Don Werdine is the latest casualty, and will miss the Iowa U. game Saturday. who started may not play tomorrow, Sutler, land won't be lacking backs. :-, the first place, it's usually ; n unknown who stars for ; against Ncras ka w i t n e ss Mike Sebasti an's four touch downs in 193-1. and Arnold Creene's two in. 193G. Mad Mar shall's substi tute, Ben Kish, is a 205 pounder who has seen quite a ' bit of service during the past two years. Then there is another substitute back, Larry Peace, ly ing in woit, who might pr. c :3 be the Pr.nthcrs' spark, tt ! -other one, Emil Naric, a 1-3 pounder, has starred as a r.. serve in several games. We haven't even mci-tic.- ;! M GC, the Huskers, has quit tho Marshall Goldberg Dick Cassiano, Hal Ste'.:b:r Johnny Chickerneo, t" HusUer followers alreatlv , too much about them. C.r -led the Panthers after 0"'" Icit tlie Husker-Pitt gar.:, year, and Stebhins and t (Continued on Pat:? 2. cr MAJOR l.:n...l:! Journal. EIFF" JONES. On 12th SL Near the Campus Qassified ADVERTISING 10 PR L,NE f.fl, t.f t'i'ai I .r i- t! Zr : rol: Kr.NT Nel l...h' a-l l,rt liv:s K. KtMl foK cM.y. Iji: ' P.'.r.A i.'T-';-i'n. t l-)'' l.'fi- '-. -I. -.y ( N'!i. -!!'. I: KvS !:;. I'.'-'jrn to H'c ki -"A. I i.i n I; 'if. Ti.-'l-Chi (m,'- .i !'. ri'y I : Jr. HTl -I;"'.tt. y C . K rr. Ci. B ill'. Sports Night Attracts 100 Vomen Participate in Variety of Gym Games Approximately 100 girls at tended the fi'.st ir.tramural sports nif,'.;t held last niht in Grant fi "m 7 to S o'clock un der the auspice of the W.A.A. or ganization. Xebiaska bill, pir.g pong ba lrninton. deck tennis, g lf driving, ar. I golf puttir.g wire played. This fj.orts hour is oily a part of tie extensive pioiain outlined by W.A.A. Other spoils being ,!a:me l a:e y.- i.oi:iing. roller skat ing and bowling. Dur r.g the cour.-e of tne ye;ir several of th( se nights have be..., .:.. r,".!. The next one is yet (or D-( e...i-r S. W.A.A. hd.s taken charge of spoil activities Mich as this for . veial ye;-ri. It M'tempV" to fre.-hrii'-r. guis a:.' - t,; i is in a ..'.. 1 to Il.-n. pi-, i.-nt of s i:i ( :..o e. and Pa .1- v: e pi i .-! I.-nt .. I'M. i : I uo. i "V,"' cp.airt ii:e i' if,' gi:is are i: 1! ,: n.e W.A.A.. w .re k' r.: i to- j.f l.r I i 1 'I I to vit;i s. Ail i I u a V.i' T..- a Was lie l.:.-n c,n- r, r; Helen Ho of bad'iiir.'on; Can You Steer A Hoop? Better Learn, Brother A word of encouragement to the ' men who must dance with hoop skirts they're really not so bad as they seem, for they bend out of the way very conventiently and don't poke out in back. These petticoats that have a way of showing underneath black velvet and black taffeta formats ate all the rage, nudge's are show ing a black velvet formal, gay nineties style, that may be worn with or without the lace petticoat and hoops. A nosegay decorates the low neck bodice of the black taffeta model, that also has a while lace edged petticoat. Mul berry and aqua taffeta formats in the same style are definitely the most old fashioned type with lark ing down the front of the bodice, very full skirts and low neck, in front and high in bik. Ice blue quilted satin, high waisted. puff ylee., s. v.itr a cameo at the neckline is a model copied from the picture in Life's fashion issue recently. Old rose moire two tor.e taffeta with a gathered bod ice and the good old hoop skirt... black heavy satin with gathered bodice and the sveetheart neckline art two other gay nineties fash ions. 1 To keep you warm, you may wear a conventional black velvet , full-length fitted coat with the in novation of white fur sleeved and a white fur muff. New this year is the black wool tweed princess jityle coat with high pointed sleeves. Or you may pteefr a red tweed cape ..a brocaded black -' Swing High Swing Low fiot a 'lain fr hi' dance? Sm ms for tin- LiN-m nil. iif-wist in Arro'.v Incss Shirt. 'I U ..,i!ar SIIOI.'IMIAM, " itli f'-M '-"liar allael.e-! f.iA soft jil'-at'-fl liosoiii, i. lli': most coiiifoi lal.le sl.iii you can wear. For more forii.'il oceaioi,H ue n comii,. u. 1 !. Arrow K 1 1 ' K . It has tin- m 'V r.ariov l.o:.oi,. with htii-j''-!iil r loops to make it smootli. Arrow l)res S't.irts ;r- MilotM t; t'.t and Sanforizfl-Shrunk $2.50 up w.i.-i in charge ot Ne t.;i:i: I..iotbv SwoUda 1 .'.buy Ciine were co- hainnt n : fdiort fitted jacket, f f.olf: KaUierine Kellison spon- ( rati b.i.'ket hbooting. Miss Ioize i Monlgoi::. ry is the intramural sj.oii'-or for W.A.A. , ! I'opcotn b; ils were serve 1 to the , t?un alter the games. J.ajone Schick was In charge. NEW DEAL BARBER SHOP Haircut 35c B6154 1306 "O" Street Your Drug Store Pitt got a trimming latt wtfk. Lt'i m.ike it a rrxtr Inn wfk. Pnntirli tnat box ot Gobelin Choc.lJtef tor the game. THE OWL PHARMACY P Street at 14th Phone B1063 FREE DELIVERY T mom tornhusker (OfCoune) We'll Be The Hosts Of All The Most Important FORMAL ! PARTIES A IJ. Special Offer of Fine Writing Paper 150 Sheets 75 Envelopes intluiling 7.1 Slu'tls iiiul Kiivlopes v itli naiiir and ,'i(l(ln'.s done in plain piintin ") Slict t.H illi name, inoiiou'raiii, or ' fi rcok letters imprinted in K'lld, silver or colors. Latsch Bros. KIT is &w ' if 8 I 'U ' Hit ;A 4 f 5 j! ' - o A,r i t: ;'' ,1 f , Special Selling of A.en, here's a formal invitation. Everything the well dressed man needs will be featured to help you make ycur selection. These Tuxedos come in the NEW British Lounge models . . . double or single breasted styles. Mid night blue or black. Sizes35to42. 16 Suit Shirt Collar ' Vest Studs Tie Socks $23 a - If Buu on Rudge's Budget Purchase Plan RUDGE'S Street Floor. i HOME Of THE Tpsty Prstry Shop llth & 0 Sts. v