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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 8, 1909)
.r-Tyv'TO THE DAILY NEBRASKA s A OLIVER THEATRE 8:15 TONIGHT 8:1 5 EDDIE FOY . . AS . " Mr. Hamlet of B'Way " $1.50 to 50c LYRIC THEATRE EVERY EVENING AT 8:30 Beolnnlpg Monday Evening, Week of December 6, THE LYRlC STOCK COMPANY Will Present the Comedy Drama "Princess of Patches" Popular Shows at Popular Prices Eve., J5, 25 & 35c. Mat., 15 & 25c Auto 2398 Both Phones Bell A -869 NEXT WEEK The Daintiest of Society Comedies "BETTY'S DIVORCE" ORPHEUM WEE"K STARTING DECEMBER 6 AHEARN. TROUPE "PILL" HENRY CLIVE GOLDSMITH & HOPPE WALTER .LEWIS & CO. ' PAULINE MpRAN THE McGRADYS Matinee at 2:30, 15c and 25c. Evening at 8:30, 15c, 25c, 35c, 50c. Phones: Bell 936, Auto 1528. I Pitts Dancing School Boginnora' Class Wod. and Sat, Advnncod Class Monday , Sociul Friday 10th nnd O Phono 5405 L. J. Herzog The University Man's Tailor Tho Finest Work Don and Prices Right Call at Oar Now Storo 1230 O St. Lincoln All makos rontod with standi $3" per Month. .bargains in RobuiR Machines Lincoln Typewriter Exqhange Auto 1155; Boll 1181. 122 No. 11th t k Underwood Typewriter Co. TYPEWRITERS SOLD AND RENTED 187 No. 18th. Bell 848. Auto 2580 SEE OUR WOOLENS Elliott Bros. TAILORS 142 SOUTH TWELFTH Athletic Goods" sold ' Students a 10 per cent dis count if this ad is brought; our 'tore LAWLOR ClfCLE CQ: v , lyorHBgr M'j Tr . t l t t i'-i ' Ud'lVElTY'JEWELEfl & OPTICJA.M ;C.A'tiililcer'Ci . i , . i rutin pr y . m '" t . y S. S. Shean OPTICIAN ( M IJIIM 0 '$TEprOYlLLoW FROIjt I .ewiKJMllpliSl Campus Gleanings Frey & Froy. Tho senior prom committeo wilt moot at 7:30 Thursday in U1I2. Dr. J. R. Davis, Dentist. 1234 O St. The junior prom committee meets tomorrow at 11 a. m. in U112. John Purcoll, 1908, of Elkhorn Neb., Is In the city. o C. H. Froy, florist, 1133 O streot. It. K. Andrews will load tho Y. M. C. A. mid-week meeting this evening. Tho topic will ho "Our Neighbor's Progress." Carl A. Uessey, '97. Is engaged In electrical engineering at Riverside. 111. Gentlemen's Pumps. Ladles' Even ing Slippers. Deckman Bros., 1107 O. Some of the university boys are rolling big scores on tho bowling al leys of the Monarch Pool Hall. 1134 N street; 48 & 50 o Chapln Bros., florets. 127 So. 13th. Charles Kuhlman, '97. Is ranching at .lollot, Mont. The County Fair Saturday, Decem ber 11 Second floor, Wilkinson build ing, 16th and O sts. 3.. The junior prom -committee will meet at 11 a. m. Thursday In U112. Go to the Monarch Pool Hall and Bowling Alleys, 1134 N st., for a good time. 48 & 50 Frey & Frey, cholco flowers. 1338 O St., north sldo. ' Mrs W.'T. Elmoro will have charge of the Y. .I. C. A. mid-week mooting this week. .Mrs. Elmore has, for sonio years, lived in India, and the subject of her talk Will be "Our Neighbor's Progress." The Union College (uar- tet will furnish special music. Spalding gymnasium and basket-ball shoes, Swedish gymnasium shoos. Beckman Bros.. 1107 O St. - Inoz Hosa, '00, now Mrs. A. I). ('lift, is performing her 'duties aH a home keeper at Rapid City, S. I). Havo your clothes pressed at Weber's Sultorlum. 12th 'and O. Ella Matthews, '97, is missionary teacher In Anglo-ChlncBe school, Old hum Hall, Singapore. Straits Settle ments. Green's Sanitary Barber Shop. 120 N. 11th. Charles W. Weeks, '98, Is captain of Twenty-eighth Infantry, IT. S. army, and Is stationed at Ft. Snelllng, Minn. Try a lunch at the Y. M. C. A. Spa. 13th and P Sts. Tho Dramatic Club play, entitled "What Is the Matter With the Profes sor?" Is being rounded out Into good Bhape by earnest practice. Tho cast is especially fortunate in having Miss Howell as Its coach. With her able assistance the Individual members of tho caBt aro working hard to bring the proper Interpretation to their parts. Miss Howell states that she Is well pleased with the nlnnner In which each member Is getting onto his part, and expects this to be one of the best plays put on by tho club this year. The members of the club re port no difficulty In dlsoosing of their 50 Cents Will pay. for THE DAILY NEBRASKAN for the rest of the semester $1.25 Will pay for THE DAILY "NEBRASKAN for the re mairtder of the school year. ORDER AT ONCE! a SAY BOYS fl If you want to get her something nice, artistic, exclusive and at the same time inexpensive buy her a piece of Cloisennej 75c to $5.00. Everything in Christmas Qifts. ESTABLISHED 1871 HALLETT 1143 O STREET Ella Scherzor, '98, Is now located at Gig Harbor, Wash. Henry Nlenhuls, '97, Is now prin cipal of the high school at Load S. D. , 100 Engravod Calling Cards make an excellent Christmas gift. Georgo Bros , Engravers and Printers. Secretury Engberg of the delin quency committee yesterday an nounced tho suspension of three men for failures. Temple orchestra concert. Sidney Sllber, piano ololst. Oliver theater, Docomber9th. 47-3t ...Free Boxing Exhibition County Fair, December 11. 3t Eat at Don Cameron's Cafe, llr-U9 So. 12th .street. . jQounty Fair Docembor 11( 7 to 11 p. m., 16th and O sts, 3t tickets, some members having sold twenty-five tickets. Each member of the Drnmntlc Club is obligated to the extent of ton tickets. Let each meln ber sell his ten befofe the tickets aro put on sale at the book stores Tuesday. LwANT ADS5 Ivni&coliR Motel WALT opHoinore Hop $1.25 December Hfl FRATERNITIES & SORORITIES We Want Your Goal Orders. Give Us a Trial Order. i, SATISFACTION GUARANTEED WHITEBREAST COMP'Y 1106 0 STREET AUTO 3228 BELL 234 ? Advertisements for the want ad col. i ...... u ... . .. , , . UIIIII UIIUUIU UC ICl ill IIIO UUBIIICBS Ul floe, ' bascYnent Administration build ing, between 11 a. m. and 12 m., or between 2 p. m. and 5 p. m. Want ads will positively not be In serted unless paid .in advance, at the rate of 10 cents per Insertion for every fifteen words or fraction there of 'for the first Insertion; three inser tions 25 cents; Ave Insertions 40 cents. Glasses Stop Headache. Satisfaction guaranteed. Howe, Optician, 319 No. 12. 47-2t At G; 1T this evening the small cab inet girls of the Y. W. C. A. will meet at the Temple, wrapped up in fura and blankets. The occasion for this will be a bob-sled party, and a merry one at that. Lost Hat pin, at main entrancp University hall. Reward for return to 1208 S street. 46-3t Can furnish a limited number of men good employment for next sum mer. Address E. A., Dally Nebraskan. Found A note-book on torts. Finder can obtain same by calling at Nebras kan 'office and paying for this ad t Lost Kappa Sigma- fraternity pin. Return to Nebraskan office and re ceive reward. ' 43-tf OLIVER THEATRE TEMPLE ORCHESTRA " CONCERT 7 SIDNEY SILBER, Piano Soloist December' 9 WE WILL GIVE $5.00 . m i 1 . To anyone who buys a Suit. or Overcoat of one ofSu our advertisers. M' HERE'S THE IDEA t' We have made arrangements with one of the best tailors in Lincoln, whereby any Nebraskan reader., may get a $5.1)0 discount on a Suit or Overpoat'l made by this tailor. k THIS IS A GENUINE GIFT i. NO CONDITIONS WHATEVER i (if i 'I See Manager of the Nebraskan at once., . , -.! i 5 , 4 .'-' 4&? 3 "I 1 "iTi e t ,, , ., ,. . tj. . rfi