Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 10, 1913)
T n K DAILY VEHRASKAN h l REVOLUTIONIZKD CHINA (Continued from Page 2 ) In her schools, less old Chinese leai n ing and mote pi actual western knowl edge must be taught In plate of her old almanacs that are at best only catalogs o the facts. China needs a progressive periodical piess that can ieall influence and educate public opinion Inter nationalh, she needs not the exploitation of ioieign powers but she must hae then leeogmtion particulaily the recognition of the United States Above all, sa.vs the Doctor in summarizing the work of so rial and industrial transformation in China,- "Let us hope that the ones upon whom this work devolves will be men who possess a statesmanlike grasp of the nature and import of the problems with which they are dealing, clearheaded, noble hearted men. men who can grasp principles and discern tendencies, men of intellect as well as impulse, men of patriotism as well as pow er The excellence of Doctor MaTPT'q seholnrlv observations as outlined above is further evidence bv the su perb rhetoric in which his conclusions are couched His 1 ich. act mate and lesponsive vocabulaiv. his clear, virile sentences, lus unified paiagraphs that ease the hi am rather than the eve, his entire thesis that abounds so Tieely and consistent lv m expressions of his fundamental political philosophv , all these things contribute to the pei ma nent effect his eloquent but sc icntific appeal for inteiest in China has on his readers His pioduction v er v tiulv represents to the nieiican university world the profound v ital and beautiful sc holaiship in which the Nebraska stu dent rnatutcs The public it j which the doings oi bodies like the Inter-Fi aternit Council get through the columns oi this paper will depend exclusivel.v on the willing ness of such bodies to have their meet ings coveted b some Xebraskan rep lesentative in whose ability to report the real facts we have confidence The Daily Nebiaskan is a doublj censoied, censored b the University, and cen sored by us Common punted university tablets, three sizes at The Universitj Hook Store Lost-By Miss Ruth Clark-Somebody's Spike Pin Karl yesterdaj rnoining Miss Ruth Clark rushed huniedlv into the Hag ofTic e with the annouiK einent that she had lost a Spike pin and that she wished to insert an add and that she would greatl.v welcome the return of the pin Some bluff, but he should wor rj 7 A few tablets of all sororities and fraternities left at The University Hook Store CLASSIFIED COLUMN DKKSS SUIT FOR SALtt (lood st vie, in good condition, coat Me ,18, length of 1 1 onsets I'.l Adcliess A2, Dailv iNebi.iskan A 2 5t FILMS developed, 20c-, all kinds of commercial photogi aphv , students' woik solicited Frederick Macdonald, Vuto H ."..KiR LOST AND FOUND. LOST, IIAUY No' 12 Water man Fountain pen between () and I' on 11th Klndlv leave at Rag oflic-e 1 8 3t LOST laige gr.iv covered U of N note book, owner s name and ad dies on back I'lease return to tins otlic e, ,ind receive liberal rewaid 1 8 .It CORNHU8KER NOTICE. I numbei of oi ganizat ions have not yet oideied the number of pages de sired in the Cor nlnisket Otdei blanks were mailed to all oi ganlatlons These should be letuined at once oi othets filled and mailed to the Husl ness Managet before Thuisdav night In dividuals who have not paid foi theii pictures at Townsend's must do so before Thursday at which time the panels aie printed Pletuies not paid for, or arranged tor, positvelv cannot be printed Resident frats and sotoiities order space of Frnest fiiaves Organization pictures are expected to be paid for before the book is print ed The following have not ordered the number of pages desired Students' Debating Club Union Society Alpha Zeta Hushnell Cuild I'll i Delta Phi I'ln Alpha Tan Alpha Sigma Rho Alpha Chi Sigma Vikings lion Sphinx Spikes TTnr Mdlr.ll Soc Deutsc he (Jeselllge Vei ein Veiein (Icrmania German Dramatic Club Agricultural StalT Kosrnet Club l'hi Heta Kappa Hlack Masque THEATRES Oliver Theatre Tonight at H 15 Lew Fields' All Star Cast HANKY PANKY Max Rogers, Bobby North, and Many Others With Montgomery and Moore and 50 Scenic Beauties PRICES 50c to $2 00 Sat, Mat. and Night, April 12 RAYMOND HITCHCOCK LOST sin, ill blown Mooie's non leakable pen I'lease ietuin to this oiiice 4 io :n LOST spike pin Tuesdav morning on the campus I'lease ietuin to this ofllce 4 10 :U LOST- Large giav U of N notebook, flndei can keep the cover if he will ietuin the notes to the addiess on the back or the book 1 10 2t RENT, ROOMS. FOR KKNT Nice laige fiont room, model n, tor oen or two gentlemen; $10 per month 142 N 12th St 4-8-3t FOR RKNT To riateinitv or sororit a large model n house Inquire 14.57 (. 1 10 it 1 u arjJrrrA- ibiirjierson a f library should con fa in some of I fie foCfoivuig weft ' fmoxrii book J. MaxiveffJrJusfice Pncfce, MaxwefG Pfeacfiiif and Practice. Max weffs Crimiii a( Procecfu re . faxueffs Code PPeadiney, 7heNe6casff:a fihofificai DiqesP. (JN THREE VOL UMES) WE CARRY THESE BOOHS V STOCK SJafe Joumaf(3m3au LINCOLN ', NEBR . I'av jour subhci iption now Fiolich's Oichestra, Thone L 73G3 ORPHEUM Entire New Program April 9, 10, 11 and 12 VICTOR MOO UK And FM.M LIT- TLKFIKLI) In the Ogirinal of Hare Stage cts ' "Change Your t oi Hack to the Woods ' (OF WKLCH The CONNKLLY Sisters C. S MKLVIN ILSON S COMKDY CIRCUS TIIK HKSSON I'L YKRS TIIK DORANS PRICKS Mat l.'.c . 2.'.( Night lac, 2f)( , .5rc - ride tf MR. STUDENT! What Are Your Plans for the Summer? We have room for 'live out s to lepiesent us in voui vi(init You need no capital not a pennv We set jou up in business We make, we believe, the best and cheapest hand power vacuum sweeper in the woild HKAUTIFUL SIL1CNT KFFFCTIVF We also sell other household ai tides needd bj ever woman Investigate Our New Sales Plan Let us show vou how youi salesman ship, backed by our splendid or ganization can net ou great ie suits this vacation Write todaj stating tenitoiy wanted General Appliance Factory INC. 1360-68 Main Street LYRICS DICK CROLLINS & CO THREE LORETTAS THE SPY'S DEFEAT HOW PLASTER IS OBTAINED ONE OF THEM MARINETTE WISCONSIN Thtee Shows Dailv, Matinees 2 I' M Night 7 and !) I M Matinees Children ."c, Adults K)c Night, All Seat-- irc (HH Preserve Your College Work!! & r I i irMinii 11 MARK. V Sr t wii- ii2W The L C Smith & Hios Tj pe writer is invaluable to college students who want a record of their college work af ter graduation. We give special attention to the needs of students. We have typewrit ers to rent, as well as to sell. A few rebuilt machines at a bargain. L. C. Smith & Bros. Typewriter Company 125 North 13th Street LINCOLN, NEBR. You Don't Pay for the Name When you buy a Spalding Ath letic A rticle, as some dealers who are after bigger & proht on Athletic ( Goods would have you infer. You pay for-and get-honest I workmanship and material. The name as evidenced in I the Spalding Trade Mark i is put on as a quarantee oi what you pay for. Our Complete Catalogue on request A. G. Spalding & Bros. 28-30 So. Wabash Ave. Chicago, Illinois SPALDING'S Baseball Goods ARE HARD TO BEAT ! ! We Have a New and Complete Line We Solicit the Fraternity Trade H. Reusch, "s 8 So 2th S. M -ti . ii M M i 3 m 'U II. I ,J 1 II Ujjl i II ! I 1 1 8 I