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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 5, 1913)
.&"" T II K DAILY NEIIRASKAN AGREE TO EXTENSION. (Continued fioin I'ukc Oi1 lug Hind of not h-s.s tlinn two million fle hundicd lliousand dollars was provided within hIx years At the. Hume time it declared that tho I in mediate Hettlement of the question was imperative A faculty of com mnnding abillt. the necessary build ings and equipment make a great nnl eislty on an site The University ol Nebraska possesses men of ability, but it does not afford them the facil-, ities required for effective work. The foundation departments of the college of agriculture and of the scientific courses In the arts college botany und chemistr- are not provided with rooms and equipment to properly ac commodate one-hnlf o the present at-1 tendance Other important depart- j ments are in the same plight. Theso conditions together with a salary schedule lower than the schedule of1 state universities with which the Ne braska institution ought to take rank, are making it increasingly dilHcult to attract and retain leaders in their spe cial field. i The change of site recommended by the board on the condition stated has i not met with the approval of all the friends of the University. There are' lojal sons who sincerely believe that the present site should be retained. The ievenue branch of the legislature1 has defeati'd lcmowil, partly on the giound no doubt ot the expense, partly on the ground that it believed there were er ions objections It lias never theless passed a bill which will give the l'nheiMt immediate and sub ' stantial reliel It will provide the build ng ot laboratories and equip mint necessary lor elllcient instruc tion it this bill is approved bj the otlm branch of the legisl.ituure, the1 conti oversv is at an end, and the progress ol the Univeisity is assured I The board ot regents under the con st it iK ion of the state is charged wit hi the responsibility of conserving the, interests of the state's chief educa tional institution Should it continue to insist that its choice of a site be, considered after the pressing needs, of the institution are substantially' supplied ,it might become responsible for a. controversy that would deprive the I'niversilv ot necessary support for years In view of the lact t lint i removal was defeated by the pieced-, lug lcgislatiiH that it is opposed by the governoi, that the revenue branch ot the present legislature Is over whelmingly against it, that a pro longation ol the Issue over the site might involve the univeisity m a long .ind fruitless controversy, the board has it ached the conclusion that the, house measure should be supported. It therefore urges every Iriend of the, institution to unite on this bill, which aftords substantial relief and gives the hard working and taitliful instructors ot the institution the long wished for opportunity to teach under conditions that make etliclent work possible. In giving Its endorsement to the House bill, the board assumes that It Is the intention that the proceeds of the half mill shall be expended for permanent improvements at the Farm as well as on tho city campus and that the policy of the board to provide liberally for special agricultural activ ities is to continue." Unanimously adopted by the Hoard of Regents We concur with our colleagues in th loregoing statement because of the tact that il consolidation can not be In ought about at the state farm we are most anxious to see provision made for the safe housing of the pro lessors and student-body orr the city campus. The conditions which exist there are a most serious menace to life and health, and we desire also that u dofinite and fixed policy of university development shall be brought about at this time. The leg islature deciding that consolidation is not desirable, we earnestly hope that the nest interests of the agricultural college will be conserved and nothing done which will interfere with its usefulness to the people of the state. crcOKQE COUPLAND, F L. HALLKR UNIVERSITY NAME NOT TO BE USED BY PRIVATE ENTERPRISE (Continued from Page 1 ) sity to come here and start a school of music and the promise was made to him that credit for work in his school would be given by the Univer sity to his pupils. Two years ago this affiliation was brought to an end and since that time the school has been operating independently. Representative Hurket defended Mr Kimball's school He said that the bill would require the change in the name of a long standing corpo ration of good reputation. The bill would detract tiom the enrollment of the school to the advantage of the the lival school and to several music teachers In cities in Nebraska where Mr Kimball has established accred ited branches of his school. Mr. Rhine states that he did noth ing to get tiie bill introduced, but that he sent a letter to the house after the bill had been introduced, and rec omrnended that it be passed. Mr. Kimball has prepared a letter which will be placed before every rep resentative' today. This letter will set forth the facts of the case as he views them Freshmen as well as older students will receive a hearty welcome, courte ous treatment, and the best of service at Green's Barber Shop and Bathhouse, 20 N 11th St Adv. r Did you receive one of the prizes last week in the great sale? GET A PRIZE THIS WEEK - - - AT The UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE 340 N. 11th Street THE CAFETERIA Of the University Y. M- C. A. THE BEST PLACE FOR STUDENTS Breakfast 7 "to 8. W Dinner 1 1 to 1. () Supper 5 iO to 7 :- THE TEMPLE -: Home Made Baked Goods Cookies, Pies, Cakes, Holsum Bread, Fancy Pastries S&U J$ r Cafe Open after the Shows with "Good Things to Eat" 1325-31 N STREET ' N. Y. CHOP HOUSE It the best, cleanest, and quickest place to eat in the city. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT 34Q O STREET L. C. SMITH & BROS. BALL-BEARING TYPEWRITER Back space key models rebuilt like new. Guaranteed Typewriters. $40.00 to $60.00 Examine one of these before you purchase any make. RENT A TYPEWRITER, if you do not wish to purchase. We furnish a late model up-to-date machine. Typewriter supplies and repairs. L. C. SMITH & BROS. TYPEWRITER CO 135 North 13th Street, Lincoln, Nebraska Ni nr U.'SMHaCT