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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 10, 1913)
IHaiaiw T II K DAILY NEBRASKAS THE DAILY rEBRASKAN PROPERTY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA. Office Administration Building. Lincoln, Nebrasska Telephones: I)n oillrr H 1SSS Editor 1J 1518 Managing Editor B-3844 Night Olllci' H 1204 Business Manager B 1811 Editorial Staff: Editor-in-Chief Managing Editor C. L. REIN, KENNETH M. SNYDER Associate Editors J. L. OUTRIGHT, ELIZABETH MASON C. NEIL BROWN " Scribes: R F Lyman Krod II WoIIb Homer Phillips Howard U Hlttinger Olarencn Spolr I K. Frost Society Reporters: Clalro Hnrdln Winifrod Serger HortonHo Kauffnian Business Staff: Manager (' (' Buchanan Assistant Manager J. L. Drlscoll Circulation Manager T Erie Keefer Subscription "$2 0(Tper year in advance 5 cents per copy. Entered at the post office "a t Lincoln. Nehtanka, as second class matter under act of Congress March :. 1879 THURSDAY. APRIL 10, li I II rfl I Ralph Wood Paul L Martin F M Kadleck Ethel Arnold Ruth Squires i Arrow Kotdt COLLARS ! THB BELMONT STYLB IN FOUR HEIGHTS I OLASOOW 2H In. BELMONT 2i In. I MEDORA2Kln. CHESTER 2 In. I 2 for ?5 ctt. CI UETT, PEABODV A CO., Mkr University Jeweler and Optician C. A. TUCKER JEWELER S. S. SHEAN OPTICIAN 1123 0 St. YELLOW FRONT YOUR PATRONAGE SOICITED REVOLUTIONIZED CHINA. By Dr Edwin Maxey. Tins mouth's edition ol tin- Foium abounds in Nt-hi asU.i oone Piolcs soi Kdwm lae .mil iian K Hiw tiiiiml an- conspicuous conti ilnitoi s to; lioin the people The national assein hl. ( onipo'-ed ot two houses, is ele( ted h puniiuial assemblies'. The provin i i.ll .is-semhlles 1 distl'Kt assemblies .111(1 tile (llslllit assrmlllM S 1) llie ol(is Oi nitons in its method ot the pnl iiiiinliei (II the bin poll t K a I el.Minj; its le-isln t ui e, China undei and social mngaine Doctor Mne I wntes on Reoliitionie(l China" Mr Kavtnond kiikIciiiiis the polic ol slup . ping subsidies as means ol deelopnm our foreign comiilel ce So lilt ei est lllg and important to students ol political silence and economics ate both ot these aiticles t li;i t we gie the ln.-.t all the editoiial space we hae tod,i and the second we accoid the same , unenviable distinction tomoiiow Professor Mae litems Ins disc us t sion b pointing out the enorinit ot t ho change thiough which China is passing, the sudden, armed and eeii bloody determination to be rid ot its traditional policy ot isolation and come out into the society of progressive na (ions China now sees. sas the Doc tor. that "what has prevented nation; progress in China and what has mad China a weak force in world move ments and what. If not changed, must eventually make her a negligible fac tor, is the tact that the average citizen of one part of China has not felt that he had interests in common with the citizens of e erv other part ot China " The awakening ol national conscious ness is the significance ol the ieo'.u tionaiN movement in the Chinese Km pii e China has learned that "the ulti niate anaUsis, a govei nnieui mu-i u-t II. Its existence not b the piotlt It (lelles loi llsell but b the sel U ( It lendels the uosillled Still , il bllel outline ol the Chinese go el U nieiit shows how lat iemoed undei the new lepuhlH Is politic al ailtllOl UN z-. 2 : the new constitution ei much cm tails its executive h pioidmg loi the election ol the piesideilt b the na tional asseinhh While the Chinese i oust urn ion guarantees to the people all the and cnil rights guar anteed to us in our constitution, it has, in the opinion ol Doctoi Maxe. acted w isel in not gnmg to its stupid and uninloi nied masses unieisal sufliage The people have moie libeities than the eer had hefoi e The people ex ert a more potent nitlueiK e on their government than the e ei did m the das ol the absolute monarch Hut still the government is essentiallv in the hands ol the fitted few who tound i'd it The perinanem ol the political change in China depends, says Proles sor Maxey, on the success China achieves in the slower work of knitting together socially and industrially the scattered and discoidant sections of her vast and populous domain Rail- wa mileage must be increased fifty fold (Jood roads of which China lias almost none are needed to put an end to the ptactical effects of her old policy i isolation Piannciallv. she is less in 'need ol toieign loans than ot a people 'patiiotic eiioug hto pav their taxes Our Modern Agriculturists MUST WEAR THE BIG A AS A MARK OF IDENTIFICATION The time has long since passed when you could point out an "Ag" a mile away, because of the clothes he wore, and the "Ag" now is as careful of his appearance as the most pol- ished Academic. The "Ags" recognize the value of good clothes-that's why they patron ize this store. ARMSTRONG CLOTHING CO. Good Clothes Merchants WHITMAN'S CLASSY CANDY Meier Drug Co. 13th and O St HAVE The Evans DO YOUR WASHING (Continued on page :i) IIIMMIIIIIIIIIIHMIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIMIIIIIIMIUI A COMPLEX PROBLEM Has Been Solved for You i - FOR i Complete Party Service Is Now Offered You by Our Retail Department Phone B-6152 We serve the purest and best HOT and COLD Re FRESHMENTS in the city Huyler's Chocolates $1.00 Fountain Pens $1.00 Safety Razors Student's 3-Course Lunch, 25c IT 'Jejfr'ijh gljhj$i :The: "SPA" Try the Y. M. C. A. Lunch Room afctcria Plan City Y. M. .A. -:- I3tb and P h ICE UREA MUO. Mm HC HA THA WA Y. PROP University School of Music Established 1894 Thorough instruction by modern methods in all branches of music, practical and theoretical. Pianoforte Voice Pipe Organ Violin All Wind Instruments Public School Music Apply for information 10 WILLARD KIMBALL, Director - - - 11th and R Sts iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiim)