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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 22, 1913)
TIjE PALy.qEgfiABffAN THEATRES Oliver Theater TODAY 2:30 TONIGHT 8:15 WAV DOWN EAST Night, $150 to 25c. Mat., 75c to 25c Friday Night, October 24. MRS. FISKE In "THE HIGH ROAD" Oct. 25th THE PRICE SHE PAID ORPHEUM Thurs., Fc., Sat., Oct. 23, 24, 25 THE VANI8 "A Ffsherman'B Betrothal," Featur ing Esther De Lour. Ethel Klrk &. Billy Fogarty HTida" Thcmias -sTMr. Lou Hall " In "The Substitute." Martin E. Johnson's Travelogues Stories and Pictures of the Jack London Tour of the South Sea (stands. E. Bert Kenny, I. R. Nobody and E. Booth Piatt Originators of Nobody Character Singing Comedians Belle Claire & HermarT Mat. Thurs,, Fri., 15 25c. Sat., 15, 25c, 50c. Night at 8:15. Prices 15, 25, 35, 50 and 75c. Lyric Theatre MON., TUES., WED., OCT. 20-21-22 WALTER E. DEAVES & CO. "The Merry Mannikins" BENSON & BELLE PHOTOPLAYS "Treasure of Desert l6le" Drummer's Narrow Escape" "PATHE'S SEMI-WEEKLY" The World's News in Motion Views Daily News 4 Fashion Life Photos Three Shows Daily 2, 7 and 9 p.m. Mat. All Seats 10c; Nights 15c Feature Films for Wednesday and Thursday THE VAMPIRE (3 reels) Matrimonial Maneuvers Extra Feature for this af ternoon and evening only NebraskaMinnesota game crotch COLLAR A Graceful llilh Band Notch CotUr. 2 for 25 cent Ouctt. Peabodf A Co., loo. Maker WE CATER TO STUDENTS Smith & Hurst BARBERS 112 North 13th Jn (0tljpr lays 1901 As a result of the wealth) condition of the treasury, ManiiKer Cowgill has established a training table lor ihe arit 1904 'I he Faculty Circus, the big benetit for college settlement, is a great sue cess this year. Over $350 was cleared b the sale ol seats to oer 1000 cin us goers. Knox is defeated by a score of Ill-O A movement is on foot to secure j recognition for Ihe Glee Club singers. The plan proposed is that each mem ber of the teitm shall secure one hour's credit per semester. 1905 Michigan, after being held dow n to a 00 score the first half, defeated Ne braska by a score of 31-0 1907 v. . mi . i Nebraska crosses Minnesota s soal- u... i-i i- .ir..t.i ...AHA t ... line, uui is utiriKi-u iij u. iv."i. - .1 . The University of Nebraska Farm carried off its full share of honors at tbo Kansas City Koyal Stock Show The total prize money carried olT by the Farm amounted to something like $L'2f. 1908 The Cornbuskers leave tor Minne apolis today, accompanied by over 100 rooters Telephone Yule Bros. Laundry to call for your work. 11-2754. dr. Alldritt, dentist, 200 Gantcr bldg., 1240 O st. B-3905. (filaafitfteft (Column ROOMS at 143; S st from $4 up; board if desired. HOARDING -Two blocks east or Uni versity; regular $1 board at "club rate of $3 50 if you will call Will C. Dahnke, phone L-4503, between 7 and 10 p. m. SOMETHING STARTLING Olympic pictures on sale at the "Rag" office, between 10 and 12 a. m. and 1 to 3 p. m. today and Saturduy; price of pictures, unmounted, only 25c. H-305G. TIIK person who borrowed raincoat from M. A 10t5 might return it to "Rag" ofllce and receive reward PRIVATE coaching in Germany, tcien tific German; appointments to suit. Ilox 1403. Station A. 8-21-31 LOST At Olympics, a red sweater i'nd a cap. Return to this office. LOST--Nebraska seal pin; call L415) on campus. Can be reclaimed, it identified, by calling L-i7G7. LOST Ring of six keys, 2 large, 4 mall Notify Rag ofllce or 1228 S street LOST Gold watch, in Armory Thurs day night. Waltham movement, open face. Reward for return to No braskan ofllce. lUiteriity Jeweler aid Opticiaa C. A. TUCKER JEWELER S. S. SHEAN OPTICIAN 1123 0 St. YELLOW FRONT TOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED VICTORY RAISES PRE8TIQE. (Continued from Pago 1) sf.'d in ill,, ruturt- of NHiiHukii'K ;it!i Iflics should w orlt tor thK Not a Question of Luck. ll lh" impels o Chicago ;ukI tin- I west iu uniinlmoiis in the vonllct thiit J .Wbnmhn dourly curmvl Iht victory I Kmi I)i WillljiniH. In liis post-mortem xplnnntUm. admitted ii In spit of I this there re those who persist In say-1 inn that Nebraska won through Inch ' Nothing could be further from the1 truth Those that entertain this erroneous I opinion base it on the fact that the I CJopher backs were uble to penetrate the Cornhusker lino for gains Hut ' this does not concede their complete superiorit While they undoubtedly excelled In line smnshes, carrying the ball troni snapper back '217 ynrds to 92 yards lor Nebraska, Nebraska had it all oer the CJophers in punting and 'forward passes. i Nebraska minted nine, times for a , distance of ::S5 yards, averaging 43 yards, while the best Minnesota could average was 33 yards out of five punts , for a total distance of 170 yards. NY braska clearly excelled in forward passes, making six passes, of which throe were successful for 40 yards Minnesota tried ten passoH, only one or which was successful, and that for but 15 jards. To sum up. then, Nebraska excelled j in two departments of the game and I Minnesota in but one department Hence the victory belongs unmlstak ably to the Cornbuskers There wasn't such a helovalot of luck concerned; it i was simply a case of the better team winning Jones' Orchestra, I-9GG6. Coeds Play Tennis. Not to bo outdone by the men, the co-eds of the school have organized a tennis tournament and will start playing as soon as the weather condi tions permit. There are about twenty entries and drawingH will be madt; at once and the results as well as the conditions of the play will be posted on the bulletin board in the women's gymnasium. Engage formal music now. Hagensick. Loeb's Orchestra, L-9896 or H-1392. That Pennant Sale Will Close at 6 p. m. Thursday The Uni "SPA" Try the Y. MIC. A. Lsach Roeaa Cafeteria Plan City Y. M..C. A. 13tk4r We should worry lik th Gophers and icl left ir. the-hole-But really, there's no dan ger of our being left in the hole so long as we feature KENSINGTON CLOTHES T hey fit and t til Right now the most com pelling attraction in our ICensmgton section is over coats new, stylish, smart ly tailored models just re ceived they'll enthuse even the most indifferent of men Chinchillas, cheviots, ker seys, triple-miUed English peltons.Frcnch Montagnacs these are some of thr splendid fabrics that they're made up in. lis time you were look) kg and wo II be dr lighted to nliow you 12U $?V 30 and iit to S65 Among our Kensington suits the new arrivals in clude Some handsome semi-Englishf sacks made up in distinctive blue and white or black and white chalk-line or rope stripe effects - ver smart foi $25 If you prefer to pay len, remember wc hu n a Kentnoit Dept. whre you can find good suit and overcoat a are mad any where at $11.50. 114.50. tl7 and f20dr ridedly better than moot MAGEE & DEEMER LINCOLN AURORA OMAHA Book Store Riggs Drug Cutter HUYLER'S CANDY SODA WATEl? LUNCHES ST0IES II JrlH TEj jjHjjHiMiHMijhfiiMiji mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm