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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 23, 1909)
JV"' ' " VWV"" THE DAILY NEBRASKAN ' i 4 i M i W wfWt MEN V". COLLEGE Do not need to be told about styles in clothes, nor what it is worth to them to wear stylish clothes, but we want to impress-upon you the importance of looking to quality in buying your winter suit and overcoat. Your friends and relatives will welcome you to the Thanksgiv ing feast, but what you want is to be dressed so that you can feel at ease and know that your clothes are right in every detail. Quality in clothes is very necessary to uphold the style; no mat ter how stylish they are they will soon lose their good looks if they have not the quality back of them. Our Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes are quality plus style and every other detail that goes to make up the kind of clothes particular dressed young men want. There are no better clothes made. Come in; we will dress you right, and you will feel and look right for any occasion. Hart Schaffner & Marx Suits and O'coats, $18 to $40; others at $10, $12.50 and $15 9 Armstrong Clothing Co, Good Clothes Merchants Continued from Pago 1 NEBRA8KA OUTPLAYS DENVER AND WINS BY 6 TO 5 SCORE He makes good punch and serves first class light refreshments U-All-No- Tommy Find him at Herpolsheimer's iffil tnwwra ,iw. lBKft 249JS WOStj WOV AND S7ira, 96 . ?, -,' B. SHlrtH 'TONE PR ear "toy nmdo eight yards on a fake punt. Den ver took the ball on downs. Aftor uttomptH to gain on end runs, Denver punted to Frank, who returned to Denver's thlrty-slx-yard line. Magor and Rathbono failed to gain and Den ver again got the ball on downs. Tlmo was again taken out for Hath bone, who seemed to have received a shoulder Injury. Vollc and Meyers made distance around end and on another run around .Johnson was thrown for a loss. Schroodor punted llfteon yards to Frank, who signaled for a fair catch, ilathbono made distance and Magor made fifteen yards through the line. Denver's defense seeming to suddenly glvo way. With the ball on Donvor's twolvo-yard lino, Boltzer fumbled. UrusBO got the ball, but was Injured so that he took tlmo out. Unable to gain, Schroodor punted ton yards. Tomplo received the ball twenty-two yards from the goal, and running through a field full of Donvor's playor8, guarded by excellent Intorfor onco, for a touchdown. Frank kicked goal. Scoro: Denver G; Nobraska 0. Favorod by the wind, Brusso klckod off out of bounds. Nebraska took tho ball on tho twonty-flve-yard lino, but when unable to gain punted twenty yards. Frank gained eleven yardB around left end. Meyer took tlmo out. Magor made two yards on a lino plunge. Tlmo called. 8econd Half. Thoro were no changes In tho llno up when tho teams 'trotted on the field for the second half. Rathbone kicked off to Pruter, who returned the ball to Denver's twenty-olght-yard line. Schrooder, now favor ed by tho wind, punted fifty.flve yards to Frank, who made 'a two-yard return. Beltzor made five yards around rlglrt end. Rathbono sawed off five yards more.' Boltzer punted twenty yards to Myers, who fumbled, Nebraska getting tho ball. Shonka was Johnny-on-the-spot. Nebraska lost on a forward pass and Boltzer punted fifteen yards to Crowley. Sphroeder then punted over Nebras ka's goal line, and the Cornhuskers put the ball In play on their twenty-five-yard line. Nebraska was penalized five yards for offsido and Beltzor punt ed eighteen yards to Brusse. Denver lost a fow yards on an attempted for ward pass. Schroedor punted to Frank. Boltzer took time out. Denver Getting Busy. With tho ball on Nebraska's thirty-two-yard line in her possession, Frank nmdo three yards on nn end run. Magor made fifteen on a lino plunge. Rnthbone made flvo yards through right tackle. Frank skirted tho ends for four yards. Denver recovered the ball on a fumble and made a ton-yard roturn, Crowley carrying tho nail. The boll on Nebraska's thirty-five-yard line. Denver got the ball on a fumble. Volk takes out time. Ho had a bad leg injury. Crowley goes eight I yards around left end. Ho takes ten more yards and places tho ball on Ne braska's twenty-yard lino. Schroedor went three yards through center. Schroeder -wont flvo yards through right tacklo and then took distance ngain through center. Crow ley went over for a touchdown. Schroodor at a difficult angle tried to kick goal but fallod.- Scoro: Nebraska, C; Denver, 5. Rathbono kicked off over tho goal lino, tho wind now being at Nebras ka's back. Denver put tho ball in play on her twenty-five yard lino. After a falluro to gain, Schroeder punted twonty yards to Chauner. Rathbono and Magor made eight yards. Magor took tlmo out and Large went In to take Crowloy's place at quarter. Crow ley refused to leave tho gamo and Largo went back to the sidelines. One Foot to Gain. Frank wont around right ond to within a foot of tho Denver goal. Russ tackled him from behind. On the next play Schroedor got the ball on a fumble, Schroeder punted thirty yards out of Immediate danger. . Meyers Is taken out of tho game. Krusman goes In at right end. Tho ball now is on Denver's thirty-yard line. After an exchange of punts, Frank lost the ball on an attempted forward pass on Denver's twenty-nine-yard line. Green, on a fake lino plunge and an end run failed to gain. Volke did not make distance. Denver punt ed, and Boltzer returned ten yards. Large went In at quarter to replace Crowley. Nebraska made eleven yards on a forward pass. Boltzer -punted over the goal line and Denver put tho hall In qday on her twonty-five-yard line. Largo tried an end run and lost four' yardB. Denver was penalized flvo yards for offside and Schroeder punt ed. The ball is on Denver's thlrty-flve-yard line In her possession. The ball was punted. Beltzor returned the boot to Volk. Denver penalized fif teen yards for offside play. Denver's ball on her forty-four-yard line. Tlmo called. Final score: Nebraska, G; Denver, &. The lineup: Nebraska. Denver. Johnson 1. o Russ Harte 1. 1 Curtis Ewlng 1. g Fike Shonka c Greene Elliott r. g Pruter Temple r. t Taylor Chauner r. e Meyers Frank q. b Brusso Boltzer l.h Volk Magor r. h Crowley Rathbone f . b Schroeder Referee Hoagland, Princeton; um pireStuart, Michigan; field judge; Rothgob, Illinois; head linesman Cotton, Nebraska. A. G, SPALDING & BROS. THE Spalding Trade Mark is known troughout tlio world aa a Guarantee of Quality are the Largest Manufacturers in the World of Official Equipment FOR ALL ATHLETIC SPORTS AND PASTIMES icvnii""t? iriuu should have a copy of tbo Braiding catalogue. of Vht New In Sport nnd is sent frooon roquoat. A. G. Spalding, & Bros. 17 Wabash Avenue, Chicago Athletic Goods bid to- Student 'at 10 per cent dis count if this ad is brought to our store LAWLOR CYCLE CO. 1334 O STREET, Wisconsin bad a Chlneaei composed of nineteen members. club Hazing has Bryn Muwr. been abolished at Minnesota conducts a "model school," at which cooking for boys Is" a feature. The College of Agriculture at Cor nell Is holding Its annual fruit exhibit. Syracuse has a now publication, put out by alumni. Tho Issue la of Inter est to the entire student body. The ARA-NOTCH makes the BELMONT Arrow collar sit like this 15c., 2 for 26c Cfijqtt, Pcabody & CoJ JN ,H r sflkryggrfj&j0Si&p" w iWmiUii liana iiwwt I iiiwMnimiHa