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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 7, 1909)
Zhc xf" y""lrffw- M t UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN. TUESDAY, DECEMBER6, 1909. VoL IX. No. Price 5 Cents. Datlx) iiiebrasKatt k. w m iih iik im ia 1 -t TO AWARD TS; MEN TO SELECT CAPTAIN DECISION AS TO LETTER8 LIKE LY MADE SOON. fRAT BOARD TO MEET Preliminary Plans to Be Laid Indoor Meet Next Spring. With Possible Action on Baseball. It Is probable that the end of this week will see the election of a foot ball captain for the season of. 1910. The Cornhusker banquet cornea off to morrow evening, and In all probabil ity the athletic board will have a meeting for the selection of the "N" men before that time. With this Im portant function out of the way, noth ing will then stand In the way of the football election. There Is no certainty as to the date or the meeting of the board, but It would seem that the "N" men Bhould be named before the annual banquet. The banquet Is In their honor and they should be known by that tlmo. This will r undoubtedly bring Op tho board meetlnc today or tomorrow. 1L Is possible that the "N" men may be announced- at "the banquet' tomorrow evening. t . , . v 9Inco Saturday's Issue the captaincy situation ' has Vemalned . unchanged. There are no now developments, no no- candidates have been mentioned, nor have any of those already In the hVId given out any statement. Interfrat Board Meets. . A' nleetlng of the Interfrat athletic board Is called for this morning. The bodrd will meet In Dr. Clapp's ofTlce at eleven, and at that time several majors concerning fraternity ath letics will bo discussed. Amqng other things to be decided on a thia morn ing's moetlng Is the holding of the an nual Interfratornlty indoor meet. This has boon made an annual affair and usually comes off some time early in the 'second domestor.f Ab an Incentive to better work by the men, models of gold, silver and bronze are awardod the winners In each of jthe events, In addition to these Individual prizes the. .board has put, up a bronze shield which becomes the property of the fraternity win ning the hieot three times In succes sion,. Since the organization of the league but two , contests have been held. Both of-thoso have" been won by the Alpha Thota Chis. This year's meet promises ,to ,bef an interesting one. foe should? the ' Alphri Thets be successful again the shield becomes their permanent property, it goes without saying that the other frats will do all in their power to boat them out and keep the shield still, a- con tested trophy. On the other hand,' the Alpha Thota will make a strenuous effort to win out In this final contest. The events will probably b'q the samp as last year, which were us fol lows:: . ,. 25-yard-dash." - PoJe'Vauit ": '"'' "-- u FoncovyulU ' ,- j. j ; Shot put., x ; . ; High Jump. High kick. Rope climb. " Tug-of-war. Relay race. " Minnesota Getting Busy. A report from' thjy Minnesota Dally is to-'the effect'that'th'e northern men are to have a strong basketball team this ' year. Basketball practice began ,therp, Monddy with the biggest turn-, out of candidates Minnesota has had for years. Of last year's team Cap tain Hanson, Ande"rBon 'Grant, -Rosen wald and Walker are eligible this sea-, son, and, with a large number of 'last year's inellglbles agalh in the purity fold '.the race for place will be a close . 4 . . " and hotly contested one. Robllllard, Vanles8, Mo Elmeel and Leonard Frank are among the most promising cnndidatoB. ' Thursday Coach Grant of the track team Bent out hla call for winter track work, More than fifty track men re sponded and the outlook for a better team than we had last year 1b promts- TODAY ,nB- . " ... . , . inursuay anernoon iue uuuru ui athletic control held Its ninth meet ing of this season; and besides the routine work, granted "M's" to twenty-one football men. The matter of retaining Dr. Williams as football coach for the coming scaaon came up, but was referred to a committee of three, appointed a year ago to inves tigate the coaching, situation. This committee reported Saturday, Decem ber 1, but the action of the board is Unknown' as yet. for UNION LITS CH008E OFFICERS. bc i viz Uj- U U U , Ul .k. b. b H, fe " "t " p fT i rv i T P n TICKET8 RESERVED. Reserved seats for the Ne- $ braska-Mlnnesota debate next Friday evening were placed on sale at Porter's yesterday. Pur- chasers of tickets for members $ of the squad or others can ro- serve their seats by presenting their tickets at Porter's. Gen- eral admissions are 35 cents, with reserved seats at 50 cents. - Tickets can be purchased of members of the debating squad, or from 2 to 5 p. m. at the Ne- braBkan office. Jf JJt 7 iS 7 7f p f J r T T yT" 400 TICKETS TAKEN, DIG CROWD A SURETY Miss Estelle Hardy Elected Prisident for the Coming Term. At the last meeting of the Union Literary Society the officers for the coming term were elected. They are he follows: President, Miss Estelle Hardy; Vice president, A. B. Amber son; secretary. E. Lewis; treasurer, A. M. Hare; apnator, S. V. Shonka; hlstorlal.Dora Kldd; critic. Ellen M. Dobadn; sergeant-nt-arms, Iris Ware. RESERVATIONS ALREADY MADE EXCEED 1909 ATTENDANCE. over a trunk full of authorities to Iowu City. The affirmative team will have oven a larger amount for ubo in the home contest. At the home dobato Governor A. C. Shallenbcrger will preside and deliver an address. The Judges for this con test will be ProfesBor Frank H. Gar-vert-history department, MornlngBlde Collogo, Sioux City; ProfOHHor H. C. Standellft. political science, Colnoll College, und ProfosBor E. A. Wilson, law department, University of Iowa. The JudgeB for the NebfaBka-Iowa de bate will be Dean O. A. Harger of the UnlverHlty of Illinois law school; Pro fesBor J. W. Garner, political science, University of Illinois, and Mr. James Gray, editorial writer of the Minne apolis Journal. Three Nebraska men, two from the university, navo boon selected, as Judges In the WlBConsln-MlnneBotu de bate at Minneapolis. They are: Pro feasor F. M. Fling, European history; ProfeBBor G. W. L. Taylor of the po litical economy department, and Judge S. H. Sedgwick of the Nebros ka supreme "court. MAY COT 00T SOME OF FRATERNITY FORMALS DELEGATE8 OF GREEK8 TO HOLD A MEETING TONIGHT. MAY MAKE SOME RADICAL CHANCES DEBATERS FINISHING THEIR WORK WON MORE PRIZES AT" SHOW. University Cattle Carried Off Cham pionship Winning. Professor H. R. Smith has returned from Chicago, where he attended the International live stock show with the Nebraska exhibit and judging team. Professor Smith announces the win ning by Nebraska of the grand cham pionship of carcass cattle. This win ning was announced the laBt day of the bIiow. Altogether Nebraska won $900 in prizes. 8entlment Among Frat Men That Big Parties Are a Detriment May Cause the Abolition of 8ome. BOARD OF REGENT8 TO MEET. ENGINEER8 HAVE DECIDED TO GO Freshmen Laws Will Not Feel Lone some at the Cornhusker Banquet. The freshmen laws are not alone in their1 determination to attend the Cornhusker banquet In a body. Tho engineers have likewise decided to be there in a mass. ThlB movement was Just started Saturday and was announced yester day afternoon. With these two or ganizations going, the work of making th6 Cornhusker banquet one of Ne braska's'blgBebt anhualnff airs' Is loom ing up with the propensities of a landslide. In fact, many other organ lzntions of tho. school are planning to pnt similar resolutions in effect which if accomplished will put the banquet at Nebraska on a par with similar af fairs held at many of the other large institutions of the middle west. 1 . ') f a T LENGTHEN 8UMMER SCHOOL. Office of Director of Session Is Abol J Ished 'by 'Senate. Radical changes in the organiza tion of thennversitv-'summer-Bes8ion wore" made jf the jinlverslty senatOj SaCuVdaV 'morning,' subject to the ap tprovah o'f thq" bbor'd of4 regents. Tub sessiQn was lengthened to eight weeks Instead of six,, and tho office of direc tor of tho session was abolished. Credit for work in the summer ses sion will bo on the baala that the ses sion is the equivalent of half a regular semester. The session will bo con ducted direotiy Uy tho chanceHor and registrar's offices without the "Inter vention of a director. The faculty will consist of tho deans of tho college pf ferJng, work, the heads of the depart mpritsvglvlng .courses and tho actual Instructors.- - . The senate passed resolutions of ap preciation qf t,bo work, of ProfeasJr R. H. Grumann, wljo has been dlroc tor of tho session-for the past sov eral years. , Iowa Team Leaves for Hawkeye 8tate Thursday Morning Well Prepared for Contest at , Iowa City. The Bale of tickets for tho Nebraska-Minnesota intercollegiate debate to be held at Memorial hall December 10th prophesieg a full house on that occasion. Four hundred reserved tickets have already been taken. Fifty seats have been held for the faculty, one hundred for the university farm students, forty for the Palladlan Liter ary Society, forty for tho Lincoln high school and thirty-two for the Wesleyan University. Other organizations have alHO asked for tickets. Reserved seats go on Bale at Harry Porter's Tuesday morning. Students will need to hurry In order to get good locations. High schools from several placoB In tho state will send delegations. The team debating with Iowa will leave Thursday morning at 5:20 over the Burlington, changing at Omaha to the Rock Island and reaching Iowa City at G;30 p. m. The faculty mem ber to accompany the team has not as yet been picked. Completing Work. A large part of the work of tho team has been completed and the men are contenting themselves with rest ing up 'for' tho contest. Work from now on will consist largely In work on rebuttals. Tho Iowa men have had the advantage -tot1, .jiearlj' folir' wookV more work on the question, and, whlio.'the Nebraska team has put forth great efforts to overcome Jhs disadvantage, thToalIze thai the shortness of tho debating season has somewhat hindered their chancos. All the debaters are in excellent condi tion with the exception of Ben Chor- rbngton, who is suffering from a slight cold. Monday letters announcing the de bate were mailed to all the business men of Lincoln, and this will bo fol lowed ' by a systematic canvass from door to door. Every member of tho faculty also received a written an nouncement of the debate and they will be visited by squad members and asked to contribute financially to the support of the debate. Members of tho Lincoln bar received cards, and nearly fifty letters were sent to high schools over tho state. Replies are be ing received from these schools, and indications are that at least six will send delegations. It Is hoped for once In the history of the hnlverslty that every seat in the house will bo taken. At least it will not bo the fault of professor Fogg and Manager J. E, Lawrence if there Is not. Much Material. A large amount of niatqrlal is be ing gathered and catalogued by the team alternates. ' Nebraska will take Will Hold Session in Omaha Thursday to Consider Minor Matters. Tho university board of regents will meet at -1 p. in. Thursday In Omaha to consider various minor matters. From present indications little of Importance will be taken up. Somo Biuall salary shifts may bo made. NO FAVOR8 FOR THE PROMS. Faculty Turns Down Request for Ex tension of Time Limit. The university senate haB rejected the request of the Benlors and Juniors that the annual promonades of these classes be ullowed to continue until 1 u. m., instead of being closed under the present rule at midnight, The ac tion of the Benute was unanimous, as wus also that of the committee , on social regulations which first acted on the request. Tho request was made by the prom committees. They declared that the two proms, being tho only two formal affairs of tho year opon to the univer sity as a whole, might well be allowed tho additional privilege, which they said was essontlal to the successful conduct of the dances. The faculty did not, however, deem these reasons sufficient for granting tho petition. GLEE CLUB HERE IN JANUARY. Oberlin College Organization Will Ap . '1 pear at the Temple Theater After Vacation. The Oberlin College Gleo Club will .appear at tho Templo theator Janu ary 5. The glee club lite a national reputation and last year made a tour of tho country which embraced points' in Now York, Ohio, Minnesota, South Dakota, Colorado, Montana, Wiscon sin and Idaho. They have been tour Ing the country for the past ton years and in that tlmo have visited nearly all tho principal points In nil of tho Btates of tho Union. ' In their tour several years ago tkey visited Lincoln, whore they wore high ly appreciated by everyone who heard them. They have been secured for their appearance in January by tho stu dent volunteer band, and all tho profits of tho entertainment will be devoted by that organization tp sending men to 'the various conventions, such as the one to be hold at Rochester. Tho money will be merely loaned to tho delegates, to be paid back within cer tain time limits, and thus they hope tovsocure in the course of time a per- Fraternity formnla will be the sub ject of dlHcusslon at a mooting of dologates of the twolvo Nebraska fra ternities this evening. It Is consid ered probablo that some definite legis lation on tho formal party question will bo recommended for approval or rojoctlon by tho fraternities con cornea. The meeting tonight Is tho out growth of a meeting called two weeks ago at which six fratornitlo uad dole galea. At thiB BCBBlon tho party queH tlon wiib discussed Informally and the call for tho second mooting was 1b Bued. It Is expoctcd that a full at tendance will bo had tonight. Don't Like Formats. Tho agitation within tho fraterni ties agalnBt tho formal parties had Its incoptlon last year when a number of tho GrcokB bogan to reallzo tho harm being dono through Uie numbor and elaborate character of somo of tho on tertainmonts. This yoar tho question was brought dlroctly to tho front through letters sont out by a Nebraska alumnus to each of tho twolvo organ izations in 'Lincoln. Growing out of this action, tho llrst mooting was called. The Bontlmout among tho Grooms 1h divided on tho party question. Thoro are some who are content to let. mat ters go as they aro with bach frater nity giving one formal a yoar. Oth ers bellevo that tho formals are a nulBanco not to be tolerated to any extent greater than is necessary to moot tho desiros of thoso whp want them. There aro still others who like tho formals themselves, but who be lieve that it 1b best for the university fraternity interests that they bo' lim ited in number and scope. Plan Proposed. Sovornl plans bavo been proposed by the fraternity men. Tho one meet ing with tho most favor proposes that each organization give a fprmal overy two years Instead of every year. This rule would bo made variable, so that exceptions could bo made in the case of special anniversaries. Some action along this lino Is said to bo favored by a majority of tho delegates who will meet tonight. "Tho fratornlty men as a whole are as cognizant of the evil of excessive social stunting as aro most of their rltlcs' said ono Greok yesterday. "Thoy reallzo tho fault likely to fol low from social competition and most of them aro perfectly willing to bring about somo changes In thepresent sys tem. Tho question Is rather Just what form the change shall take. That will probably be, decided upon tonight. "Yet formal parties do not cost nearly as much as somo of tho news-" paper artists would havo tho public bellevo. Statesments have been pub lished which ran tho cost way' up be yond tho largest reasonable maximum. All of this has worked to the detri ment of the frats, and It 1b ono reason why tho present movement was start ed. Even though the evil is not so great as the papers have made It out to be, the fact remains that, the oxog- Christian organizations of tap urilv.qrj slty for Uid purpose of loaning to 'del- gates. .. ft Your car .fare would pay f,or a nice lunch at the Boston Lunch. Whj go home? " ." ' ; . " ',"' manpnt fund 'to be used "by tlio various kerated, stories have their effeqt, and rtl lil- . .i.J .. .. .... MrHtin1 fratornitlo Urn, ...... ll 1- ii u iiaiuiuiuca vi auy auiiuu uu 1 tWjr'fpart can Biop the circulation of sl&h reports they are willing to do It." Mi ' ? ' i 0iCra!rifces Long,'06,' Is holding a sci ence 'position in the high school at tt Bluer jr, iitiiiu, 'H J. ' i s i i '1 ' ;V J' t ' J. 't.i'Unf - ,