Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 12, 1918)
THE DAILY HEBEASKAH c ROY MILLER, For Foot Comfort TAmnvil tit (Vtm n.1 Initmu lnn v..:t.. adjustment or . 410 Cntp COMFORT SHOES B-3781 B-Baaass"s"",," "" nilVEB THEATRE Tonlaht At 8:09 mute. Wed and Sat JJVER AND PLAYERS In NEVER SAY DIE" Next Week THE MAN FROM OVER THERE" fiRPHEU by u . PHONE w f John- HYAMS & McINTYEE In Model Playlet "Maybloom Donald kebb & effie WESTON , -smart Songs and Nifty Dances EIJDA MORRIS The Lyric a-uj 5arry beresfoed & CO. InMind Yonr Own Bnslness 'CYCLING BRUNETTES' In -Defying GraTity" The Girl With HARRY the Wonder- G ELF OIL ful Arm jn His Famous SANTI Character In Dances of the "The Gay Old Orient Sport" Matinees at 2:20; seats 26c Nights at 8:20; seats 25c, 60c, 75c FRIDAY AND SATURDAY William Fox Presents DUSTIN FARNUM In a Return Engaflement of THE SPY 10,000 GERMAN SPIES IN AMERICA "The Spy" is an expose of the Kaiser's secret service methods THE KAISER vsl THE DEVIL Who is your neighbor? Do you Trust him? Also a Sunshine Comedy 'Hungry Lions In a Hospital" Shows at 1, 3, 5, 7:15 and 9:15 Waffles and Coffee 15c HENDRY'S CAFE 136 North Eleventh Phone B-1589 Lincoln, Neb. p GOOD CLEANING 8ERVICE ij 8end Your Work to H LINCOLN. H Cleaning & Dye Works H 326 So. 11th Phone B-6576 PA" Get your Lunches at the City Y. M. C. A, Cafeteria Plan 13TH AND P Professional Optical Service Eyes Examined Glasses Fitted Any Lena Duplicated . . . DR. W. H. MARTIN. OptonMtst 1234 O St Opposite Miller A Paine I Everything ' In 171 riiinrDQ HILTNER BROS. 1042 o st B-zrn SOCIETY April 12 Alpha Chi Omega Lincoln. Alpha Gamma Rho Informal Rose wllde. PI Kappa PhJ house April 13 All-UnlverMty party Closed Alpha Chi Omega Banquet Lincoln, 6 to 8 o'clock. Silver Serpent party for sophomore girls Music and Faculty hall. 2 6 o'clock. April 19 Alpha Tau Omega banquet Lincoln. Freshman Hop Lincoln. XI Delta party Alpha XI Delta house. April 20 Bushne'.l Guild banquet Lincoln. Alpha Tau Omega informal Lin coin. Iota Sigma Ti Banquet Lincoln. Dramatic Club vaudeville Temple. Sigma Nu house. PI Beta Phi banquet Lincoln. April 28 Sigma Phi Epsilon. Alpha Omicron Ti party house. April 27 Catholic Students' rlub Rosewilde. Dramatic Club Vaudeville Temple. Sigma Phi Epsilon Banquet Lincoln Alpha Omicron PI banquet Lincoln. . Latin club banquet Lincoln. May 3 Phi Delta Theta Lincoln. University Band Parry Auditorium April 12 Pi Kappa Phi will entertain twen ty couples at a party at the chapter house. Prof, and Mrs. E. II. Bar bour will chaperone. About seventy-five couples will at tend the dance given by the Alpha Chi Omea at the Lincoln. Mrs. Tolf Hansen and Prof, and Mrs. G. E. Condra will be the chaperones. The out-of-town guests will be Marion Kastle, Mary Cusack of North Bend; Grace Horner, Beatrice; Helen Schwab, McCook; Vina Kohler, Flandreau. S. D.; and Ruth Mc Michael, Northfield. Twenty couples will be present at a party given by Alpha Gamma Rho. The chaperones will be Dean and Mrs. E. A. Burnett. Prof, and Mrs. E. A. Young, and Dr. and Mrs. J. Barker. April 11 The annual banquet of the Of ficers' club was held at the Lin coln hotel. The toast list was: Edwin Maxey toastmaster. Our Past Frank D. Eager. 93. Our Present Colonel Roger A. Jenkins, '18. Our Future Colonel E. C. Jeftrey. Response-Regent E. P. Brown. Nebraska and the Regiment Act ing Chancellor V. G. Hastings Patriotism H. L. Roberts, Colonel U. S. Army, retired. The tenth annual banquet of the University 'cadet band was held in the Red Room of the Y. M. C A. Professor C. B. Cornell was toast master and the following toasts were responded to: First Strain Captain L. W. bins. Second Strain-Sergt. H. L. Ander- SThird Strain-Sergt. M. U Springer Fourth Strain-Lieut. D. IVThomas. Music was furnished by Earl Wil- 80n W S. Larson and H. H. Lewis. P-RSONALS Faith Dedrick will spend the end of the week in Omaha viniting fr Nanette Teagarden will jWt thj latter part ofthe week with Betty Gould in Omaha. nnnn Florence Lewis. Florence GalleUno and Helen Neiman will be guests of Mary Hedrick at her home in Te cumseh Saturday and Mrs J H. Downing of Rising City Is visiting her daughter Helen, at the Delta Delta Delta house Kathleen Hartigan will spend the end of the week at her home in Fairbury. . Mrs P. Johnson, who baa Been visiting her daughter. Agnes, at the KanDa Kappa Gamma house, left for Erne in Superior Thursday evening. h Ruth Sanford. '16. of Omaha, and Gladys Wild. '16. o' Wilbur are visit ine at the Alpha Delta PI bu8f- Mi?dred Gillilan of Hardy l visit lnr.t the Alpha Omicron ri house. BeH Cook will spend Sunday in 2? hSnenKiefer and h2 Howe"wilfVsIt in Omaha the "SStZVS-n Satur- day and Sunday st her home In Cen tral City. Helen Gilbert has withdrawn from the University on account of illness. E UNIVERSITY NOTICES Surgical Dressings Class The first meeting of the new class In surgical dressings under Miss H. I. Redford will be held at 7 o'clock Mon day evening. Girls wishing to reg ister for this class are requested to see Miss Redford. Graduate Teachers' Club Th r.radnatp teachers club will hold its regular meeting in Music Hall of the Temple, Friday evening at 7 o'clock. nlifn I ltrarv Society The Delian Literary society will meet in Faculty hall Friday evening at 8 o'clock. Everyone is welcome. Teachers' Certificates All sophomores and juniors who ex- certificate pecc iu v'- at the end of the present school year, leave names in tne regisirui umv. j April 20. Field Geography 21 Field geography 21 class will meet Saturday, April 13, at 8 o'clock In Nebraska hall 110. All members are aeked to attend. Union and Palladian Union and Palladian Literary so cieties will hold their annual joint closed meeting tonight at 7:30 o'clock. Confetti Committee The confetti committee of the all University party committee will meet in U 102 at 1:00 o'clock Fri dayP. g. Jones, chairman. I HALF AND HALF Spring Melody It is spring time and the bug is in the air Signs of life are stirring almost everywhere. Pa's got it, so has ma and sister Sue And I do believe it's getting in me too. For my bones just get to itching And my muscles get to twitching. And I'm nervous as an old maid drinking tea. j, ... i,x.if Ti Viaf trt do. 1 UUU t nuun " - - For I'm upset through and through Cause the bug has got his clutches into me. . When I feel those warm winds blow ing And I see the golfers going With bags and clubs and breeches to the knee My nerves begin to twitch And I begin to itch For the bug has got a hold on me yoft see. When I see the boys a shooting marbles in the ring, The bug Just whispers and I hear them say 1' spring. For the birds will soon be coming And the bees will soon be hum ming , A. , And breezes warm will send their cheer to every heart. It makes me think of sunny days, I can see them in a haze, For the bug has gripped me, caught me, at the start. Oh! there's lots of signs of spring And oh my, the Joy they bring. As I face a draft that chills me to the- bone. For although the signs are here Old King Winter lingers near. Although everybody greets him with a groan. Pa's restless as can be and he don't "FTS TIME TO BUY" Spring Clothes The men who buy their clothes In our store season after season do so for Just one reason. They know when they come here for clothes they always take out with them the satisfied feeling that they've got exactly what they want, both In Style and Quality. The new spring hats are here. Stetsons and Horsalinos. Let us show you today. -THE HOME OF OOOO CLOTH CUT New Classes APRIL A million men will leave positions this summer to answer their country's call. Our summer course will prepare you to fill one of these places. You will perform a service to your country, and reap a substantial reward for yourself. Call for Lincoln Business College Fullv Accredited by Nat'l Ass'n of Accredited Com'l Schools 14 & P Sts. B6774 know what to do, J Ma's busy as a bee and so is issier Sue. Pa's got the bug. so he's putting on his walking shoes. Ma and Sue are sewing for the soldiers over there. I'm so darned uneasy that I'm sure I've got the blues For the bug of spring is flying in the air. Ex. Our Hero The patriotic frosh who tried to set the sun dial up one hour. The Joke Recoiled Riggs (facetiously): This is a pic ture of mv wife's first husband. Diggs: Silly-looking guy! But say, I didn't know your wife was mar ried before she met you. Riggs: She wasn't! This is a picture of myself when I was twenty-five Boston Transcript. no will steal." Not so; o m9n will lie dilieently about a woman, though he would not steal her for her weight in gold. wniinn to Oblige, If was once at a dinner where a lady mistook hi for his famous fellow countryman, tne com poser Mascagnl. "Oh," she exclaimed gushingly, I'd love to hear you play your oeau .!,,! 'TnortT1077'!" "knA tvi leve to do It," replied Moroni pravalv: "and I will do it with pleasure, if you've got a wire less piano. "Sprig Id Here" Sing a song of Springtime, Loafing on the Quad; Four and twenty Stuc'ents, Sitting on the sod. And then our friend, the Colonel, Appeared upon the scene, Whereupon he interrupted Students Attention! Students of the University who desire to make all or nearly all of their expenses while attending this school, will do well to call at 315 Funke Building. Lincoln, for an explanation of a propositio nwhich is highly remunerative, dignified, and respectable, and suitable for either lady or gentlemen. Consultation from 2:00 p, m. to 5:00 p. m. os Wednesdays and Saturdays. II I 22 Catalog Lincoln, Nebr. The wearing of the green. Need for Education Here Freshman: "What are you read ing?" Senior: "Mathhew Arnold. Freshman. "Wasn't he a traitor?" when a woman is very, very bad, she Is awful, but when a man is cor respondingly good he is weird. fBrinS iriVbur List I Of School Supplies WE have all the things you need for school text books, drawing materials, i tablets and other sup- plies, including tne CONKLIN Self-Kller 0) students use. Students everywhere cvfrii efficient fountain pen means better work snd better grades. : VU Self -Filling in Fen NON-LEA KABLE .v-.: f aOh 3C