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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 20, 1913)
THE DAILY NEBBASEAN 3 lath NebraBkan Proporty of THE UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA Lincoln. M. V. REED EdItor-ln-Chlef Managing Editor AsBOclato Editor Associate Editor Kenneth M. Snyder Fred N. WeUu Clarence T. Spier RLPOKTOKIAL STAFF. H. V Harlan Athletics Ethel Arnold ... Women Ruth Squires. Rohert Holland, Louis Home, Clara Dodds. C.len Lveit-. File Keeler. Win F Noble. R V. Koupa), Max llnehr. Roswell Weeks. AcT Huh Mngr. Frank S. l'eiklns Circulation Manager J. C. Heard SubBcription price 2 00 per year, payable in advance. Single Copies, 5 cents each Entered at the poHtotllce at Lincoln. Nebraska, as second Class mail matter, under the Act of Congress of March 3. 1879. FOOTBALL FACTS By H. V. HARLAN. -fc Wc Should Manifest Concern. Nebiaska iHii't so easily disposed of as the se alleged sport writers of Chi cago would have us believe "The Chicago 'experts' have disposed I ol Nebuiska's pretenses with a few swipe-- and passe at the tvpewrlter , The K cud Herald do pester is sure the Cor nhii-ke-i s won a fluke ictory over 1 M inn"-ota and that the (Jophers could ttounce Nebraska three or four touch dow lis were they to clash today, while the Michigan Aggies, who whipped both Michigan and Wisconsin, would plow iiillv as eas for the Wolverines I lit id ntall , Walter Kcke-isnll has been lining the Cornhuskers a square deal .ind decent consideration in his Tiiliiri'- dope, but in the e-timation of the .iwiane Wind Citv w liter the Coinhuskeis hae a lot ol gall to figure ilie , it on the map" Line oln Xews Thutsdav, November '2d, 19l3 Applhation lor reportorial iiosition on the Daily Nebraskan will be re (eived the rest of the week by the editor in chief. Freshmn only need applv. There is a good chance al this time tor Ireshnien to commence work on the paper and with the in .reused facilities afforded b new equipment, a splendid training in newspaper writing can be secured. Nebraska is sutlering at the present tune an epidemic ot overwork, 'i he men who an- doing things, who are active in student nltairs of all Kin Is are snowed under with committee meetings, rallies, short business talks that break up study schedules and interrupt systematic work. They are trying to be e onMi -nt in their regul.i. universit course, to give a just pio portion of time to the preparation ol their daily work. They are also trv lng to make good In the departments of student enterprise which they have selected as Melds for their endeavors. These men include athletes, deb. iter-, politicians, committee men, .-Indent a sistants in departments of the diiwi sity, managers of the student pu'di cations, and freshmen who are -.i: fering troni an over estimation oi their own importance. Perhaps to tin I i-t should be added tipper c l.issiiien as well, who are also sightl indul'-'c m of their capabilities, but who are not alhliated with an student entei pii-c -The men who are aetuallv giving lull time to their college work are nnssum some ot the pleasure that conn - w.ih participation in these various lines ol activity. Hut they are also .-.a'e in the possession of a clear conscience with regard to that next recitation. Ask the man next to you whether he is glad he is what he is, or what he would rather be and do. Loeb's Orchestra, L-9896 or H-1392. Wanted: A suggestion for the draw ing of a Hawkeye. In connection with I Jayhawks and other animals repre senting our sister institutions, the question as to the description of the Iowa emblem arises. Artistic dance programs and menus for particular people. George Brou.. Printers. 1313 N street. K. C. Star Praises Cornhuskers. Mil -poit w liter of the Kansas Cit S::i' takes the common sense attitude that c.wn if Missouri defeat- Kansas ami thus conies through the season ( losing a conference game, the j Tigc-s will have no claim to the alley championship He concedes the undis puted title to Nebraska. Read this "The 0 to 0 victor of Nebraska over Kansa- at Lawrence Satuidav leaw-s Mis-oiiri onlv a chance for a tie with t!u whiilwind Cornluiskt-r eleven tor the M1--01111 Vallev conference chain pionship The Tigeis have before- them 1'ie ta-h ol whipping the ,Ia hawkers b a .itii scoi e than the Nebraskans ll'.icli In the event that the Tigers 'ho:' I iicceed in this rathei imposing 'ill i' Mi-souii might chime in for a -'ii- ( the championship Still, the maio'itv of the critics probably would give the title to the Cornhuskers by the holdover route, citing the Nebraska vie toiv over the Minnesota eleven as ev lib nee of the high class of the Ne braska machine and urging the de teat ol the Tigers at the hands of the Illini as direct testimony tending to lower the rank of the Rrew or Schulte band "Orlv Iowa now lies in the path of the Nebraska eleven The Cornhusk ers have gone through the season with a clean slate, conquering one Rig Nine team in the traveling A vic toi over a second western confer e-uce toe. the Iowans, would establish firmly the class of the Nebraskans in the Westein loothall world. "The Cornhiisker eleven is a great 1 football team as Missouri valley teams go. but there are many who believe the Stiehin roller will strike a ic-al snag when it meets the Ilavvk- ! ev es The Iowa eleven has been 'amassing big s'-ores with a startling I regularit v and the Saturday defeat of the Ames Aggies by a lopsided score , make- the Hawkeyes loom even more I dangerous in the path of the valley's cias-iest eleven Minnesota Shift Loses Another Devotee. The once famous Minnesota shift is rapidly falling into the discard since- the Cornhuskers smashed up the plav when used not only by Its orig inators but its imitators Kansas don't seem to think much of it List HERE'S A MODEL BY Hart, Schaffner & Marx It 's New--and It's Good! Note the modified Eng lish appearance extreme yet conservative. That's what H.S.& M. are noted for -clothes builders to men of taste. fopyrlM Hart 5 haftier & Mrx Armstrong Clothing Co, GOOD CLOTHES MERCHANTS The University School of Music Established 1894 Second Term begins Monday, November 17th There is still some time left with some of our instructors. Register at once. Willard Kimball, Director Eleventh and R Streets (Continued on Page Three) School Supplies TYPEWRITERS Office Equipment Supply Co. 117 So. 12th St.Funke Bdg. Everything tor the Office' j tt SPA" Try the Y. M. C. A. Lunch Room Cafeteria Plan City Y. M4C. A. 13th and P MISS STERKEL Hair Dressing, Manicuring and Switch Making LADIES AND GENTLEMEN B-4420 Room 412, Brownell Blk. A