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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 25, 1912)
-:tfl(ia -'it i p nHfiflnTrfrrTf'-- "f ' "" T! bymmnp' - -.',."' . . r. .. .'J;HJ1lW3Wnf'W -'' ' ml K" T?r- js-V 'irt ' ' r 1 . '-. Kl V ,a 'TTjKJ VOL. XL NO. 131 UNlJiRSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, THURSDAY APRIL 25, 1912. Price S.Ccnti 4 jM, - h --TP t TOBtaekati VB I r , YS ffi V""5 "' i.' m Ot ft if FARM COMPANY LOSES TO PERSHING RIFLES FIRST REGIMENT ORGANIZATION WIN8 ANNUAL CONTEST. ANOTHER BRIGADE PARADE TODAY Will Be Held on Campus of Agricul tural School and Will Include Both RegimentB. The Pershing Rifles, the crack mili tary organization of the First regi mentf "duplicated its performance of last year by defeating the Workl.ers. the skilled company of the Farm regi ment, In tho annual compet hold yes terday. Tho points for the University boys stood 44.29, while the Workifcers finished with an average of 4! 22. Commandant Yates and Major Frjink forter wore the Judges of the con est. Tho officers of the winning om pany are Captain R. T. Guthrie, i irst Lieutenant C. K. Paine, and Se:ond Lieutenant J. B. Spaulding. The Second regiment, which camp this week, worked out some in field problems Wednesday morning aril in the afternoon regimental reviewlwas held. A Rare Sight. Brigade parade, a ceremony never seen at the State University unti year, will be held this afternoon this at 5 o'clock at the State Farm. Stuients of the University who were unalue to witness the parade of tho two ments of tho University and State Farm students on tho athletic field Tuesday evening will bo given another opportunity to witness a military' cere-Cg hlB left eye BoyloB &-rendored mony which is certain not to b, holdlljmoBt unconscious by tho blow and again for a year. LaB ualf carried- hait ied from tho ThlB was the first parado to have h0id boon held in Lincoln with two regi- The Deita Upsilon team won the menis participating since uie opuiusn. American war in 1898, when the FlrB and Second Nebraska Infantry were i the city. The parade Tuesday eve ing was hold on tho "spur" of the m' ment and a few students and LIncol citizens witnessed It. In order to gl the students another opportunity witness one of the most raagniflcet military functions ever to be seen A 7.lnrnln PftmmnnHnnf Vntaa hna il- Hriounced that tho second parado of t-e brigade will be held this evening. 8pecial Cars Chartered. Special cars have been charteredto caiyy tho University regiment to o. Farm, where the annual competitvo drllh-of tho Stat'o Farm companies nd tho Individual "compot" will bo pld during tho afternoon. During the parade 'Governor Aldrlch will prfont . thesupa to tho captain of tlu'wlii- tfj&VixiB company and also to tho tw men . winning the,. Individual compot, Alt cadets have been excused froC fur ; o'clock classes or laboratory pHods at that hour. ' Mrs. LdRo8slgnol to Talk Mrs. Lo Roaslgnol's last classhlch has been several times postined, will, be held evening I the tj$hj' Y3$f C. A- rooms. She will tswer ? ' $ tho .n.uBstlojw'as to BQOJal convqtiona 'f'W .ytMty&ypr'WsPty1 lt ana r-j,"'.5 nthora Tininnvirv rnm lin rnr othera -whlc 8CUB- " .tCZK' ' ; ' . Blon. w ?&?& , i i ." ' ? r Sl&i.?fL'; ?(ER CALLERS NOW SORORlY HOUSE8 LE88 POPU- LAR N 8UNDAY8 8INCE THE CL0E OF FORMAL 8EA80N. With 10 close of the formal party season if tho fraternities and sorori ties iuf at hand, there has been a very n iceable decrease in tho num- ber of unday afternoon callers at the va&us Bororlty houses. "It plainly is remarkable," said one cN, laughing, "how the men have wPPed calling since our formal. Why. st Sunday, there wore only six caller altogether at our house, while for til month or so before the party there jvould be fifty or more every time. Of course, now that tho weatlir is nice, Borne of tho regular caller are making individual dateB to go wlking and on picnics, Instead of calllif- Even allowing for this, how over, a formal party In tho near fu ture mrely does increase the number of mil who are anxious to know our bunc-" HUFT WHILE WATCHING GAME DaliBoyles Struck in Face and Pain fully Injured. While watching the Inter-fraternity bseball game between the Delta Up sian and Kappa Sigma teams at Unl- irslty field Tuesday morning, Dale oyles, senior in the college of law. as struck In the face by a wild irown ball. Ills noso was almost Iroken and it was said by his raternlty brothers at tho Delta Iran hnunn thnt. tho Inlnrv wnn nffop-. camo G to 1 bv clean, fant nlavlnir Roberts Talks to Engineers. A meeting of the Engineering So ciety lust night was addressed by II. W. Roberts, assistant stain en gineer of Nebraska bridge and Irriga tlon works. LABORAT0RIES BUSY NOW Approach of end of school i brings earnest de8ire TO WORK. Both chemical laboratories are pushed to tho limit the last few weokB. Scarcely a desk is open and often 6tudents have difficulty In securing desks at their regular hours. This has very perceptibly added to tho fierce heat In tho labs by promoting heated discussion over tho right to a particu lar place to work. Tho cause of this extraordinary de sire In the labs Is the approach of the end of school. Those who Bluffed lab the earlier part of tho term must now make up time and got their work up or be turned In incomplete. Every year about this timo a lot of extra time Is put In either to permit skip ping lab later in tho year, or to make up previous "cuts." QUESTION FORDEBATE PICKED FEDERAL CHARTERS FOR COR PORATIONS WILL BE 8UBJECT OF UNIVERSITY CONTE8T8. "Resolved, That all corporations en gaged in inter-8tato business Bhould bo required to tako out federal char ters, it being conceded that such a requirement would bo constitutional and that federal license shall not bo available as an alternative plan," is tho question which will bo threshed out by tho various University teams composing tho Central Debating Leaguo next year. Tho question was proposed by Wis consin, and although official announce ment has not yet boen made, Prof. F. M. Fogg said yesterday that tho majority vote favors this question, al though tho phrasing may bo altered somewhat. Definite announcement will be made later as to whether or not tho somlnar or debating squad will be chosen this spring. The team, of course, will not be picked until next fall. TEMPLE HIGH TO GIVE PLAY. Senior Class Will Present "Cupid at Vassar"' Saturday Night. Something new in the high school line will be tho play "Cupid at Vas sar," which tho senior class of tho Temple High 1b going to put on at tho Tomplo theatre Saturday night. Tho play as originally produced was full of novelties and song hits, and while it will bo impossible to dupli cate all of theso, some will bo re tained. The cast Includes several clever soloists and this talent will bo taken advantage of. One of tho fea tures will bo tho "Daisy Chain" drill, which appears In tho closing act. The chorus for this Is being trained by AUbb Davis of the physical education department, while tho general direc tion of tho play is In the hands of F. C. .McConnoll, of tho University. Seats are now on sale at tho Tem ple. The prices are thirty-five and, twenty-five cents. THOSE AWFUL FRESHMEN ONE OF THEM 8PELLED IT "TEU8- DAY" ON BULLETIN BOARD. Again, we must Jump onto tho fresh men. The attention of ono of tho re porters was called Saturday, to tho poster on the billboard, to the eftect that a freshman class meeting would bo held "Teusday" morning. V Wo gladly concede that tho average freshman Is not responsible for his acts, but this is entirely out of the question; this, In fact, beats anything wo have seen for years. After due consideration wo havo' de cided to let it go this time: however, if wo find the guilty freshman, jfprovid-, ingwe can Jocato him) has not 'Im proved in nla spelling' by" tho time ha la at least a senior? tu6n,wV shall .bo compelled 'to say some Fdlyers-things th'at mlglit- slanderBald' frestiroanr ., V. Jt. NEBRASKA AND AMES WILL MEET SATURDAY COACH 8TIEHM PREDICT8 VIC TORY FOR HIS PR0TEGE8. CORNIIUSKERS LOOM UP STRONG Visitors Expected to Win Hurdles, Weights and Jumps, But Surprises Are Not at All Unlikely. 8aturday at 2:30 p. m., Nebraska will meet Ames on the local athlotlo flold In tho first dua meet to bo hold at homo thlB year. Nebraska is re ported to havo a good team in excel lent condition and, though going up against a strong team, will win tho meet, according to Coach Stlohm. Tho coach says that tho scoro will be closo, but he has no fears as to tho outcome Nebraska is especially strong In tho 100, 440, 880 and mile runs, tho polo vault, half and miio relays and tho ' 220-yard dash. In tho mile Amos has a good . man In Captain Farquhar. Amosis conceded tho hurdlos and tho weights, as well as the high and broad Jumps, though Nebraska Is ox pected to score In all of these events, and there may be several surprises in them. Track In Good Shape. Tho track is in excellent shape and tho weather man reports fine weather for Saturday, so that there appears no reason why this meet Bhould not. bo a great one. The meet will be run off fast, with no tiresome delays be tween events. The entries of the two teams are as follows: 100-yard daBh Ames: Clutter, Ivor son, Kaiser, Keeney. Nebraska: May, Christmas', Racely. Ono-mllo run Ames: Clarkson, Farquhar, Hobson, Ward. Nebraska: Anderson, Kennedy, Bates, Becker, Boggs. 120-yard hurdle Ames: Honningor, Hyzer, Horton. Nebraska: Russol, Kruse. 440-yard run Amos: Crawford,. Laird, Lcssel, Nordstrum. 'Nebraska: Brannon, Barney, Beaver. 220-yard hurdle Ames: Horton, Hyzer, Rogers. Nebraska: Barney, Wessol, Mills, NolBon, Roberts. ' 880-yard run Amos: Haggard, Job aolyn, Manning, Ward. Nebraska: Becker, McQowan, Anderson, Robin son. 220-yard dash Ames: Clutter, Ivor? '. son, ' Kaiser, Keeney. Nebraska:'. . Christmas, Racely, Brannon, Wherry. One-mllo relay Ames: Crawford,riw Laird, Lossel, Nordstrum, Smith, Stew. nv . Mhrnolrn Prnnnnn nnmav . Cfcrlatmas, Racely, McGowah, .Robin--' ?l'hA'''-H son Beaver. , ; ;" 'JM iwo-muo run Amesr Anderson, ; 'i,-? vW Clapper, Clarkson, Collins, "'Nebrggki: ''iKl Anderson, Bates,-KenneOy -Bdn"! ' ' - 'Al'ilJ0: ' ' : ,.." Jit:S?VTO ' ysWrE: ivuiuuu, ivttisor, jtvooney.-ijwisei: tflw-v--ii. v. -T -i ntL Nntirflinlrft niilvVKiiipi'-T -;r i. .r-. J . vr-rr? .Brannon,' Aiay.' wnerry. "SarM ysugua. riesrasxa: :tm ,. DIbcub. throw AM!-V 7-:riwtf4AJfc?&5-'a . "v ' " t r. - ir.Vv'l'' . ' f . t ' ..'.W ,XiVJr?.Z o.4.- ,.''-. :'-.'i- -, " ..riT Vjf'U Xt .. rj'.J-.' " "7.1 :o s r c. n ft-? 4' ?-rm m i i: v :JM v. n. "?SJ, V trly I ,YT, rvdh- - j' iWBKvj-5vC' -" r .' '..J-;..i wir." Tjtf. Him u it mm vs LVr 're it iffi2JtX t. -?. . - . v-u h.r -,''.. -.j r. ' ':. "" i "i i SH y inrwfc.'fz.v.,:. ? ,Hir-BaHA -., M-r-f V4 . ., i'. j rJ :i 'v WJSM m m v jf -J o" "OJ-. lf:rj y-w n; i ' NEBRASKA KrADiurv hHIUAT ' m'-.-. - r H m kaVB H -.' . X., Ml V .r -Tsf V ttJ DA CM II lMHsH7iBK HHffl rjr H ',-B Lp H kf y i mmw WWMMDHjiWv Wm rzip!:wmiM v-. r,vA't; , a hrv ... c. j