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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 13, 1907)
.THE DAILY NBBRASKAN X t It tfbe S)ail iHebraeftart THE PROPERTY Off THE UNIVERSITY OP NEBRASKA. Lincoln, Nobroska. PUBLISHED EVERY DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY AND MONDAY BY THE STUDENT PUB. BOARD. PutllCttlM Otflci, 126 No. 14th St. j: EdItor-ln-Chlef ...M..A. Mills, '08 Managing Editor Ciyda'E. Elliott, '00 Builneia,. Manager. ,.H. C Robertson, '09 Editorial and Btitlnett Office: BASEMENT, ADMINISTRATION BLDQ. Poitofflce, Station A, Lincoln, Neb. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $2.00 PER YEAR Payable In Advance Slnolo Copies. B Cents Each Telephones: Bell A 1466, Auto 1888 INDIVIDUAL .NOTICES will bo charged for at tho rato of 10 cents por lnaortlon for oVory flftoon worda or fraction thereof. Faculty notices and University bulletins Will gladly bo published frco. Entored at tho poBtofllco at Lincoln, Nebraska, as second-class mall matter undor tho Aot of Congress of March 3. 1879. TONIGHT. iud&lnfefrom reports of the ad vanced Bale 6f tickets for tho Iowa de hato, tho attendance will be fully as largo aB at in tho past. Thero is no rouson why Memorial Hall should not bo packed to ita' fullest ca pacity. Tho program of tho evening offers variety enough for. all and has been arranged with tho end in view of making tho evening entirely enjoy able as well bb Instructive. -J PUBLICITY. Tho article below ia quoted from the Washington State University Daily and struck tho keynote of ono of the greatest needs of thlB University, namely, a closer and more direct rela tionship with tho high schools of the Btate. The article is in part aa follows: - UNL SOUVENIRS FOB PBESENTS Uni. of Nebraska Pins 25o to $8.00. Uni. of Nebraska Spoons $1.25 to$8.00 Uni. of Nobraska Fobs 40c to $8.00 University of Nebraska Engineering Society Pins University of Nebraska Palladian Society Pins University of Nebraska Union Society Pins University of Nebraska Dramatic Club Pins University of Nebraska Chemical Club Pins University of Nebraska School of Miisic Pins University of Nebraska Pershing Society Pins We make drawings and estimates on any special class, club or fraternity pins. Hallett, Jeweler. 1143 O St. "There should be a systematic and well-planned campaign carried on all the time to get graduates from the state high schools to come here. "Practically the only efforts along these lines that have over been put forth are a few' spasmodic attempts to .advertise which graduates of tho University have carried on. In tho next two weeks Information should bo -gathered and compiled and put in in teresting pamphlets so that students who disperse '.to all parts of the state during the Christmas holidays can put these pamphlets into the hands pf the largest number of high school people popsibleT "A greater number of faculty mem Tiers should be heard from Qje. plat forms of tho state.' At present this most valuable mode of extending knowledge concerning the University is confined to a very few- persona and influence that might come through this means Ib unduly hampered." Tho above remarks, while not wholly applicable to the situation at Nebraska, ( should nevertheless im -press the .student, with the possibility of ''doing Hho University substantial good by his own efforts, Pvery stu dent should take It upon himself to adverliso tho University and try to in duce high school graduates to attend this school in preference to any other.. This unquestionably is a duty that every graduate or undorgraduate owes"; his Alma Mator by reason of tho very benefits ho himself has enjoyed at her hands. This University must continue to grow bothiiinumbera and impor tance and in order to accomplish this no stono. should bo left unturned either on tho part of tho University authorities or the student body. Spond a little time during the holi days In interesting high, school stu dents In this University. It will cost but llttlo effort and may- bo doing both tho University and tho student an Invaluable Borvico. If every stu dent now registered In the University should follow this suggestion the re sult would bo- appreciable at the next registration. Carrol Kirk, star half-back on the University of Iowa football squad, waB elected captain for 1908 Kirk's elec tion comes as a fitting climax to a sea son of brilliant playing and insures to Iowa or loader for next year whom Iowans claim cannot bo surpassed by any man in the west Ho is also cap tain of tho 1908 baseball team. Swarthmore will probably refuBe the legacy of $2,000,000 of tho late" Anntt T James, which wbb given on condi tions that all intercollegiate-athletics be dropped. Pennsylvania refused a similar offer of $600,000 a few years ago which was given under tho same conditions. J. B. Davidson, -M. E., '04, writes interestingly from Ames, Iowa, whoro ho is professor of agricultural engin- .L eerlng work at tho experiment station, Ho Btatea with some pride that Mar garet Elizabeth (Davidson, a new-comer in his family, is rapidly learning to talk. Dr. Bessoy has received a letter from Dr. (Pound, tho former dean of tho Nebraska Law School in which he comments on tho program- of the' BVlll. J3UI. ,UUU UU;iUIUH II1UI 1L IUOKB like. the palmy daya of 1891-1897. Carlos Bates, '07, is now in tho Bu reau of Forestry. in Washington. Ha has' recqntjy discovered a new kind of hickory tree in Arkansas which grows with a .-very slight supply of "water. The, orchestra has been enabled to guarantee the1 expenses of the Nebras ka orchestra. and expects to announce the date of. tho concert, soon. The Konsan, Discount pn all 'Shoes, Slipps and Oxfords, typthlng, reservpd. Sander son's Sale, r O. H. Frey,, florist, 1138 O St Do Yov Buy Books? Then you will be interested to know that " we have the new and the standard - in Fiction, Art History, Economics, Poetry, Essays and Religious Works. We aim to carry as full lines of books ' . as are to be found, anrl for this holiday season have brought our stock up. to an enormous numberv Come in arid spend time among our books. Miller & UNIVER8ITY BULLETIN: , , Friday, December 13. Iowa-Nebraska debate. 8aturday, January 11. Basket-ball, MuBcatlne vs., Nebras ka. Informal dance. "Friday, January 31. Basket-ball, Nebraska vs. Missouri. Informal dance. Friday, February 21. Lincoln Hotel. Junior Prom! Friday, January 17 Fraternity Hall Sophomore .fctop. Robert Hill, 1900, is visiting his par ents in Lincoln. The annual Omaha-Lincoln debate will bo held at Lincoln High School at 2 p. m., Friday afternoon December 13. The subject is, Resolved, That Japanese immigration should 'bo restricted by the same laws as the Chinese. Admission 10 cents. Lost, a Jewelled Delta Delta Delta pin. Return to owner or leave at Nebraskan office. - Special Rates Via Wabash Railroad. Tho Wabash have on sale daily round trip tickets to all the. winter resorts of the south Now Orleans, Gulf Coast points, Florida, Cuba, West Indies, etc., etc. For descriptive book lets, rates, time table and al.rinforma tion address Harry E. Moores, G. A. P. D., Wabash R. R., Omaha, Nebt Matt's "place Poor and cigars Old Heidelberg, 146 No. . Eleventh street. Tho best place to eat in town is at Dons Uafe 114 So. Eleventh, street. :' Pame Speaking of Xmas Presents , " . f ., nothing is more acceptable or, appropriate than a nice gold pin, ring or watch . it will pay-you to look over our stock of holiday gifts r before you boy. .Sartor Jewelry Company 9USH ,. - ' frV ? THE 'UNI' SMOKE HOUSE Welcomes all students and Invites you to enjoy our Smoking and .Reading noom. us a pleasure to please. Try us. "UNI" SMOKE HOU8E. 1132 0.8TREET TheACME " ST" Bowline, Billiards, Pool and Cigars Tho- Finest Placo In the West. 934 Street MEMMEN CANNON CO. Pitts' Dancing School Class nights Advanced, Monday,; Beginners, Wednesday and Saturday. Social night Friday. Private class every afternoon. Most beautiful, hall in Lincoln. New location, 1124 "N street. Auto 5241. MCKSTRQM COMPKIY EXCLUSIVE ' TAILORS 1320 N St., Lincoln, Nail. Dr.. Chas. Youngblut,dentlat2pa Burr Blk. Chapln Bros., florists, 127 So,? 12th. &L 2 1 i iTTisfgiaMir.M miffsiBMtmui . J . Ul. ' r P- i , K