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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 5, 1913)
JC EwGWSWpRwWW n T II E DAILY N E P, RASKAN V CAMPUS NOTES Telephone Ytile Isros at once. ('. Neil Ilroun in now coiualeseing ut his home in Lincoln Krolirh's Orchestra, IMione .7'.UY.. There will he a meeting of the, Campfire. girls Wednesday afternoon at f) o'clock in the V. V. (' A. rooms. Loeb's Orchestra, Phone, L7G20. The Teacliers' hnreau has received a call for two young men, University graduates, to teach in Y. M. ('. A. work in Florida. Hagenslck's Orchestra, Auto 13-2990. All senior men who are members of the Y. M. ( A. will meet Wednes day noon at 12::!0 to to nominate of ficers and board members for next year. C. H. Prey, University florist. 1133 O Bt. Miss Charlotte Bedwell visited at the Kappa Alpha Theta house Sundav. Ted Marriner Cleaner, Hatter and Repairer. Auto B1799. 235 No. 11th. The Sigma Clin forfeited a game of basketball to the Phi Delts last night. The former failed to appear at the contest. Artistic dance programs and menus for particular people Ceorge Bros. Printers, 13 13 X street. J. A. Sargent passed through here a few days ago on his way from Texas to Spain where he expects to be for some time. Wilber Wood, ex "10, who finishes the course at lowa in June, and Henry Beckord, "10, who is now a phar macist at Waco, visited the Phar macy department. J. I,. Lytle of the class of 1900, vis ited here a few days ago. He is a project engineer on the Strawberry project of the United States reclama tion service in Utah. Notice. Company E will have their Corn husker picture taken at St. George's studio, 11 a. in., Thursday, March G. Everybody must be there on time. Business Opportunity. Why not write life insurance. Make from $30 to $100 a week. The field for the right sort of men is almost un limited. The Commonwealth Life In surance Company of Nebraska wants live men. Before you contract with any company see Goldstein and Crook, Room 200-202 Ganter building, 12th and O street, Lincoln. Phone: Auto B-360t. Ofllce hours this week 4 to 5 p. m., daily. Adv 3-5-3-. BETTER HURRY! 1913 Class Pins Selling Fast at $1.75 We Engrave Your Initials Free Established 1871 HALLETT'S, UnL Jeweler ins o street CROWD GREETS MISS BURNER, Is a Guest at the Home of Chancellor Avery Tuesday Afternoon Tea Postponed. An uncxpectedh huge crowd crowd greeted Miss limner at the ves per service Tuesday evening The meeting was held in the Temple theater, instead of in the V W (' A room, as announced, in order to ac commodate the large audience. A duet, "My Soul Is So Happy In Jesus," was rendered by Helen Kasterdny and ftvanM'line Long. On Wednesday' from 7 to 8, Miss Burner will speak , on "'I lie College (JiiTs Decalogue." ' Miss Burner will he in the Y. W. C. a. rooms uuring mo greater part o each day this week, and girls may drop in there and meet her personally. She is desirous of knowing the girlB of Nebraska as well as she knows those of other state universities. Miss Burner is a guest at the home of Chancellor Avery. On Tuesday she took luncheon at the Pi Beta Phi house. The tea in her honor Tuesday afternoon was postponed on account of the death of Dr. Jewett. i . .. . . i M'lNTYRE & HEATH Well Known Minstrel Leaders at the Orpheum This Week. Within the boundaries of stageland, there is to be found no more magic names than Mclntre & Heath Through the lues of two generations this team has furnished laughter to millions These names are sjnonj moiis with tun and laughter and that tpicall American form of humor in which the negro is the butt Their appearance m a theatre eliminates all conjecture The (piestion of merit never arises. It is a certainty that they will amuse and to a degree that is seldom equalled. They have a repertoire of sketches for their coming engage ment and it matters little which one ( they use "Georgia Minstrels," "Mon from Montana" and "Waiting at the Church," are all equally funny In a way their work is like famous hum or of literature such as Murk Twain, Lamb, Dickens, Holmes and others,) in that it never grows old or loses an . iota of its power to please Think of the impossibility of even an ordin arily good team playing together aB long as have these two comedians. Their continued and ever increasing, success is indicative of their real worth. Kor several seasons theyi starred in musical comedies, that were'simplj elaborations of their sketches After their present limited tour, they will go to England for an indefinite season Advertisement CLASSIFIED COLUMN WANTED A student who can take dictation and use a typewriter, to! work a short time each afternoon at, the "Hag" ollice. Apply to the man- i ager at 1:30 p. m. 3-5-3t, FOR RENT Dance hall, second floor Brownell blk, 25x90 feet; no better floor in city; elevator service, cloak rooms, toilet rooms, good piano; no public dance allowed in hall; limited to fraternity, sorority, club and private dances; dates reserved; $8 a night. Both phones. John Taylor, Brow nell blk. mm ' I H HH 1 H HH s Sprin: Suits Ready for Easter You can make your selec tion quickly and satisfac tory from our complete showing of Young Men's Suits. FULK CLOTHING CO. 1234 O Street TRY OUR LUNCHEONETTES They are always the best We serve hot and cold drinks all winter long. Lincoln Candy Kitchen South West Corner 14 and O Street University School of Music Established 1894 Thorough instruction by modern methods in all branches of music, practical and theoretical. Pianoforte Voice Pipe Organ Violin All Wind Instruments Public School Music Apply for information to WILLARD KIMBALL, Director - - - 11th and RSts. fc THEATRES Oliver Theatre Tonight at 8 00 Promptl v WILLIAM FAVERSHAM Presents His Spectacular Produc tion of JULIUS CAESAR With An Ail-Star Cast Prices $2 00 to 50c Thur. and Fri. Nights, March ADELAIDE THURSTON In THE LOVE AFFAIR -7 ORPHEUM M'lNTYRE AND HEATH Assisted by OTTO T. JOHNSONE HOPKINS AND AXTELL GA8CH SI8TERS FLAVILLA THE SCHMETTANS LEWI8 LONDON. GORDON BOY8 Bar. Mats at 2:15 Prices 15c, 25c. Night, 8:15 15c, 25c, 35c and 50c. LYRIC MON., TUES., and WEDNESDAY. WARD SISTERS WILLARD BROS. Photo Plays "A Chance Deception" "The Missing Bonds." "After the Welsh Rabbit" "Sea Anemones" and "A Study of Kittens" 3 SHOWS DAILY 2, 7 & 9 P. M. Matinees, Children 5c, Adults 10c Nights All Seats 15c HAVE The Evans DO YOUR WASHING Ensign Omnibus and Transfer Co. Never close! Day or night Service and reliability our aim If in need of a cab call ENSIGN Give your call for baggage No waiting or worrying then. Phone B 2303 Office: 221 So. 1 1th St The: H V !) l