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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 22, 1913)
f TfT-" -' --- THE DAILY NEBRASKAN QUfp Sailg NfbraHkan Property of THK rNIVKUSITY OF NEBRASKA Lincoln. M. 'v. KKEI) Editor InChiof Mat&Klnic Editor Annocluto Editor AR8Jflato Editor Konnoth M. Snyder John Ij. f'utrlglit Prod N. WollR HuHinPBfl Manner AHBlHtnnt MsinneiM CiiTiilntlon MnntiK'r J. I, DrUcoll Frank S IVrklns ..,) (" Hoard Subscription prlro $2 00 per your, payable In advance Single Copien. 5 cents each Enfpred at Tho" pontomronTT.incoln, NobranUu. n ?o ond cIuhk mall mailer, under the - of ConKies of March 3. 1879. hikcphh financially, but thoy alsoVrfnt a plan devised whereby a part of the wonlh '-land can be Hot tmlde pornm iicnth :is the rooting Hcctlon. admin Hion to he by Heanon ticket, renered or othi r iHe CAPS. With the arrival of cold weather it niiL'lit he advisable to set a date fori the dolIhiK of frcHhmen caps On ao on ii t ol their diminutive nie they are praticall tiHelesK hkhIiw the He inent fter consulting a lle book the matter will be glen prominence At the same time a date will be an nounced lor officially donning them attain in the spring For. verily, a ireshman is t resh while the ear still li CM The University School of Musk Established 1894 Offers the highest class rof instruction in all branches of music. Students may enter any time. Anyone expecting to study music will do well to get information concerning this school before choosing an instructor. Willard Kimball, Director Ask for new catalog -:- -: Eleventh and R Streets WKDNKSDW, OCTOIIKK I'.H.'. AMUSEMENTS "li rtie prrwonw4m-4-v-m-Ml -pi IxutL- inn Ii en a worn. in.'" .i - .lolm 1 1 1 K e,eneral ol the ictm Sat Mm plav , ihe p.m l S.-th m Wax I lie at i rac i ion a i i nr mi aN OMISSION: i ww. ihmc that was lacking in ih. i .1... Mmtw.Lil I I blU tl I ' I v, I u.-us a ( fleer lor uie .mm...... team 'liter the ganw During the game s , v 'lluaur this alt. moon and even there was not a great .leal ol cheering ... '. "I would call maledictions down for the northern, rs, but in the exci'. 'on I.I- head with a lore that woul' things had to be omitted crack hi- skull the aloresaid ho k "I'ie It is the bane ol mv exist the (in - enc" lor years and vears i nave nient a lew moiig these wen ,.i , iwcrint tor Minnesota, tiomng ol the umpire's decisions, and been ompelle.l to eat pieeverv night, silence The omission of the last two and at the matinees, beside, and I am mentioned was agreeable N.b.aska, so m- ol it that 1 always cross the however, is a school that knows how street when I s. e a baker's siK m the . j. . ii. niwl it vhmild il iv,i n iifi to take giaceiiiu.'. - , Special Afternoon and Evening Classes IN ALL COMMERCIAL SUBJECTS .it hours to suit University students We enfoirr"..iny University students each year. You aie invite. to visit the school and get particular. NEBRASKA SCHOOL OF BUSINESS The Business School Training School with the University Atmosphere Cor. 14th and 0 Sts. :: n ?. Electric Building inak I eat be don. "I ll.IV. never been able to see V.I1V the author of the plav compels pnoi , Seth to eat that piece ot pie m t li i first act, but eat it he must, and as I, have been playing Seth ever since the I plaj was put on, von can imagine how much pie 1 have eaten " "W.- give over !!00 performances a season; have given about !5,000 per formances with this company. If all the pie 1 have eaten in that time was plied up, one piece on top of the other, it would make the Washington monu ment look like a pimple. "If it was stretched along tho road oh, what's the use? To talk of it al most gives me a pain, and to ro through a performance giveH me indi- a practl. . ol adnnnistei Ing de ,s gi.icetull The least that can to sbciw appiechiuon lor ui- uame light o' an adveisarj is to cheei him alter he is deleated, and Nebraska should make it a point to give a rous ing cheer to the defeat, d team as it leaves the held. THE ROOTING SECTION. T'i-i th root in-; section should be ,, fn Di ntlv lixcd in the football v' r. is one of the results of the game IV h time a big game is scheduled, for financial rensons the bent sectionc of the stand are sold indlscrimlnatel, to outsidera. The holders of Heason tickets put up with a rooting section. but each time it is shoved down the gestion lines, between the twenty-yard line, "What kind of pie do I usually get and the goal, and this time a stand for the scene? at the end of the field alno did dutv "Well, poach pie has had the call so The students desire to see the game a tar tnjs season, with apple a close second You see, in the matter of pie I am in the hands of the property man. He furnishes the pie and I havo to eat it. When ho and I do not get along well for a day or two, ho usually pro vides me with plum pio or grape pie, so that I havo to swallow the seeds if I want to say my lines. "Cocoanut pie iB also one of his weapons, for it makes me so thirsty I am sick for twenty-four hours after I eat it. Hut, kind Blr, if I must have pie, give me mince pie. It is the only kind I can eat with relish and I never et it " School Supplies TYPEWRITERS Office Equipment Supply Co. 117 So.Jjl2th St.-Funke Bdg. Everything for the Office' r Engineering Society We make the official pin for this society. Also for Dramatic Club, Union Society, Paladian Club. Teacher College, High School and many others. Your name or initialsjengraved FREE on them. HALLETT Eatab. 1871 Univ. Jeweler 1143 0 The Cafeteria of the Y. M. C. A. There mut be some regard given to the surroundings in the choice of a boarding house, if one would get the most good from his meals. A poorly ventilated room is not a fit room. The Cafeteria is located in a room well lighted and ventilated. The University authorities have freshly painted the walls and refinished the floor. This is n good place for hundreds, why not for you? The Cafereria for the Students in the Temple $4.00 This!Ad.;Good For FOUR DOLLARS at LUDWIG'S, TAILORS WE BUILD "'EM RIGHT" $25.00 to $50.00 1028 O St. We j Cater toliStudent Trade Our DiningJRoom is Complete to Serve you Anything in the Eatable Line. Open after the Shows, Dances and Parties. We make our own Ice Cream, Sherbets and Lunches for Parties. THE FOLSOM CAFE 1315-31 N St. :: Lncoln, Nebraska