Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (June 17, 1938)
TWO THE NEBKASKAN, FIUDAY, JUNE 17, 1938. pic . institution, is planning and counting on his trip to Kansas City the Fourth of July to see a Kansas City kitty or maybe just one of the Kaths (Marion to be specific). Life is Tike that, I guess. Minor riumb, '38. will serve as supervisor of music at Fairfield, Neb., next year. Woods Named Candidate For Annapolis Academy Mark W. Woods of Lincoln, who completed his sophomore year in the university last year, has been named as a candidate for appoint ment to Annapolis naval academy by Representative Luckey. T LEAHIES IT BDAKfCE Gil A D A kITC C VOIl TO DANCE IN UAKAr I C i; VRIVATE LESSONS ALSO A 8 LESSON COl'RSE Lincoln's finest Studio LEE A THORNBERRY A,r-CM"4 Since l!W!l 2M T STREET Hu lata I 'Summer Mary Anna Cockle Rain almost every day now . . . people in trench coats making a dash for the Student U.... Inside Miss Steele and other hierarchies lunching in a booth in the caking room and gazing out at the splash ing drops and mud outside ... a slew of new records ordered for the nickelodean, among them that new hit Orren Tucker popularized, "Especially for You" . . . later in the afternoon, the crowd all saun tering to the ballroom for another matinee dance . . . Virginia Fleet wood and Bob Ramie still doing the rounds, this summer without the aid of Jack Ellsworth . . . Betty Orme doing her studying in the grill and then, loading books under her arm, heading for the swimming pool to do more study ing while basking in the sun, this in cloudy weather . . .Johnny Wachter chalking up "Gladys" in his telephone memo book, what ever that may mean . . . Bill Wahl almost running into pedestrians at Ellen Smith comer . . . and the sun making a sudden appearance to ridicule the people who had taken to rain coats. And so from day to day. Tonight being Friday, if you can't think of something to do, you might drop in on the mixer at the Student U. Last week it turned out to be sort of fun, prob ably because there were just mobs and mobs of people. We shan't embarrass very many peo ple by mentioning names but quite a few of the better boys appeared without dates and pro ceeded to keep the stag line crowded. Just to make summer school more interesting, there are still the matinee dances, on Wednes day, I believe. At the last one, no end of excitement was created when some young Alpha Sig pledge tried to cut Carl Cleve land's date. She didn't know the youngster, and proceeded to say so, while Cleve just turned a luscious parlor pink. Very be coming, however. Just a word about the park. Leonard Dunker and some of his cronies seem to stag it every night. Just looking for prospec tive dates for next fall when the new crop of freshmen put in an appearance, Dunky claims. Whit ney Reed stags it too. Don't know what his excuse ia.. Dick Neu a nightly customer at Antelope, and always the same im macuately white-coated Dick. Bob Pillsbury, who dances in such happy-go-lucky rythm, rivaling that Neu man for attendance. Bill Lyman with another high chool chum... ho lium! Elmer Bauer, the chee chee, has deserted the bachelor's club, or at least he did Wednesday night. In fact, Elmer was way up there in the clouds when Vivian Esse was In town for the evening. Now, we hear that that Ivan man, who was the very pillar of their philanthro- Get ready for "Fathers Day" her Cn CP Silk Hoe r fie to (I rlvtt PACKAGE COSMETICS with PF.RMANENTS Frl., Bat. Men. while qaantity laate. Hare ad. (.aranteed b Monlne trie Oil $7 PERMANENT FOR 2.50 llaelo for white and (In hair. lie Maehlnalote C3 Permanent! 4.t 30 Art llnier Wave tie Beye Girla llaireau nder Jc 14 year $3.50 Permanent Complete with 8ham poo. Way, llalreat. I REC Gift with Perm. Modernlitlo Shop, Leather Seated Chalra, Ooallty Work at Lew Prleea. Lieenard Highly bkllled Operatora. Factory HoluUone. LEADER BEAUTE SALON 1M N. It L Floar. BW45 or B10O 98c Where to Go for Lunch? ISEUN CAFE Cold Meatf, Vegetable Plate Sandwiches and Iced Drlnki. 138 No. 12th. w &r.: m: mm . w jm v mixes 1 m mmL mm vm V l. ' SA TURDA Y 3il Si it H" -200- chaWmieir h Manx $375o$3g5o$250 All With The World Famous Trumpeter Label AT ONLY $6T)jT GmT X It I Suit Values Away Beyond The Expectation of Every One 200 brand new, three piece, all wool Spring Suits, sent to us by Hart Schaffner & Marx, as our allotment in their final clearance of all surplus stock of Spring Suits. The values are something to crow over. The quality the finest. The styles are the most distinguished that Hart Schaffner &Marx produce. The savings are truly unprecedented, and absolutely unmatch able. We have been told that it was foolish to sell such high grade suits at $20. Maybe so We like to be foolish when it comes to giving our cus tomers a real bargain treat. We tell you frankly that you will be late if you are the last one to believe the genuiness of this sale. All the new pat terns and fabrics, and sizes for every man. $39. SO Blue Ridge Homeipun Suits $37.50 Triple Test Worsted Suits We Must Make a Small Charge for Necessary Alterations -1 142.50 Three Guardsmen Suits Tweeds - Cheviots Flannels - Sharkekins Worsteds - Flannels J r 0 53j