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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 12, 1918)
h f , 1 . 5 f f 5 t ; t M i THE DAILY N EBRASKAN the" daily nebraskan omcur rpr f th Univarally o( Nabraaka FERN NOBLE Editor LEONARD W. KLINE. .. .Mng. Editor ARNOLD WILKEN Newa Editor RUTH SNYDER Society Editor EARL STARBOARD. .Sportinx Editor HORACE TALCOTT. Acting Bus. Ugr.( OfRcaa Nawa Baaemant Onlvaralty Han Bualneaa. liaaainant AdmUitatratioa Bids'- Tttaphonea Nawa. L-Nll Bualnaaa. B-IM7 Machanlcal Department. U-IHS Publlabad Try day during tha collet yar except Saturday and Sunday. Bubacrlptton price, Pr Minntw, II. Kntarwl at tb poatofflca at Lincoln. Mebraafca, aa aecond-claaa mall matter nder tha act of Contrast of March t, int. Reportorial Staff Edith Anderson Eleanor Fogg Anna Burtless Grace Johnston Gaylord Darla Caroljn Reod Oswald Black Frank Patty E. Forrest Estea lYaacia Flood Edna Rohrs And what baa been so st'll and cold Will cry aloud in accent bold. With Tolce to ring unto the eky, The highest praise of Gamma Fbl Thanking you sincerely, and be speaking for you the best of all the good things of this good world. I am Sincerely yours, GEORGE R. CHATBURN, Potentate. RED CROSS REPORT Dressings made yesterday 740 Fewer girls worked yesterday than hare worked this year since the rally Mrs. Waugh said. Mrs. Waugh was discouraged last evening. With the armies of the United States Just be ginning to get into the fighting it seems that now is an inopportune time to stop Red Cross work. DIVIDING THE DEPARTMENTS Dr. Clapp came to Nebraska as head of the men's gymnasium. At that time the men and women's de partments were separated. Dr. Clapp became head of the entire depart ment by marriage, so to speak, as he married the head of the women's de partment. The girls are dissatisfied with con ditions now, and rightly so. It is going to be difficult for them to work with Dr. Clapp. If the departments were divided as they formerly were the difficulties would be eliminated. WE'RE CALLED ON AGAIN War is a glutton that lives on Uvea and riches. There is no limit to the devouring greed of war. As long as there is an unconquered life nr an linrfpvnn red dollar, war Is hungry. " When war attacks a nation there la no choice every able bodied man knows that he must .fight now or later. Selective drafts may mlsa a man here and there for a few months, but If the war goes on a time comes when every man who can walk and carry a gun must go to the colors and fight (or the very life of his country, his family, himself. When war attacks a nation there is no choice every dollar is subject to the call of mobilization. Some oi the dollars escape for a time and stay in their safe Investment places earning profits for their owners. But if the war goes on long enough, every dollar must come out and en list under the colors. In time of war, when the very life and Heath nf a nation is beinc de- - neen, aiong wun neiguiwims uun- cided on battlefields, money has no gJtje8f accused of being disloyal. Wis- rnmcf lie w t-r n i-uuraKO iuu luriiu- iwincin uiqannn inn mnprs naTB ei ice. Every dollar must fight or be pelled thoe professors whose loyalty classed as traitor and put in the was questionable. All the faculty outlaw list. members gone from Nebraska are I those who have gone, as the Chan Liberty loan campaign, several of : into A'ViTSf i' ,. a coincidence that the Political Sci- them Lniversity men. are pointing rxrtmenta are out. the nation has a right to take I , , , Hqw , , 8tn. absolutely every dollar or properly in the United States for the life and death war against tyranny, auto cracy, slavery, and foreign aggres sion and vassalage SECURING SPfcAKavK . But the naUon dfles not ,ntend tQ Through the faculty and student i ... that fin9. nm. exercise that final and desperate right. The government says: "The nation is fighting for its life. Lend us your money. We will give yon LIBERTY BONDS, secured by all the wealth and sovereign taking power, bearing 4 1-4 per cent interest, and protected by a good sinking fund, with tax exemptions to make the loan better. Let us do all we can, students of Iowa, to avoid the extreme necessity! Let us step forward with a showing sfmilar to the one made in the sec ond Liberty loan campaign! Let us make a way to help our government by investing In Liberty bonds! Dally Iowan patriotic leagues working with alumni over the state the university could help in a war-publicity campaign in Nebraska. Most cities and towns have alumni associations, Nebraska clubs or University clubs. Programs are given at the meetings of the clubs and the committees us ually try to secure university people as speakers. The members are thus brought in touch with their Alma Mater and at the same time hear dis cussions of world events. The faculty and student patriotic i leagues of the University might assist the clubs over the state in securing speakers. This should not be dif ficult. Any faculty member on the ram Mis would doubtless be glad to give an evening or two this spring j NOMINATIONS FOR GIRLS expect to pay the expenses of the speaker. Many of them already are holding open meetings and securing speakers as best they can. Several have had difficulty In get ting speakers. It is almost necessary to send a member to Lincoln to do this. Other state?, especially the eastern mates. New York in particular, are finding such publicity campaigns necessary. And who should be more willing to give such a gift of time and effort to the public than our professors who dally urge us to give our time, to forego our small luxuries, cur luncheons, even? CLUB BOARD COMPLETED (Continued from care one.) Th following girls wtie nomi nated by the board. Freshmen Helena Allen Grace Stuff Marjory Barstow Florence Wilcox Mary Brownell Sophomore Helen Holtz Alice Temple Ruth Htitton Theda Waterman Carolyn Reed , Junior Genevieve Bechterllelen Minor Elinor Bennett Fern Noble Katharine Kohl Dorothy Pettis Six other girls were nominated from the floor: Freshmen Donna Gustin Ruth Kirchstein Sophomore Fae Ereese True Jack Junior ; Gwendolyn Drayton Sarah Helter. AN APPRECIATION On lat Friday evening the Gamma l'his closed their dancing party early in order that the Mystic Shrine, bo were puiling off a big ; ceremr-nlal that night, might have the j use of the hotel banquet room. The!-. p . Lijnrn frt Potentate of the Shrine sent th:m a I Ur- L "inman 10 five pound box of r andy with the j AfJdreSS Volunteer Bond following note of appreciation: i Ladies: j r,r. e. L. Hinman will give the .SesoHtriH Temple A. A. O. N. M. S . ; iait of his seH of -addresses ca desire yea to kuow that we deeply j ";r;iigfous Readjustment" at a meet appreciaf.e your courtesy in giving up , ing of the Student Volunteer band two hours of your dance to accommo- J jn the Y. W. C. A. rooms of the date ua. ir you couiu only strou ; Temple Sunday at 4:30 o clocK. beneatn ice pa:r.i trees or our oasi. Walter Judd, '20, will talk and see the smiles made possible b7 your unselfish act you would fully realize that even now-a-days by the practice of such amenities the name of each may be written with Abou Ben Adbem as "one who loves his fellow m"n." When the ounds of pleasure, laughter, jolity and mirth are wafted over the hot sands of the desert. The Great Nosed Sphynx, with feat ures n-'ek. WU! once snore raiae her voice and speak; on "The Personal Side of the Mission Call." The meeting is open to every one and all Interested are urged to attend. STUDENT OPINION IS t 'A CURIOUS THING (Continued from page one.) to the "German Club" the following statement Appears in German script. The object of thla society la to I promote German Culture." In ad- dition to this club there now flour Ishes In this University the ronowin German organizations: "The German Dramatic Club "Deutsche Geselllge Vereln" wa nf their meetings ever in th "nr:H no notice of their meetings appear on the bulletin boards, yet these accleliea noia regu lar meetings, often on the campus. nn ronnrt of which U T6r Published. The studenta do not know, perhaps. but the faculty doea, that tnese metlnaa are conducted In the Gr man tonrue. and German plays are given. Why do they keep theae meet ings secret? If they are harmless hpr la no reason to keep them secret, but if they are disloyal, for obvious reasons, they must be kept secret. Those in charge seem to think secrecy necessary, for at one of these German meetings held short ly before Christmas a former pro- foRRor of German was heard to say to a representative of the "Dally Ne braskan" that he had better not men tion the meeting In the "Rag." Why! 'Ia it an wonder with such condi tions as these prevailing that an other member of the German De partment, who forbade the Dramatic Deoartment to give the proceeds of a play to the Belgian Relief a short time before we entered the war, left the platform when Sergeant Ed wards, the Canadian hero, told or his experience with German culture? Or is any wonder that there are many ho accuse the University of Ne braska with being disloyal when a faculty member is one of those active in promoting these German cultural societies and keeping them secret? "The University of Nebraska has been, along with neighboring Univer- Cliff Scott's Music, B1482. OFFICIAL P. B. K. KEYS a Yi:3 HALLETTS Don't forget your certificate HALLETT JEWELER Est 1871 1143 O OHI STREET FOR 0 $2.50 and up Omaha Hat Factory LINCOLN Try Roberts Sanitary DAIRY LUNCH Open Until Midnight 1230 "O" St. vppesite Miller & Paine dents allow men. who have to ex plain" their atatementa to the State Council of Defense to remain as in atructora? Nebraska needs aa Ito of- m ,,. anil ariminlatra ncers oi iDiirumuu tlon. AMERICANS who do not have to -explain- their class room utter ances to an auditing commtttsa the State Council of Defense v! faculty, but It also haa at bestLi mighty luke warm patriots. How will Nebraska tolerate these , tlonable Americana." w " CLOSES TOMORROW Your chance to save a dollar for each two you spend Discount of 33 1-3 per cent on everything UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE 340 No. lltb St. H E m B E c A z Z" P H I E N D Sold Exclusively in LINCOLN By Fred Schmidt & Bro. 917-921 "0" Street The Esins CLEAHEBS-PRESSEBS-DTERS HAVE THE EVANS DO YOUR CLEANING TELEPHONES B2311 and B3355 ESTABLISHED 1887 PHONE B-1 Ordir that Kaw Eastir Salt now-teday-from H EFFLEY'STAI LOUS It's hiprh time. Don't delay. E-stcr MarcKSl Special Attention to Students aaw The University School of Music AND OTHER FINE ARTS 1918 SULILIEE SESSION 1918 Begin Monday, June 17th, lasting fire wceki NORMAL COUESE FOR SUPERVISION OT PUBLIO 'SCHOOL MUSIO SUMMER COURSE IN PLAYGROUND SUPERVISION AND STORYTELLING: Special Information Upon Bequest 1 f j