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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (July 14, 1938)
PAGE FOUR THE NEBKASKAN, THURSDAY, JULY 1 1. 1938 fcditohicdk How Long, Arnold, Hov Long? It's the defense counsel's turn to speak. Education went on trial the other day before a Lin coln Chamber of Commerce luncheon. Prosecutor Frank G. Arnold of the Nebraska Taxpayer's League flayed the resistance of educators to the White Spot, no-new-tax program. Why, he said in effect, here people of other states have been har boring the idea all these years that Nebraska had a pretty pood educational sys tem, and now lo and be hold! come Nebraska edu cators themselves to belittle their own work, to claim that they are doing a very rotten job. And he wonders if a raise in salary would inject intelligence where it perhaps does not exist to day ! Admitted that Nebraska has heretofore enjoyed a reputation for good educa tional systems. Admitted that Nebraska at present stands fifth in literacy in the United States. Yet how long. Mr. Arnold, can a standard like this be kept np when year after year school appropriations are less than the year before? With educational funds per pupil $7.65 ABOVE the STUDENTS: You will find it both pleasant and practical to patronize our air conditioned shop near the campus. A woman's hair may well be a net to snare a man's heart but not if it is sun baked, dry and dull as hay. Get your hair in condition with the new scientific "Proten" scalp treatment Machine and machineless permanents, $3.50 and up. All lines of beauty culture by experts who have been in the business from 6 to 15 years. Hair styles by Lincoln's finest ladies' hair cutter. Correll's Beauty Salon 228 No. 13 &N ij Doris Dodson fern inr u : .i ; i ... may J VT, " r ' i 13 Spsialdi xq nation's average as they 'were back in 1925-26 it's easy to see how a reputation for good education could be built up. When funds are $12.95 BELOW the nation's average is they were in 1935-36 then maintaining a rating is a far different story. Tseudo-loyalty and faith in some elusive mission or other may keep Nebraska educators at their posts for a few years, but these things will scarcely avail when these same educators look around and see that salaries in Nebraska rank just 30th among salaries of all states. University professors, at least, have "looked around" in the past five years looked around and left the tottering, vermin - infested buildings of a bond-free, tax-free White Spot state. How long, Mr. Arnold, can this same university keep pace with other uni versities when building con ditions endanger the lives of student and cockroach alike, 4 housed fraternally in the ' same building? Ten years have passed since any ap propriation was forthcom ing for a classroom build ing, and unless the present legislature sends through a bill for funds, ever-increasing streams of students will continue to crowd already over-crowded halls. But, our same Mr. Arnold explains, even if a new form Phone B2936 LWE GIVE S. & H. O FROCKS I For Juniors g 95 to 5.95 Clever frock in adorable ) tyle. Of cotton sheer. printed voile, dttd .T!y iwiiici ana spun rni. vjlX A mm mnlt Mmolctl alia L rVi ' I " . r i or iigm and aarK colors. GOLD'S-Third rioor Szes 11 fo 17 (SI The. Nebraskan Station A, Lincoln, Nebraska. orncixT, sTt nKNT rrni.iTioN I'NIVICBMTV OK NfcBKASKA 19SH Kl'MMKK KOIOOI. SKSSION I N1VKK.SI I V OK NKBKASKA Published evrry Thursday morning dur ing the summer sellout session and circu lated free to summer school students and faculty members from boxes in campus bullillnKS. Directed by Student Publications Board Bring news and advertising to Student I'nlon, Room 18 of taxation should go through, educators would not be politically strong enough to hold on to the money allocated to them. And graft would arise with the influx of new money and eventually educators would lose control after all. We find this difficult to answer. If the state where political corruption does not now exist becomes suddenly politically corrupt when taxes are passed for educa tion, then our only answer is more- and better educa tion with a goodly share of courses in the use of public, funds for the guidance of the new generation of em bryonic public officials. M. D. C. Regents Approve Faculty Changes New Appointments Made To Vacant Positions In Lower Ranks Numerous faculty changes for the coming year have been approved by the university board of regents. All of the new appointments are for the lower ranks. Following are the changes. Arthur H. Reents, who re ceived his master's degree from Nebraska in 1936, was named assistant instructor in Classics in place of Albert Raap. Thomas M. Stout, graduate assistant in the museum, was named instructor in geology, a new position. Raymond A. Paul, associate In the school of design at Ohio university was named Instruc tor in drawing and painting in place of Raymond H. Williams. Emile V. Telle, formerly on the faculty of the university, was named instructor in the de partment of romance languages for the next year during the leave of absence of Dr. Harry Kurz. Jon R. Ashton, now senior as sistant at the University of Wisconsin, was named assis tant instructor of romance lan guages in place of Lloyd D. Teale. Dr. Tegualda Ponce Vargas, who holds a doctor of medicine degree from the University of Chile, was approved as inter national fellow for next year. Miss Simone Thierry of Ly cee, France, has been interna tional fellow the past year. Prof. Florence Corbin of the agricultural college is a guest member of the faculty of Michi gan State college for the sum mer. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 10 PER LINE EXPERIENCED typist will tvpo the term papert, or other mntenal. Kea- annablr. Am on rampii daily. Expert encc on thrum. Call K714S. LOST Thru XI fraternity inn in or around Student Union building Friday night. Name. J. A. Stone, on back. Call B2M. Reward. A Many fine positions reported daily for well qualified teachers BOOMERS MID-WESTERN TEACHERS AGENCY 312 Kresre Bid Lincoln, Nebr. TEACHERS APPOINTED Service Bureau Reveals 29 Recent Placings The following teacher place ments were reported to the de partment of educational ser vice: Dnrothr William, Norfolk, branka. Mary Gerlaeh. Maxliin, South D- k0willlam Bogar. Wet Point, Ne- br!!rurVlee F!tch. Wakefield, Ne braska. . Dolorea Young Sntton, N-hraaka. .Mary Hollman, MeCooU, Nebraska. Vera Orhran. Maywnod, Ne braska. Mary White., HtanUxi, Iowa. Ennlre Srhwedhelm, laktn, Ne braska. . Ports Hlett, Amherst, Nebraska. Wrnlry Dunn. 1'onrn, Nebraska. Myrtle Hash, Hartlnaion. Ne braska. , Allee W'ndhusen, Mftsra. olomdo. Mabel Klselr. Norfntk. Nrhraska. Anna Lowder. limkrn Bow, Ne braska. Selina Pthnltter, Palisade, Ne braska. , William Hauser. Waterloo, Ne braska. Arlvne Zuhel, Barnoston. Nebraska. (-or'a. le Smith, Nemaha, N'-braska. Mrulnla MrAdnnu, J-milsvlMc, Ne braska. , Mlllirrnt Saverj. Peottsblutf, Ne bniska. t Maxlne Tiller, Hmier, Nebraska. Kdwlna Mci'onchle, Hastlnns, Ne braska. tiara fTirrstenvn. OothenbnrK, Ne braska. Jean nunnrll. Mullen, Nebraska. Elizabeth Karlllng. Bladru. Ne braska. Ilorothy Bridges. Otlell. Nebraska. Allrrbeth hase, Hrollsbluff. Ne braska. tirare Tbampaon, Anthna, Iowa. av) It is so easy to keep dressed Tip when The Evans does your wash snits and shirts. Expert Launder rt r The Home of r (paid Jo A. cm Sell Them COLLEGE STOR FACING THE CAMPUS JOHNNY JOHNSEN MILLS TEACHERS AGENCY S. E. MILLS, Manager STUART Bl'H DING Teachers Needed Right Now Phone B3708 Lincoln, Nebr. Typewriters for Rent Nebraska Typewriter Co. 130 No. 12th St. B-2157 REHT A T Per hour $ .50 Per day 1.75 Per week .... 6.00 Per 2 weeks. . 10.00 Also Vor Sale W. E. LUKE 50th & South Phone 4-2126 Keep Cool and Comfortable in an Evans Laundered Wash Suit B6961 ReaponsrbU Cleaners The Perfect Shirts RAILER BOOKS Whether Used Here Or Not! at BOOK r r r i