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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (July 14, 1938)
TWO TI1E NEBRASKAN, THUUSDAY, JULY 11. 1938 J4ear by mmer Mary Anna Cockle The Student U, an oasis in This blanket of heat that has settled over summer school .... an athletic young miss turning up in the grill in white tennis shorts. .. .four tables of bridge sharks battleing it to a finish Monday night. . .Johnny Wach ter dining alone. . . .John Hoppe struggling along with three consecutive classes and not even time out for a coke in be tween.... Gus Peters emerging from a prolonged stay in the in firmary with that persistant grin Dorothy Van Patton going domestic all of a sudden .... Chuck Pillsbury playing yardman at the Beta house.... Paul Brazelton recovering from a sunburn acquired when he was stranded on an island all day. Sounds like a little too much Robinson Crusoe to me. -. . . Paul Bradley, back in town again, and with him some of fldiiSl Air Conditioned Shop 52SZS2S2 July special! on Permi. here now. S.50 REVITA PERMANENT AQ Includes Shampoo & Ware OC 1 1 6." f! Sheldon Permanent I.indy'iLa- jr. diet Haircuts New Supplies. Licensed Operator - J Oaaranteed Months Iria uu $7 Permanent for Wonderful tor White fine and all textores of hair. $9 STEAM MACHINELESS Q OQ or FRENCH AMBER OIL O.OV LEADER BEAUTE SALON III N. 12. St. Floor. BUMS or MOOfl Z322S2SE52SE5ES?5HS2S2SES2WS! $250 that old southern charm ac quired while he was in the south (for two weeks) .... Just when I'd thought that springtime had the monopoly on romance, Bill Wahl confides to me that he's been on some body's waiting list for some time now. Friday night he was looking pretty downcast and some of the other A. T. O.'s were trying to cheer him up be cause his latest love was danc ing with somebody new at the Turnpike. Chin up, Bill. In the case of Marion In helder things are just about op posite, for she and a certain Sigma Chi are just friends now. People tell me that she is one girl who is slated to do things to people's hearts next year. Time will tell. One of the better known Sig Alphs had a date with a Theta to a Universcity club dinner dance this Saturday night which he evidently found it nec essary to break. It might have gone by unnoticed if the young man in question hadn't made the dire mistake of inviting an other Theta. Somehow or other the gals have already compared notes, and one of them is think ing very K. A. T. TY thoughts about said S. A. E. One of the nice things about the Student U is knowing Miss Steele, who is one of the most charming persons. I'd always pictured her as the cool and col lected social director of that spacious establishment, but to day whom should I see dashing to an eight o'clock but Miss Steele. Yes, she's enrolled in nine hours just to brush up on some of the things she learned in college and to get the stu dents' point of view. Homework she finds very inconvenient as the Student U keeps her pretty busy during the day. It was being whispered about the other day that a fortune teller told Edith Philpot that a tall dark and handsome man SMART, NEW 1 1 r we u BY MUNSI1VGWEAR " i f.rft oom) Nfw nattily ititch pull-ettr jJWrf with iKlT-thort 10 match, t'omrs in moll ltd Mutt, freeni f lam. SHORT, 00 each SHIRT, 00 each (Ah fifkl) Ntw chttk poittrn in thiH trilh SKI T-tlxnl to mutch. Wim, Hut or pttn iWss. SHORT. D0 each SHIRT, 004 each GIVE your spirits a lift and use color in your wardrobe. r , Munsingwear leads the field with these new muted greens, tans and blues in quality shirts and SKIT-shorts. Note the trim-fitting "Lastex" . waistband and no-gap buttonless fly. was about to propose to her. She confided this to Ben Gund and ever since then Ben has been doing his darndest to ac quire a deep tan, perhaps just to help with the handsome part. To Ruth Pyle goes a bouquet for summer school records. The gals at the Phi Mu house re port that Ruth has been having two meals a day with Kenneth someone or other and a date every night since the summer session began. You'll see them at Campus Inn almost any time. The Sigma Chi's have been working in unison again. It seems that Al Lefferdink, as rush chairman, has taken on the job of dating the sisters of all rushees. It keeps him pretty busy, so some of the brothers take care of his real estate business while he's out on the job. Cylde McCoy and his famous orchestra will appear in person at "The Hemple" Tuesday, July 19. Clyde is well known for his versatile arrangements of Sugar Blues. Hungarian. Visitor Praises Nebraska As Fine University That Nebraska's reputation extends beyond its own back yard was voiced again by Imre d Razso, a member of the fac ulty of the royal Hungarian academy of agriculture at Mag yarovar, who was a visitor on the agricultural college campus recently. He is one of two Hun garian engineers sent over by the Hungarian government to study engineering practices and training in the principal univer sities in the United States. Serving Students for 20 Years Dunlap Optical Co. 120 No. 12th St- Prof. Morse Attends CCC Camp Conferences Prof. C. K. Morse of the ex tension division represented the university at conferences with CCC camp educational advisers for the states of South Dakota, Iowa and Nebraska at Iowa state college last week. He at tended similar meetings at the Dunwoody institute at Minne apolis Monday and Tuesday. A Summer Students Send your garment clean ing to this old reliable firm that has served N. U. Students tor more than 33 years. Modern Cleaners SOUKUP & WESTOVER Call F2377 Service IW IT c lliti M-3 a IIKGINS FSSIBAY! Sale! 168 NELLY DONS Jhis sale includes every Nelly Don in our regular stock and 1,200 new dresses purchased only for this great event! All 1.95 Nelly Dons 1.49 All 2.95 Nelly Dons 1.95 ii 3.95 Nelly Dons. 2.95 All 5.95 Nelly Dons 3.95 All 7.95 Nelly Dons 5.95 All 10.95 Nelly Dons 7.95 Dresses you love, on sale Friday! Feel playfully cool the rest of the summer in Nelly Donsl Crisp dimities and Donelin prints . . . airy-light voiles, spun rayons. laces, linensl Take summer like a breeze in zephyr cool Nelly Donsl - - - - - - - i y