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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 20, 1913)
THE DAILY NEBRASKAN THEATRES Oliver Theater TONIGHT 8:15. The Funniest Farce Ever Written OFFICER 666 PRICES $1.50, $1, 75c, 50c, 25c. FRI., SAT. & SAT. MAT., Nov. 21-22 "THE THIEF" NIGHT 75c to 25c MAT. 50 & 25c NOV. 26 "ROBIN HOOD." ORPHEUM TlirR.FIU.SAT NOV JO. 21. 22 The Musical Comedv Odditv TIIK L1TTLK I'ARlSIKNN'k With Valerie Serice TKI) LORRAINK A: HATTIIC BURKS Sl'TTON. M'lNTYRK k- Sl'TTON JACK (J. M'LALLKN k MAY CAR SON FROSIN MANNING. MOORK K- ARMSTROXC CARL ROS1NI. Assisted by MLLH MARGARKT Tbur. Fri. Mat . TH. 25.. Sat.." If., 25. f0. NlKbt. S 15. Prices, 15. 25, :!5, 51 Lyric Theatre Mon Tues . Wed. Nov. 17, IS, 19 WHIPPLE. HOUSTON & CO. In "SPOOKS." M'NISH AND M'NISH The Family Cut-l'p. "PATHK'S SFMI-WFFKLY." "HIS INSPIRATION." "FANNY'S CONSPIRACY." " TI1H PHONY ALARM." Three Shows Dailv J. 7 - it P. M. Matinee Ml Seats 10c. Night 15c anorai ARROW COLLAR Cluctt, Pcabody & Co., Inc. Makers PM.JI IM'I'BIU Quality is what Counts IfreMl WE CATER TO STUDENTS Smith & Hurst BARBERS 112 North 13th 1L FOOTBALL FACTS (Continued from Pngo Two) to tbis bit of newH from a Lawrence paper "Ah a result of the loss of the game to Nebraska last Saturday the Minne- hiiih kiiim piny may not ne useo nexi Saturday against Missouri. The 'old mans. lormer iooioan stars, nem an informal meeting with Head Coach Morrp after Saturday's game and pleaded for the old style Kansas ball. Mosse and Frank have not yot areed upon their tactics of play against the Timers, but it is prettv cei tain that the li i i." shift will not be n ' pan 01 trie i n rootnail mi ricuium 1 II has been renorted before that thei shift was to be dropped, but this time the report seems to be final. Perhaps a new form of the shift will be used LOST A bunch of keys; please re tliis week. I ,,. )() HaK ome. "Other changes prabably will be . . made in the Kansas line-up this week ' LOST Ring notebook containing according to the coaches. Something I Physics I notes. Paul Malison on has to be done with the defensive play cover; leave at Rag ofllce and receive of tiie .layhawkers The weakness In reward. this part of the game was responsible for the loss of the game last Saturday. ' I-OST Alpha Chi Omega pin. shape Koine radical changes In The hnckflclcl ' f l.v,'w KuL wiUl ouala He ward. are looked for. "On account of the mud the for ward pass plays that the coaches had worked up for the Cornhuskers were not used, bo the team will have these to spring against Missouri. It is the opinion here that K. U. will need everything possible to win from the Tigers. "The team came through the game in good shape, not a man being dis abled At present the Kansas team is in practically the same position as' at this time last year. A loss to j Oklahoma and Nebraska clouds the k v season tins ear, while last I war Washburn look a shot at thei came hack Kansans wt the team against Missouii and won The fol lowers hero are hoping for a repeater against the Tigers this war" Officials for Iowa Game. The oflicials for the Nebraska-Iowa game have been boson tor some time The are Walter Kckersall of Chicago, referee, Haddon of Michigan, umpire. and Sejniour of Springfield training school, head linesman What's Your All-Mo. Valley Team? This business of picking an all-Mis souri alle team is rawtlier difuYult, donteherknow We may be near sighted, partisan, and all that but it's hard to see an thing else in the valley but tin Coinhuskeis Why not make the Scarlet and Cream the all valle team what? Yea, Boe! "Haibei shop gossip at Lawrence is to the effect that Kansas is making read to lop off the heads of Arthur Mosse and Leonard Frank, as coaches and reinstall Hert Kennedy. Corn huskers would prefer to see Kennedy kept off the job. As the coaching is now conducted at Kansas, the Jay hawkers are reasonably soft and easy." Lincoln News.. What Do You Know About This? Topeka Journal: "Kansas won a groat victory in the annual football game with Nebraska In Lawrence," saye the Lawrence Gazette today. It beats all how long it takes the news to travel nowadays. It has been un derstood In Topeka for three days that Nebraska won. Jones' Orchestra, L9666. (ElaMtfiefc (Enlmmt LOST A IMnck Folding Pockethook containlriK $5.00. Return to thla of fice and receive reward. lost Moore's fountain pen. gold mounted, etiRraved, "To our play int,H." Leave at Rap ofTlce or call iji 470 j foot-'MISS KAMPUN wislies to announce ' ,ll,lt kI, 1h available to play for danc- iim parties. (. 7 to X. Call HI 427 from 5 to ,,,,..., 11111 .. . r I'hRSON who had bicycile stolen from in front of Law building etui secure same from .Janitor by describing prop erty and paying for the ad. Phone L!)258 L. C. Smith & Bros. Typewriter Co. 125 North 13th, Lincoln, Neb. Preserve Your College Work J" jy writer is invaluable to college stu . .... dents who want a record ot their college work after graduation. We give special attention to the needs of students. We have type writers to rent, as well as to sell. A few rebuilt machines at a bargain. Patronize our advertisers All Lovers of the Beautiful are invited to examine our Fine Assort ment of Iverness Placques just re ceived. The Uni Book Store 340 N. 11th Street WHITMAN'S CLASSY CANDY Meier Drug Co 13 AND O STREETS Look at a crowd of peo plel You don't see their elbows or their feet. It's their heads which first attract your attention. Same way when other people look at you- they first see your head. Therefore your head, if anything, should be just a little more carefully dress ed than any other part of your body. One of our specialties is correct headwear for men, and we invite you to visit our hat department be tween now and Thanks giving. Stiff lints are coming to the front for lnte fall and wmter-.-smart blocks of Fay-Gorman derbies $3, Stetson derbies $3 50. Imported Vclour lints are also populnr for late fall and winter. You'll find ours are espec tally stylish and linndsorne---brfwns, greens, (rays, blues, blncks - tJrJl), 7.5U andIO. Stunning line of caps -Scotch J I' mixtures --- cheviols --- pleated dc-siKiiB-many with inside, furlined carhnd car flapss- 5tk lo $2 MAGEE & DEEMER LINCOLN AURORA OMAHA Riggs Drug Cutter IIUYLER'S CANDY SODA WATER LUNCHES 3 STOKES If .