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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 24, 1912)
THE DAILY NEBRASKAN 9 AfiOtT PEOPLE CLASSIFIED COLUMN AT THE THEATRES CM YftV I y r t a w C. H. Frey, florist, 1133 O St. j tf Ruth Clark, sister of Imogene Clark, Is visiting at the Thetn house. Ted Marrlnor, Clenner and Hatter, 235 No. 11th. Doctor Sellen was a visitor at the Phi Kho Sigma house yesterday. Have Graves print It for you. North Eleventh St. 233 Ben Harrison has returned to school after a severe siege of the mumps. George BroB., expert printers, en gravers and emhossers, 13th, and N. J. II. Quinn, of Gothenburg, Nebr , is visiting at the Sigma I'hl house. Helen Westdeer, of Schuyler, is vis itlng her Bisters at the Alpha Omicron house. Burnes"' and Linger, from the Phi Rho Sig house, were in Omaha over Sunday. Programs and Invitations printed or engraved. Boyd Printing Co., 125 North 12th. Grover Dovey, from Elattsmouth, fipent a few days visiting the Sigma Chi hOUBG. m Y. M." C. A barber shop opens at 7:30 a. m. Student trade solicited Best service. , James Kollar, a student in the col lego of medicine, visited in West Point last Sunday., George Wallace and Ralph Van Ors dale, of Omaha, nro visiting at the Alpha Theta house. H. M. Cain, of Falls City, ex. 1911, spent the last few daywith his frat EFohers at the Phi Delt house. Leota Mallring;' a Trl-Dolt pledgo from Iowa State University, is hero plaiting the chapter and other friends. .f. 7f Mario Dally, of Dunlap, Iowa, will arrive here today to spend some time visiting her friends and Chi Omega Bisters. E. W. Bennison, ex-1907, left yester day to take a position as assistant engineer of a railroad at Curby, Wyoming. MHdred Post, district president of Kappa Alpha Theta arrived last night to spend a few days visiting this chapter. The annual-banquet of Alpha Chi Omega will bo hold Saturday night at the Lincoln hotel and a number of the alumnao are expected to be here. Weber Sultorium. 1100 O St. Athletes JUotlce. ' All contestants 4n the Inter frai meet who won first or socg;id places in the events may get their medals in ' the gymnaBium locker room today at 3:50, EARL W. BRANNON, W-S- Chairman. 5 Engraved dance programs done in Lincoln. Ocker Engralng company, Brownell block. r . You can't drive a nail with a sponge no matter how hard you "soak" it. It's equally impossible to like clothes that have no satisfaction giving qual ities. Smartness in style, thoro reliability in fabric and tailoring these are qual ities that satisfy. In no clothes do they exist to a higher degree than in our Kensingtons and Kuppenheimers for spring. $20 to $40. $15 suits too, that are proportionately just as fine. MAGEE & DEEMER THE FIRST SAVINGS BANK 4 pir cmt Interest pq"' $L00 Opens an Account With the First National Bank, Oor. 10th and O. Try Our Luncheonettes They are always the best We serve hot and cold drinks all winter long. LINCOLN CANDY KITCHEN South West Cor. 14th O i CENTRAL NATIONAL BANK 12th and O StrU P. $, HALL. Pn.M.nt F. B. JOHNSON, Vlos-Pruldtat W. W. HACKNBY. JR.. Am. Cut. WALT Stands for the latest and best in Sheet Music 1215 0 St. Qnrlno- JawelrV for Mfill StiokPins, Tie Cla pi, Coat Chains spring jeweiry tor mon onl d n.fc'forgQ t ..WB.dema-.- for full dress. Go d fllle 1 f o n $2 to $5 solid gold S5 to $15- plutinum 815 to $25. Established 1871 ""LI 7A I I lHm UNIVERSITY 1143 0 Street JTTl -VJL-I JEL' 1 1 JEWELER L08T LOST A "Ton Year" fountain pen IMonso roturn to "Rik" olllce 125-3 LOST IjiHt ThurHday, a cameo broach Howard offered for return to "RaK" oillce. 129 3 LOST Hy S. H .Miles, copy "(ioneral Pathology," ZelRler. Return to "Hag" oftlce. 125 3 WANTED WANTED University men who are actlvo and energetic, and are desir oub of taking up remunerative work during vacation. To such a connec lion la offered with a company doing an extensive business throughout Nebraska. Good profits are sure Call at or address Room 203, 1M8 O St. 128-r.S V SCKIUNKirS MAGAZINE SUB KCRII'TION SOLICITORS easily earn Liberal Commissions, also can pick up extra prize money. For full particulars regarding commissions, prizes, free advertising matter, sam ple copies, address Desk C, 155 Fifth Avenue, New York City. WARTHON'S Original, Electric, Shoe Repair Factory Always reliable and up to the minute 142 North 12th Street Oliver Theatre THUR. MAT. & NIGHT, APR. 25 HENRIETTA CROSMAN In "THE REAL THING" Mat. $1 & 50c. Night $1.50 to 50c Com. Mon., Apr. 29 Indefinlto BARROW-WINNINGER PLAYERS Opening Bill "THE FORTUNE HUNTER" Lincoln MAT,NLFvHrJNxaTr3'oy, a!j- ORPHEUM S;Vou?50,h ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE Week Com. Mon. Night, April 22 Hampden & Company Julius Tannen ' Marguerite Haney- White & Brewer De Faye 8lsters Honor and Le Prince De Renzo and La Due PRICES Matinees, 15c and 25c Nights, 15c, 25c, 35c and 50c HERPOLSHEIMER'S CAFE Dlnatf JJ.30 to h30 TCr Suppw St30 to 7i30 X7L Also Cafoterlan StyU Weekly shipments of tho best thero is in chocolutos. Huyler'e Whitman's Lovwny's Alleffrettl'a California violets fresh every day. VAeJer Drug Co, 13th and O ( Tgv Discard your high shoes and make your feet hap py with a pair of our new. oxfords or pumps. BEGKMAN BROS. 1107 O STREET Collego shoo storo run by collego mon Capital Tailoring & Clothes Co. Suit cleaned and pressed by the month $1.50. HighCIa Tailoring Auto L 8jaH 11-40 O St. Tho moment you put on clothes made to your meas ure, you see the vast differ ence between merchant tailored and ready made. Our way costs no more. Be sure to see our line first College Tailors College View, Nebraska Phon -0 We serve the purest and best HOT and COLD RE FRESHMENTS in the city Huyler's Chocolates $1.00 Foutain Pens $1.00 Safety Razors Student's 3-Course Lunch 15c & tjejhist ajrj$UiGr ,As4 "$ y aS . A-,