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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 12, 1918)
NEDRASKAN v, ! ' J. a 1 UNIVERSITY MEN Who will soon lx shedding their military uniforms, do well to get in on our Suit Sale. Think of buying the cream of our 35.00 and 40.00 Spring Suits for only 19- MANY MEN NEEDED FOR ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT (Continued from Faca One) 20c Lion Collars 12 l-LV 75c Silk Hose 55c C4 Collars FOR SPRIWG Gas co -2 V fe. Clyde-2wa chemUts, accountant, htatliitlcian and clerk bookkeeper. Anionx the lnector required are: Field Artillery Ammunition Steel, Forging. High Kxploxive Shell leading Powder and Kxnloxlve Steel Mill Product Artillery Ammuultlon, Engineering Material Packing lloxe Cartridge Oases Assembling, Loading, etc. Halllstlc Inspector Artillery Wheel Gun Carriage Forging Gunfire Control Instruments Machinery and machine tools Cannon (Machining Operations) . 2. At the suggestion of the Act Ing Chief of ordnance, we are ad dressing this letter to the Commer cial club, requesting your assistance in our effort to fill these Imperative ordnance employment demands. The need for competent civilian employes In the ordnance department has be come so urgent that every citizen who is not now employed In some form of government work ought to look upon this as a personal appeal 3. It is possible that among your membership there are persons who will be able to assist the ordnance department In one of the positions enumerated. Perhaps some of the members of the Commercial club will be willing to rearrange their or ganization so that some of their em ployes may be released for govern ment service. 4. The positions In the depart ment are filled in accordance with civil service regulations. We are attaching' several announcements In dicating the character of the re quirements for the positions. L. Perhaps it would be possible for you to post this letter on your bulletin board, insert the communica tion in your regular publication or bring it to the attention of your membership in a special letter. If you will send to the civilian person nel section the names of any per sons willing to serve in any of the capacities enumerated, we shall for ward such prospective employes the necessary information regarding the positions in which they are Inter- eted. All communication regarding these position! should he addreed to Major L. H. Van luen. civilian peraonnel section. 1330 F Street. N. W.. Waahlngton. l. C. 6. Aa the ordnance department I charged with the responsibility ' supplying all munitions for our sol diers In France, anything that you can do to assist In obtaining the re quired quota of employe will be In the nature of a distinct contribution toward bringing about the speedy and successful concluslou of the war, Respectfully, (Signed) L. It. VAN IH'SKN'. Major. Ordnance N. A. GREEKS NOW READY FOR SECOND ROUND (Continued from page one) Score Slg Alpha Epsilon 6. Phi Helta Theta 1. Hatterles Sigma Alpha Kpsilon. Peterson, DoTeau; Phi lelta Theta Clark. Koehler. Alpha Theta Chi took a hard fought game from Bushnell Guild 3 to 0. Neither team seemed able to find the ball at the right time. Lindley for Bushnell Guild nd Kvana for the Alpha Theta both struck out about half of the men who shouldered the bat. One hit apiece was accredited each team. Score Alpha Theta Chi 3. Bush nell Guild 0. Batteries Alpha Theta Chi, Kvans, Spear; Bushnell Guild,. Lindley, Gravengaard. The Delta Taus had little trouble in disposing of the Phi Gam'fl and the superiority of the Delts was never in doubt. Gillilan and Hubka had the Phi Gam's batting the air most of the time, while every man on the Delta Taus team made their bats talk hits. Score Delta Tau Delta 12. Phi Gamma Delta 2. Batteries Delta Tau Delta. Gilli lan, Hubka and Thomas; Phi Gamma Delta, Dougherty and Graves. The Sigma Nu Phi Kappa Psl com bat was a slugging contest from start to finish, with the Phi Psi's emerging the winner by the score of 15-14. During the early stages or the game it looked as if the Sigma Nu's were going to hare a walk away, but when the Phi Psl's started to hit Ohde'B delivery they were not to be denied the long end of the score. .. . 1,.. I IK Clm. Score I'M Kappa i i . Nu 14. lUtterlea Phi Kappa Pal. Wright. Kellogg and Thorpe; Sigma Nu. Ohde and Rhodes. HALF AND HALF Quick to Catch On K.I ward had an uncle who owned a grocery and market. On Saturday It waa Kdward'a delight to go mere to help. On thl particular day a relghbor chanced in. Finding Ed ward there. she thought al.o would flnl out how much tho little fellow knew atout bunlness. Seriously the said: "Kd., have you chickens to day?" The youngster' reply m: "Yep. we have all kinds, alive, read, dressed and undressed." Chance ta r.,. During (he week certain nifmk. of the flock had been p.X J?' much attention to .ampling tha whisky, and the "meenlater-Jfcu . Scotch story-took adfanuT, S hi. position in the pulpit X minister gentle reproof. "An" I tell ye, one an' all, )er, 0, the way ro perdition'" he cried I Af that moment a fly fcettloj" 0, the book before him. He raised hi flat m "Ye're gaeln' tne tho bottom.,, pit!" he shout M. -And ye'll tt there Just aae sure aa I iiii n.. ... out o' this fly."? ' m III list crashed down a he ut tcred the word. Then he looked to aee the result of hi handiwork. "Missed!" he ejaculated. "Ah. well, maybe there' a chance for some o ye yet!" Ex "J 9 1 'Rite Gordon Hie college man's shirt. Well made of fine white Oxfond. Cut in patterns that assure perfectly comfortable fit. It is an ARROW SHIRT CLUETT. PEA BODY 6t CO., Uu, Jr. TROY.. M. Y. Urn A Air fa U u9D 03rW n nu mm For tho Entiro Uontli of .larch iomo Things You E3quo Uanfcd To Elsiou Selling The People's Home Library you make as high as 60 per cent profit. You get a $50 Govern ment Liberty Bond for 60 days whether or not you sell a book. The People's Home Library has been adopted as the Official Report of The International People's Aid As sociation. The object of this association is to prevent suffering, lower death rate, conserve food and save live stock. These things will help win the war. . You are a county conservation worker. You show the farmers how-to save the things necessary to win the war. . A. A. Hurt made $93 last week in 5 days. What Hurt is doing you can do. "Procrastination does to opportunity what jobs do to initiative." What are you going to do this summer? THE R. C. BAUNN CO. B 1314 . B2730 i l