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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 24, 1912)
' THE DAILY NEBRA8KAN I f U K ? i, if ji L fl m K ft J'l n i ' Jf 'l! -! V Vfl, . wV Hail Bebrashan Published by tho Student Publica tion Hoard of tho University of No-braukn EDITORIAL 8TAFF Editor SKARM3 F. HOLMES Managing Editor. E A RLE H. TAYLOR AflBoclHto Editor . . F. ('. M'CONNELL ABHodato Editor... BURTON S. HILL BU8INE88 8TAFF Manager C. C. BUCHANAN Ahh-1 Manager I V. MORRISON Circulation Manager LEO RREEN SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $2.00 PER YEAR Payable In Advance. 8lnQle Copies, 6 Cent Each. Telephone: Auto 1888. Night Phone Auto 1888; Editor, Auto 1035; Manager, Auto 1821. Entt'M'il nt the poutoinco at Lincoln, Nutirimku, us imcoihI-cIubb mall mutter, unrifr tlio Act of Congross of March 3. 1879. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 21, 1912 NATURE HUMAN AND OTHER WISE. . . . "Tho uncertain glory of an April day, Which now hIiowh all tho beauty of tho BUIl, And by and by a cloud takes all away." Tho Two CJentlemen of Verona. This uncertain bouhou of the year 1b now upon uh, it cubIb its alturnat ing gloom and exuberance upon ub and leaeB our minds in a whirl. Tho Biinny morningH remind uh ot the HiicceHHeH we liae achieved, and tho plans we hae lor the summer Wo hae isions ot our more present able grades, our social victories, and our llnancial obligations well met Wo recall that eentful day when we made the Ulank club, or that evening when it stopped raining just as it was time to start for the Prom. Such lllghts of fancy, and bursts of enthusiasm uro scarcely completed when a shower ot cold rain dampens clothing and spirits, and our mental kaleidoscope tuniB to a consideration of the darker objects. Tho condition in 14 looniB up liko a sunken hulk, tho prospect of hunting a job among heartless employers causes us to shrink -into a shell of "what'B-the-ubo," and tho memory of that time when we Bpent several dollars fool iBhly brings up tho picture of a yjtit nl letter home and a llery answer Such are the vagaries of the season, we must endure them and resist as far as posbible, that the storms within may not piove too strenuous lor the sunshine. THE OTHER SIDE. In Saturday's "Rag" appeared an article In which it was stated that a certain coed had eused her con science, perturbed at a gift of flowers, with tho Idea that by accepting them she was preventing her friend from spending tho money on tobacco or pool. What a soothing thought! PorhapB tho resourceful co-ed does not know that tho price of a modest bunch of violets (two dollars will buy forty Backs of Durham, which, allow ing forty cigarettes to tho bog, will Tan mako sixteen hundred clgarctteB Think of tho nicotine which the at tractive coed kept out of her friend's HyBtem; cotiBlder tho sixteen hundred blown to his constitution from which sho saved him! Put, on the other hand, perhaps the violets would hae bought the young man n shirt, or a half dozen pairs of socks; It might havo paid for two pleasant evenings at tho Orpheum, or several afternoons at tho ball park Let us not forget that two dollars Is a day's wage for many men, on which they support families The expenditure of two dol lnrs for a bunch of fast fading flowers Is an extravagance No amount of apologies can make it anything else I do not say that as an extravagance it Is necessarily wrong, but that it cannot be justified on any other grounds. R L F WHY NOT? Tho following is a suggestion, to gothor with a reason, suggested for the athletic field- Tho athletic field of the Universitv of Minnesota bears the name of Presi dent EmeritiiB Northrup There is nothing at Nebraska to call to mem ory tho name of President Emeritus Andrews. Because of his long service and great constructive work he merits acknowledgement more than anyone else. Why not Andrews Field? STUDIES CONVICTS' BRAINS. (Continued from page 1.) resent a low typo, but as yet nothing has been discovered which could in any way distinguished them as ciim inal Dr. Poynter is of the opinion that no such thing as a criminal tpe of brain exists However, he Intends to make a ver careful and exhaustive study of the subject during the summer and hopes by fall to be certain one way or the other. Instead of the address he had planned on the convicts' brains, Dr Poynter will address the Academv on criminal types as denoted by e tornal features This also is a mth says Dr. Poynter, and he cites as proof tho measurements taken of a thousand criminals in Sing Sing and a thousand students at Amherst There Is nothing In those measurements by which tho two classes could be dis tlngulshed. "Although." Dr Poynter added humorously, "some people might object that students aro not normal human beings." The College Inn Barber Shop Stu dent trade solicited. 8. L. Chaplin & Co. 127 N. 12th. SPA " Try a lunch at the Y. M. a A Lunch Room. Cafeteria Plan. City V.M.C.A. 13th mi . JTTSee ub for your f next job of printing. Personal Bupervison enables us to make each job please. 128 N. 14 St vPRIHTIHoV UHC0U1-MIR. Classiest Shoes I Ever Had In low shoos for men, plain toes all the new dope $3.50 M EMORY BOOKS Regular $1 Memory Books 75c This Week Only The University Book Store 340 North 11th Street THIS COUPON and 85 cents buys $1.00 worth of Athletic or Baseball Goods at Lawlor Cycle and Sporting Goods House 1423 O Street You Can Save $25 to $50 buying a slightly used or rebuilt typewriter. A machine backed by a two year guarantee. Over 500 now used in Lancaster County. Investigate these before you purchase any kind of a typewriter. Nebraska Typewriter Co Auto 2080 143 So. 13th St. Bell 1299 l J. C. WOOD and CO. The Best Is Always the Cheapest . 1822 N St. Auto 1292 Bell 147 GLEANERS and DYERS 0-Ji.BV mNSK& STUDENTS Buy your shirts, collars, hats, gloves and men'sfurn shings at cost at Unland's store. We want the room Whitebreast Co., 1042 o st. OUR CAFE IS OPEN After All Dances and Parties We "cater" to student trade and can serve you and your lady to all kinds of Club Sandwiches, Salads, Oysters any style, Ice Cream and Sherbets .,. Fountain in Connection with Cafe THE FOLSOM CAFE 1325-31 N St. See Our South Window 1 J ' ji ! f t a k: Buttons r,vv ::xJ BUDD u 1415 0 St. Llnooln f T t V