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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 9, 1913)
TLhe S)atl IRebraekan BAND CONCERT TEMPLE APRIL 11th VARSITYTRA(K ELIMINATION SATURDAY Vol. XII. No. 119 UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 9, 1913 Price, 5 Cents V SHOULD SUPPORT BANDuni Removal bill barber goes with buck STILL HANGS FIRE AND POUND TO INDIANAPOLIS MUSICIANS RAISE SPIRIT AT ATH LETIC CONTESTS AND DEBATE. WILLSTUDENTS RECIPROCATE ? Is Second to None in the West Chal lenges All Others to Contest Before End of School Year. B l J Wagner N-xt I'ndav night in the Temple is (lie t'niveisitv Cadet Hand Concert 'I'll' ;u lne enienis o a eai s pi ac tic t wi.l he presented to the Unl er-it public and to hik li outsiders ;ih liae sf linn li appieriated the musical activities of (he University Populai JiiKi's will iteail and we ate ieliabl.v infoinied that these will be no less than fiftj cents pei admit one Laving aside the matter of price the band makes its nppcnl to students as a Cnivetsitv activity The band is the chief mateiial out of which Univeisity spirit is made on the giidiron, and it ac companies the cadets to supply them with mihtaiv inspiration whether they go 'o camp in wateij Ashland, ai id He atrice or cursed Ciete It contents it self with none but the best musical tal ent on the campus, and its piesence at aiij Univeisitv tuiution, even at a lTni ver-Mty debate, lias been a decided drawing card tor the multitudes Our band lias long enjoved tlie distinction ot being second to none of the col lege bands, in the west You will not again hear so much of the best music delivered ou at once a.s ou will hear next Friday night at the band concei t The I'niveisitv and its band join in the feeling that the conceit is to be well attended The duty of support to -o povveiful a promoter of Univer sit enthusiasm as the band appears at tins wilting to be obvious to all So vital a ait ot the Univeisity is oui band, especiallv in the fall of the jear, that we can not a fiord to neglect it when it asks for an audience in the spring Sentiment on the campus is evervwlieie predicting that the laigest audience it evei leceived will be ten dered the band at its conceit I''i iday niL'ht Swell the multitude of enthusiastic heal eis He outsell one of the chief supporters of our one big organ of Uni versity spirit The price is so low that no one can feel deterred. Every loyal Nebraska!) feels the necessity for giv ing the band his support. Remember th date is Friday, April 12. Field Geography. Members of the class are requested to read notice at entrance to U 7 and report to instructor before 5 P. M Wednesday, April 1). N A. BENGSTON. The Intei national Secretary of the Matador Club has piesented the local chapter of the oiganiation with a small statuette of the founder, Boliver Silves tro This is on display at the headquar ters of the club on the fourth floor of the Museum. House and Senate Unable to Meet on Is President of American Classical As Common Ground to Deter- I sociation Which They Will At- I ' mine Issue. ' tend All on the Program. With onlv a feu clays of the piesenl session lemaining, the legislatnie still has a laige amount ot woik ahead ol it Yesteidaj Has spent in the routine woik usual neai the end of a session and a nunibei of measuies ot a geneial (h.uactei wcic disposed ot (iilv once was theie anvthing like a spuitecl dm (Mission and was when seveial membeis ot the House, m tiving to e plain llieii vole on a bill leg.iiding the loaning ot inoncj , became so enthusi astic as to lequnc the combined ser vices ol the chanman's gavel and the sci geant at ai ins The University Removal bill is still hanging in the House and Senate com nnttees Because of the fact that the louse committee is composed of stiong anti removalists and that of the Sen ate is composed of equally stiong pto removalists Mattel s have been at a standstill and none of the meetings have as vet accomplished anvthingdef imte In an interview with a "Rag" re porter. Senator I'laeek said, "Although theie will he a meeting of the commit tee tonight it is almost c cm tain that nothing will be done We (of the Sen ate committee) will not change our attitude and, unless the otheis change theis, w e cannot meet on common giound " He furthermore stated that because of the deadlock, it was highly probable that the College of Agricul tuie would be developed exclusively at the Farm and the policy of extension of the other colleges on the city cam pus would prevail The legislature ad pourns next week and will adopt a definite policy before that time l'lofessoi H.ubei head ol the (o man histoiv depaitment, leaves todaj 101 Indianapolis to attend the ninth an nual meeting ol the Classical Assocla tion ot the Middle Wc-Ht and South Foi the same destination will leave I also, 1'iolessoi Hik k of the ihetoiic .depaitment and 1'iofessor Olivia I Hound ol the Lincoln high school The , tonnei will go b wav of St Louis and ) the tatter will accompany Profrssor Haibei thioiigh Chicago The Classical ssoc iat ion of the Middle West and South was oigani.ed I some eight jeais ago with Professor Haibei as one of its chattel members and attei having been an otllcei of the oiganiation since its inception lie now holds the head position as piesident The meetings of the association will be held Fridav and Satiiidav in Indian apolis and lee tines will be deliveied bj the delegates, including Piofessois Pound and Hue k, and followed by gen eial discussions upon the subjects dealt w ltli each lectuie "vindication of the Pi incudes of (Iieek Lvnc Tiagedv in the Classical Dianias of Sw inebui lie ' will be the subject of 1'iofessor Hound's lecture, and 1'iofessor Buck will talk upon "The Classical Tiadition and the Study , of English " Professor Bather will re turn Monday AGS AT CONVOCATION LARGE CROWD HEARS SPEAKERS TELL OF WORK IN FARM ERS' COLLEGE. DEAN BURNETT PRESIDES Misb Kidd Speaks of Work of Eco nomics Development Increasing Value of Agriculture Dwelt Upon. HOLD FIRST MEET Convocation vesterday inoinlng was turned ovei to the yellow ribboned ags who siKceeded in filling the hall with a largei ciowd than has been seen in Meinonal hall since the football ral lies of last tall Dean Burnett Intro duced the speakeis Miss Dora Kidd ol the home economics depart ment spoke ot the woik accomplished at the laim, of their limited quarters, and of the impoitance of economic tiaining in the home The Ag Club quartet to sang seveial selections and weie en c or ed lepealedh Majoi Skinnei spoke on the work of the Agriculture Club He said that manv people tailed to distinguish be tween the kc hool and the college of ag ue ult in Professor Chase spoke next and said that the students had a great deal to do in spi ending the knowledgo thev had gained at school among the people ot the pait of the state from w hie h he c aine Dean Burnett (lose the convocation with a biief address, in which he touched upon the woik of the college, among the people or I lie state and also the increasing value of agiiculture as n general educational course. MUSEUM MATERIAL MOVED Anthropological and Geological Collec tions to Be Taken From Me chanics Building to Museum. Thittv five boxes of mateiial, which have been stoied foi two or three eais in Mechanic its building aie being opened one bv one, and the ma tenal placed in c'Mpiica'e drawers in the Museum These boxes contajn some of the best mateiial in the an thropological collections of Dr. M. H Everett, and in the geological collec tions of Hon. Charles II. Morrill. These collections have been boxed for six or eight years Only portions of them can be placed on exhibition due to the overcrowded condition of the cases. : , 4 Missouri lias been woiking hard in preparation for the Minnesota meet. Nicholson, the crack hurdler, has al most recoveied from his lecent illness and will bo able to go against the Gopheis Kirksey has arranged his scholastic conditions that have been botheiing him The return of these two men means that Missouri will again have an extra good track team Competition for Places in Track Team ' Will Occur Saturday. The (list open meet of the year will I be held on the athletic field Satin day ' After being forced to get along on dope ' since the close of the basketball season J the fans will now have an opportunity to see some action All the events of a tegular meet will be held and the winners will constitute the 'varsity team i The team this jear is composed inostlj of new men This insures an exciting stiuggle for positions on the team Coach Reed is still won led be cause so few men have come out foi the hurdles and the weights Theie is piactically no one who is at all as sured of a place in a meet The meet will be held on Nebraska Field at 2 o'clock. The admission will be 25 cents. NEW BOOKS FOR BOTANY Books By Johannes Hedwig, 1801-1840 Recently Received. The Botany department has recently received a very valuable collection of the complete works of Johannes Hedwig, which were published in the years 1801 1840. They are in Latin and contain many fine hand painted drawings of Mosses. Even at the present time they are the standard works on the subjects The books are very lare copies SENIOR INVITATION TIME EXTENDED TILL THURSDAY Over Two Thousand Disposed of and Five Hundred More Expected i to Go. The senioi invitation committee an nounce that the sale of the graduation invitations has been large and to date about two thousand have been sold. This indicated that theie is much more mteiest taken in the puiehase of in vitations this eai than in 1!U2 as theie has alieady been a greater num ber sold These are several who have not et put in their order but the re sults of the selling thus far has shown that theie will be a great many more purchased before the sale closes, and the committee hopes to dispose of at least 500 in addition. In order to accommodate those who neglected to buy upon the assigned days of last week thre will be another date upon which orders will be taken. Next Thursday has been set aside for this purpose and this is postlvely tho last day that orders will be taken as they will all be sent in Thursday night. There are two kind- of program as heretofore One has a cover of dark brown leather an I bells for 25 cents and the other has a cover of white cardboard and these sell at two for a qua iter. l 1 a ii i i' -Jj