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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 23, 1909)
. THE DAILY NEBRASKAN KV . , 00000000000000d0000000000Og r m 8 i tt " University Chorus TUESDA Y CREGORY,l!!sl2!!2i K The Daily Nebfaskan 3 THE PROPERTY OP mmmk TUB UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, Lincoln, Nebraska. ' DY THE STUDENT PUB. BOARD. EDITORIAL STAFF. Editor '. Victor B. 8mlth Managing Editor K, P. Frederick AMoelato Editor Carl J. Lord Atioolate Editor T. M. Edgecombe BU8INE88 STAFF. Manngor W. A. Jonee Aiilttnnt Manager .Q. C. Klddoo Circulator V. C. Hatcall Atslttant Circulator P. T. 8turgla Editorial and Builnen Office: BA8EMENT, ADMINISTRATION BLDQ. PoBtofflce. 8tatlon A, Lincoln. Neb. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, 2.00 PER YEAR Payable In Advance. Single Copies, 6 Cents Each. i i i ii i "i Telephone! Auto 1880. Night Phonee Auto 1888; Auto 2683. INDIVIDUAL NOTICES will bo chanted for at tho rnto of 10 contn per InBortlon for ovory fifteen words or fraction thoro of. Faculty notices and University bul letins will bladly bo published froo. Entorod at tho postofTlco at Lincoln. Nebraska, ns socond-class mall matter under tho Act of CongrcBS of March 3, 1879. Advertlsementn for the want ad column Ghould be left at tho business office, basement Administration build ing between 10 a. m and 12 m., or between 2 p. m., and 5 p. m. Cash must accompany all orders for want ads, at the rate of ten cents for each fifteen words or fraction there of, the first Insertion; three Inser tions twenty-flvo cents; five Inser tions forty cents. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 2.1, WO!). WINNING THE GAME. Tho tlemnnd of tfebrnHka students that their ;;ncllron men show their niettlo by n victory at Denver Satur day bi ought Kb response in the 0 to 5 pcoro by which tho CornlniBltcrs tri umphed. Tho university students had figuratively put It up to their team to win. and tho attitude was met by tho touchdown which gave tho Cornhusk era the big end of tho score. Student sentiment towards the 1909 team has been of varying degroe at times praising and at times condemn ing. With tho defeat by Kansas, there appenred a feeling that Nebras ka must win over Denver in order to The Creation CONVOCATION No 1 1. So Classes I Soooooooooooosooooooooooooc3oe ka, Iowa, and tho llko. But, JuBt as with Nebraska and Kan BaH, tho final game was not won nnd the innntlo foil on tho shoulderB of an other team. NOT ALWAY8. It Is perhaps woll that Nebraska should not always win tho western cross-country moot. Such a condition might mako tho'ovont unlntorostlng for tho other schoolB participating. As it Ib, they always have hopos of beat ing tho Cornhuskers, for about onco out of ovory threo times, some one of tho six or soven competitors of the CornhiiBkcr runners manage to score a lower number of polntH than Dr. Clapp's pupils. Saturday Minnesota was the lucky institution. Her runners clipped a few points off tho Nebraska record and won the title for 1909. For tho second time In six yoars Nebraska failed. But If Nebraska could do as well in all other things as In croBs-country, no more could be desirod. WINNERS AGAIN. Nobraska had moro than ono win ning team In tho field last week. The fruit-Judging team which went to the llrHt national horticultural judging contest at Council Bluffs carried off tho honors of tho contest. Four of tho Nebraska team wore freshmen and they competed successfully with It will bo engraved on ono sido this year giving Nobraska as tho winner and tho dato. Much crodlt Is duo Pro fessor Robort Howard of tho fruit de partment, who coached the team. DEBATE WORK PROGRE88ING. Another Address to Squad Judges Being Selected for Contests Pictures Taken. Professor G. W. L. Taylor of tho political economy department ad dressed tho lntercollegiato debating squad yosterday at 4 p. m. He talked on eomo of tho phases of tho Income tax question. Ho gave somo very val uable and helpful ideas. Tho work of selecting judges for Ne braska's two debates Is now going on. Ono man nhs been selected for the Iowa debate. Ho Is from Illinois. His namo Is being withheld until the full list can bo announced. Tho debating boards of Nobraska and Minnesota aro submitting lists this week and thoso judges will also bo announced soon. Tho teams have had their pictures taken. They have been requested by tho Western Intercollegiate Magazine, published by tho University of Wis consin. This magazine Intends pub lishing tho pictures of tho ton teams of tho flvo universities in tho league In Its December Issue. TurkeyCoats For this snappy weather. My $10 Cravenettes are average nice over coats and great for storms. Take one home- to show pa what live Lincoln stores do for $10. 1415 O St. BUDD prove tho quality of its work In ono way or In another. Had Denver won Saturday's gamo It Ib to be feared that oven Nebraska's loyal rooters would have lost some of their enthusi asm for tho team which thoy have been supporting. With tho Denver victory, the way is opened for a glorious close of tho sea son. If Colo's pupilB can defeat Has kell Thursday, tho Beason will not be considered a failure. Only two days remain In which to -pull tho eleven to gethor for tho gamo. Lot the team in that time feol that there Is a united body supporting them for the Turkey Day gamo. upperclassmen from several other western schools. With UiIb started it Is to bo hoped that Nobraska horticul turists will keep up a record similar to that of the cross-country for the paBt six years. ANOTHER WINNING TEAM. MINNESOTA DEFEATED. When the bulletin was read Satur day afternoon announcing that Michi gan had defeated Minnesota by a de cisive scoro, there wore somo Nebras ka students who cheered. But It does not seem likely that they wore cheer ing at Minnesota's defeat so much as at tho Michigan victory. Minnesota was a clean and fair com petitor of Nobraska. Tho Omaha gamo was fairly won and Nebraska should feel nothing but frlondly Inter est In tho further work of tho Go phers. By defeating Chicago and Wis consin, Minnesota acquired tho west ern conference tltlo. Only Michigan remained between the Gophers and tho undisputed western title. The sit uation was exactly analagous to the condition existing before tho Kansas Nebraska game in 1908. In both cases tho doped-out champion lost, and Ne ' braska can woll a'fford from- tho foun tains of tholr own experience to give tho Gophers sympathy in their defeat. Tho triumph of Minnesota would have been a victory for the "westorn west" football as against tho 'eastern west" teams. Minnesota would have ', taken the title from tho moro eastern teamV- which have prided themselves fOPSJs on their supposed superiority "OTejrJSuch teams as Minnesota, Nebras- 10F Thc Tai,or iJ JLl J SPECIALIST? ON Refitting and All Kinks of Altering Particular attention to ladies work and uniforms. Nebraska in First Place at National Horticultural Show at Council Bluffs, Iowa. The fruit Judging team sent by the University of Nebraska to tho national horticultural congress at Council Bluffs, la., last week were awarded first place pver tho other colleges con testing. Tho team waB composed of O. II. Liebers, J. Kuska, T. W. Mose ley, R. Williams, and R. Marshall. Ne braska's scoro was 390.G points, Kan sas was second with 385.8 points and Ames third with 382.1 points. Tho team loft Thursday and re turned Saturday. Tho contest was on Friday and consumed tho whole day. In tho morning tho fruit, consisting principally of apples, was judged, and in tho afternoon reasons had to be given for tho placement. Tho mon were graded on placings, reasons and identification. Nobraska excelled tho other schools on placings and Identi fication. Ames had a bunch of good talkers and was given first on reasons. Nebraska's team was composed en tirely of freshmen in tho university. This leaves a bright outlook for tho future in this Judging work. Kansas' team wub all seniors and the Ames team wore juniors and- seniors. ThiB victory is one of a long Btring for No braska in her judging teams, some former ones this year being at tho na tional dairy show and at stock shows. Tho prizo won was a cup donated by tho Omaha Bee, publishers of the Twentieth Century Farmer. The cup becomes tho permanent possession, of any Bchool winning. two years In sue- CLEANING and PRESSING UPSTAIRS, 1328 O ST. LINCOLN University Bulletin cession. Tho cup is valued at ?200. November. 23, Tuesday, 1:30 p. m. Senior-Junior, Freshman-Sophomore football. 23, Tuesday, 11 'a. in. Convocation by University Chorus, "Tho Creation." No 11:30 classes. 24, Wednesday, 6 p. m. Thanksgiving recess bogins. 25, Thursday, Nobraska Flold Haskell Indians vs. Nobraska. 30, Tuesday, 8 a. m. Thanksgiving re cess ends. i December. 4, Saturday, Fraternity Hall ForeBt Club hop. 10, Friday, 8 p. m Memorial Hall Nobraska-Mlnnosota debate. "In come Tax Question." 10, Friday, 8 p. m., Memorial Hall Nebraska-Minnesota debate. Tho Income Tax Question. 11, Saturday, Lincoln Hotel Sopho more hop. 17, Friday, 6 p. m. Christmas vacation begins. 11, Saturday Y. M.-Y. W. joint social. January. 4, Tuesday, 8 a. m. Christmas vaca tion ends. 7, Friday, Lincoln Hotol-iSe'nlor prom. i 4 Knows How to Dress You Up AND HAS THE FINEST LINE OF FALL AND WINTER GOODS IN THE CITY. :::.:: St WIRELESS First arrival of North Pole Frozen Drinks, South Pole due soon. Menu: 15c Peary's Dream Eskimo o! thc Midnight Sun with fr "Totem Pole Frappc" EsKimo Frills JUH Peary's Dr. COOK S Delta Kappa Epsilon A-Ln- ip Frozen North Pole Balnbow j n Cook "fipW Brick" . . 13C Sundae. lC A HOT ONE Thc Drug Cutter. FRATERNITIES & SORORITIES We Want Your Coal Orders, Give Us a Trial Order, SATISFACTION GUARANTEED WHITEBREAST GOMP'Y 1106 0 STREET AUTO 3228 BELL 234 I LINCOLN DANCING ACADEMY Lincoln's "Select Dancing School" "thirdloor7 O. E. BULLARD, U. of N. '02, Manager We teach the fancy dances Rye Waltz, Cadets', Society Minuet, etc., on Saturday nights, and use the University Or chestra. This is your night, students; come and dance. UNIVERSITY NIGHTS, FRIDAY ANp SATURDAY Class Nights Wednesdays and Socials Fridays Saturdays 8:00 to 10:00. 8:00 to 12:00 AUTO 4477 Private Lessons by Appointment DELL A1311 IF YOU ARE WILLING . Ted will Dye for You or Clean, Press, or Repair your Garments 235 No. 11th Street TED WARRINER Jnst opposito tho Windsor L ' ' , .. . . ' Hotel Expert Hatter, Gleaner, and Pressor Auto 4876 Bell F1609 Dyor of Ladios"and Gents' Garment Fraternities Sororities We can save you 12 per cent on your fuel bills Semi-Anthracite $8.00 IS THE REASON uuie BWg. Gregory Thc Coal Man uost -,