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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 22, 1913)
The Daily Nebraskan VOL XIH NO. 26 UNIVERSITY OP NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 22 1913 Price, 5 Cents I VICTORY RAISES PRESTIGE WHO PUT "WIN" IN EWALD ORT WIN STIEHM? NEBRASKA IN BIG EIGHT? I Cornhusker Victory Over Gophers Big , Surprise of the Season Put Nebraska in Big Eight Class. 'If V Harlnn ) The j'f !"tir prestige of the Untv r Mt of N-ra-L has been immeasur -MU, r.U.... I. j Mm I'.lmlniu- vlftor Ml the Cot!" the tJniv by the .ii oi 1. - o ei the Gophers ol it .. Minnesota Saturdav oi 7 to ii Nebraska's n toiv wj.h the big bin prise ot the season Tin Gophers (amc heie confident of -nowing the Coi nhuskers under, but they had aot t- koned with Ewald Ort win Stiehci , th- wonder worker The lauky man tioni Wisconsin was masLor ot tlu- situation The W W. lias eemeoted together a wonderful ma chine whi' h rightly deserves the nick name of 'Stt-hm Holler " Not onlj did ho pu out j team stiong enough to play Minn.'oOta off its feet, but he did it ag&.nst great odds lie had but h.Mf th- i imb- , ) men to choose from as d,id Dr Wrlliams The Gopher team has beef ponded lor Nebraska for two wcek v. -ii. .-(: hm had a hard con test las' S.Cuidav with the Kansas ggie-, t tig"- on He p :' tt -noli M able to .i Men thiee k" d.- i 'oi nhuskei lnacluue m .shape that the weie lie Gopheis, using but i j)la.s, line smashes. punting mui rwiwaid passes Nebras ka Hii t )t t-'i (! to use the best plas in tier oet ',oiie. while Dl Williams, in th )iii'1 quaitei ol Saturda's name, - t Hi- 'man in to take Shaugh uessv's ii iii - with insti uct ions to the quarter t wi. oik eveivthing they had III a l.t-.r -peiate eltolt to tie the gatm 1 u' '..e i oinhuskirs did not use all 'ti'ii ; n - In tact, several ot Stiehn - "h -.! loimatlops vveivnbti i uncork- I .11 goes to show that our. own co f h, Jumbo' Sliehuj, is one ol the be-s' "A-: oi.s in thy I'mted States. a- il ia:kn with Stagg and Yost 'Nebraska In "Big Eight"? ' Nebraska. victoiv is the enteimg weogt- mil, 3I1UIUU wuiiin niu ii.-ai lww or thre 'ai -. land Nebraska in the il!,, l.Mn-lit Tlw, lwli.nlinnu t-f iUni ..f, .Jlbui - ...u,v.,lL1w..o ., Mim,V summer. Minnesota wtll win the balance of her games. unU-s Wisconsin can defeat the. Hut after being held by' the Purdue eleven to a 7 to 7 tie last ?aturda tt hardly looks as though the Wolverines will be able to conquer the Gop'.rn With Minnesota winning the Big I'Jighi Conference title, and Jebrasi-. j d-teating both Minnesota ind Iov.i, the Cornhuskers will cei lainl i. HT-.e a plate fn the big west- irn con fere , The fine i ripe lor Nebraska to come to flie fore She is rapidly out- growine tlu- Missouri Valley Confer ence aril should receive the position that In-- -ahk as the grunt est Univei- Kity.o'' trip middle west entitles her to rhe erierie, of those w)io are intei- (Cohiln :ea on Page Three) Phillips Brooks Club Name of New Organiza tion of Theologians The rhlllips Hrooks Club ot the I'm vorsity of Nebraska was organized la-t I Friday evening Answeiing to a de maud for an organization among the men studying for the ministry, the club is the first in tins field Its mem buship will consist of those men icK isteied in the Universit who are now ministeis, those who expect to becon proved our supicmacv o er Minnesota, ininistei , the geneial secntarv ot the In the "big nine " conlerenee, Minne - M C and i he st intent i:mtois Mii.i meet-, all the large contending The object ot the club, as stated 1 teams toi the hanipionship except I'm its uewlv lormed constitution, is to duo '"'t "' Wisconsin loses out. then 'promote fellowship and sympathetic a quaintaiK e among the nn mbers, and to engage in any work which the club ma.v elect" It i-. intei denominational in Ms (haiaitei leinaln undeleati d. but the first two make the aoptancen source of deep About tvvent.v men hae signified are picked b (lilies ol the alle as gialillcatlon to the committee and se their intention ol becoming ineniboi.s the otilv contendeis lor the chainion nior class of the club, and as et the member ship So therefore the Gophers' liu )r Shaw is a man ol western origin ship is not complete An) man regis-, miliation of last Saturday was such a having been born in Ohio and moving terod in tlie Universit) who is eithei I at piesent engaged in ministerial woik or expects to be so engaged, in nnv i denomination, w ill )lease t oiniuuiiK ati iwill the sccretarv of the (lab It Clou CHILLY ARE THE WINDS THAT BLOW THE THIN STUDE won liom Kmporia College b a soie piesent pi omineiice anseH from the Absolute Cure for X-Ray and Slit of tin to o The backtleld ai e all shift la t that he is editoi of the Amei i an Skirts Appear Yesterday I i uniiers and aie hard to tackle in theeiew ot Uevlews. a magazine which on Campus. I open field The football tollowers who i an authorit in itself among peiiodi (M llek ) hai- watched Haskell this vein --.w cals l)r Shaw's western proclivities Old-.laik l'rost has descended upon i die will be more than a matt h lor will make him pet ullarh acce.ptabe the Cniveisitv with a vengeance , Kansas I'ni to a Nebraska audience Swept from Indian summer to mid-1 Secret Practice Yesterday. While the school lias bee'n fortunate winter in a few hours, the ei sud-' Yesterdaj Coach Stiehni. with the in ha Ing inan prominent men as com denness ol hi-, coming aught inaiiv assistants and the team, closed the ineiiceinent oratois, it is folt by thise unawaies and sent them shiveino; to "ales to busker field and held secret who hae secured Dr Shaw that it is tlie molh balls or the three balls, ai signal piactice l-'rom the present lay- to he no less congratulated on the nig with the en i unistauce ol the ie out the coach is not even going to pi esent speaker. Last year David Starr tun His keen blasts shinered the gie the team a minute's rest till the .Ionian, one of the fovouiOHl spientissl leaves of the tiecs and iinled the oik e end ol the season, so the team will not . ot the' world, and now piesident of t;oigf,'oiis cantias into black masses have an time to get overconfident Leland Stanfoid University, honoifd Ami, oh, those lovely sport coals, over the "greatest victory" ever wiin'ilic miiIhih hh orator Professor Mer waiting h a chajice to be. worn Red, on Nebiaska field b Nebraska Sat riam of the Ilniv ersit of Chicago, who el low', blue all. the colors of the lain- ( m da.v 's game brought to view all the made the re eni spectacular race bow, and some the rainbow would be weaknesses of the Cornhusker line. , against Carter Harrison for mayor, ashamed to own which the coaches will patch up and occupied the position In previous Hut then, sport oats aie better pro build a wonderful team, so as to ti amp1 ears Jeremiah .leaks, professor of tection agaiitsf .lack than diaphragm skirts and will succeed better than public opinion in banishing them till .....,1 m,., a ,.. ,...... Tlu, 8nddoHt 01- the vear: Not (.ol(, pnou h for whlBkev straieht ,, too cI cold for beer " Honor Mrs. Elander. n informal Girls' Club tea will be given in art hall Thursday in honor of Mrs W. T Klaniler nee Minn Kii. sign The Girls' Club council will as - sist Miss Graham in serving, and a ( large number of girls Is expected out to welcome Mrs. Elander. Tea will be served from ! to 5 Sophomore class meeting Thursday at 1 1 : :J0. Memorial Hall, October 23. Election of officers and other Impor tant business. All sophomores out Victory Over Gophers Places Nebraska in Line For Western Championship 'I In- iiuskoiH furnished the greatest Surprise of the season last Saturday by ''eleatmg the Gophers Minnesota has been ilcked out b. the big coaches as I the "team" in the "big nine." and i! the Gopheis take thai title, then all Ne braska will hae to do is to win the MIswHiii Valley title, for we hae that also eliminates Puidue, being the result ol the tie of last Saturday In the Missouii Valley Conlerenee Nebraska, Kansas, Missouii and mes vUtoiy as mil mark Nebraska with the all western championship Haskell Indians Confident of Victory, With Coach Kenned, the (anions Kansas I'niv ensilj mentor, coaching the Indians, and two formei Cai lisle plaeis, Powell and Williams, plavni: in gieal foiin, the team will be a loi uudable opponent for Nebiaska IU wa ol a piactKe game the Indians , upon other contenders ot our goat, such as Kansas We have wonderful coin lies and a whirlwind team ofl brains and muscle Keep it up. buskeis -- Y. W. C. A. VESPERS YESTERDAY Interesting Program Is Rendered at Weekly Service. The Tuesday Y W C A. vesper ser- . vice was in charge of the social ser- vice, mission study and Ulble study ' committees. Florence Daniels sang; Ethel Hills, chairman of the social service commit tee, pointed out some of the reasons "wiy we should engage in social ser vico,." She stressed especially the polit that through Bervice to others we gain a truer sympathy with life and develop in a fuller way. DR. SHAW TO BE ORATOR EDITOR OF REVIEW OF REVIEWS WILL ADDRESS GRADUATING CLASS NEXT JUNE. IS A WESTERN MAN GONE EAST Is One of the Best Men Available to Any University In the Country. A telegram was received jcsteidn.v afternoon at the Chancellor's office con taining the acceptance ol I)r Albeit Shaw ol N w York City ot the inita (ion ot the senior class to olllclate as c'liiinieiiceiiient orator at the gradua lion eelclses to be held next Hpring. 'I he usual difficult of securing prom I nent men to accept the invitation and tlie paiihular eminence of I)r Shaw at an eaii age Into Iowa, where he giadualed from Ci Innell University He lalei took a degree liom Johns Hop vUls rniveiHllv and has subsequent!) had lionorai v degi ees conferred b) scv - eial ot the laiuei s( hools ot the coun in lie n,h loimiih otteied a pio li-osiship in political science and ( coiiinii) and i ii ii ii l c ipal government at Coi nell. but declined the iKisltion Hm political econoni at CoruolH John Sham Williams, senator from MIhhIs- - sippi. President Sherman of Cornell. .Lyman Abbott of "The Outlook, V Presi- dent A. S. Draper of Illinois Unlyec- sit, Hon W. J. Uryan, Ilurke Coch- I nine. General Miles, and Rov. McAr thur have been commencement orators at Nebraska United Agricultural Society. The United Agricultural Society will j ho,d ,tJ flrst moc,tlng of uVyear Frl- I day, October 24, at 7:30. The meel ' ing will bo held at the Judging pavll- Ion at the Farm. This is a chance for evory one In the college to get ac quainted. The program is a good time, with eats The Scandinavian Club meets next Thursday, the 23rd, at 8 p. in., in the faculty hall of the Temple, Twelfth and (Continued on Page Four) jR streets.