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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 23, 1909)
rT ,-rprRyjr ; yfrt" ' THE DAILY' NEB&ASKAltf .. "tj pr Y fc Y I t i f I t T fr rs : Tprjr - LYRIC THEATRE WEEK OF NOVEMBER 22 Every Evening at 8:30 Matinees Wednesday and Saturday Special Thanksgiving Day Matinee Thursday THE LYRIC 8TOCK COMPANY Will Present AL LON AGCOU T OF ELIZA A Great Comedy by Dee Dltrlchstein PRICES MATINEE 15c and 25c EVENINGS 15c, 25c and 35c Next Week "8lgn of the Four" ORPHEUM WEEK 8TARTING NOVEMBER 22 MURRAY & MACK CROUCH & WELCH CHA8. MONTELL EVA MUDGE CHAS. KENNA LEW WELL8 DOUGLA8 & DOUGLA8 Matinee at 2:30 15c and 25c Evening at 8:30 15c, 25c, 35c, 50c. Phones: Bell 936, Auto 1528. Pitts Dancing School aBoginnore' Class Wed. nnd Sat, Advanced Class Monday Social Friday 10th and O PhonO 5405 1B yjsM& Hkj 2T!iS L. J. Herzog The University Man's Tailor Tho Finest Work Dono and Prices Right Call at Our Now Storo 1:230 O St. Lincoln TYPEWRITERS All makos ronted with stand $3 per Month. Bargains in Iiobuilt Machines k Lincoln Typewriter Exohaige Auto 1155. Boll 1181. 122 No. 11th rrr uiiUBinuuu ijponiiici uu, ! TYPEWRITERS SOLD AND RENTED 187 No. 18th. Boll 848. Auto 2585 Hot Drinks we now In season! Do you know any place where you can get m QUICK SERVICE m you, can at ouxnew store? No ' need of being crowded. Lincoln Candy Kitchen s. w. co o Corner J UNIVERSITY JEWELER & OPTICIAN C. A. Tucker JEWELER S. S. Shean OPTICIAN, H23MTnEETr YELLOW FPIOMT Ywr FatrMiftc SallclU.. , OLIVEIt THEATRE .TONIGHT AT 8: 15 - DE VAULT Yiddish Opera Company In the Yiddish Opera THE DAUGHTER OF JERRU8ALEM Prices $100 to 50c , t--'; Frby & Froy. . . Fred Sweoloy, 1904, visited in Lin coln Sunday. Special students' dance. Monday ovenlng, November 22. Refreshments by Tommy. Druse's orchestra. Lin coln Dancing Academy, 1124 N. 39-3t W. H. Plasters has resumed his uni versity work after an absenco of threo weeks. Dr. J. R, Davis, Dentist. 1234 O St. Herbert Ford wont to Havolock Sunday to lecture on the liquor ques tion." Chapln Bros., florists. 127 So. 13th. Try a lunch at tho Y. M. C. A. Spa. 13th and P Sts. . The in "Aliens or Americans" mot in U304 last night and organized. This is a missionary class for law students. Havo your elbthes pressed at Weber's Sultorlumr 12th and O. B. B. Gillespie, 1890, of BolBo, Idaho, is visiting in Lincoln, en route to Washington, D. C. Green's Sanitary Barber Shop. tf, 11th. 120 The M. B. 1 and 2 shops will prob ably bo in shape to open up immedi ately after the Thanksgiving recess. Eat at Don Cameron's Cafe, 11-119 So. 12th street. All seniors will meet in Memorial hall at 11 a. m. today, to attend convo cation in a body. jj)Campusi(j) W Gleanings w F U L K. Fur Caps Rccf crs" 1325 O Street Spalding gymnasium and basket-ball shoes, Swedish gymnasium shoes. Bockman Bros., 1107 O St. People say, r,This snow hurts my eyes." More proof of eyo strain. Glasses mellow tho rays of light.' Howe, Optician, 319 No. 12. 41-2t Froy & Froy, choice flowers. O St., north side. 1338 Tho members of tho freshman law class who do not go homo Thanksgiv ing are going to give a banquet Thurs day evening. Tho Nebraska-Haskell game will be a hummer, and Goorgo Bros.,. Printers, aro endeavoring to mako tholr print ing as popular as tho game. - Nobraska Budders will meet tonight at Horticultural hall, statofarm. Ev eryone interested in horticulture is in vited to attend. The following freshmen have been pronounced by Coach Colo to bo Of varsity calibro and hence inoltglblo for tho freshman class football team: HJornberger, Potter, Barstow, Gibson, Warner, Kositsky, and Frank. All men who havo not called for tholr uniforms must do so by 5 o'clock Wednesday, or their deposit will bo forfeited. J, A Scotnoy, chairman of committee. Professor Stout left last Friday for St. Louis, Colo., where ho Is engaged on an, irrigation project Ho will not return until after Thanksgiving vaca tion. An informal open house will be given in tho Temple Thursday even ing from) 7: 30 to 10 o'clock by tho Y, M, and Y. Ws O. A. Refreshments will bo served and a number of Btunts I will be pulled off. Tho open house is glvon v for tho bonoflt'of "tho" students unablo to go to tholr homes during tho vacation. ' "Joan of Arc" will bo glvon by tho students at tho University of Toxas tho first part of Dccombor. Tho University of Cbicago haB dropped ono hundred students because of poor scholarship. , Tho womon of Indiana University will proBcnt Bornard Shaw's "You Novor Can Tell." Gifts amounting to $60,000 havo been rocolvod by tho Ohio Wosloyan University. C 3 WANT ADS Bfc Advertisements for the want ad col umn should be left at the business of fice, basement Administration build ing, between 11 a. m. and 12 m., -or between 2 p. m. and 6 p. m. Want ads will positively not be In serted unless paid In advance, at the rate of 10 cents per Insertion for every fifteen words or fraction there of for the first Insertion; three Inser tions 25 cents; five Insertions 40 oents. Wanted A barger for aSturday work. Call at Capital hotol. 37-Gt Found Dark brown muff. Owner may obtain it at Station A by paying for this ad. ' 38-3t Found Text-book on Alternating Currents. Owner may -have same by calling at Nobraskan ofhco and pay ing for this ad. 39-3t Found A fur muff Owner can have some by calling at Station A and pay ing for this ad. 40-2t Lost A gold watch, between 1449 S and Chom. Lab. Return to Regis trar's office. - It Gloves and Underwear. Every thing you want for comfort these damp, chilly days. NORTHWESTERN TO COT 00T FORMAL PARTIES PROVISION MADE FOR HOLDING FOUR A88EMBLIE8. THE FRATS AND BARBS ARE MIXED All Students of the School Divided Into Mixed Sections, Each of Which Gives a Big Party. Tho solution of the social problem at Northwestern has been a vory1 livo question of lato, according .to tho Northwestern studeni paper. There has been somo sentiment against the present arrangement for formal par ties, and it is proposed to abolish tho present system and substitute ono which is believed to bo more condu cive to a healthy college spirit. In' pursuance of this plan tho committee on tho social Itto of students called a meeting, to which ovfiry fraternity, sorority and local organization was requested to send a representative. Tho proposition as determined upon by the committee was considered. Divide Into Sections. Tho proposed plan was to divide tho fraternities, locals, and sororities by lot into two groups, six of the men's organizations and seven of tho women's in 'each group. Tho non-fraternity -men and non-sorority girls were to bo divided between, the two groups. Each of these groups was to give an '"Assembly," and each under graduate was to havotho privilege b'f inviting one person to" accompany him or her. Tho assemblies were to take place in tho hall of the now gym nasium, tho total cost for each par ticipant not to oxcotd one dollar. The division Into groups was not io be per-. rVT r V ' THE ANNUAL Football Edition of the Nebraskan will appear Wednesday, Nov. 24 The edition will be limited. Extra copies MUST be ordered IN ADVANCE Office: Basement Administration Bldg. ft to ft 6 ft BRANTHWAITE Shoe Store for Men and Boys 115 North Eleventh Little Building 14' Sjr For Your Noon Lunch STOP AT THE F0LS0M Just what yon want and eorvod the way you Ilka It. Students' Trade Appreciated. Auto 23 1 i Doll 4S0 Lindsay Gas Lamp COMPLETE Junt tho Light for Httidonts Bpoclnl s. ...... 25c Owl Pharmacy, 14th & 0 Electric Shoe Rep. Factory 1220 O Street Saves you Time & Money manont, but tho places wero to bo drawn each year. This plan was thoroughly discussed at tho meeting on Tuesday and a vote taken on tho new proposition. Tho vote was favorable by fourteen to flvo. Thero was somo - opposition to tho small numbor of parties proposed and the committee took this matter under advisement It has since decided to change tho number of parties to four, two given by tho men and two by tho women, the men being divided Into two groups, with six fraternities- or locals, and one-half of tho non-fraternity men in each group, and tho girls Into two groups of seven Bororltles and one-half tho non-sorority girls in each. With four parties tho closing hour will bo changed back to twolvo. Informal Too. Tho regulations In regard to ln formals havo also beon materially al tered. Beginning October 1, 1910, 'all informals will be given in a collego building. At the beginning of each college year a list of twenty-five dates will bo made up bythe social com mittee. Each fraternity, Bororlty and local will havo tho privilege of .select ing one of these for an Informal. t In case all of he dates aro not taken, those remaining will be open' for com binations of fraternities and sorori ties. The number of undergraduates present at- theso informals must, not be loss than forty and tho organiza tions will be free to Invito alumni and friends outside of school. The cost of tho informals must not exceed uy yiniB ior evry puruun ;n auuuur ance, For both the Informals and formals the hall will be, furnished free of ch'arg. mtrji t pfflfr 1307 O St. The First Trust & Sav ings Bank 4 Per Gent Interest A $1 opens an aooount Corner IClh St O Streets n Bring Your Next Job of Printing to V AN TINE PRINTING CO. I and Get Satisfactory Reult 128-130 No. 14th St. Auto 3477 IsimmoNS 1 E THE PRINTER E t Printing, 3 t EmboaBlna; Auto 2810 817 Soutij 12tji 3 tiimiiiiiiimiH"''Mr"un SEE OUR WOOLENS . Elliott Brosi TAILORS ;. 142 SOUTH TWELFTH MiffiisKq Jtfocevgw .Fraternity and Sorority Trade A SPECIALTY Quality Counts" THAT'S WHY ' FRANKLIN'S ICE CREAM IS SO POPULAR We make i specialty of fan cy creams, sherbets. Ices and punch for Frat & Sorofi ty parties. Whipping: Cream . always on hasd. Bell 900. Auto 8111. 1S1SN St 'i . t 'rj 1 i v$ M , ftH -a M 1 t r' r V V "! ".- .