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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 19, 1913)
u The Daily Nebraskan t VOL XIII. NO. 46 UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1913 Price, 5 Cents '( I ' VARSITY WORKS IN SECRET Iporant Ferns Are Persinger Will Give CURIOUS REPORTERS GIVE Given Chance to South American Views " BhlA m muui mmit Learn Jewel-Core For Public Tonight Bid Men sm soromy G,n. "Bent" Way to Kansas Thtirsdiix ill ti't'iKion at loin i ! K Game GOOD WORKOUT TUESDAY IN PREPARATION FOR LAST GAME OF SEASON FRESHMEN USE IOWA PLAYS (,Z In hum st 1 1 ii 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 Now girl kllOW ilMVthlllg illlllllt ,1 pllil ... I' .! pMilnLtnr I 'nt-uitiin.i- lln. Ii. 11 i in . . i. 1 III I -I-.. I lOlOSsnl I emillgei (II IIH" ' llclll I'll! S(IIOit Wils Vl'fV llllil Every Varsity Stalwart In Prime Condition All Cripples Back In Game (By H. V. HARLAN.) In pit partition lot t lit last anil pei haps tlu hardest u.unc ol Nebraska's long and ardurous si hedule, tin- name with lev :i next Sjiturdtiv, the varsitv iUld. elevens, plauil ' Lag scrimi' ag- vesterdav alternoon behind locked ga es. Tin- m niuniage lasted well up ii to tin dusk ol I'vcnini; until it v;is impossible to dist inguish ( orn busker from ni'oph te uug su,,,,- o, ., , ma,,,,,- wen . nu-n, an 1 1 isto, y d,-par. n,,-,,. uill pr, , ,,.,, ,as ,..,., iiei.-s,,, n. i. !. i iii i. sent belon- his , lass in Spanish m-i i-l semester l'mhssor P, 1 1-1 c 1 1 1 1 ol i . ii .1 , i i i ' l",slions ol minii-ioiis ii-piiilcis who i i .si iim su I i i on ssi ii i ..ii ii iii i iii , ,,n hlstol a i ollei t ion ol slides mad" the (.eolognal deptn t uieiit ol tin uni r,,,n v ,,. s taken l him dining his I ( M"''(l "l '"' snmritv house in VelsltV will lllstllllte a novel linn HI Slsj, ,() ,1(. u,.s, , ,,,,sl o South III . ri mid In the ( oil II I unit toll ol , tUlllol Hi.- ,tufl i.l lit-in- Iii piepai.tlion l. ,,, .,s ,,,,- As the , lass is not lai-,,' Hlilt Use memhe.s ol thei. snnii'.v tills lie lllst I'i'i i ivefl smile lie. ill n. .,. ... u i I I loiessoi i.'i-Mimn 111 lies ,m mem , ,,,, ,, ., , , , iiii.ii ii ii i ill i iiui h- llll I I I I s it iial to K.insiis The vming ladies wen- veiv mill h .Housed oer the lait and to .onlirm the stor One voung ltidv ol the soroiitv in lew new ones h.le been added, bill (question did. however, siiv th, it -he rode down on tl nglnc that i.inied the sp.-i liil and that the whole t:-ip i ost her oiil $1 'I.'., but later denied this statement Another member ol ties in jade topaz tourmaline and l(.,soi eith.-i lac ultv or student l.od other pie, urns ,,n d semi piei ions w , ,., ha v e I he t inn- and mi lim. I ion " I stones. When the inlleition is i om , (, piesenl pteTP. ITnrr-ssor HaHiour slated the ' t,e main, the lews are the sane Nebraska museum will hae the most hl. pn.s(.llt,.d re, .-nth at (onvoiatimi wonderlul lolh-ition in the lountiv Kin h ol the spei miens is m a glass t,e m nation is dn ted moi e parti-u phial labeled as to spe ie and soun e (r) , t1(,S(. who did not have the op While this, s.uuiL' are unlit tor m ,(),tunit ol seeing them at that time fPllu t-riwJ 'tii ' w riinni'i i'n it. i mu . '. . v , . ,.,,,',, """- '" 1" "'ine slight deled. Th(. v(.UH ulU ())(v the icgulal 'i pru mi ti nhi"iL .! wit en i r ol r ',, ' i '. i i i i i i ."", iiitnlili- tir fliilii iiurti.f i lass hour trom lour to llv e Thin sdav , the same hoi nnt v made the stnt-inent It might appropnciitely be dubbed de ... ., , . . I s..iniu main no sum m. in. ' "'" " "" " " i"" i"'- " ami win lie KiM-ii, ;is stnteit al.,.e in .that she didn't know anvthing about Matured lootball or a ladfied edition of the great autumnal sport. ' Instead of the varsity stalwarts and the aspii iug trusts throwing them ' a i ourse is to iiiltniite that latent ui,.sit hall ' 1.'. good taste m personal adorniuent win 1 1 has ni hit, e,irs. given plat it as she was not there when the tlikels w.-ie bought and that she paid he i ow n lai e Miss SlUtlll till I llfl hl.liili ii, tlin PLAYED SATURDAY pail. v said nothing ol this kind i happened Staged Morning of Iowa Game flAQQ TAMFQ Will RP tit i liitil Mini n lite lnk. r I t I I i v ill loii JLiS kJJ VJi llllUU I I ALiA-J Rj U t ' ' at i'iiiu, itii ii 11 111 e o i iiu i in ji ti selves :i eai n otners turoats literally , ,, ., . , . , . els He suggests that one might bet r i ti I 11 f i! i i I ni v tlu.v iilti' u in'v itei we.u inone itsell than to weal lorn-ctiiid ei harmless game ol tag , , . , , ., diamonds ,u nil.i. s and other pre, Annual Prizefights A' la Gridiron k vimi (.nun i' I i 1 1 s h 1 1 1 . i n 1 1 . ill. " lolls tones ind is( run inateU and iiimi receives the ball tiom the quarter .,,.,, , . ,, telllgentU about the pi I soil lllti'll back ati, then starts tor the arsit gent Use ol a His i- howivei. on, ol The time is dlawillg Ileal lol th, line at ;i tat,- ol speed in liariuom .. the greatest sounis ,,l a woman s m,, supoil.-ts ol then (lasses In iiimi Hi im ill uii. in i f,riiu-n m-nur , 'attr.u tieness , ome out and l i then nspe.tivc iu -a. aisit plii,i strolls up to i ,, , . ,, ', , ,, M"" ""' """-; ":" 'his , ourse will teams t,, itor 'I he lanmus lass , Athletic Board Decides to Withhold pursue ;i ditleieiu direitioii I he games are but i. lew das m lb.- lutuie shoulder. saing qmetlv but lirinlv. ,,.,., , , " Ul11 tud tin ueins in lelation to and the teams an- lapidh rounding lag. i In- Ireshman then i oiisidei s their MllllelM OU (OUIses lol' t 11-11' niln llu.ii- Inn. Own, Tin. i...ii,..s Mill luins'-h "down' and imniediatels , . , ,, , ' ' i ,. i . ., v . loinnienial alue and soun e. 1'roles . h,,td louglit and to the finish as! Miimig.-i It.-.-d ol the Nebraska ath i eases I is onward walk to the n-gu ... ., .. . , . I , . , ,.,, . . . s'"' Harboui sas that Nebtaska hits ,.il( , , is i oiilident that theirs will letii s h;is ompleted the (becking up lar.s go. i' I his is repeated ad in- . . . , , . I ' niiiMv ledges o exquisite pink and M. ii,. winners , ., .11. . . . . . ,,, hnituni Strang, to that neitliei , , , ' "minis. , (,H. ti(k,.ts Hol(, ,a ,,,,. N1 lllu.M,lla gieen i.uies whiih ;iie waiting to be The Kn-shinen and Sophomores w ill I the vaist 01 the lieshmen s, on-d , , , . 'game Ihe totiil attendant c was, at ., ., I 01111111 n ialied b sum, enterpi ising Pla on Salurda moi ning. staging ;in , I wo. lie. seem thai tlieie is mil so . ' , ,..., I (l,r t,, ,U ,.,.,.,,,.1 ,.v,.,n, 7mift ....... .. t , ,.,,,.,,, I,""", REED REPORTS 7,000 SALES AS TOTAL FOR GOPHER GAME Life Passes From "N" Men In Minor Sports. 1 11 1 h in this denatured lootball :as thei is , no ked up to be Fresnien Work Iowa Plays. W "II. t is m.n sound lunns but K wasn't. was a method in tin man s- ol tin aloicsaul t;ig scrim , Iililge. The method was this tin- i li-i'shiini wn Using Iowa plas, m hiding t e i.uuoiis spn-ad lorimit ion ' that liiis enableii tin- llawkeves to III ,1 sii huge si on-s upon llll siispectl! , lootball ti.iliis, and the pel son encounter that will be a lilting i in HUNTER TO ADDRESS lain raiser lor the big game in the '"( hiding passe ol lurnishing olhcials alternoou The betting on this Iray'was dedm led. .Minnesota's share of Is llll to fl.ite nlliitefl !is iin iiifi.invi.i i . ..-.. .. TUIIDCnAV MlfUT MCCTIMT i u"' "' eipis, iiinoiinting lo f.i.i) llt.i.. IIlUIJUni HlVjni HILL 1 HI U but sevenil sui prises an' expected m lore the ( riu nil test. The Junior S. Will laik un -inings Worth While mor game w ill be pla ,-d on Thin sd;i In College Life " Tin rilUsd,, , . mug meeting 11 alleinooli llllh- iiiiiioiin, eit was lorwiirded to the iuithoritie.s at .Minneapolis this morning The .share ,. 'ol the Nebtaska team at .Minneapolis to t he ' 1 ( initial This game piomis,- to be. the -mple blllldlUL- ha. been atlia, I ,, ,,,,,. lI).., ., ,.. , ,,.,,,,, ,,,,,,, ; last season amounted to onh $L',!tL'.r, in, hiili shows that iam olu supports lim a uieat dial ol illention mil in i a , . .. . i i .1 . ..11 ..1 'als lame bellei than Ihe northern ins .i mi .n in a 1 01 a , 1 1 11 1 itin a 1111 a 11 I e, t ell open s Ie ol pla oil pled W llll inspiniiL lll.etlll'- Will be held toluol ,n. Minnesota shlll The (halli,liU , ll elllllL Willi SlMil I' M I I llllt e si, in . ..nil si m 1 1 1 I .. . ,1 , t . .1 .. , I ...til , .1 ;,. , 1 1, .., ,. 1, . 1. ... 1 , ... 1 1,.. 1 1 1,.. ' ' ' '" ' i"" ' "" 1 l. Ill .11 lllll'lltlisniiii, -II. Llllil lilt ..I I 1 1 1 .1 1 ol the lamoln s, bonis ,,s the speakel U(.,.( elthel Monda ol I II, s,., all varsity 'ilu,irl. 1 mild :im I'ltam nisi ,.,. ... ... ... ... ,, III. talk will be on I lungs Worth einoon how to -ii) till-in .....,, .., , , ,. , , . "" '" ' wn. 1.. ,11111 inns, ,,i ... us, e, (line to In- 1 i.ii'l-.-i :i Tin- iithhtii board voting upon the matti 1 ol granting lilt- passes to men who li.iM' won their- letters at minor spoils, silt ll as wn-stllllg, ( ross inllll- .. , . . . . . iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifiiii.iii.iiiii ittorvioitii, 1 ni n 1 iisiii-i s iiepemis , . . , ,, , , iiiv l'vmii-isiiitii -iiiii 1. .iiiiii . ..1 11 si. a . , miliar with supt lluni.-i know thai ,,( gate. ".;. the man' on . ni- .1." ' ' M ,""',s,u" '"'"i t( ,IMS' i"'nsed )OI) t1 e,r alillltN III stopping till , ., 1 .1 n 1 ,, the molioii Tin. -n-ln-il vnti. ii'-u ti 11 he has gone through ihe mill and will ,,,,( ,,,, leaving inouon. in. ,11 1u.1i ote was a ni .,.. ,ii- . ;.i.. . ...i .-in.. .., ii;..i. .,,,,1 si, 111, imi , 111, iiiii.s 111 i'iii 111111 1 , , ,, . l( have linn Ii valtiabh mlormatiou lor (Ji'tisse, t' e Iowa hai ks. .ludu 1,. . . . , . ,, those who niaki it a point to be there . . , .. nig :ro' Ihe pr.utKe tonight it seems' ,,,. , .. , ., .. . ,.,, . M100 Hnonrlr I nllo , , . I I In- talk h l)r Kxner last 1 hursda IfHSS ll6lC0CK 1 CIIS i ertain ; it the ( ornhuskers will be , 1.1.1 1 evening was listened to by a large. w, ... n . n. , ,. able tc --live the spread lormat ion . ,, , . ,, . , . ' V W I A I trio I hmr ' aiidieiue and the speaker o tmnor I. T . t. M. UllIS 1 UV and :hi s stoli the end inns. ........ J row is said to he entitled to lullv Co-rhuskers In Fine Shape. 1 , . , 1 as large an audiem e Th" 1' rnhuskers are in tiptop, ,. , ., , , ivi-iiit-iiiui-i us ai Hie ieillllt- linns shape i-tc-r then haid struggle with I ,,,., , !,.....,. d;i evening the Jot It at seven p. in Miss Kate lleaiock, extension se Kansas Saturdaj. Their good , ,,,,1 Iretarv ot the city . W. ('. A., spoke onditioa is due a good deal to the . , .... . , , . I , .. 1 . . . . Any university treshiuan tound niat Vespers last night on the subject moist cei: iition ol the Kansan gridiron I ,, ,. .... . ... . . 1 . ., ,, a Madison. Wis., saloon is likely to ' A College (irl s Part In a Metter ii-iii..ii .-.. 11. .ti 1. .a i.i.iii... t.i i. ii... 1 u tniii 11 1 un, 11111 inLiniLii 1. ... .. 1 . 1 ... ,. ... . .. B Iiii run out tinil 1.11 it linnwi intilni- .. -I ...I.. ..,.. . cjl.. .1.. .......... .t..l 1 1 .y .. ...v iiiiii ..v ni. 1 11 iiiiui 1 11 iii inLintir. out' lliauf i-i"i KOI ll'l-l Should Improve Xmas all the 1.1 l iid field prevented it pre vented the C'ornhuskers from rolling recent ruling of the student conler-ia new responsibility and a new phase ence ot the I'niversitv ot Wisconsin, of Christmas The cnlleire L'irl is inf up iit leust two more touchdowns on1 A , , ,,, ... ., ,, ., L, . , ... . 1 . And a strong editorial in the Daily 1 the one to make Christinas have true Cardinal urges upon upper classmen ! meaning and proper spirit, according their au tent loes. (Cou tinned on Page Two ) their duty to enforce the rule. to Miss lleacock. tie. three to three, but ol course it took a majority to i arrv tin- proposition. The drls Club Coiiik ii will meet 111 the . W. C. A, rooms Thursday evening at '. MO. Supper will bo served to all members - Engineering society meeting tonight at 7:30 sharp, M. E. 206, if under auspices Agricultural En- -fa if gineers, illustrated talks by I. D. if if Wood and L. F. Seaton. --