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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 8, 1909)
. THE DAILY NEBRASKAN - The Daily Nebraskan tiir rnopjcrtTY'-bT' TUB UNIVRHaiTY OF NH13IIABKA, Mncqln, NobraBku. . . . . DY TH13 STUDENT PUD. BOAHD. EDITORIAL STAFF. Editor Victor B. 8mlth Managing Editor K. P. Frederick AMOclnte Editor Cnrl J. Lord Atioclato Editor T. M. Edgecombe BUSINESS STAFF. Manager W. A. Jonet Assistant Mnnagor... Q. C. Klddoo Circulator , . . V. C, .HAaoaH Assistant Circulator; . P T.v Sturgts Editorial and Business Office: BASEMENT, ADMINISTRATION BLDQ. Postofflce, Station A, Lincoln, Neb. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE. $2.00 PER YEAR Payable In Advance. Single Copies, 6 Cents Each. 9 9 1 Telephone: Auto 1888. Night Phones Auto 1888; Auto 2083. . . . . " INDIVIDUAL N0TICE8 will bo charjred for nt tho rnto of 10 oontn por Inaortlon for ovory flfteon wordn or fraction thoro of. Faculty notlccn and Unlvorulty bill lotlnn will blndly bo published froo. Entered at tho postofllco at Lincoln. Nobranka, an nccond-olaRn mull matter under tho Act of ConRrcsH of March 3, 187D. Advertisements for tho want ad column should be left at the business office, basement Administration build ing between 10 a. m and 12 m., or betwoen 2 p. m., and 5 p, m. Cash must accompany all orders for want ads, at the rate of ten cents for each fifteen words or fraction there of, tho first Insertion; three Inser tions twenty-flvo cents; five Inser tions forty' conts. WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 8, 1909. Nebraska cfitUo seem capable of winning prizes ovon If the university students-dld not coma up to tho stanrt nrd thoy hnvo sot for themselves In pimt yenrs. Hastings collego 1b tho school which will bo roproBontod at Oxford, Eng land, next yonr, In case tho applicant from that Institution satisfies tho sec ondary tests of tho Rhodes trustees. Ho was tho only ono of a dozen men, Including several university students, who passed tho examinations held in Octobor. Undoubtedly tho Instance will becomo the toxt for this year's f Sweater argument of the Bmnll college against tho unlvorslty. Circulars aro out appealing for teachers in tho whilo and colored schools of tho Panama canal zono. No braBka students in other departments havo mado a success of their Panama experience and thoro would seem to bo no reason why thoy could not mako good in teaching. It would seem that there Is an excellent opportunity of fered for students of average ability who have a desire to see tho southern country and acquire valuable experi ence. "Stroots of All Nations" Is to take tho placo of the County Fair, annu ally' given by the Y. W. C. A. Tho county fairs have been unique attrac tions in the past and with the inno vations this year tho annual stunt will probably have all tho greater patron age. It certainly deserves It. BE CORNHU8KERS TONIGHT. Tho annual Cornhuskor banquet Is to bo bold tonight at tho Lincoln. It 1b the ono occasion of its kind In tho traditional history of tho unlvorslty. It is the ono chanco of tho year when Nebraska students can meet tho mem bers of tho football team and thank them for their' work of tho season. It Is tho one opportunity offered for alumni and students to go't together and talk over tho plans for Nebras ka's futuro. With theso things bo, it Is no won der that tho Cornhuskor banquet is recognized as ono of the big events of tho Bch'ool year. Last year over two hundred students were present at tho meeting In celebration of tho vic tories of 1908. -Tills yoar'over three hundred should gather to do honor to the.hard-workrnK squad of 19091 - The" i90& ' season clla not moasttro ' up toUhatfbf,4908 in tle list o("'vfc-' torlevon.j. But,, it did result n. proy ing 't6,febrasUa students that prac- 00000000b0000030 I CQNVOCATiON. $M" , r ' .. I Violin ZMR. zA. 8 $ THURSDAY Johannes ZMagendanz, "Pianist tlcally all of Its team were workero and enthusiastic boosters for Nebras ka. Tho studonts who sat on tho bloacbers and Watched these men fight tho battles on tUo field should now be oagor to show that they too aro boost ers with the Interests of the Scarlet and Cream closo at heart. THE TWO PROM8. Tho action of tho university senate In rojectlng tho request of tho Junior and senior prom committees for the suspension of tho midnight oIobIhk rulo In tho cases of Uiobo two formal dancoB was a considerable disappoint ment to many students. Students who are working to make these two affairs similar to tho big proms of othor universities will feol the effect' of tho senate's actions. Yet It should be understood that tho faculty acted only after delibera tion. The social committee dlHousscd the question at length before report Ingn to tho senato and a chance was given for debate by that body. The unanimous voto resulted largely from the belief that such a precedent would encourage othor petitions which could not well be granted. While the peti tioners win undoubtedly reserve the right to disagroo from tho faculty be lief In this regard, thoy must still re alize that tho senate has dealt in all falrnesB with their petition. The fac ulty simply does not Bee the matter f All wool. A Coats $2. from the same standpoint as do tho committeemen nnd others Interested. While this fact may be regretted as an obstacle to the development of a prom tradition, the committees can only go on and do the best that they can in accordance with pie midnight rule. THE SUMMER SESSION. The change mado In the organiza tion of the university summer session marks another step. In the Improvement of tho unlvorslty administrative sys tem. The summer session is now to bo given a definite charncter as a half somestor of tho regular university course with its work carried on direct ly under the authority of the chancel lor and registrar. Under the administration of Profes sor P. H. Grumann, who hus sacri ficed much to tho benefit of the sum mer session, 4tinjU.djjpartmont of tho university's activity has grown rapid ly. The session haB been built upon a Bolid foundation, with close regard to the high quality of work demanded of such a course carried on in connection with a university of tho standing of Nebraska. Teachers of tho state havo come to recognize its value for ad vanced work and it has filled a posi tion which guarantees It continued support. NERVY ACTION? What would tho Nebraska regents say If they should wake up some morning to find that the university fraternities had petitioned them for funds with which they might build new fraternity houses In Lincoln? Would they think It nervy? It cer tlnly seems likely. Yet this is just what the Greeks at. Northwestern havo dona. Hero is the story: ' "At n meeting of tfie'tybard' of frus ' tees of Northwestern Unjvorsity afew days ago itho '. question ;bf fraternity; houses on the campus was taken up. O 0,000000000$02 ' . r w i.r 1 1 Recital F. STECHELE 9 PetltionB Were presented from Several fraternities, asking that the univer sity advance a part of the necessary funds, provided the fraternities should raise a specified amount. "Last Bprlng there was considerable agitation for dormitories on the campus in which tho vnrioiiB fraternities- should rent suites of rooms. Tho plan, however, is felt to bo open to a number of criticisms and both the board and the fraternities have lot it drop. "In case the board takes favorable action on the petitions which have been presented, It Is probable that several fraternity houses will be erect ed on the campus in ihe near future." According to figures available In tho office of the auditor, the Univor Blty Of Chicago holds investments -representing permanent endowment thnt aggregate $14,870,903.01. In addition, its buildings and grounds devoted en tirely to university uk represent $8, 917,708.10; equipment, scientific ap paratus, furniture, etc., being put at $1,916,314.49 additional. Theso figures do not include the funds destined for the erection of tho Harper memorlnl library, estimated in round figures to cost $900,000, on which work will probablybegin next year, nor tho edst of the Classical building, tho construc tion of which 1b In contemplation, and op which about $250,000 will bo ex pended. yard long. DOLLAR OFF 5 obudd 1HF Thc Tailor J J JLl SPECIALIST. ON Refitting and All Kinks of Altering Particular attention to ladies work and uniforms. CLEANING and PRESSING UPSTAIRS, 1328 O ST. LINCOLN University Bulletin December. 8, Wednosday, Lincoln hotel Corn huskor banquet 8, Wednesday, 6:50 p. m. Y. M. C. A,, mmR. K. Andrews. "Our Neighbor's Progress." 9, Thursday, 4 p. in., Omaha Board o( regents meets. 9, Thursday, 11 a. m., Ul 12 Junior prom committee. 9, Thursday, 7: 30 p. m 1112 Senior jrom committee. 10, .Friday, 8 p. m., Memorial Hall Nebraska-Minnesota debate. Thc Incomo Tax Question. 11, Saturday, Lincoln Hotel Sopho- 1 more hop. 11, Saturday Y. M.-Y. W. Joint social. 11, Tuesday, 7:30 p. m., N2 Forestry Club. Prof. Phillips. 17, Friday, C p. m. Christmas vacation begins. , January, 4, Tuesday, 8 a. m. Christmas "vaca- i tion onus. 5, Wednesday, 8 p. in., Temple theater Oberlin Collego Glee Club. 7,- Friday; Lincoln HoteM3enior prom. 15,? Satui'day'l Lincoln hotel-r-Fresh- 1 ' S ,-FebnJarv. s '.' K" Friday Junior prom. 71771 mae a P(i.nt to please ,'JJrVH eyeiyb'oqjjr. in1 serving 'Re- fr freshmen ts, for Parties. The Second Year Junior.Clas at t;he State rnaay evening were more pleased. Give Us Trial, W GREGORY,!: Knows How to Dress You Up, AND HAS LINE OF WINTER THE CITY. 9 8t WI First arrival of North Pole due soon. Menu: Peary's Dream o! the Midnight Sun with fn EsKimo Frills lC Dr. CooK's Frozen North Pole Rainbow Sundae. 15c Th Drug CHRISTMAS GIFTS The newest styles of Women's Shop ping Bags, Music Bags, Jewel boxes, Toilet Cases, Cigar Cases, Pocket Books, Card Cases, Fitted Bags, Suit Cases and Leather Novelties. -:- -:- Wirick's Trunk and Traveling Bag Store 1028 0 Street LINCOLN DANCING ACADEMY Lincoln's "Select Danplqg School" 11thirdSfloorT C. E. BULLABD, U, of N. '02, Mnnagor SPECIAL RTE TO STUDENTS We teach the fancy dances on University Night Saturday night. University orchestra. All students invited. UNIVERSITY NIGHTS, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Class Nights Wednesdays rind oararuoys a:uu to 1U:UU. AUTO 4477 " Private Lessons IF YOU ARE WILLING Ted will Dye for You or Clean, Press, or Repair your Garments 235 No. 11th Street TED WARRINER Juat opposite the Windsor ' ' , S. Hotoi . Expert Hatter, Gleaner, and Pressor Auto 4876 Bell F160P Dyor of Ladies' and Gents' Garmonts For YourNoon Lunch . Y STOP AT THE FOLSOM i Juit what-joa wan wd served, the'wW: idonifc'radeAppfbclBedA .: A Bttfden Farm j man 1307 O STREET M THE FINEST FALL AND GOODS IN : : : : : ZTJZF UZT121 J Frozen Drinks, South Pole Eskimo "Totem Pole Frappe" 15c Peary's Delta Kappa Epsilon A-Ln-Cook"Gold Brick" A HOT ONE 15c Cutter. Socials Fridays by Appointment 8:00 to 13:00 DELL A1311 wrjottHkeU.' Autp SHU-Bell "W 1307 O S. H A I M1BMIIHI1 Mwut&mmmtm t