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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (June 17, 1938)
THE NEBRASKAN, FRIDAY, JUNE 17, 1938. PAGE THREE SfflER COACHES COACHES! farmer Husker Grid Star Tutors Sports Class. George Saucr, former Husker prid star, now coach at New Hampshire university, Is instruct Sng a coaching class during the eummer session in the fundament als of football. Meeting from 9 to 30 each mornirig, the class is de signed to review the major sports for its members to prepare them for coaching positions. The first four weeks will be spent with football, and then two weeks will be spent on basketball coupled with track sessions in the afternoon. Assisting Saner with football is Burry Shire, who will play with the professional Green Packers team next year. Serving Students for 20 Years Dunlop Optical Co. 120 No. 12th St- VTV w- SALT WATER SWIMMING, yJ RIDES, DANCING, GAMES, PICNICS. FREE GATE Billy Lee soys "IT'S GOT MUSIC, few S Workers Bring To Light Bones Of Large Camel What is probably the world's largest camel seems destined to take form and shape this sum mer as Nebraska museum workers who began work this week con centrate their efforts upon the Broadwater site where last fall the first .bones were discovered. To date an excellent skull which measures more than a yard in length, a massive jaw bone, sev eral bulky vertebrae and an as sortment of leg bones have been recovered. Thruout the winter mis cellaneous pieces have been sent in to Lincoln by S. R. Sweet, T. C. Middleswart and W. F. Chaloupka, of Bridgeport. Aided for the first time by a WPA consignment, student work ers will have opportuniy to spend more time on the difficult task of removing fragile bones. Play This Summer at ADMISSION SURE BUT THE PART THAT GETS YOU IS THE SWELL STORY OF 14 MEN A GIRL AND A KID . . . I'M THE Introducing the na tion! hit tong "Sayi My Heart." f b, KID" ) 1 X 1 V 1 I I RUNNERS GOTO MINNESOTA Squad Will Enter Collegiates Today, Saturday. Six members of Nebraska's track squad will raco in the na tional collegiates at Minneapolis today and tomorrow. Those entering the meet are Harwin Dawson, Big Six broad jump champion, who will also compete in the 220; Eldon Frank, who too'.c both hurdle events in the conference; Ray Baxter, high jump; Bob Simmons, 440 cham pion; Bob Mills, shot and discus and Wilson Andrews, distance runner. 10 Free Periods Set at 4:00 During Week, 1:30-3:00 On Saturdays. All girls registered in summer school will have the opportunity of a daily swim in the coliseum pool, according to plans revealed by the physical education department The pool will be opened to them from 4 to 5 o'clock Monday through Friday each week, and from 1:30 to 3:00 on Saturday. A charge of ten cents per girl will in clude a sterilized swimming Buit and a clean towel for each swim mer. In addition all girls must furnish their own bathing caps and shoes. The latter need not be worn in the water but they must be worn up to the time girls enter the pool, according to Miss Dan ielson, assistant instructor of physical education. No girl will be allowed to swim until she has obtained a health permit from the student health office in Pharmacy hall. These permits will be given free to all summer students and must De Kepi and presented each time the hold ers desire to swim. A series of mixed "splash par ties," swimming affairs open to both men and girls, is planned for the near future. SCHULTZ IN NEW MEXICO; TO LEAVE FOR NEBRASKA Assistant Museum Director Visits Guadalup Caves Near Carlsbad. C. Bertrand Schultz, assistant director of the museum, who is now at Carlsbad, N. M., with Mrs. Schultz, Harry Tourtelot, Scotts bluff, and Robert Kubicek of Crete, will leave the party this week end to go to his headquarters at Bridgeport, Neb., where he will direct all museum parties in the western part of the state. Mr. Schultz, together with Tour telot, Kubicek and R. M. Burnet, director of the Carlsbad museum, has been exploring the caves of the Guadalup mountains, which are noted for their valuable deposits of Pleistocene animals and their association with early man. Burnet la given credit for the discovery of the famous new caverns in the mountains. He has been co-operating with Nebraska scientists In carrying on the work in the cave region begun by the Philadelphia Academy of Sciences in 1928. Schultz remained at the Carlsbad site six weeks last summer and un covered a large amount of Pleisto cene material. RENT-A-CARS Art tr An4 Quick T Grt Al Tk Motor Out Company 1120 p St. Aly Open Lutt modrli. modrri price. HrducH (ric od long trl. IIA81I. WANTED! HUNTED! Br DOTH COP AND KII.I.ERI THE "NURSE FROM BROOKLYN" with PAUL KF.IXV RALLY H I.IRS LAKHV BI.AKK COLISEUM OL NS UN SWIMMERS PETZ SCHEDULES FREE SWM HOURS FOR MEN Intramural Director Urges Big Turn-Out to Retain Pool Periods. Free swimming in the coliseum pool is to being offered all men registered in the summer session. Hours are from 12 to 2 p. m. and 5 to 6 p. m. Monday thru Friday, and 3:30 to 6 o'clock every Satur day afternoon. Health permits, available with out charge at the student health office in Pharmacy hall, must be shown by men each day before en tering the pool. Harold Petz, di rector of intramural athletics, stated that he hopes to see a large number of men take advantage of these swimming hours; otherwise they will be discontinued. Howard Koeneke is acting as life guard, and the university will not con sider it worth while to retain him unless there are at least eight or ten swimmers at each period. A swimming class for adult be ginners meets from 11 to 12 daily. The threefold purpose of this class is to teach all to swim, to give the members acceptable methods for teaching others, and to carry them as far as they care to go toward earning a Red Cross certificate. True Chappell, former student with Herbert Schmidt and Bettie Zabriskie, and now a student at the Curtis Institute of Music, has returned to Lincoln for the summer. Classified ADVERTISING 10 PER LINE LOST A jeweled Theta pin with name, Dorothy Swisher, on back. Keward. Call L-9122. NOW! o o o o v rr-- . . . YET YOU CAN'T HELP LOVING ' HER AS A I TODAYI MAIM.OT GRAHAME A I Lawyer' I us! VANTED Ih V J0HN BOLES J PlUlt rlE TRACY in MEN'S SOFTBALL FLAY ORGANIZED EACH NIGHT Equipment Provided at 6:30 South of Teachers' College Hall. Tonight at 6:30, and continuing thruout the summer session, soft ball equipment will be available for all who wish to play on the Teachers college diamond, directly south of the building. A member of the physical education depart ment will assist in organization of teams to play a regular schedule. It will not be necessary, how ever, for men to belong to regular teams to take part in this activity. If students merely wish to organ ize a game of workup, play catch, or use the equipment in some in formal manner, there will be no restrictions. All equipment will be placed on the field each evening, and need not be checked out by individuals. Now Showing Have a Date With the World Premiere Show ing at Radio City Music Hall! A Picture For YOU Who think the Movies Are Showing- the "Same Old Stuff" Every Week See YOU Who Like to See Pic tures Made Hot From the Headlines! See YOU Who Think that Great Romance Thrills and Action Are Gone From Your Life See YOU All of You Who Enjoy a Really Fine Picture Come On Down ond See Starring Henry Fonda Madeleine Carroll Leo Carrillo Extra! For Those Laffs! Their Latest Feature Length Comedy ! 0m . . . Filled with Fun Music Girls . . . Better than "Babes In Toyland!" PLl'S I s TIM McCOY In PHANTOM RANGER" Always a Seat for 25c o o o o