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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (July 14, 1938)
THE NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, JULY 14, 1938 PACE TITREE Positions Open Moritz Announces Training Instructor Vacancies Three college training In structors positions are now open for applications, according1 to Trof. R. D. Moritz of the teachers placement bureau. All teachers interested are asked to note the qualifications desig nated. The positions include: train ing instructor in second grade, in second and first grade com bined and in kindergarten. For all these positions it is desired that the person have a masters degree or substantially equiva lent graduate training. The sal ary for the first year, approxi mately nine months of service, will be around $1500. He's Coming IN PERSON to the TURNPIKE Tuesday, July 19 Clyde His Trumpet and His World Famous Orchestra Hear Him Play "SUGAR BLUES" As No One Else Can Play Featured Vocalist Wayne Greag and the 3 Bennett Sisters 'Mail Order and Advance Tickets 93c Ea. at Danlelton Floral Co., , 1306 N St. Doer Adnv $1.10 Girl's Softball Opens Last Run Zephyrs, Live Wires Win Over Do-It, TNT Nines Tuesday Night Rallying in the fourth inning to break the TNT's one-point lead, the Zephyr nine Tuesday night clinched a 4-3 victory, holding their opponents score less for the rest of the game, as the two teams met in the fifth round of the women's softball tournament. In the same round the Live Wires took the Do-Its ' to a score of 29-5. The final round is set for tonight, with the Live Wires meeting the Zephyrs at 5 o'clock and the TNT's playing the Do-Its at 6:30. Standings to date place the Live Wires at the top with 5 won, 0 lost; Do-Its, won 1, lost 4; Zephyrs and TNTs tied, with 2 won, 3 lost. Outstanding players for the Live-Wires in Tuesday's game were Bernice Moore, captain and pitcher, who turned in some excellent batting and fielding, and Dorothea Bond, short-stop. Irene Vlcek and Lorine Bent zinger played a good game for the Do-Its. Effective pitching by Hilda Boon helped the Zephyrs to hold their opponents scoreless in the last inning of their game, nnd Leota Dennis held down the field area equally well. Out standing for the TNT's were Alice Johnston at first base, Theda Gann as short stop and Emma Mitchie as catcher. Student Has Contract (Continued from Page 1.) sonality test" which includes talking with a director, walk ing, modeling clothes of all sorts from evening gowns to bathing suits, perhaps to the extent of three dozen changes. Then when the camera test is made, the applicant must wear thick, dark brown makeup which often becomes runny in just a few minutes under a bat tery of scorching arc lights. Altho Miss Corrington left Hollywood before the rushes of her test were complete, she has been assured by the studio that it was satisfactory and prom ised a part in a forthcoming musical She hopes to have some sort of a part ia the film other than just her dance in order to gain a chance for fu ture acting roles, for she be lieves that the only real money in the entertainment field to day lies In acting. Miss Corrington attended an acting school run by MGM for four months last spring during which time she was on the pay roll of the studio. She believes that her summer work at the University is proving more valuable, however, for there were some 200 students at the school and personal attentions was somewhat lacking. 2k lien's Shoes R E G. $5 and 7 SO $hoe$ from ttock, and a SPE CIAL PURCHASE GROUP, WHITES, TWO-TONES and some all brown feathers. Good styles J' QJ in veil known Bostonian and Mans field makes. July Sale I'riee Men'i Sheen futons' FUr. Dr. Stuit Addresses Conference At Omaha U Dr. Dcwcy B. Stuit of teach ers college addressed delegates attending the recent conference on occupational adjustment sponsored by Omaha municipal university. He spoke on "The Place of Aptitude Measure ments in a guidance Program." Oliver Smith Wins In Men's Ping Pong Leona Beighley Captures Women's Title In Final Round Tuesday The final lap of the men's and women's ping pong tourna ments, played off Tuesday night, saw Oliver Smith of the Class A group taking his op ponent, Prank Lee of the B class, to win the championship for men. At the same time Leona Beighley of Class A, women's division, defeated Laurel Dewey of Class C for championship title. Gold med als will be awarded the winners of the tournaments. Still in the running at the semi-finals were N. C. Wolfe, Frank Lee, Bill Moore and Oliver Smith. Wolfe defaulted to Lee, and Smith won over Moore to enter the final round. The women's semi-finals saw Laurel Dewey paired against Jessica Mutz, Dewey winning to enter the finals against Beigh ley. Attention ia again directed to the free swimming hours at the coliseum. Men may swim daily from 5 to 6, from 12 to 2 on Monday through Friday and from 3:30 to 6 on Saturday. Women's hours are from 4 to S on Monday through Friday and from 1:30 to 3 on Saturday. Catering to Student Trade COLLEGE INN GRILL AIR COKDITIOVED Instruments For Eye Defect Detection Exhibited Today An exhibition or instruments for the detection and correc tion of visual defects in connec tion with reading may be seen in room 303 of the former Mu seum this afternoon between the hours of 1:30 and 5. In cluded are an opthalmograph for taking pictures of eye movements during reading, a metronoscope for the use of slow readers, a telebinocular, and other instruments. Ths DAVIS SCHOOL SERVICE f j A Good Teacher Agency" , tt&w 1 918-138 "V Com in mnd Sf V$ ' MS tjwart Bldg. Lincoln, Nebr. Grand Hotel Coffee Shop 15e-tS Lanehei CLOSE TO CAMPUS 12th q ft How to Keep Cool? By taking a plunge into the refreshing salt water pool at II J CAPITOL BEACH Summertime B eauty IN AN AIR CONDITIONED ATMOSPHERE HAIR STYLING EXPERT PERMANENT WAVES JENSEN BEAUTY SHOPPE 408 Fed. Sec. Bldg. B3422 1 I Hurry! Last Times Today! Loretta Young: Joel McCrea in "Three Blind Mice" With Marjorie Weaver Stuart Erwin Starting Friday! Always a Seat for 25c Introducing: . . . America's Newest Craze! . . . "SchnickelfriU"! We Just Know You re Going to Like It!! "GOIDD1GGEE3S IN PARIS" With Rudy Vallee Rosemary Lane ZiOilr iugn nerDeri Alien wenians And the Schnickelfritz Band rnfttftflrWrl Starrs Today Always a Seat for 25c All These Stars All This Pun! it it JOSETTE Starring DON AMECHE SIM0NE SIMON ROBERT YOUNG Plus! Faith Baldwin's "PORTIA ON TRIAL' With Walter Abel Heather Angel Hurry! Ends Today 1 Helen Hayes Gary Cooper in "Farewell to Arms" Plus! "Scandal Street" Starting Friday! Remember "Little Miss Marker"? Here's a Show that TOPS even it! Janet Chapman 'Little Mist Thoroughbred" With Frank McHugh Plus! The Divorce of Lady X" With Merle Oberon Laurence Oliver Mat. 15c Eve. 20c ORPHEUM Starts Today 10c til 6 Thrill Piles Upon Thrill! DANGER PATROL" with Sally Eilers Harry Carey PlUil "Young Fugitives" With All-Star Cast LIBERTY Now Showing 10c til 6 The Greatest Love Story Since "Smllin' Thru" II The Dork Angel with Fredrlc March Merle Oberon Herbert Marshall Plus I 'Love from a Stranger' with A XV H ARDTNO BA6IL KATUBONB SUN mm