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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 7, 1937)
TflE DAILY NFRRSKAX, THUKSDAY. 0CT011EK 7, lWl page three i 1 1 H GOING PLACES is nothing: new to the Kappa twins, Betty nnJ Verna Ray. Trav eling between llu'lr homes In McConk rikI Ta Moines seems to have given them a flood start toward covering the campus this year. Seen here, there and everywhere are their shaRRy bl ark swag ger coats. Very off the face arc the twins' bent bonnets, which are black and have lots of veil. WE BREAK INTO PRINTI Our pictures are appearing In this Sunday's Journal nnd Star. They were taken by the Harold Cox studio, and we, the girls from Raymond Hall are more than pleased with ourselves as photo graphed. We suggest that you call B1088 for that very special portrait picture. Harold Cox Photos 1125 0 PROMPTER SERVICE HATH no other place than the College Inn Grill, No need to worry about making that one o'clock. 13th and Que. UNIVERSITY MEN AS NATION'S Fashion authorities now recog nize University men as one of the best dressed, groups in the na tion. Conventionalism in dress is row the rule on most, campuses rather than the oft -ribbed uttlre of much stained "cords" topped by a worn and Initialed leather Jacket, So the Nebraska campus will probably see much of the styles enumerated below. Leaders will make but few changes In their wardrobe of suits and topcoats for the comnig year, but the, variations which have ap peared are interesting In their In creased comfort. Colors still take a front seat in suitings but "loud" combinations are out. Rough fab rics and soft materials are out selling by far the harder twists for campus wear. Taking each point up separately, stylings are much plainer this year. No longer do outrageously pleated and shirred backs prevail, sport conts excepted. Plain backs, with an Innovation from the. Brit ish Isles, the British blade, are coming into their own. The Brit ish blade is an over supply of cloth In the vicinity of the shoulder blades, hanging almost like a side pleat and allowing greater freedom Of movement of the shoulders. Bottom Button Buttoned. Single breasted suit coats are coming up rapidly on the peren nial d. b. A three button model with side vents, the aforementioned British blade an.! a notched lapel & CARBURETOR f V. P No. J.OIJ.106 S&Y vmn.RM f UPDRAFT RECIUIIIKD CREDITS MANGEL'S are "Master's" in the brick and ivy tradition of dressing. MANGEL'S sweater are as classic as Shakespeare. And, speaking of "skirling the campus", you'll want to walk diagonally across, as the longest way 'round, to show off your newest kirt, if it's from MANGEL'S. Come and see for your self. Don't believe in a correspondence school coune In chic . . . shop in town, at M ANGEL'S. You'll gain these needed credits for campus smartness by wearing dresses, coals and lingerie from MANGEL'S. mnnctLT 1215 YOUR CHARGE ACCOUNT l.i welcome at Burnett Style Shoppe. Coed and party lrcf;en, suits, coats, hats to match. Reasonable prices. 139 So. 12. SHEER IS THE WORD for the "Ariitocrat" of McCal lum hosiery, a mesh hose that can stand the "campus run around" without running or wearing out. High styled for fall fashions Is Iridium which blends with any cos tume. Of course, this high quality mcRh hose may be found In all the distinctive shades of McCallum. Priced at $1.68, see them In Simon's hosiery on first floor. GOING PLACES? For tha cutout, date dresses In town, run, flon't walk, to the ren dezvous of the smartly dressed coeds at Hovland'i, There you'll find the Sassy Sues that give you that plnched-in corseted look in short sleeved styles, velvet eens and novelty crepes. Sizes B, 11, 13, IB, 17. $10.95 to $12.50. Hovland's Younger Set Shop on first floor. RECOGNIZED REST DRESSERS rolling to the top button seems to bo most often shown, This can be worn with the middle button buttoned, the two lower buttons buttoned or the bottom button but toned, but never all three buttons buttoned. Colors and materials are avail able in a large number of good looking combinations. Blue and brown Is, according to F.squire and a number of other authorities, the newest combination. Along with these two colors, green and gray are popular. Large checks, and we mean LARGE two and three inch squares, overplalds, Glenarch plaids, chalk ami pencil stripes, herringbone tweeds, tweeds with dashes of bright color and the staple plain colors are all seen with the tweeds given a slight edge. Topcoats Follow Suit Trend. Topcoats follow the trend of suits In greater simplicity. There will be few shirred or pleated backs, and belts, even half way around, will be few. Another of these innovations from England ts NEW HEAL - t itm:it sii oi Haircut .... 35c 1306 "O" B6154 BOLE New way of burning tobacco better, cooler, cleaner. Car buretor-Action cools amoke. Keeps bottom of bowl absouf dry. Caked with honey. At dealers' now. 1 LATEST DISCOVERY IN PIPES O St. ill v "TOPS" in hats are going up! Crowns reach a new peak, brims are riding high. You'll find all the newest styles at Vera' Hat Shoppe. 116 No. 13. WE DO ALTERING, pleat ing, hemst., make buttons, buckles, buttonholes. Nelson Cleaners. 238 So. 12. B5145. WANTED: Royal blue so called beer jacket, corduroy or otherwise, small size. (If w enn find one, we've been offered the chance to wear it onco In a while.) Any sleuthing appreciated. ( Sorry,- no reward. ) Report at once. "Smootzl." a" sports topcoat extending to a little below the knee. On the whole, this year looks like a good one for men's fashions. Style, comfort, color what more is there to want? Prices may be a bit higher but blame that on Increasing cost of labor and ma terials and try to bear it. Grand Hotel! Grand Coffee Shop! Grand Plate Lunches! 301 No. 12th Does Your Fall Coat Need Cleaning? Let the Modern renew it for you. Knit garments cleaned and blocked to original measure by experts. Modern Cleaners S0UKUP & WEST0VER Call F2377 for Real Cleaning: Service 3 I Totlay the swing is to suits with a "swing" like these spirited Duncan Paige styles. They have the stimulating quality of a great dance hand tlic gracef ulncss of a trapeze performer. You'll admire their hroad but natural shoulders, full chest, and herringbone patterns. Handcrafted by Kuppen heimer, these smart, correct suits let you swing your arms and legs in comfort See these suits! Kuppenheimer Suits and Coats are featured exclusively in Lincoln at THIN WOOLKXS W AITKUNOONS Ee young!-He gay! - he. collog-j late! Drtiniatii: guwiiH nre taboo! tor that Importunt date, or the sorority tea. Dame fashion's moth erly eye will shine with approval If you young thltifis appear in thin woolens with a dressy touch for afternoon. It was once thought that woolens belonged In the form of long-legged stop-ins, or dresses' strictly for school, but the manu facture of sheer, stylish wools has made economy possible for the co ed who wanted to make an aft ernoon dress do as a school dress late In the winter, or as a "starter" next fall. However, for those who still love to slip on a soft black velvet dress for afternoon, or for those who think woolens remind them of school, there arc crepes, rayons, silks, taffetas, and those "soft vel vets." Zippers Add Zip. Democracy reigns, for both peas ant and "princess silliouetes arc tops. Add a touch of dainty lace, a good looking bell, an ornament al clip and you have the bolter accessories. Use some drapery, or COMIKCTIOX The following is a correction of the story concerning NYA employ ment whli h appeared in Tuerdny's Daily Nibraskan. In a news story concerning NYA employment, publish! d in Tues day's N'ebraskan, the statement Is made that no aid is available for ; graduate students. This statement is not true, for It is possible lor any proportion of ho University to be made available to grad.iate stu dents so long as the average allot ment per student (graduate and undergraduate) does not exceed $15 per month. What the news story should have said Is thid no ovih oif jural at evilr's I omplclvly onlrol any am pus Situation HAIRDKKSSING SALON CKCILK 206 Security Mutual Bldg. B4204 You'U see the new Uz' - i m i! ; i WAGEES ILL PROVIDE DRESSY TOUCH a lot of It if you wish, a little shirring, scads of pleats, and your fondest enemy will gaze in your direction with an admiring eye. Don't forget Tal on zippers. In smart contrast ing colors they can make over a drab dress, and their fastness keeps bulky plackets smooth. Be sure to keep the hemline short and don't forget to cover the knees with silk stocking at the Ranie time. You can choose most any color you wish If you do so with good taste. However, an unusual' com bination of color often catches the "best beloved's" eye sooner than an ordinary one, and black goes anywhere! funds were ear-marked especially for graduate students. of A HIT 1 Year ;. V C"Tij it Mind Coming: Attractions Jan Garber, things "first" at MAGEE'S jt-Fcaturcd :14 iT 1 ! WARDROBES ENLIVENED BY PROPER BUDGETING. (Continued from l'age 1.) 10 .IhirL, liK-hiillhs drr.. Kfttt .wH . 25.00 I rolif, rliMlrr Nnn-I, rnmrU hulr, .ilk 1.110 t ulr .llir. t Ml I ! lilrln I.M II klli" A.IHI I .himIit S lid I ilri.. ! 4 110 I (lr,. Jiu.lrv ail t.lXI Ml.ri'lhiiKiiii., I mr-h: hM, Mi.M-nd-it., KJirlrr., nilhir ln, Up clip, rlilf link.. Mr B.llll FMIl THOSK WITH $400 TO SI'KNIX I inn :, KIH. (Ml I (ivi', ii-holivl ,'HniM. Itnir iwtii I Mill. Ilufr Imtlnii, hIiikIi lir. n.teil chiMul, lr'S nr Hli.-I IhikI .... S.V00 t .nil, urry llminel, klnle or rifillbk hnMslMt 37,110 1 mill, ititrk wirhtrA dolilitt'tir.n.tril tiin unit 4VIHI 1 illniMT Mill, riiiiilili'liri''il 4il. mi I mill liirliM. iIh In hiirk IX. Ml I M:n-k., urry tUnnr) 7. AO II Milrn li"'n, 1 lilark limn, I hriiwn win Hp, 1 hrimn liurk nr mil Itrimcr., 1 firm. nlm-. .. DO. 00 S hill., I liriiHii hnaphrlm OA.OOl, I hllirlt liomhliric O.ftlll, 1 tyil- Inin or K,rl K.Om 17. to t pitlr. Klnvm, 1 Itrtnic knit, 1 pin; nr nipr A. 00 10 .lilrl., InrhiflliiK drF.H and .port. 310.00 A NUM. ilmltTHPitr 0.00 .1 piijitmii. , 7. Ml M pulr. ho.f M.A'I I riiliK S AO 1 pulr Hiwr. S AO 'S hiinflUrrrlilf'fli ft. 00 0 in. klli-. 10, (Kl 1 MUi'.ltlT 4. AO 1 dri'.. miMcotit ft. 00 1 ln,N Jiut'lry .M 0.00 Ml.rrllitnriHm, Inrlmllnff belt , mi. prnOYr., ii:ir1,T.. pin, tie flip, riltdink., Mr 10.00 If more than this is to be spent additional articles of course cr.n be purchased to meet the users needs, hut as said before use your com mon sense. THE Original Clown Prince Swing; Music. EVERYWHERE 4 Years Steel Pier, Atlantic City College Inn, Chicago. Leading Theatres America. at the spacious MCA 'Present n n rzi rrs" rrr His ORCHESTRA 1 'Frirlw flrt ftth include: Carlos Molina, Ralph Webster. 1 O ( ltll KuvtwahiUur DRESSES ioi 1250 jv tha. QurdoA. Shop. (FIRST FLOOR) Sizes 9, 11. 13, 15, 17 - Of course they're Sassy Sues You'd know that by their clever young designs. Crisp velveteens in luscious sunset colors. Bright crepes and wools that have "poured in" look. Formals, too, for those locking ahead to the Military Ball. There's over 300 from which to choose. r 1 .7Ji ' I HI .'4 I k fi.-t. c. UOVLAND-SWANSON Lincoln's Fashion Center exWsSjJ 1 ..." 1 silk Stockings Stockings thot ore in a class by them selves ... so feathery they have a real luxury look yet by octuol test outwear heavy service stockings. It's the patented Artcraff features that make tl.em look so sheer and wear so long. Artcraff con be a real credit to you on oil campus occasions. Budget $100 Chiffon I Feather $115 Chiffon I Town 35 Chiffon I Whiff $165 Qiffon I b