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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (June 17, 1938)
PAGE FOUR THE NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, JUNE 17, 193ft. I The Nebraskan STATION A, LINCOLN, NEBRASKA OFFICIAL STUDENT PUBLICATION UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA 19M SUMMER SCHOOL SESSION Published Tuesday and Thursday mornings during the summer school session and circulated free to sum mer school students and faculty members from boxes In campus buildings. EDITORIAL STAFF Marjorle Churchill Richard de Brown Co -Editors "If We Deny Them War' Very quietly the other day he boarded a train at Vienna, an old man f 82 years, worn, ravaged by illness. Sigmund Freud, world famed psycholo gist and psychoanalyst, thus left his home in Austria with out any fanfare or noise of farewell, only glad at last to escape Nazi persecution. Health and immigration au thorities permitting, he will journey to the United States n.nd resume teaching this sum mer. The "Jewish skeptic," as he dubs himself, must have indulged in some pretty cynical thoughts during the past few months. He must have thought that here was his favorite doctrine risen up at last to strike, at him with full import. He must have looked upon Hitler, keeping the Nazi people rallying round the colors with a new anti-semitic purge-and then he must have remembered how he taught his followers, "If we deny human nature international war, it will express its sadism through prejudices against races and classes " STUDENTS LIKE DANCES (Continued from Page 1.) favorite recreational activities and a few checked everything. Friday dances, matinee dances, movies and recorded concerts are all on Learn to Dance Only two blocks from University 138 No. 12th Luclla Williams Private Lessons by Appointment Studio B4252 Res. B4258 OvsA. JhfL JGlSL i if urn i fi? Bring news and advertising to Student Union, Room 18. BUSINESS STAFF Business Manager Arthur Hill Asst. Bus. Mgr Ed Segrist Freud's doctrine has never been a restful one. His nat uralism has been disturbing to idealists, Utopians and reli gious people in general. Al ways he has been struggling against something. Yet few living men have so influenced the thinking of the Western world. Medical schools and sanatariums which but 20 years ago looked askance at him have quietly taken over the main features of his method. Yet the man of whom this whole Western world takes note is persecuted by Nazi officials, his home raided and he and his family only now allowed to leave be cause a Nazi dictator seeks to insure his own position through the turning of the people's wrath against a despised group. Observers who feared for the culture and learning of old Vienna upon the entrance of Ger man authority may now see in part substantiation for their fears. The influence of the psychologist over a whole hemisphere matters little. He is of the Jewish faith, and hence a just tar get for attack from the Nazi regime. M. D. C. the regular weekly union program now. Talks and forums will be inaugurated this week end. Swim ming is available daily at the coli seum, and baseball and horse shoe playing is planned nightly at 6:30. Ping pong may be played in a spe cial room for the sport in the union building, and in the game room is equipment for checkers, chess, bridge, and cribbage. Don Lentz of the instrumental faculty of the school of music is teaching at the University of Idaho during the summer session. Typewriters for Rent Nebraska Typewriter Co. 130 No. 12th St. B-2157 1 ODdDSlE 3 -THREAD Ilingless Chiffon Hose, whh clastic top band. Ideal for summer wear. Hosiery Street FUr. f, PA?np 9 l W f j I. . " . urn uDlll r News Parade Leo Turkel The federal bureau of investiga tion has won again. This time, under the personal direction of J. Edgar Hoover, the G-men have brought a Florida kidnaper to the bar of justice. The accused has pleaded guilty to the kidnapping charge, but innocent to the charge of murderinir the 5 year old boy who was taken on May 28. He maintains that the child was killed accidentally. The act of kid napping is also a capital offense so the maneuver has very little significance. After this victory, the G-men may be able to coax a larger appropriation from con gress. For the past several weeks the mayor of Jersey City, Frank Hague, has helped himself to a good deal of publicity with his abil ity in forcing objectionable speak ers from occupying platforms in his domain. He has lately ex tended his efforts to Newark. Nor man Thomas, who is considered by many to be merely a new dealer in his beliefs rather than the rank socialist that his enemies main tain, and Congressman O'Connell among others have felt the domi eoring influence of Hague. Thomas was recently greeted with an egg shower for his efforts in attempt ing to exorcise the right of free speech. The C. I. O. and the Amer ican Civil Liberties union are now engaged in a federal court hearing to try and secure an injunction to force Hague to cease from inter fering with civil rights. When asked whether U. S. immigrants should go back to their homelands if they did not believe in our form of government, Hague replied that they should be "driven back." He added that persons born in the United States who hold such be liefs ought to be rent to a special camp in Alaska. The outcome of this hearing will be of great in terest to those who have opinions with regard to freedom of speech. EDUCATORS MEET (Continued from Page 1.) II I.. CusmpII. CnluintiU University, "I.'sIhr niul Di'veliipinfi St tte and County Ili'sourt'es fur i'lnl'1 Wcllare." Marry Di'iker. Miroc-tur State Kureau of Child Wvllure, "N'utriliun ut the child." Hwth LeviTtcm. riqinrtmrnt Hime Kemmmii'S. Nutrition research. I'ni vrrtlty of Nehraskn. Thumdiiy, June :t, V A, M. G. A. Mus.selnian, president Nebraska Council of Kdmntlon for Home nnd Family Mfc, presiding. 'The Teacher, the Child, and the Cur rli'tilum. ' "How are teachine; procedure related lo curriculum construction'.'" H. L. Caswell. Clyde M. Hill. "Some l'sychlatrle Aspects of Edu cational Problems." Richard F. Kitchie, M. D. Physchlalric State board of Con trol. "The Medical Care of Children," K. W. Hancock. M. I) , Lincoln. "Child Prnlilems and Their Solutions." W. K Blal. St. (Jennie's school. To ronto, Canada. Friday, June 4, 9 A. M. , C. Roy Uatee, chairman Planning Commission, Nebraska State Teachers association, presiding. "The Teacher, the Child, end the Cur riculum." ''What nlans am feailhu f.... t ...!... participation In curriculum construction? (An appraising of practice!" H. L. Caa well. Clyde M. Hill. Krneat Horn. ....'.,The revelopnient of Personality," William E. Blati. Thursday evening there will be a dinner at the Student Union building with Dr. Blatz as main speaker of the evening. MILLS TEACHERS AGENCY S. E. MILLS, Manager STUART Rl II DISC. Teachers Needed Riiht New Phone 113711 Lincoln, Nebr. A Summer Students Send your garment clean ing to this old reliable firm that has served N. U. Students tor more than 33 years. Modern Cleaners SOUKUP Sc WESTOVER Call F2377 Service Lutheran Student Group To Hold Picnic Tonight Lutheran students wilt gather for a picnic this afternoon at 5:30. Those planning to go are asked to meet at the Temple theater, ac cording to announcement by Rev. H. Erck. From there the group will go to some park in the city. All who have cars are asked to bring them. In charge of arrangements ate Krma Barnesberger, Dorothy Rob bert. Luella Sommer and EMred Winter. Sponsoring the picnic are Rev. and Mrs. R. K. Rangel ami Rev. and Mrs. H. Erck. Conscience Bothers Thief After X Years There are some in this world who still have a conscience. Late Fri day afternoon when the mail de livered at the university museum was opened, officials found this terse note: "Sirs: I am sending you a shell which I stole, or one like it, about 33 years ago. Have seen pecks of trouble, which I hope is over." En closed in a small box was a small shell about the size of a thumb. WEEK END ACTIVITIES (Continued from Page 1.) what subjects are taught to fit the candidates for patrolmen. Captain Weller will answer any questions asked at the end of the program by students interested in the patrol's function. Adopted Indian Daughter. Professor Dale, for 15 years head of the University of Okla homa history department, has had wide acquaintance with the prob lems of the original Americans, having studied them most of his life. Among his acquaintances have been two Indian boys whom lie sent thru school, and an In dian girl whom he has adopted as a foster daughter. During one year of study, Fro fessor Dale visited over 85 percent of the Indian reservations in the United States. Senator Brookings, head of the Brookings institute, naked him to make a purvey of Indian conditions for that group which he did. Sunday's discussion will be in fornyl, dealing with the habits and characteristics of the race not ordinarily available in publica tions. At the close of the talk, the meeting will be thrown open for discussion. The number of the room in which the two meetings will be held will be posted on the Union bulletin board. r "V iiirnjiniimiiinn ii'iii" nwHPViAiniiiH'MHjinminiiiiimi.uiiiipnipi ..uuniuwmnuniuiw. Liiwj.i.'L IIP I Grand Hotel Coffee Shop llfo-tfte Lunette CI.OSK TO CAMPUS lith A i) o FILMS o DEVELOPED nd PRINTED Any film roll o( 6 or 9 exposures printed and do. veloped on Genuine East man Velox. Highest quality work. Complete for only... 11 c CHEAPER SYSTEM (Inc. 1325 "0" St. Lincoln RIOWTMCK j3X H0ME I i 3 5TYLE I J J 1 " 7