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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 5, 1913)
MiwHiaMiaiiuMai4 T II 10 I) A I L Y N 10 H RASKAN i Batly Nrbrakuu IMoperty of T1IK UNIVERSITY OK NKI1HASKA. Lincoln I c i, urciN Kditor-in-Chief MaiuiKlnK lOditor AHHOclate Kdltor Associate Kdltor Associate Kdltor Literary Kdltor Kenneth M Snyder John I, CutriKht, ('. Nell Hrown Kllzaheth Mason Chandler Trimble LlUBlneHH ManaKer AHHlHtant Manager ' (' Huchanan . . J. I, DrlHColl SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $2 PER YEAR KayaDie in avancc Sing. Copies, 5 Cents Each. TELEPHONES Offlco B-1888. Night Phono B-4204 Editor H-1518 Manager 1M82J Entered at the postofllco at Lincoln, NebraHka, aH second clans mail matter, under the Act of Congress of March 3, 1879 WEDNESDAY, M HCII r, I'llII The Dally Nehiaskan is in need of several upper-lass men for its report orlal stall. Although enicient work is heli.g done by those now doing the woik it Is felt that the addition ot some age and experience would be de- siiable One of the most valuable capacities in which a sophomore or junior could be used is in the sports department A mini with some experience and much energy is the one wanted and lor such a person considei .ible oppoi limit is oil'ered ibis vpnng and next fall. Application- will be eeied b Ule managing editor in peison limn lu to Id 'to toda. lomoiiow and Kuday DOCTOR JEWETT BURIED TODAY To Be Held at Holy Trinity Church University Classes to Be Dis missed From 2:00 to 4:00. Whereas, Dr. Walter K. .lewetl was on the third day of March, called awav bv death from his labors among us, and Whereas, during his faith ful and efficient ser ice of seen years the present re gents and their predecessors have at all times highh ap preHaled his broad scholar ship, sober judgment, tact, in dustiy. and hkh ideals, be it Resolved, by the board ot regents ot the I'niversity ot Nebraska, that we give public expression of our profound grief, and that a cop. of this resolution be sent to Mrs Jewel I a MYSTIC FISH ANNOUNCEMENT Thirteen Freshmen Girls Chosen to Honorary Inter-sorority Organiza tion. Owing to the fyct that there could be no pledging of freshmen girls until the second semester this year, the Mysti-- Kisli is late in announcing its pledges Mystic Fish is the honorary freshman MMority corresponding to Xi Delta. Siher Serpent and Black Masque (,f the sophomore, junior, and senior classes The lollouing were pledged last muht Mable Hath, lrma Joins, nne lu.-.sel, Vivienne Holland, Edna Hush lull, Pauline Killian, Emily Houska. Olind i Wachter, Mabel Lowenbeig Honita White, Lois Piper, Mane Cu sack and (Icneeve Weesnei The funeral of Doctor Walter Ken dall Jewett, university librarian, who died last Monday evening at his homo. 1634 B street, will bo held at the Holy Trinity church at 2:30 today. In due respect to the late librarian and his faithful services to the University all classes will bedlsmissed from 2 00 to 4:00 JUNIORS ELECT OFFICERS Few Scattered Third-Year Men Make Choice of Executives. A meeting ot the junior class called yesterday morning in Memorial hall b President Harvey Hess and even more sparingly attended than the senior meeting ot a few days ago, elected the following otllcers' Vice President, Florence Hill; sec retary, Helen Sorenson; treasurer, Joe Noon. A report of the junior play finances was given b Frank Kruse and adopted. COIUHUSKER PICTURES 11 March lf every junior and sen lor picture, and every organization picture must be in the hands of the Cornhusker management. Tills is im perative. Order blanks for space in the 11)13 annual will be mailed to all organiza tions this week. The price will be the same as last year, $7 per page, the organization furnishing the picture. Juniors and seniors are especially urged to attend to the getting in of their pictures before March 15, as the cuts will be sent to the press at that time. The first lot of material was sent to the printer yesterday. SPALDING'S Sporting Goods Are Hard to Beat So are our ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES H. Reusch, 118 So. 4 2th St WHITMAN'S CLASSY CANDY Meier Drug Co. 1 3th and O St "SPA" Try tkt Y. M. C. A. Lbc1IRo SIMMONS THE PRINTER if Dance Programs if if Banquet Menus - if Calling Cards if if Book Publications if 317 8. 12th St. Cafeteria Plan tflty Y. M. C. A. 13tb .J if CENTRAL NATIONAL BANK it if 12th and O Streets if if P. A. Hall President if if F. H. Johnson Vice-Pres. if if W. W. Hackney, Jr. Asst Cash, if ARROW Kotch COLLARS THE BELMONT STYLE IN TOUR HEIGHTS GLASOOW 2H In. BELMONT 2i In. MEDORA 2 In. CHESTER 2 In. 2 for ?5 CU. CI UETT, PEABODY &. CO., Mnhuro University Jeweler and Optician C. A. TUCKER JEWELER S. S. SHEAN OPTICIAN 1123 0 St. YELLOW FRONT YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED B 6152 2026 O St. Puritan Ice Cream Co, H. C. HATHAWAY, Propr. $OB 1 Our products consist ol he creams, ices, sliei bei ts, punch and all those special delicacies known to the ice cream trade They are made in a modern, sanitary factory, every department ol which is under the nersonal suner isiou ot" the proprietor. People who have tried our products award them the place of highest merit. Note. Our retail department will furnish complete party service. The Puritan Ice Cream Company H. C. HATHAWAY, Propr. Phone: B-6152 2026 "0" STREET "The Company of Guaranteed Service" We serve the purest and best HOT and COLD Re FRESHMENTS in the city Huyler's Chocolates $1.00 Fountain Pens $1.00 Safety Razors Student's 3-Course Lunch, 25c rjV4 W. etrtih ctllla T HE MOMENT YOU PUT OA CLOTHES made to your measure, you see the vast dif ference between merchant tailored and ready made. Our way costs no more. Be sure to see our line first. College Tailors College View Phone B-0-X-48W Home Made Bread Six Loafs for 25c COOKIES PIES CAKES MX m. Gwe us your next order for Punch. We know we can suit you both in quality and in price S0SSSSSSSt see