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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 7, 1937)
PACE TWO THE IUII.Y NEBRSKA. TIHTHSI)Y, OH ( 7, 1037 ; TfoeDailyNebraskan Entered na Mcnnd-rlMt mnttrr at the pnntoffiii In Lincoln. Nilirai.ka, muter art nf ci.m;ri-a, Muii-li 3, IM.'.i. and at a ni'lBl rule of prmUir pruvldi-il fur In wi-llnn 1103. act til October 8, 1017, authorlzi'd Jnminry uu, WJ.2. Man's Favorite Indoor Sporl Nathaniel Ward wiih one of tin: curliest 1 Amerienn writcrR. lie emitrriited to ev Kinr- lnnd nnd was eolleiimie ;istnr ;it Ai:i.'iiu or , IpHvvirli, P:U-3f. lie is noted fur liis 1 ilu tt i-s wit h laiiRunKC nnd hoiim-1 init-s iviiiemlii-ri'd fur indulninu: in the np-old indoor sport for men, criticizing women's fashions. ' This hemp; the Fall Fashion edition of the . Kcl)raskan, we wilhliold conmicnt on shorter skirls nnd fornials for women and the long plain hacked, rolldapelled coats for tnen. ln sleud, we give you n taste of old Pastor Ward, whoso writing was done, we must remember, . when the Indian nienaee was more than dis torted history and the Queen's clothes were ' reflected months later in the colonies, some times even in the Puritan places of w ' , PASTOR WARD: He that to parrots speaks, must par' He that instructs a foole, may act the unwise. I honour the woman that, can honour her selfe with her attire: a good text id waves de serves a fair mnrgent ; 1 am not miieli offended, if I see a trimnie (ornament), far trimmer than , she thnt weares it: in n word, whatever Chris tianity or civility will allow, 1 can afford with London measure (more than a full yeard): But when I heare a numerous (triflc irventing) gentlcdame inquire what dresse the queen is in this week: what the nudius tertian (oi the day before yesterday) fashion of the court; with egge (eagerness) to be in it in all haste, whatever it be ; I look at her as the very gizzard of a trifle, the product of . a quarter of a cypher, the epitome of nothing-, ; ammmammmmmmnm.mi mmmmmmmmmmmm fitter to be kickt, if shoe were of a Mckablc substance, than either honour 'd or humour 'd. To speak moderately, 1 truly coufessc it is beyond the ken of my understanding to con ceive, how those women should have any true grace or valuahle crtuc, that have so little wit, as to disfigure themselves with such exo lick garhes, as not only dismantles their native lovely lustre, but transeloiils them into ganl bar-gcese, ill-shapeii shoteli,sliell-f ish, Kgyptian hyeroglyphics, or at. the best into French flurls of the paslcry, which a proper F.nylisli woman should seorne with her heals: it. is no marvcll they wca re drailcs (trailing head-dresses) on the hinder part of their heads, having nothing as it seems iii the fore-part, but a few sipiirrils brains to help them frisk from one ill-favored fashion to another. These whimm-crown'd slices, these fashion fansying' wits, Are empty thin brain 'd shells and fitlling kits. ....1 have been a solitary widdower almost twele years, purposed lately to make a sleji over to my native country for a yoke-fellow: hut. u hi n 1 consider how women there have tripe-wil'etl themselves with their cladinents, 1 have no heart, to the voyage, least, their nause ous shapes and the sea, should work too sorely upon my stomach. I speak sadly; me thinks it should brcakp the hearts of Fnglish nien, to see so many goodly Fnirlish women imprisoned in French rages, peerii!!' out of their hood holes for some men of mercy to help them with a lit tle wit, and no body relieves them. ....I point my pen only against the light heel'd beagles that lead the chase so fast, lliat they run all civility out of breath, against these ape-headed pullets, which invent aiitiipie foolc-faiigles, lneerly for fashion and novelty sake. The world is full of care, much like unto a bubble ; Women and care, and care and women, and women and care and trouble. In hil niiIihIiii; NHltiiinlrl tViril In lirr Anifrlriin Mi r.iliin rlnvs. Ml C.itliifl rr'iilnilrit Unit turn ilt'lniiril liiitnrli'ii i-liitlirt mill niiTrli'int mII llii'm. 'Mir miinrn urn mily wrllin I I (JjiTfiWiutg. ffafwd&L ',',"'" si - S in a I mill If i . A ill Kclurn of I'midi Cuffs. INxkcl 'niches, Slick-Pins Mark Trend Of Men's cushions lo s' Tlilfl I.h the fashion pUilor. .So, elsewhere. In this Issue, you will find very positive statements, will ten by thi men who malic their living selling clothes, of what tin; well dressed nian and woman should wear. Hut., here, we hope to show you what, he will wear. In our opinion, certainly not called for hut expressed anyway, we have just two peeves us to tilt! fall styles: 1. We haven't any money to spend on them. 2. Hut if we hud. we'd liny H few cross of these loii-morow-liot-tonied kIiicU.h nnd use llleni to slMlt II flic. We naked them (he type of i lolla s wlili H they prelcr to wear til M'llool. M.iry Ciuntii, Riad Sophomore: Desplle all proteat.s lo the con trary, nieu'H fa;ihloiiM will change. Klghl now, I hi.1 trend Is hack to llle day.l of (he (!ny Nineties, even to using the same materials In clot hing. Keceiilly "Apparel Alts," book of exclusive fashions for men, fcouted some of the most exclu sive and fashionable halls and (he ater openings In London, nnd dis covered thai plain white eamhrle has come hack Into favor for dress shirts, waistcoats, and lies. This Is a radical change from the piipies and niarcellas which have held the spotlight during the past ten years, In spile of the fact that the one of while cambric for dress wear dates bin k u good hun dred years to the) days of (he al most legendary Hean Hiummel, As used today, this cotton fabric, which has a hlfch, formal gloss, contains no pattern whatsoever. White Pearl Studs. II lias also been noted thai, while while pearl sliuls arn used for the shirt, black waistcoat studs have received the stamp of approval of young men In the world's fashion centers, These black studs are edged with while, and are very closely spacrtd. ImiiIIht evidence of the s(le "I hale to see liigh-Iiecled shoes, trend may be found In the revival J - , -1 9m Well Dressed Men Arc Wearing Them uire Is Featuring Them Simon's Are Selling Them ARROW 2 COLLAR TO MATCH Neckband Shirts Here you will find a most comprehensive assort ment of ARROW NECK BAND SHIRTS . . . The most popular shirt on every campus . . . Mitoga Form-fit . . . Sanforizrd-Shrunk. o Shirts With 2 Collars to Match o Shirts With 2 White Collars, and White Cuffs o Demi Starched Bosom Shirts Stripes Checks Figured Effects In AI the Neiu Beautiful Fall Colors '$2-$250 -$3 Lincoln's Largest Assortment of Arrow Products anil girls dressed as iho lliey were going lo a party. (In the campus, I pnl'er sport shoes, skirls and sweaters, and units. Some sort, of j a hat should lie worn, dins should not wear fancy jewelry on the cauipli:;. Vou can always tell (he girl who really knows clothes, by those she lias on for Hie occasion," Grant Reed, Biznd Freshman: "Sweaters, odd coats, suits or any eoinbinat ion of them, as long as they harmonize. If the suit is blown, for example, the shoes sin. uld match. Whirls, lies, and so should ill. dill. Another point on personal ap- of the old-fashioned watch fob with Its heavy golden splendor, which Is replacing (he formerly popularly sMver key cam. The gold watch fob, eonsiiiered the only type eorrei t with the tail coat, marks one more Instance of the returning- popularity of gold jewelry for town wear. More Jewelry Sported. "The return to gracious living," as "Apparel Arts" so aptly ex presses it, "sounds like a line cribbed from a silverware ad, but it applies none the less aptly to the strong comeback that is currently being staged by men's jewelry." More men arc snortinc tewelrv to- pearance a (ellow should be clean day than for some years past ; not naven, ii in i lay on loud clonics md short haircuts." Anne Hoffman, Bizad Freshman:. "Skirts, sweaters, sport dresses, ills, and positively no anklets." iville Younger, Law college fresh man: ' ( "oriliiroys and cjiiarter-sleeves at least that's what I'm going wear as soon as I save tip money nough to buy a new pair of cords, only that, but there Is a noticeable on account of my last ones got LEARN TO OAMCE IJ IMA WILLIAMS Studio rhang;d to 138 No. 12th Closer to University. Private lesson by appointment every day and evening Classes Monday and Saturday, 7:30 to 9:30 Ballroom and Tan Studle B4252 Res. B4258 ripped in Hie Seat." Lucilc Thomas, Arts and Sciences Freshman: . ."Iiow-hreled shoes, and if her hair Is pretty, no hat. A girl shouldn't follow a fad unless it. looks well on her. If she wants lo wear anklets, she should wear both silk stockings and anklets. No hair ornaments of any kind. In general, plain wool dresses, sweaters, skirts, and suits," Max Hulbert, Arts and Sciences Sophomore: "A fellow should wear anything he happens to have handy just so it's clean. Prcferahlc, however, is a suit, with suede shoes, a light shirt, and a loud blue lie." Virginia Rapp, Ag College Sopho more: "Sweaters and skirts mostly, al tho some sport dresses arc all right. With them, should he worn sport shoes with low heels and some kind of a small hat that 0JL Via dOL Improveiiicnl in quality as well as In quantity. The formally dressed gentleman has abandoned the wrist watch in favor of the gold pes Itet watch, reserving the wiisl watch loi sports, travel, nnd similar occas ions. Such trends also Indicate a growing tendency lo "dress for the occasion," and Imply a return to the pocket watch chain, as men tioned above. These are worn In the waistcoat pocket of town clothes or In the watch pocket of a dinner jacket. French Cutfa Favored. In line with the general re vival, th, return of the cuff link Is receiving some attention, along with the shirt carrying French cuffs. I'relercnce Is for the In itialed links, with a modern vers ion carrying a cut-out. monogram. Along with the cuff links, wc see the gold safety pin, which Is worn In the collar. One of the most promising types of jewelry, w hh ll Is now In favor on many iiildweslcin campuses, Is the spoiling- motif stickpin. Tho it suffered a sethiuk after Its In troduction hern from Knglimd, II appears to be once more beaded for fair weather sailing, Pins be ing worn by fashion leaders are often quite expensive, being sport ing designs set In diamonds or other precious stones, However, the acceptance of this type of personal adornment Is epeclei to lead to Its later appearance In gen nine gold among the lesser lead ers, nnd eventually, an Inexpensive form for the masses. Will the fashions of today and tomorrow lead us eventually hack to the days of IMamoml Jim liiady? Return of the white cam bric for dress clothing, the heavy gold watch seal on Its black ribbed silk ribbon; reaeeeptanee of the gold pocket watch with a heavy gold chain; appearance of the dia mond stick pin; these me causing fashion-watchers to look to their histories. keeps out of your way. Reside this, perhaps a sport coat or jacket." Gerald Gricss, Arts and Sciences senior: , "I always feel more comfortable In a pair of corduroys, a shirt and tie that go well together, and a leather jacke t. "Better clothes are nicer, If you can afford them, but I feel that most of the fellows In school can hardly do so." Homer G. Anderson, Arts and Sci ences sophomore: "I prefer lo wear what's com fortable. I like clean corduroys not dirty ones and monkey bul ton shiris with a little wildness In color. Comfort able shoes, mocca sins, and a lightweight cloth jack et. Preferably no tie." BY ELWOOD RAND0L. Like the postman who went for a walk on his day off, Harry John son, KlfAU baseball announcer, Is spending his vacaltnn at the world scries In New Yoi k, . Carson Roblson' Ruckaroos arc famous from coast to coast and have a large following In the Rril Ish Isles, hut no Englishman would know what was meant If he heard the word "Ruckaroos." Carson al ways labels his famed act "The I'loneers" when broadcasting over URC and appearing in 1-ondon music halls. Today's hcadllncr Is Dorothy Lowell, (ahove), the red-head who plays the title role In the "Our Cal Sunday" sketches heard Mon day thru Friday over KKAR at 11:45 In the morning. Dorothy was born In New York City and went abroad at the age of six to study at the Duncan School In Austria. At 1 she was playing bits In tho movies and at 19 was Impersona ting C.lnger Rogers on Columbia's "l.r Minutes In Hollywood" pro gram. Since then she has appeared on several oilier CBS drama shows, but this Is her first starring role. , IUkIi l"'l nn t'nl;i' MhriliilKl KIMI. n;:'fl- liniriiMipniiiMi, ( lis. 111:1,1 Miimnliie ul tlif Air, ( IIS. 1 1 :(IO IiitI ninl III' Hirer Niilra, (IIS. 11:1.1 World Mrli, miiinil nt:r, (IIS. 0:IH Mini On thr SlreH. !.! lli'MnM. ::W SinirC, It. vim, Us, rao u llin iv.iiii-, ens. 1:011 hull' Snillli, ( IIS. 8:ll Mlilnr IIiihi-h' Arlnlli'iir llimr CIIS. :: Murih il Hull', ( IIS. 1 1 :- lliim r I'l jur, ( UN, 1 1 :.HI l-'rttnltlc Minlim, (IIS, 141 OK. S : (fl Mnriilnff Symphony. II: III Tin' liinlriiniiiiliilll, ( MS. 111:11 vnlnii Slrbiin. 11:4.1 Ait liiiir, Mils. I2-..10 Wnilil Si-rlm, wcnnil Biiinc 4:11111111' .luhnmin lilinlU, Mils. JISHI I Irr rri vi'iilliin Wfil. Iililnm, A: 1,1 I nur ( tilllnrnlniiii, Mils, 11:110 ln ShIvii, iirunn, Mils. 1::io W.ijni' IOiik, Mils. H:I1 tin S:mili'r, Mils. n::HI Henry WrliriV Minimi lli'tlli', Mils. 10:00 SiMirt liv lli'iitli'y. 10:1,1 I nililli- .Mnrtlii, Mil1". 10:811 Hilly Nivimmm, MHH. 11:011 llrrnlp I iliiiinlii'i, .MIIS, 11:110 .Iiiii Slimier. MIIS Phi Tan Tlida to Allend Imiiiamicl (lliitrcli Oct. 11 Thl Tan Theta, Methodist fra ternity, is planning lo attend morn ing services at the Imnianuel church Sunday Oct. 11, where Rev. Roland Nye, national chaplain of I'M Tail Theta and student at the University, is pastor. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.X i." i ji.ri l'w"w"lww'"p; .... t '- ' ' ' p - ; ' V K-A i -:. I - .i I. ' ' ' T llift Bell System is made up of 313,000 men and women scrviii"; every corner of the country, its structure is dimple. Tlin American Telephone and Telegraph Company coordinates all system activities. It atlases on all phases of telephone operation and searches constantly for improved methods. The 23 associated operating companies, each attuned to the area it serves, provide local and toll fervice. Q Bell Telephone Lab oratories carries on scientific research and development. Western Electric is the Bell System's manufacturing, purchasing and distributing unit. Q The Long Lines Department of American Telephone and Telegraph inter connects through its country-wide network of wires the 23 operating companies and handles overseas service. Thanks to the teamwork of these Bell System units, yon can talk to almost anyone, anywhere, anytime atlow cost! Classified ADVERTISING IOC PtR LINE ,OST: '. H. T. fraternity tan. C;ill Unfit. Itrwiinl. KXTHA! i:THA! Jiint Vurrhanril TWO KW I'KUM. vrm- MVCHINFS 0 Shorter NttNtmtn Tlchtir Klncltt Knrl lntr Ijiiinit Usui Til" AIM Ml, r.D ! ITf :iSFt'L $n.ra. STEAM OIL WSl Shampoo And Ilnlr llrrim. .StV, 10c, 7Ac Orphoum Beaute Salon tl N. 12. Oprrntiir. H:iflH. yon inre a leenfc limit . . . ee it til voir any risk; Tlir most irr'ml . inr chilling tomnnrr rrrr jil in.,'. "LOVE FROM A STRANGER" with ANN HARDING BASIL BATHBONE Mat. 15c 20c Eve. Kiddies 10c SMitl T O D A Y BLACK VELVET, TAFFETA, SATIN HIGHLIGHT THE WINTER SEASON. (Continued from Tago 1.) epaulettes has been designed for the demure Rill, and another black velvet sliealh Is a moilel with puffed sleeves, zipped mile, and ii romantic swlnf? skirt. Twins May 8hlne. For thoso twins who Just must dress alike, even on me danca floor, thcro are twin ballet dresses, one of Mack tulle with llRhtnlnjr streaks of silver pallettes, and tho other of white tulle with scrolls of black spangles. The new ahort hemline of course plays an Im portant part this season and tho revival of the uneven hem dis plays to advantage pretty ankles. No costume- would be complete without some hair ornament, aril every perfectly colffed head must cither wear a plume, a goiucn oira, or fresh flowers. SUN MAT. 10c EVE. 15c NOW 6H0WING1! Olrlil Learn how to rooks a b.Tihful man propoielll KATHERINE HEPBURN FRANCHOT TONE In gV'QUALITY fC STREET v; 2nd Olfl F'.itiira BETTE DAVIS WAYNE MORRIS "KID GALAHAD" SUNDAY Lorrtta "Young RnhTt Tnylnr "PRIVATE NUMBER" 15o T0DAYI You'll Laugh ' I il you Cry I WILI I AM POWELL CAROLE LOMBARD 'My M--.n Godfrey plUI Laugh Hit Numbfr Twol "A Bride For Henry" with Nfll Hamilton Plus! Ilomnncr! Miuir "BLONDE TROUBLE" yith Johnny Downs L1 'mlU0 i mm ElMnor Whitti Lynne OvPiniAn Denny Baker Sroop! NEBRASKA-MINNESOTA FOOTBALL PICTURES! See the ('ornliuskrr fivfeal fin :ihrr II to 'J! XXXUXUKXWXXKXJIXXXXXXXX llurr! ,nl Vrlilny!W vx Deanna DURBIN '100 Mom C.rYj I -1 3 How ntJiny lim' j V a hnvr u Ms n M? w t i ' MRCII FMrn ul .rw j TIMK. Kln rwi Hpituihr short ST1TAIKT Saturday I HOWELL Crashes Thru for Touchdovml CALLIHAN Snags Pass for Final Markerl See Paramount's Review of NEBRASKA-MINNESOTA Battle! EXTRA! EXTRA! A . ? t 4 ai 9 "'I LCS I Killed Him!" "vc Lived ninl 'Loved freely . . . rot wisely but dangerous ly! I'm the kind of Rirl men talk about . . . but I've kept my secrets about inn . . . until now! But NOW I'm going it lolk . . . tell thr whole tnrdid ( . . . d'm't rare whom I hud!" NOTE! NOT RECOMMENDED FOR CHILDREN I While thit Picture will not be hirmlul we feel that thoy will not ba entertained I Starts MORE! FROM TALENT SCOUT TO STAR1 The Inside etory of how Stars are BORN and WADEI Sec 1000 movie tecreti revealed I Sec . . . All the trlckj of make-up! Sec . , Screen tetti actually madel See . "HOLLYWOOD SCREEN TEST" FRIDAY! Witil IAN HUNTER BASIL RATHBONE Ends Tonite! "SAN QUENTIN"